Guest Logbook

Friday, 31st January 2025 1:58:34 PM
Name: Mike Burns
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224/225/242
Message: In case you have not heard, the Marine community lost both Col. Fred Cone and LtCol Clyde Smith in December of 2024. Fred lived in Phoenix, AZ and Clyde in Onion Creek near Austin, TX. They were two of our greatest Intruder warriors. My first 242 combat hop up North was with Fred in May of 1967 flying out of Danang. Clyde was with 533 at Chu Lai in 67-68, and then with 224 aboard the Coral Sea in 1972 mining Haiphong. Great Marines and wonderful gentlemen. They are missed.

Wednesday, 22nd January 2025 4:13:05 PM
Name: Joe Yuna
Squadron: VA-55
Message: How many of the old crew are left from gator Chewning's, Sugg's and Henson's command days? Geeting ready to retire as a Weapon System Engineer for the Zoomies at WPAFB this November 2025 and return to my Italian residence for good. Saw a NATOPS on ebay for sale and checklists if anyone wants a copy.

Tuesday, 14th January 2025 11:09:57 PM
Name: MA2 Cory T. Juber
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I'm the grandson of LCDR C.W. (Chic) Juber. Who served as VA-128's Assistant Maintenance Officer. And retired after 31 years of service in the 70s. He retired when CMDR N. R. Gooding was the commanding officer. My family suffered a catastrophic house fire 3 years ago and lost all of his pictures. I'm trying to locate any pictures or more information on his service. Rest in piece to all that served this amazing unit.

Sunday, 22nd December 2024 7:15:27 AM
Name: Frank A. Walizer
Squadron: VMA (AW) 242
Message: Just checking in. Served with 242 at DaNang 1967-1969 ad an Ejection Seat Mech (Seat Shop). MCEP 1975 Retired as a CommO 1996

Sunday, 8th December 2024 11:08:43 AM
Name: Allen Massey
Squadron: Marine F-4 Squadons (10)
Message: The website "So There I Was" ( has over 100 interviews on military aviation, but none about the A-6. Having done A-6 escort over the Ho Chi Minh trail, I was greatly impressed with the effectiveness of the A-6. I would love to have some of the pilots and B/Ns from the Vietnam era contact the site and tell their stories. The two people running the site are former Marine AV8B Harrier pilots who now fly for major airlines. They do a great bob.

Monday, 16th September 2024 8:14:12 AM
Name: Eric Gronning
Squadron: 533
Message: My Father, Jamie Gronning, recently passed away and I am searching for anyone that may have flown with him in Vietnam. I am also writing to let anyone that knew him of his passing and of a memorial service, open to the public, On October 5th. The public is invited to a Celebration Of Life luncheon on Saturday October 5th , from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., at the Sheraton Baltimore North, located at 903 Dulaney Valley Rd. Towson, MD 21204. There will be a private interment at Arlington National Cemetery, at a future date. Jamie Gronning was a Marine A-6A pilot stationed in Chu Lai from October 68 to January 69. Then I believe he was in Da Nang from February 69 through October 69. Please contact me if you would like to share any stories you may have from time spent with him. Thanks, His son, Eric Gronning

Sunday, 8th September 2024 6:02:00 PM
Name: James Wesley Crissman
Squadron: VA-185
Message: I just happened to find this website while doing some research and it was great to see all the information gathered on the Intruders and the squadrons. I haven't spoken with hardly anyone from my squadron in over 30 years. Those were some good times, and I met a lot of great people along the way. Thanks for the memories. August 1987 to September 1991 USN.

Monday, 19th August 2024 8:12:35 AM
Name: Colonel "Lightning" Freniere
Squadron: 439th AW
Message: I am huge fan of the Intruder -- my best friend from US Naval War College was Bill Mysinger (USNA grad) -- looking for him if anyone can hook us up. I am finishing my doctoral dissertation on El Dorado Canyon so definitely been reading and thinking about you great warrior -- VA-34 Blue Blasters! V/r "Lightning" PS: I am joining the Association Today as I am a member of Tailhook as well -- I am also best friends with "Heater" Heatley (Top Gun CO)!

Saturday, 17th August 2024 10:46:13 AM
Name: Steven Runzel
Squadron: VMA-332
Message: Greetings VMA-332 Moonlighters!, My father was stationed aboard the USS Bairoko as an Armament Mechanic during the Korean War. In his passing, I was given a box of memories from that era of his life. I found an interesting series of 8 photographs he took on deck of CVE-115 of a VMA-332 Corsair (with a large #18 on side and polka dots on the nose cowl) in a nose down / tail up position after a wayward recovery. I was curious if there is any information about the pilot of plane #18 from 1952-1953 that may shed some more light on this incident. Other photos in his collection include some Checkerboard Squadron planes in various states of take-off and recovery. How can I share these with you?

Saturday, 27th July 2024 4:23:51 PM
Name: Raymund McKelvy
Squadron: VMA(AW)332
Message: I was the Admin Chief during the deployment to Japan in 79-80.

Sunday, 7th July 2024 10:30:28 AM
Name: gene boatman
Squadron: VA 75 and VA 34
Message: VA75 1976-1979, VA34 1988-1991. Worked as an AO. Would like to get in contact with shipmates.

Friday, 5th July 2024 9:42:05 AM
Name: Howard Forder
Message: No sqadron. I teach flying using a flight simulator for years. I have been researching and showcasing new products on Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS2020). The A6 Intruder is a new one and I am spending my days figuring it out and then teaching a lesson on it to others who might be interested in getting it. For serious simmers, it is still a complex aircraft to figure out on their own. I get the POH and checklists and take them on a learning journey. I will point them to your website and association. Thank you, -Howard

Sunday, 16th June 2024 3:26:04 AM
Name: Craig
Message: It is with heavy heart that wish to inform the Sunday Punchers community the death of my cousin Captain Terry Anderson USN. He flew with the squadron during Vietnam. I know he attended many of the squadron gatherings at Pensacola. The family would greatly like to talk with anyone who flew with him during this time. It would mean a great deal to his sons. Thank you for any assistance.

Saturday, 25th May 2024 7:17:58 PM
Name: Jason Williams
Message: Cool site.

Sunday, 7th April 2024 5:43:59 AM
Name: Carol Finke Santivasci
Message: My brother was Capt. Joseph Finke. He was stationed at Cherry Point and killed in an aircraft accident. October 1975. He was with the 533 oversees. I’m looking to connect with anyone who remembers him. Thank you Carol

Tuesday, 30th January 2024 3:44:02 PM
Name: Gary Morris
Squadron: VMA(AW)533
Message: I’m looking for a Pilot’s Checklist for A6A model. Anyone know how I can get one? I flew from 1971-1974

Monday, 18th December 2023 6:33:04 AM
Name: Theo van Geffen
Squadron: NA
Message: Gents! I am a Dutch aviation historian, planning to upgrade my six-part article about U.S. air strikes against the Thanh Hoa Bridge as published in AIR POWER HISTORY magazine, the official publication of the Air Force Historical Foundation, into a book. A publisher is interested in its publication. I would love to include a story or two from A-6 aviators who were involved in any of those strikes. Photo coverage would be quite welcome as well. I really hope to include the A-6 in my book as well. Many thanks in advance. Dutch regards, Theo van Geffen.

Saturday, 28th October 2023 6:46:28 AM
Name: George Sidler
Squadron: VMA(AW)-242
Message: Taking a stroll down the "flight line," 32 years past...

Friday, 22nd September 2023 1:37:46 PM
Name: Wayne Loomer
Squadron: VA-128, VA-145, VAQ-129 and VAQ-134
Message: I served as an AME in VA128 from November 1967 to 1968 to be trained for VA-145 on the Enterprise in 1969, then the Ranger in 1970. After re-enlisting in 1970 was transferred to VAQ-129 where I spent the next four and a half years on the EA-6B. Anyone wishing to contact me can do so at [email protected]

Friday, 15th September 2023 11:29:31 AM
Name: Herman Kunes
Squadron: VMF(N)533
Message: Was a Plane Captain 1945-6 WW2 Okinawa and then China. Just found this site. Now 98years old and still kicking. Health unbelievable. Doubt many others who were serving with me still around. But you never know. If so e-mail [email protected]

Tuesday, 22nd August 2023 3:41:26 AM
Name: Timothy Mason Slover
Squadron: VF-1 VF-124
Message: Looking the sign above the entrance of the Admin bld at NATTC Millington TN Through these doors... I can't remember the of it

Tuesday, 15th August 2023 11:58:45 AM
Name: richard hietalahti
Squadron: va-145 and va 128
Message: westpac cruise aboard big E 1969-70

Tuesday, 15th August 2023 11:57:11 AM
Name: richard hietalahti
Squadron: va-145 and va 128

Wednesday, 19th July 2023 7:28:39 PM
Name: Jeff Clement
Squadron: VA-65
Message: I was an AQ in VA-65 in 1978-1981 on CVN-69. By the time I left the squadron I was an AQ2. Then re-hitched for four year tour of Millington, Tennessee as an instructor for BEE.

Friday, 7th July 2023 9:49:55 PM
Name: Steve Vallejo
Squadron: civilian collector
Message: Looking for any info on a pilot or BN by the name of Houlihan who may have flown with VMA(AW)-224

Monday, 3rd July 2023 7:34:30 PM
Name: Kenneth A Collis
Squadron: VA-42
Message: Was a Green Pawn from 76-79. Hello Chief Bunch, Bobby Brown, Linda Scheible! Hope you all are doing well!

Monday, 3rd July 2023 5:32:06 AM
Name: James Clair
Squadron: USS Enterprise
Message: Looking for Donald L Furr. He was with VA-35 during 1968 and 1969 as a AK. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Jim

Friday, 30th June 2023 11:22:57 AM
Name: Gene Feeney
Squadron: VMA aw 242
Message: Mike Burns Could you contact me at: [email protected] Thanks, Gene

Friday, 23rd June 2023 4:45:23 PM
Name: Stan Lippian
Squadron: VA 75
Message: Assigned to VA 75 from 9/66 to 6/67.

Wednesday, 7th June 2023 4:23:22 PM
Name: Jerry Wilkins
Message: I am looking for anyone who may have known or flew with my son Ltjg David Wilkins Bn attached to VA42 at Oceana NAS in 1978. He was killed in an aircraft accident in Southern Calif. Please contact me by email or phone (567 294 4151).

Tuesday, 2nd May 2023 2:58:08 PM
Name: Sean Riggins
Squadron: The Restoration and Mounting Team
Message: This was a pretty cool thing to do for me, to tow the plane up 20 from its previous position at the park.

Sunday, 30th April 2023 6:44:10 PM
Name: Gary Anttila
Squadron: VP-48 1967-70
Message: My name is Gary Anttila. I am looking for anyone that knew or flew with my brother Rodney Anttila who was stationed in Adak, Philippines, Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam. My phone is 218-259-0056.

Monday, 3rd April 2023 4:46:13 AM
Name: Raymond Mike Burns
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224/225/242
Message: For Brian HIcks who wrote on 4/3/22 regards losing his dad in a crash in the Med with VA-75. His name is not on the list of the Vietnam Combat Losses posted on this site, but he is assuredly on the list of ALL A-6 losses that are maintained by the Navy. Sorry to be so late in responding.

Wednesday, 29th March 2023 11:54:51 AM
Name: Greg Allen
Squadron: VA-35
Message: My father was in VA-35 and shared many fond memories of his time working on the weapons computers. He passed away a few years back but here I am - still interested in the stories he shared. I was always fascinated with the Intruder (probably a little biased).

Monday, 27th March 2023 8:47:09 AM
Name: Mike Leonard
Squadron: VMA (aw) 121
Message: Served in 121 from late '75 through '78...Norway and Denmark NATO cruise and Japan and Philippines Great times!

Sunday, 26th March 2023 6:32:08 AM
Name: Jim Garrett
Message: I was not a crew member, but was responsible for designing and installing NVG lighting in the cockpit flight instrumentation on the A6E SWIP aircraft at Oceana. It was my honor to be involved in that program before the aircraft went to the Desert Storm conflict.

Sunday, 19th March 2023 9:04:17 AM
Name: Michael William McClure
Squadron: VA-176
Message: MSGT USAF (retired)

Sunday, 5th March 2023 2:57:20 PM
Name: R.M. 'Zeb' Zobenica
Squadron: VMFA-513
Message: "Bones"QNI, Thanks. I plan to be at Arlington. Hope to meet you. Semper Fi, "Zeb"

Saturday, 4th March 2023 11:04:37 AM
Name: R.M. 'Zeb' Zobenica
Squadron: VMFA-513
Message: I wish to notify members of VMA (AW)-242 from 1965-1968 that Capt. Joel M. Warshaw will be buried at Arlington on Monday 03 Apr. 2023 at 1100. Capt Warshaw received a Silver Star and the DFC while serving as an Intruder pilot. Joel was in my platoon at Officer's Basic School and we were wingman in VT-4, VT-25, and VT-26. We received our "Wings of Gold" on 21 Jul 1965. R.M. "Zeb" Zobenica Capt. USMC (Ret)

Saturday, 4th March 2023 6:46:38 PM
Name: Mike Burns
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224/225/242
Message: Zeb - thank you for passing the word on Joe Warshaw's death. I will let the gents know who were in 242 at DaNang with him. There are a few of us close to DC who might be able to attend his services at Arlington. Semper Fi, 'Bones'

Sunday, 26th February 2023 1:55:51 PM
Name: Patrick W Neal
Squadron: VMAQ-4
Message: Besides needing plane captains, someone needs glasses! The bird displayed at NAS Key West is NOT a A-6. Bureau number #148618 is a EA-6A. After being transferred to VAQ-33 at NAS Key West in 1995(?), It was used as a drone. Before that, it was a VMAQ-4 bird at NAS Whidbey Island, where I worked on her. There aren't many "A"'s left. Give credit where credit is due!

Thursday, 2nd February 2023 5:08:38 AM
Name: Wayne S. Ingram
Squadron: VA 35

Friday, 27th January 2023 8:17:50 AM
Name: Joe Yuna
Squadron: VA-55
Message: How many of the squadron are left?

Saturday, 31st December 2022 6:12:52 PM
Name: CDR Jim Martin
Squadron: VA-52 & VA-176
Message: AMDO 1520 Maintainer. Knightriders 1979-81, Thunderbolts 1983-85. Iranian Hostage Rescue, Grenada, Beruit (Bob Hope's last USO Christmas show aboard a carrier at war).

Thursday, 22nd December 2022 8:34:49 AM
Name: Raymond Mike Burns
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224/225/242
Message: Thank you Dave Paradis for making the trek to the crash site in the Cascades, and offering to return with any item of rememberance that the families or friends might want to leave at the site. Any takers out there?

Friday, 16th December 2022 4:11:37 PM
Name: Andy J. West
Squadron: VA-145
Message: Airframe troubleshooter (final checker) 1984-87 after working as a "line rat" (310), corrosion shop (12C) and airframe shop (120). U.S.S. Kitty Hawk & U.S.S. Ranger. To this day I can still name all of the gents I had the honor to work with. Steve Weir, Charlie Wiesenbarger, Al Cantu, Kenny Goins, Ron Starreveld, Charlie Hungerford & Bob Barker. We worked many long hours on the deck in support of the Swordsmen flight schedule. Those guys were like brothers to me.

Monday, 5th December 2022 10:40:08 PM
Name: Hans Heinrich
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Plank owner

Saturday, 19th November 2022 12:30:52 PM
Name: Roy W Murphy
Squadron: VA-176
Message: I served with VA-176 from 2/59 thru 1/61. We were on the Essex, the Shangrla and the Wasp for a short time. Some of us were sent to GITMO in Aug 1960.

Sunday, 23rd October 2022 3:53:06 PM
Name: David Paradis
Squadron: VT-1
Message: AOCS Class 01-75 Decided to leave Primary after commissioning due to the RIF by all the services at the end of Vietnam War. Remained a big supporter of Naval Aviation. Recently learned of an A6 accident sight in remote desert of Eastern Oregon that occurred 19 Sept 1973 from VA-128 Whidbey Island, WA. Unfortunately pilot Lt Alan G Kohler and B/N Lcdr Phil D DuHamel lost their lives during that night training mission. The wreckage is mostly there on site but strewn along a nearly 1/2 mile debris trail. The BLM erected a memorial plaque onsite in 2007. Details can be read here on BLM site: My son and I visited the site yesterday, Saturday 22 Oct 2022. It is very remote and is 10 miles off pavement by a narrow 4x4 trail and about a mile hike across sagebrush and volcanic rock. We honored the two aviators with a bottle of brandy and fresh American flags. We spent nearly 2 hours in the cold wind looking over the long strewn out debris trail of a high speed low angle impact. Since next Sept is the 50th anniversary of this accident we have tentative plans to revisit the site. If any family, friends or squadron mates of Lt Kohler or Lcdr DuHamel wanted us to, we could offer to take any memorabilia or tokens of remembrance to the site and leave there. Any items would need to withstand harsh summer and winter weather. Sincerely David L Paradis. [email protected]

Wednesday, 14th September 2022 7:46:29 PM
Name: Daryl Presley
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Gary Mattson was my Dad's (Jack Presley) BN aboard the Midway in 1972. This is in response to the query if anybody knew him. Feel free to contact me.

Wednesday, 3rd August 2022 8:34:40 PM
Name: Randall S Hutchinson
Squadron: VMA(AW) 121 Green Knights
Message: Hey everyone! I was in the Com/Nav shop from 1983-1986. Names that I remember are SgtMgr Robels, Gunner Brown, Top Contreras, Kippy, Boo Boo Bowen, Ericksen, Space...I was too short and didn't re-enlist for the Ranger tour. Looking for Daryl (Moon) Martin and Vinny Harris. Would love to catch up. Now living in Phoenix, AZ.

Tuesday, 2nd August 2022 9:55:13 AM
Name: G.O.
Squadron: 332
Message: This picture someone posted on Reddit to try to find the owner might be from your WW2 lineage? This you?

Sunday, 24th July 2022 12:55:58 PM
Name: Mike Burns
Squadron: VMA(AW)-242
Message: It was July of 1965 and the VA-75 Sunday Punchers took the A-6A to war for the first time. July 14th - Don Boecker / Don Eaton (survived) July 18th - Jerry Denton / Bill Tschudy (POWs) July 24th - Deke Bordone / PF Moffett (survived) All 3 losses were due to premature bomb bursts. And thus it began. A heck of a way to make a living. Thank you gentlemen.

Sunday, 17th July 2022 9:00:52 PM
Name: Harry groce
Squadron: Vma 332
Message: Been a long time. Still miss the Gray Lundy Gaik Cervak. Great times! Miss the bird a6

Monday, 11th July 2022 6:22:21 PM
Name: Chris McDaniel
Squadron: VA's52, 128, 165 and 196
Message: Hello all, Just checking in to say hello. Stay safe out there.

Sunday, 29th May 2022 6:19:42 PM
Message: My brother inlaw, Gary H. Mattson, Flew A-6 during Vietnam war. Anyone remember him ? I think his squadron was Flying Camel. Thank you for your service. Good bless you.

Sunday, 3rd April 2022 8:06:01 PM
Name: Brian Hicks
Squadron: Sunday Punchers VA 75
Message: My Father, CMDR Harold F. Hicks II was the squadron commander from 7/1/66 to 8/16/66. He crashed in the Mediterranean sea with his copilot. Neither he nor his copilot survived. They are not on your list of service members who died in the service of our country. Could this be corrected? Best regards, Brian

Friday, 1st April 2022 6:09:24 AM
Name: george snyder
Squadron: VA128
Message: Spent 4 years in 128, then did some time working at AIMD in Pax River and NAS Whidbey

Wednesday, 23rd March 2022 1:39:07 PM
Name: Don
Squadron: N/A
Message: Wonder if any A6s are in the boneyard that are still in pretty good condition? Seems like they would be perfect for the Ukrainians.

Monday, 7th March 2022 1:00:10 PM
Name: Bill Lipsmeyer
Squadron: VA-65, VA-42, VMA (AW) 121
Message: Nice to see we are keeping up the website. I enjoyed the videos. Intruders Forever! Lips

Thursday, 3rd March 2022 9:36:48 AM
Name: David Wyatt
Squadron: VA 85
Message: Attached to VA 85 (88 to 92). Just found this site. Alot of good times and good people. Be good to catch-up.

Monday, 21st February 2022 9:22:31 AM
Squadron: VA-115 / VA-42
Message: I was attached to VA-115 Line division (PC) from 9 Sept 73 to March 76 except for my tad periods. I had to stay in the BEQ when I arrived because the ship was loading nuclear weapons I reported aboard the following day. We departed the Bay Area September 11, 1973 for a Three-year cruise, arriving Yokosuka Japan October 5, 1973 after a four day stay a Pearl Harbour. I was attached to VA-42 later in my career, as an AD1 (AW) in power plants, later to be assigned to 1st Lieutenant to handle the commands less desirable sailors. The Commanding Officer was Cdr Steve Baker who later made RADM Stephen Hall Baker, USN (Ret), Passed 20 April 2016. I met RADM when we were in VA-115, he was a LT and I was airman fresh out of Great Lakes Naval Training Center, I later had the occasion to meet up with Cdr Garth VanSickle at VA-42 also a LT when we first met in VA-115, I asked him to do my final re-enlistment and he agreed, he was later requested to report to Washington, DC with new orders after making Captain. I retired after 22 years of service.

Monday, 24th January 2022 8:07:29 AM
Name: Craig Busack
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Trying to get in touch with VA-52 AQ's who served with me at Whidbey 1968-1971, and on Coral Sea (spring 1969) and Kitty Hawk (1970-1971). Would especially like to contact Don Milton and Chris Berry.

Sunday, 19th December 2021 8:32:45 AM
Squadron: VA145 &VA34
Message: 145, 1971-1975 3 Westpacs 34, 1983-1987 3 Meds AE Shop, QA, Flight Deck T/S & QA Safety

Saturday, 2nd October 2021 8:42:32 AM
Name: Ed Clayman
Message: I am creating an 1:5.5 R/C A6A, E, EA,Ka-6D. Does anyone have a pic of the right hand side of the KA-6D instrument panel? NATOPS only shows the A and E panels.

Friday, 24th September 2021 11:26:18 AM
Name: Don Fitzgerald
Squadron: Kitty Hawk ships company
Message: Operations OA Division Meteorology '66 - '67 and '67 - '68 WestPacs

Sunday, 12th September 2021 8:09:48 AM
Name: Edward J Goenner
Squadron: VA42, VA196, VA65, VAQ209

Friday, 3rd September 2021 6:46:02 AM
Name: Denny Bennett
Squadron: N/A
Message: I sent you a message and haven't received any response. I am one of the commissioners at the Lycoming County Veterans Memorial Park in Williamsport Pa. We have an A6 Intruder being displayed as we restore it. Please check it out on our Facebook page at Lycoming County Veterans Memorial Park Thank you Denny Bennett 1SGT Retired 🇺🇸

Thursday, 26th August 2021 1:24:44 PM
Name: Lee Rouse AE2
Squadron: VA-128
Message: 1970-1973 Plane Captain- Electrician- Line Troubleshooter

Monday, 12th July 2021 3:15:25 PM
Name: Scott Leitch
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224
Message: Mark Hardy - You were looking for Bengal squadron mates. Here's one of them - me. Also I have Gio's contact info if you haven't gotten it already. Email is [email protected]

Sunday, 27th June 2021 12:04:08 PM
Name: Kevin Campbell
Squadron: VMA (aw) 224
Message: '74 - '78 Fire Control

Saturday, 19th June 2021 3:04:17 PM
Name: Dirk Barto
Squadron: VA-196

Saturday, 22nd May 2021 8:25:49 PM
Name: Michael Sigman
Squadron: VAH-123 / VA-35
Message: VAH-123/128 Plank holder 1965-67 Va-35 1968-70

Sunday, 16th May 2021 3:51:28 PM
Name: DF "Turbo" Meisner
Squadron: VMA(AW) 242
Message: Greetings all you squadron mates of 242 from '86 to '88. Give me a jingle and we'll tell some lies......"There's a lot of meat on our plate......"[email protected]

Tuesday, 27th April 2021 8:23:24 AM
Name: Casimer Pieczonka
Squadron: ARABS
Message: AEAN, Plane Captain A/C# 503, 72-75

Thursday, 15th April 2021 12:27:47 PM
Name: Ron Stebbins
Squadron: VA-35 (80-83)
Message: Served with VA-35 during a NATO cruise and two Med cruises. Worked in the Fire Control shop during my first sea tour. Transferred out as an AQ2 and later provided I-level support on the AN/AAS-33A Detecting and Ranging Set on JFK CV-67 in 89’ cruise. Followed up as a CPO/SCPO at MTU 1003 Oceana teaching A-6 and F-14 I-level COM/NAV systems. Nothing like Grumman Iron Works. With the A-6 gone, I transitioned to F-14 and F-18. Retired in 2010 after 31 years as a CWO5. It was a privilege to serve with all the men and women I encountered during my career.

Wednesday, 14th April 2021 4:59:38 PM
Name: Curt Charlick
Squadron: VMA (AW) 332 F/E (H&MS-14, I-Level)
Message: God Bless all the Marines who have served in VMA-332 and all Squadrons Marine Corps wide throughout this globe and upon the seas... Past-Present-Future. My fellow A6 Prowler/Intruder squadrons aboard MCAS, Cherry Point, N.C.: * VMA-533 * VMA-224 * VMA-Q2 I know that the Colors and Command of VMA-332 have since been retired/deactivated, but I hope and pray all my fellow Marines I was lucky enough to serve with at Cherry Point (Mag-14, H&MS-14, I-Level/VMA-332) 1984 thru 1988 have had successful, happy and fulfilled lives. Semper Fi & God Bless Marines!

Sunday, 11th April 2021 12:17:21 PM
Name: Diane Ivey Parisi
Squadron: VA-128, 52, 196, 42
Message: I am hoping you can give me guidance about the proper handling of my late husband's (LCDR Stewart D. Ivey) "Navy gear." He served as a bombardier/navigator in Grumman A6 Intruders (1975 - 1986) and gave his life for our country during a practice bombing run with a student pilot. I am "down sizing" and would like to see his memorabilia go to a source that would appreciate the significance. Besides typical things like badges flight jacket. helmet and a cruise book I also have an A6 windshield and a tail hook. I realize these things may not be of interest to you, but I would appreciate any guidance you can give me about the proper handling of these items

Saturday, 27th March 2021 10:06:29 PM
Name: Larry Scheible
Squadron: VA-176, 42, 55, 85

Friday, 26th March 2021 8:56:53 PM
Name: Larry Scheible
Squadron: VA-176, 42, 55, 85
Message: Though I retired 26 years ago, I am still in total amazement that I was stationed, worked with so many great, talented and wonderful people. Thank you all!!

Saturday, 20th March 2021 6:02:57 PM
Name: Claudia M. Tremblay
Message: I have a T-shirt, given to me by a friend in the mid eighties. It has Atkron Sixty Five on the emblem on the front. An initial and 4 numbers on the collar and bottom of the shirt. I know those are for identifying whose it belongs to. It would be cool to know who it had belonged to! Any help in finding the person would be greatly appreciated!

Monday, 1st March 2021 1:47:02 PM
Name: Chris LaBadie
Squadron: VMA332, VMA225, VMA242
Message: I was a fire control technician for VMA332, VMA 225 and VMA242. I served in DaNang in 1970-1971. Before and after Vietnam I was stationed at Cherry Point, NC. I was in the Marine Corps from 1967-1971. I am hoping to locate Steve Adams (from Ohio I think) and Chris Kemp from California if I remember correctly. Semper Fi to all you Marines out there.

Thursday, 25th February 2021 11:15:46 AM
Name: Kevin Lauler
Squadron: VA-34
Message: Any VA-34 Squids out there from 1981 to 1983... Kevin from the P.R. shop making a shout-out..

Thursday, 18th February 2021 2:12:32 PM
Name: Thomas Ward
Squadron: VA-42 77'-80'
Message: Was in corrosion control shop Robert Koon what's the leading petty officer of the shop miss those days so much forget what Hangar Bay I was in I remember this location just not the number of the hangar Bay those were great times

Monday, 15th February 2021 3:46:59 PM
Name: David Hodges
Squadron: VA-115
Message: EFR Baby. The memories never fade.

Tuesday, 2nd February 2021 12:53:27 PM
Name: Danny Burt
Squadron: UK Military - interest VA-85
Message: Good day to you all, My name is Danny Burt and I am a current serving UK military JTAC - WIC. I am writing my fourth book and have decided to write this on the Intruder Squadron VA-85 and specifically their service in the Vietnam Conflict. Therefore, I am after any aircrew, pilots, Bombardiers, and deck - engineer crew that have stories of combat, detailed information, photos, copies of documentation, maps etc that they would be willing to share and allow to go into this book. Thank you for your time and help and please feel free to contact me. Cheers Danny

Thursday, 28th January 2021 11:56:11 AM
Name: Mark S. Hardy
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: Looking to connect with my squadron mates VMA(AW)224 from '76-'79. I've already contacted Don Borje, and looking for Dale Giordano - both of whom I did carrier quals with on the USS Midway in the Sea of Japan. Dale and I had a run in with a turkey buzzard on 13 Nov '76. in A/C#13, active RWY 13, Event 1-3 while on deployment in Fallon, NV. Dale brought us around and landed safely on RWY 13! Any 224 Intruders want to catch up? Semper FI

Wednesday, 27th January 2021 6:52:51 PM
Name: Gary Meyers
Message: This is a shot in the dark for me. I'm hoping to make contact with former squadron mates of Admiral Ronald J. Hays who flew west on Jan11th, 2021. Ron was the most highly decorated member of his class of 1950 at the Naval Academy. His combat time was multiple tours with VA-85 off the Kitty Hawk. The outpouring of sympathy in response to his passing is reflective of the gentleman he was in life and the many lives he touched in his 92 years of service to his Country and community. As a gesture of our love and respect for our co-founder and chairman emeritus, we at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum are collecting the notes of remembrance, sympathy and condolence being received. We intend to preserve them in a tribute book to be presented later to the family. Because of his relationship with and love for VA-85, we invite all squadron mates and others who knew or served with him to be a part of this deeply personal project: perhaps friendship remembered; an experience shared; a crisis recalled; or good times never to be forgotten. The form is less important than the uplifting effect such a message would have on his family. Notes and messages can be sent to me at [email protected] . The length can be a few sentences up to two-hundred words. The deadline for submission is 19Feb. Semper Fi and aloha, Gary Meyers LtCol US Marine Corps Ret

Wednesday, 27th January 2021 6:54:15 PM
Name: Gary Meyers

Sunday, 24th January 2021 6:35:07 PM
Name: Scott Klunder
Squadron: VA-115 VAQ-136
Message: Rock on old timers!

Sunday, 24th January 2021 2:48:33 PM
Name: Steve Flynn
Squadron: VA-115

Sunday, 24th January 2021 2:48:13 PM
Name: Melchor Tuya
Squadron: VA-115, VA-52
Message: VA-115 May 1980 to May 1982. VA-52 June 1982 to November 1983

Sunday, 24th January 2021 2:47:00 PM
Name: Richard Riemer
Squadron: Va-115

Sunday, 24th January 2021 2:41:32 PM
Name: Gregory Alan Parr
Squadron: VA 115
Message: Looking for sailors that served in 1979 1981 era. I was a PR in VA 115

Tuesday, 19th January 2021 9:05:48 PM
Name: Gary H Jackson
Squadron: USS Ranger CV-61
Message: I was in CVIC on the Ranger 75-78 and worked with the Air Intelligence officers prepping for the briefings either in Mission Planning or transmitted to the ready rooms on CCTV. I used to go to the 'balcony' on the back of the super structure that was about four decks up from the flight deck and watch air ops. I recently found some slides I took, mostly from WestPac '76, that I will get converted and try to forward to you.

Tuesday, 12th January 2021 7:29:37 PM
Name: JC Ridge
Squadron: VA-155
Message: It's been 30 years, but not one of them has gone by without thinking of two guys I thought the world of. Thanks for the write up Cdr. Barnes.

Sunday, 27th December 2020 5:32:55 PM
Name: JD Straight
Squadron: VA 42 VA55 VA75
Message: As many have said here, a hard at that time and place, but some of the best of their life! The camaraderie is what I miss the most!!

Sunday, 13 December 2020 7:35:03 PM
Name: Joe Yuna
Squadron: VA-55
Message: It has been a long while since I ventured here, and reading through the names and comments, I remember the faces of everyone of you great guys. I heard about Mouse Miko's death, and that put a damper on my memories of one of the most effective, hard working and yet family-like squadron in the Atlantic Fleet. As time takes its toll on each of us, I feel like we have one more launch to make ... but before a mission to see how many of us our left (including AEC Noel and the bunch down in Florida), Bennie (is he still at UNC?), Gator (GA last I heard), Rip Von Scheible (still in the Tidewater area), Bennie (living the good life), Drobac, Perry (should have been the CAG Gunner on more than one occasion), the Mech shop (how they kept those engines alive is still beyond me), air frames (the Intruder was an aged warrior, but these guys fed it the equivalent of Viagra on a daily basis), the Avionics gang (ever try to align that radar bore-sight - they made it look easy - ah yes, the gyros were there to give us all something to bitch about), the Ordnance crew (never have seen a group of brutes that could download and rearm an aircraft as Perry's gang could on a routine basis, and last but not least, the Plane Captains (somehow their hand stroking across that old skin made the Intruder purr all the way to the cat, before roaring into the sky once again). I found a gent who is willing to make us new Warhorse ball caps, so if someone has a few pictures of an original one (enlisted and officer), please send them to my email address. In my current job here at Wright-Patterson AFB, I have won a few gallons of hydraulic lunches when I bet the Zoomies that the A-6E actually coudl carry that load while jittering about terrain following in some of the worst weather God could have ever conceived. The only ones that are not stupid enough to bet are the Eagle Drivers - quite a few remember VA-55 and VA-65 at Nellis AFB (57th FWW) and one even remarked about one of our enlisted Gerry-rigging an USAF engine stand for a engine change - no, we did not get caught by the MOC patrols. But my fondest memory was the air start engine drive shaft (my old memory cannot recall its proper name) shearing at least twice, before we received two new ones to get that A-6E back to homeplate (well, it did not quite make it, but it was worth the troubleshooting by a remarkable bunch of mechanics). Take care all - this makes my 48th year among the US Navy, USMC, USAF, and even USA along with the Saudis and Japanese as a weapon system engineer. And in all of that time and different weapon systems, the A-6E still awes me. They just don't build war machines and sailors and aviators line the Warhorses anymore.

Sunday, 15th November 2020 9:31:10 AM
Name: Rumsey Young
Squadron: VMA(AW)-121, VMA(AW)-533
Message: I used to have a list by Buno numbers as to the "whatever happened to" specific airplanes. Do you have such a thing?

Thursday, 12th November 2020 7:20:39 PM
Name: Rick “Al” Allen
Squadron: VMA (AW) 224
Message: Just checking it out. Looking for a model of the A6-E and apparel with 224/A6. Served 1976-1980, Cherry Pt, iwakuni, one wild month At Cubi Pt.

Wednesday, 21st October 2020 5:33:10 AM
Name: Ed Clayman
Message: I am constructing a 1:5.5 KA6D for competitive flying scale modeling. Gathering visual documentation (pix) for critical comparison to the model is my current task as I near completion of the model. The explicit KA6D I am seeking photographic documentation of is BuNo 149484 (521) of VA-34 Blue Blasters. I need to replicate the nomenclature, marks, placards, stenciling on 149484 (521) VA-34. Any and all assistance is appreciated!

Friday, 9th October 2020 4:10:30 PM
Name: Greg Van Hof
Squadron: VA-165/VA-52
Message: FDC in 165, Gunner in 52. What a great airplane. Grumman really did build the heavy iron...

Tuesday, 28th July 2020 9:27:52 AM
Name: George Pinkett
Message: Respect to all Vietnam Veterans. Gang! If you have questions about VA benefits please see USVCP website. You will get all questions answers or ask a few of your own. go here:

Sunday, 19th July 2020 7:01:21 AM
Name: Bill "Smokey" Stronk
Squadron: CVA-46 OI Division 1971-974
Message: On time, on target, everywhere, every time.

Saturday, 18th July 2020 5:24:45 AM
Name: John wohlwend
Squadron: CV-41 CATC 74-77
Message: I would like to know if CDR Weeks had the port engine had fod prior to the cat shot.

Tuesday, 14th July 2020 2:36:57 AM
Name: Steve Craver
Squadron: VMA(AW)-332/VMA(AW)-224
Message: Mostly at 332. A great, meaningful time. A fantastic group.

Monday, 15th June 2020 6:41:37 AM
Name: AQ/AT J. Sears
Squadron: VA-176
Message: With the T-Bolts from 1988 to the decommission in 1993. Had MED cruises on the USS FORRESTAL. Thought it was bad then but now, looking back, it was one of the best times I have ever had.

Tuesday, 19th May 2020 6:13:46 AM
Name: Zachary Smyers
Squadron: N/A
Message: I'm a military historian with the Hampton Roads Naval Museum. I was doing research on an artifact in our Vietnam exhibit and discovered this page. An outstanding tribute to VA-75 and the Intruder! Semper Fortis!!

Wednesday, 29th April 2020 11:25:17 AM
Name: Donald Pursley
Squadron: VA-128,VA-165,VA115.VA-35,VAQ136,VAH-123
Message: VAH-123 (1966-1967) ,VA-128(1967-1970) ,VA-165(1970-1974), VA-115(1977-1978), VAQ-136(1978-1981),VA-35(1982-1983). These are just A-6 squadron.

Monday, 20th April 2020 9:45:40 AM
Name: John W Duffy
Squadron: N.A.
Message: Came here after reading Captain Bryans’ memoir: “Flying Low 1956-1980”. He flew the 6 starting in the mid ‘60s. Also, would love any detail about any flying “civilian A6s” (Grumman test aircraft, contractor a/c, etc.)

Thursday, 2nd April 2020 12:18:22 PM
Name: Rick Newton
Squadron: VA-165
Message: `86-88 USS Midway AIMD (A-6E Avionics) `88-92 NAS Whidbey Island AIMD (A-6E) `92-95 VA-165 Boomers - BEST command and group of shipmates I ever served with during my Naval Career.

Thursday, 2nd April 2020 10:08:05 AM
Name: Rodney Kreps
Squadron: VA 55
Message: Served with some of the greatest people known to mankind! 83-87!

Friday, 27th March 2020 12:27:07 PM
Name: David L Antes
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Served with a Great group of people aboard the Midway CV-41 1973-1976 Plane Captain 505

Thursday, 26th March 2020 1:20:10 PM
Name: clyde cain
Squadron: Grumman Rep
Message: Daryl, on behalf of the Intruder Association, our condolences. If you would send your fathers obituary to [email protected], he will publish it out to the Intruder Association membership.

Sunday, 1st March 2020 10:05:02 AM
Name: Daryl Cole Presley
Squadron: VA-115
Message: My Dad (Jack Presley) passed away recently. He was XO/CO of VA -115 during the last days of the Vietnam war. Jim Horsley, John Koch and their wives attended the services for him and shared some of their memories of their experiences during that time. If anyone else remembers him and has anything to share our family would love to hear it. Thank you Jim and John and all the others who served during that very difficult time.

Sunday, 1st March 2020 11:02:59 AM
Name: Mark Flinton
Squadron: VA-42 7 VA-34
Message: I also am in touch with Charles “Coop” Cooper. I worked in VA-42 7 VA-34 Operations Dept . YN3. Stationed in Oceana and med cruise in 1969. Served from 4/68 to Jan 71. Hello,to shipmates and officers

Friday, 21st February 2020 9:38:17 AM
Name: Ken Underwood
Squadron: VMA(aw)332 & 533
Message: I was 6531 in both squadrons at Cherry Point from 1976-1980. Served with GySgt Thompson and the best squadron during WestPac 1979-1980. Hello Animal and Blade. Semper Fi All.

Monday, 17th February 2020 7:22:46 PM
Name: Michael Grochowski, Cpl USMC
Squadron: VMA(aw)533
Message: With VMA(aw)533 in Chu Lia, VN, Jan 1968-Feb helping to keep the Intruder 1969. Our hydraulic shop helping to keep the Intruder flying.

Sunday, 16th February 2020 11:19:31 AM
Name: Jay Holden
Squadron: VMA(AW)-121
Message: SGT: VMA(AW)-121 1976-79. Looking forward to reunion in 'Diego! Tell some "sea tales" with fellow Green Knights and remember…"Intruders fight by day or night and one things VERY CLEAR…VMA-121 is the …BEST DAMN SQUADRON HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE!! PROUD to be one of Col "Pappy" Faulkners' "troops" and the of the NCO in charge of the "Moon Squad"!

Saturday, 15th February 2020 11:36:44 AM
Name: Gene Feeney
Squadron: VMA aw 332,242,225,202
Message: I am proud to have served in these A6 squadrons. I missed the date to rotate back to the states from Danang with 242 by eleven days. Finished my tour with 225 and back to Cherry Point. I would not trade my time in the Corps for anything. Semper Fi.

Thursday, 6th February 2020 6:21:43 PM
Name: Jon Geissinger
Squadron: VA176
Message: AQ

Saturday, 18th January 2020 8:52:20 PM
Name: Jack Seiple
Squadron: VA-42/65
Message: Trained fleet AME shop.. Walked across hanger to VA-65 for a MED cruise on the INDY. 69-73 AME-2

Tuesday, 14th January 2020 7:42:00 AM
Name: Dale Brandt
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I joined VA-75 at NAS Oceana VA Beach, VA in August of 1963. I was a AMS3. We were the first squadron in the fleet to get the A-6A. I went to plane captain's school. However, I worked in maintenance control for a Outstanding MCPO Kincaid (sp?). They were scheduled to go to the MED in late 64. I was separated from the Navy in December 64. I heard they went to NAM. I went on and joined the USNR and after 42 years 9 mos. and a few days I retired as a SCPO at age 60. A lot of good memories. If anyone is still around from that time would like to hear from them.

Monday, 2nd December 2019 5:58:51 PM
Name: Gary Bopp
Squadron: VA-128
Message: VA-128 Power Plants Shop

Wednesday, 27th November 2019 7:42:21 AM
Name: Christian Hageseth III
Squadron: vma 224
Message: I was the squadron flight surgeon 1968-1970 at Cherry Point. I identify as a Marine, not a squid.

Wednesday, 6th November 2019 6:40:27 PM
Name: Robert Hazard
Squadron: VA-145

Sunday, 3rd November 2019 12:20:24 PM
Name: Howard Triggs
Squadron: VA-115 Arabs
Message: First I want to say thanks to all who attended the Memorial/Reunion Feb 2019. The PC's are working on a new event and we will be keeping you all informed.

Thursday, 31st October 2019 12:57:16 PM
Name: George Reischling
Squadron: 25th Infantry Division
Message: "To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know!" -Vietnam- Courage on the Mountain-

Friday, 25th October 2019 12:38:37 PM
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Aboard the Kitty Hawk with VA 85 in 1965/66

Monday, 14th October 2019 8:05:38 AM
Name: WJ "Pete" Mason
Squadron: VA-115, VA75, USNR NAS Atlanta
Message: VA-115 1976-1978 Onboard USS Midway, Home ported @Yokosuka, Japan. Land based @Atsugi, Japan. VA-75 1978-1979 NAS Oceana, USNR @NAS Atlanta. 1980-1984 @VT4 Working @NAS Pensacola working on T2C doesn't count as a real aircraft.. We did share the hanger with the Blue Angels & they flew the A4 @ that time, using the Pratt & Whitney Engine...

Tuesday, 13 August 2019 9:40:16 AM
Name: Samuel Underwood
Squadron: VA 165 & 152
Message: VA 165 Did Cruise on USS Oriskany 1963 and at end of cruise TAD to VA 152 det ZULU and sent to Bien Hoa Vietnam1964.

Saturday, 3rd August 2019 5:02:45 PM
Name: Sgt Bickhart. “Bic”
Squadron: Vmcj-2
Message: Looking for anyone who was involved in Operation Frequent Wind. I was in ECM shop that help over to USS Coral Sea.

Monday, 29th July 2019 7:27:07 PM
Name: Malcolm Wright
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I am looking for a hat pin with the squadron logo. Can anyone help? I appreciate what ever you can do

Monday, 29th July 2019 11:31:06 AM
Name: Malcolm Wright-CPO Retired
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I am looking for a hat pin with the squadron logo on it(black Panthers) Does anyone have one or know anyone who does.

Sunday, 14th July 2019 8:39:00 PM
Name: Robbie Hall
Squadron: VMCJ-2
Message: My father, Capt. Johnnie A. Hall (John) served as a EA-6A pilot in the Marines and flew 28 combat missions in Vietnam. He passed away just a few weeks ago on July 18, 2019. I’m grateful for this site and anyone with information about VMCJ-2 or my dad can contact me at [email protected]

Friday, 5th July 2019 3:14:00 PM
Name: Leland Midgett
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Trying to find information on an accident, when I believe a VA-65 Squadron A/C hit the fire truck and flew to Rosevelt Roads with most of the right wing missing. Any information on this would be helpful.

Tuesday, 2nd July 2019 9:15:29 PM
Name: willard
Squadron: 42,65,196,209
Message: Happy Independence Day,2019 - willard was here!

Sunday, 2nd June 2019 1:25:58 AM
Name: charles waugh
Squadron: VA-95
Message: Letitia Cooke, I have had the pleasure of serving with you Husband in Va 95 would like to communicate with you if possible. I was devastated to hear when he was shot down, I came apart. RIP Brother Sir Thank you Charles W Waugh AE 1 (Ret)

Thursday, 25th April 2019 9:28:30 PM
Name: Letitia Cooke
Squadron: VA-36
Message: I am the surviving spouse of LCDR Barry T. Cooke who was shot down over Kuwait on February 2, 1991 during Operation Desert Storm. I have recently been contacted by some guys from the Facebook page for the VA-36 Roadrunners which was the last squadron that Barry was attached to. One of the guys, Don Rhoades told me about this association and suggested that I join. So here I am. I recognize the name Tim Thomson and remember that he was called "Timson" by Barry and the other fellow squadron mates.

Wednesday, 17th April 2019 6:26:52 AM
Name: Guy Aceto
Squadron: Vietnam Magazine
Message: I'm the photo editor for Vietnam magazine and I'm looking for a particular photo of A-6 pilot and former MIA "Tito" Lannom. Please contact me at your earliest convenience Thanks! Guy

Tuesday, 26th March 2019 4:40:28 PM
Name: Kirk Spruiell
Squadron: MAG 31

Sunday, 24th March 2019 3:30:25 PM
Name: Joseph Kenneally
Squadron: VMA 225
Message: I deployed to Da Nang, Vietnam January, 1969. After several months I was reassigned to H&MS 11 Mag 11. I was also a member with the Mobile #1 Unit that responded to the Bomb Dump Explosion that occurred on April 27, 1969. Would like to hear from other members of the Mobile #1 unit

Monday, 11th March 2019 8:11:48 PM
Name: Edward Wagner
Squadron: VMA 225/242
Message: Served in 225 in Danang 69/70 came back to Eltoro with Vma242

Friday, 8th March 2019 1:50:05 PM
Name: Charles Rosell
Squadron: VA-42
Message: Hello to all that served honorably in the A6 Intruder Community

Thursday, 7th March 2019 6:18:16 AM
Name: Al Parks
Squadron: VMA(aw)224/533
Message: Ord Chief of 224/533, Tech Pub Writer at NWEF, did a cruse on Saratoga CAG17 (83-84).

Tuesday, 26th February 2019 1:37:00 PM
Name: Jack Eberhart
Squadron: VA-115/VA-165
Message: Certainly some good times along with the bad times take care shipmates.

Monday, 11th February 2019 2:45:17 PM
Name: Michael Mygas
Squadron: VA-128

Sunday, 13 January 2019 5:07:46 PM
Name: Brian Munill
Message: Hi there Intruder friends, I was looking for information about my uncles Intruder ( specifically markings and paint scheme ) I never knew my uncle but wanted to make a model of his exact plane. My uncle was CMDR. Glenn Kollmann of VA-35 he was lost on March 12th 1968 3 miles after launch from the Enterprise. The BuNo. Of his aircraft was 152943. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, 1st December 2018 8:38:33 AM
Name: J T Buckley
Squadron: VA-128

Saturday, 10th November 2018 7:54:49 AM
Name: Floyd Richard Simmons
Squadron: VMA(AW)121
Message: Happy Birthday Marines.

Thursday, 1st November 2018 7:57:25 AM
Name: Dirk Plantinga
Squadron: Va-65
Message: Hi folks, My father late, Terry Plantinga, was a VA-65 BN about the Kitty Hawk and the Independence between about 68-72. I would greatly appreciate communicating with nay A6 pilots or BNs from that era. I obtained my father's service records and I want to get some explanations of what I'm looking at, and some general details about attack missions in North Vietnam during that time. If anyone in the group knew him, I would be incredibly grateful to be in touch. Thank you all. Dirk

Saturday, 15th September 2018 11:49:13 AM
Name: Richard Plante
Squadron: VMA(AW)225
Message: Served with the Vikings in Danang 69-70.

Tuesday, 11th September 2018 11:33:49 AM
Squadron: vma(aw)242
Message: Danang Ordnance shop, Aug 1967 to Oct 69

Sunday, 9th September 2018 11:53:58 AM
Name: Michael Threatt
Squadron: vma 224 vma 533

Tuesday, 28th August 2018 2:31:35 AM
Name: Eugene Kallaur
Squadron: VA-85
Message: To Tom Lucke - I just saw your 2008 post. No email address posted. I found this Intruder site quite by accident last week & signed up. What’s your email address? - - Gene [email protected]

Monday, 27th August 2018 12:08:34 PM
Name: Pat Lorio AO2
Squadron: VA-128, VA-52
Message: I was aboard Older & Bolder USS Coral Sea, 1968-69 WESPAC. IYAOYAS!

Saturday, 25th August 2018 12:47:59 AM
Name: Eugene Kallaur
Squadron: VA-85
Message: WestPac 1966 - 1970, USS Kitty Hawk (‘66 - ‘67), USS America (‘68), USS Constellation (‘69 - ‘70), AE-2, flight deck troubleshooter (‘68 - ‘70). Are any of my Electric Shop pals out there? I vividly remember Royce Phillips and Tom Lucke - two good lads, among others, that I’ll never forget. Hello to everyone. We sure kept ‘‘em flying!

Friday, 24th August 2018 10:12:13 PM
Name: Eugene Kallaur
Squadron: VA-85
Message: WestPac 1966 - 1970, USS Kitty Hawk (‘66 - ‘67), USS America (‘68), USS Constellation (‘69 - ‘70), AE-2, flight deck troubleshooter (‘68 - ‘70). Are any of my Electric Shop pals out there? I vividly remember Royce Phillips and Tom Lucke - two good lads, among others, that I’ll never forget. Hello to everyone. We sure kept ‘‘em flying!

Tuesday, 14th August 2018 7:31:30 AM
Name: Peter Eastn
Squadron: VA75/VA65
Message: Ron Bibler - give me a call (c) 239 537 2380. I have a picture of you Dad from 1963/64

Saturday, 11th August 2018 4:13:20 PM
Name: Phil Anderson
Squadron: VA-165 and VA-128
Message: I was with the Boomers from 1974-1978, then VA -128 until my discharge in September 1980,a very proud part of my youth... amazing adventure.

Sunday, 5th August 2018 10:58:21 AM
Name: Peter Easton
Squadron: VA-75/65
Message: Ron Bibler - I am pretty sure I have a picture of your Dad - one that was taken when we first formed VA 75 in 1963/64 . I probably have some more but will not be where they are until late September. Give me a call on my cell 239 537 2380

Tuesday, 31st July 2018 3:30:42 PM
Name: John Fry
Squadron: Civilian
Message: I've just converted a 3:30 home movie I took on July 19, 1969. The first minute is the ride on the ferry boat Crown City to Coronado. The rest of the film shows my childhood buddy Ken Ptack at North Island with his VMA(AW)-121 A-6A (BuNo 152587)

Friday, 27th July 2018 9:15:04 AM
Name: Greg Garrtt
Squadron: VA-95

Thursday, 5th July 2018 12:32:20 PM
Name: Mike Hutter
Message: I was a riveter working on the A6's outboard flaperon during the summers o 1963, 1964, 1965 in Bethpage. Dedicated GAEC employees all around me. Fond memories of those summers.

Sunday, 10th June 2018 9:52:27 AM
Name: Thomas Le

Monday, 28th May 2018 4:38:00 AM
Name: Jon Born
Squadron: VMAQ-2 / VMA-332
Message: A shout out to all the Marines in those squadrons at the 2MAW Cherry Point, NC 1976-1980 Semper Fi Animal

Wednesday, 23rd May 2018 7:45:50 AM
Name: Gregory Martinez
Squadron: USS Constellation CVA64
Message: Hi all, I was on “Connie” during her greatest cruise, 1971-1972. My book about Connie has just been released. CONNIE the USS Constellation and the Last 50-Star Union Jack. Please pass the word for me, it is available on Thank you! Greg Martinez USS Constellation CVA64

Saturday, 5th May 2018 11:08:13 AM
Name: Lonnie Harrison
Squadron: VA-65
Message: VA-65 was my first LDO ENS tour as Ordnance Officer 1977-1979 aboard USS Independence. Later, VA-65 crossed decked to the then new USS Eisenhower. COs during my tour were Don Hahn, "Buzz" Needham, and Herb Browne. Great tour! Later severed at FASO Oceana, CAG -1 Gunner, NAS Oceana Wpns Officer, and USS JFK OHO. Retired 1988 as LCDR. Second career at NWSC Crane Wpns Eng, Chem-Bio, Night Vision, and Homeland Security Explosives Detection. Retired Fed Employee in 2011. Married to Toni 50 years.

Sunday, 29th April 2018 6:55:16 AM
Name: Ron Bibler
Squadron: VA-42/VA-75
Message: I’m the oldest son of Lt. Doug Bibler who was a B/N on the A-6A. Doug was on the USS Independence in Vietnam and was killed in an A6-A accident in the Chesapeake Bay while stationed in Oceana NAS in September 1966. Anyone have a picture or want to share a memory?

Tuesday, 17th April 2018 5:51:32 PM
Name: Pete Jacobs
Squadron: 202, 224, 121
Message: 99, Great Intruder reunion in Norfolk, VA. AttaBoy!! to the planning committee and the many volunteers behind the scenes. NoDak

Tuesday, 17th April 2018 9:15:10 AM
Name: Roger Whiteway
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Regret I missed the reunion last week. Will look forward to seeing my buds at the next one.

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 8:58:37 AM
Name: Bubba Feathers
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Boomers Forever!!!!

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 2:53:31 PM
Name: Jeffrey Kolln
Squadron: USAF/Civilian
Message: I wondered if I could have your members help in finding a couple of aircraft. Both aircraft an A-6 and a F-101A were in the Tom Reilly's Flying Tiger Restoration Facility in Florida, but were sold around 2004. Does anyone of your membership know where these two aircraft are now on display?

Sunday, 1st April 2018 9:29:20 PM
Name: Willard
Squadron: VA-65, Va-196,VA-42, VAQ-209
Message: Just preparing my LIES.

Sunday, 1st April 2018 3:38:11 PM
Name: Ron German
Squadron: Civilian
Message: For those who knew him, my brother Marine Col. Paul K. German was laid to rest with full military honors at Arlington Cemetery on 21 March 2018. He was CO RVN, Chu-Lai, VMA(AW)-533,Mag12, ops 1969 and Chief of Staff 1st Marine Air Wing 6/76-5/77. He was a devoted fan of the Intruder with 284 combat missions (A-6/A-4)

Saturday, 31st March 2018 8:50:40 AM
Name: Andrew West
Squadron: 196
Message: Dain VanDerlin Scott was inducted into the Joseph A. Ducan Jr .Hall of Valor at Soildiers and Sailors Memorial Hall in Pittsburgh PA. On Sunday March 25, 2018. ," A long time coming yet right on time. " Said Mrs Ann Marie Scott. Commander Scott's surviving spouse. He was honored for his heroism in the Vietnam conflict by being awarded The Distinguished Flying Cross. A presidential citation. Mrs. Scott spoke explaining Commander Scott's ideal of duty and service which was a reflection of his merit of honor. And his pride in being an A6 Inruder BN.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018 4:00:28 AM
Name: Kenneth J. Whetstine
Squadron: VA-128, VA-95
Message: Aviation Ordnance Technician. VA-128 Golden Intruders, '87-'89. VA-95 Green Lizards '89-'90 USS Enterprise World Cruise. Say Hi if you remember me. Great site. Thanks

Sunday, 25th February 2018 11:12:49 PM
Name: Lee Murphy
Squadron: Civilian
Message: Hello. I'm a huge fan of the A-6, but have never been involved with it or the military. To answer Ken Thomas (of VMA(AW)-224), who asked on Monday, 11th December 2017 12:08:50 PM, the following question: "Did the A-6 ever get Command Eject? I’m being told it was incorporated in 1993 but can’t find anything on it. Thanks." Yes it did. I don't know exactly when it was received, but the Command Ejection Seat was written into the NATOPS on 1 July 1990 and Command Ejection Capability was written into the manual on 15 July 1991. I hope that helps.

Thursday, 22nd February 2018 6:34:27 PM
Name: Joe Roberts
Squadron: VA-42 VA-75
Message: Greetings to all my Intruder Bubba’s Remember No Slack in Medium Attack, hope all is Well ...

Saturday, 10th February 2018 7:44:13 PM
Name: Ralph Cates
Squadron: VMA (AW) 332
Message: Looking for anyone in VMA 332 1973 - 1976. Would really like to get in touch with Clyde Paul Gent, Al Rey, Al Garza, Dan Jones, or anyone else from 332 during that time. Also trying to locate a good friend from VMA 121 - Bob Stellwagen. I can be reached at [email protected]. Semper Fi.

Saturday, 10th February 2018 7:16:51 AM
Name: Mike Elmes
Squadron: VMA(AW) 121+242
Message: I saw a post from Jim Zartman date 26 July 17, looking for Beaman Cummings. He retired from Southwest Airlines and I think flys for NetJets. Last I knew he was living near Worcester Mass.

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 7:03:32 PM
Name: Sanna Roling
Message: I am the co-author of a book for the National Vietnam War Museum ( ) in Weatherford, TX. Michele Hoffman created and donated a handmade quilt with panels representing people, places, and equipment in that war. This email requests permission to use the following verbiage excerpted from your website "Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 533 VMFA (AW)-533) is a United States Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornet squadron, also known as the "Hawks”. Flying the A-6 during the Vietnam War, VMA (AW) 533 flew combat support missions from Chu Lai Air Base, Republic of Vietnam. From 1967 to 1969, they flew over 10,000 combat sorties and earned the Commandant’s Aviation Efficiency Trophy. Returning to service in Vietnam in 1972, they flew missions over Cambodia and Laos, as well. In 1973 the 533rds service in Vietnam ended." Thank you for your time and consideration. I await your positive response. Sincerely, Sanna Roling, sister of a Vietnam

Friday, 2nd February 2018 10:21:38 AM
Name: Wyatt Maynor
Squadron: va85
Message: Looking for Brad Fazekas and John Cassle. Took 74 cruise to med

Thursday, 1st February 2018 6:51:37 PM
Name: Keith Mueller
Squadron: VA-145
Message: Aviation Fire Control Technician. ('76 - '79) - completed A-6A to A-6E Transition of Squadron, then '79 Westpac in USS Ranger, the "Cutting Edge of the 7th Fleet"! Core VA-145 AQ Reunion to be early July of '18 in Branson, MO. If you know "Bones", "Bazoo", "Ricochet", "Meehan", or me, "Moon", and wanna join us, email for info! [email protected] Joining the IA today!

Wednesday, 24th January 2018 10:02:45 AM
Name: Bruce DuBois
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Intruder Reunion coming up in April 2018. Still looking to gather VA-75 folks at my place in Virginia Beach on either Thursday (12 April) or Fri (13 Apr) for a mini reunion. Please let me know if you are interested.

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 11:48:58 AM
Name: Porfirio Macalma
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Delighted to run into this site and get to see names of old shipmates I haven't seen in a very long time and so as names of A-6's warriors I haven't met but truly respect! VA-196 (1993-1997) Last Attack in WESTPAC

Thursday, 28th December 2017 1:53:22 PM
Name: Mark Lukianovich
Squadron: Grumman BPA
Message: 26 years 1974 thru 2000

Wednesday, 27th December 2017 1:39:31 PM
Name: ds griffin(reed)
Squadron: vma-224 westpac 71/72
Message: vma-224 and 332 70/73

Tuesday, 19th December 2017 3:49:27 PM
Name: David Hanson ADJ5
Squadron: VA 52
Message: west pac 70 and 71-72, line petty officer 71-72 cruse would do it again in a minite made me what I am today. looking form my old friend and Whidby room mate Bob Doran he was from Maine. worked for chief King hell of a guy.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017 10:45:03 AM
Name: Jeff Medford
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Was with the A/F shop from 83-86. Did 2 cruises one on CV-67 and other on the Sinking 60 of Dixie. Looking for Seabag he was looking form e on a couple of sites just found this one.Thanks

Monday, 11th December 2017 12:08:50 PM
Name: Ken Thomas
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224
Message: Did the A-6 ever get Command Eject? I’m being told it was incorporated in 1993 but can’t find anything on it. Thanks.

Thursday, 23rd November 2017 5:07:16 PM
Name: Tom Batley
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Was Ams/ Amh from '89 to '92 would like to reconnect with airframe and squadron mates. Fly Navy!!

Sunday, 12th November 2017 7:12:52 PM
Name: conrad bloom
Squadron: vah123/va128
Message: served in the 1960s in the two squadrons. i miss those days and would love to chat with someone who knows from that era. i was az3. [email protected]

Saturday, 11th November 2017 7:45:02 PM
Name: Rick Johnson
Squadron: VA145
Message: 1983-1985 Looking for contact with Bob Summers or Tom Trizna (chicanery of the utmost) or any that remember our time I the Squadron. WesPac 1984 USS Kitty Hawk we ran over a Soviet Sub pulling out of Pusan

Wednesday, 25th October 2017 1:45:10 PM
Name: rick hunt
Squadron: vmcj-1/2 vma(aw)-224 vma-322

Friday, 13 October 2017 12:47:43 AM
Name: conrad bloom
Squadron: va-128
Message: served in 128 from 1966 thru 1969 as az3 would love to hear from someone from during that time.I

Monday, 9th October 2017 9:14:25 PM
Name: Rich (Smokey) Powell
Squadron: VA-27 CVA-64 & VA-86 (CVA-66)
Message: Larry VanRenselaar & Jack Babcock were my good friends, both lost from VA-196, I think, on Connie Cruise 68-70, but only Larry is listed.

Tuesday, 3rd October 2017 9:27:48 AM
Name: Kevin Lauler
Squadron: VA34
Message: I worked in the PR shop back in the days 1981 to 1983…. USS America… Oceana Virginia, Does anyone know or remember P.O. Grove, he was an AME... I wish I could get in touch with him.. Good times… [email protected]

Tuesday, 3rd October 2017 9:27:21 AM
Name: Ray Clarke
Squadron: VA-65
Message: I was in VA-65 from 1980-83. I worked in AIMD. The A-6 was one tough bird! There will NEVER be another plane. They were designed to do ONE thing--and they did it WELL!!!

Saturday, 16th September 2017 1:19:09 PM
Name: Kenney, Richard g, Lcdr, USN, ret
Squadron: Medium atk wng 1, Cag AI, CVW 2. Va 145
Message: It was a great life, you took care of this AI wonderfully,, thank you so much.

Tuesday, 12th September 2017 7:55:40 PM
Name: Charles D. Harper
Squadron: VMA24273-74/VMA53374-76
Message: Served in the hydraulic shop in both squadrons. In 76 was working in maint. control in 533 at cherry point. Still smiling about our deployments to Subic and other towns. Every once and a while I review the squadron yearbook while we were in Japan. Still use the coffee cup. Semper Fi someone crack open the next beer before the captains foot hits the tarmac.

Monday, 21st August 2017 6:05:19 AM
Name: Bruce "Tex" DuBois
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Intruder Reunion coming up in April 2018. Would like to gather VA-75 folks at my place in Virginia Beach on either Thursday (12 April) or Fri (13 Apr) for a mini reunion. Please let me know if you are interested.

Tuesday, 15th August 2017 10:01:16 PM

Monday, 7th August 2017 8:34:47 PM
Name: Phyllis Witt
Squadron: VA-65
Message: My late husband was USN Cmdr. George S. Witt. He served in Viet Nam with Attack Squadron 65 (VA-65), aka Fighting Tigers. He was an air intelligence officer. As I was sorting his personal effects, I came across a white metal, POW bracelet, with the name LT. George Coker. I don’t know if Mr. Coker and my husband knew each other, but I think my late kept this bracelet in hope for LT Coker’s safe release from Hanoi. I'd like to return this bracelet to Mr. Coker. If anyone knows him here, please forward my email address: [email protected] to him. Thank you.

Sunday, 6th August 2017 5:56:38 PM
Name: Joe Petrelli
Squadron: VA 75
Message: Member of VA 75 from around 4/64 to 4/67 ADJ 3 P/C

Wednesday, 26th July 2017 5:32:47 PM
Name: Jim Zartman
Squadron: VMA(AW) 533
Message: Battle of Khafji, GATOR drop. I'm guessing there is a much bigger story here for this squadron than what's been told thus far. Trying to contact Mr. Beaman Cummings Jr Col USMC (Ret) and crew.

Monday, 24th July 2017 2:40:25 PM
Name: clyde cain
Squadron: 42,128,34,196
Message: All of you A6 Bubbas out there the next intruder reunion is scheduled for April 2018 in Norfolk Virginia. Check the web site for info as it is posted. You do NOT have to be a member of the IA to attend. Squadrons, a good time for a mini reunion. How about a mini shop reunion? Hope to see you there

Monday, 17th July 2017 1:12:13 PM
Name: David L Antes
Squadron: VA-115 Arabs
Message: Plane Captain Aboard USS Midway CVA-41,CV-41 1973=1976

Friday, 7th July 2017 1:30:54 AM
Name: Jim Simmons
Squadron: VMA 121/202
Message: station at CP , 121 from Apr,74 to Oct 76, and 202 from Oct 76 to July 77..........made several trips w/ 121..Norway, Yuma, ect...

Tuesday, 27th June 2017 2:45:29 PM
Name: Gary Harris
Squadron: VA-176
Message: I had the honor of being a T-Bolt from November 1985 thru March 1989 (Admin Office Supervisor and Ops Office). I took over from YNC Ron Riggan. Any of my old shipmates remember the two "beer days" we had during the 88 cruise? Haha.....

Thursday, 15th June 2017 11:00:14 AM
Name: Eric Dean
Squadron: VA-128 1983-1986
Message: I just received notification of the passing of RADM James Michael Gleason SEELY (Ret.), age 84, of Hay Market, VA, 3 June, 2017. CAPT Eric Dean, USN, (Ret.)

Sunday, 11th June 2017 10:27:57 AM
Name: Gary Raap
Squadron: VA 35
Message: With the Squadron from July 72 - June 75 Cliff Hammock if you read this email me. Would be great to hear from some of my AO friends

Saturday, 10th June 2017 10:01:16 AM
Name: Jim "Junior" Sauger
Squadron: VA-42, VA-75
Message: Sunday Punchers during Desert Storm. VA-42 instructor before pulling chocks and getting out

Friday, 9th June 2017 10:09:17 AM
Name: Myron J. Lupkes
Squadron: VA-95
Message: I served in the USN from 3/84-3/88 and was in VA-128 for training and the rest was spent in VA-95; much aboard CVN-65. Feel free to contact me. Myron (AT3)

Thursday, 8th June 2017 6:50:45 PM
Name: J Paul Kay
Squadron: VMCJ-1
Message: spent a few months with VMCJ-1 Det 101 in 1973 at Cubi Point. ALQ-76 & ALE-32

Wednesday, 31st May 2017 11:32:48 PM
Name: Jody Love
Squadron: VA-85,VA-36,VA-75
Message: Hey Dave Sebastian (VA-85) saw that you gave me shout out here. Whats up bro ! Hit me up at [email protected] It would be great to hear from you.

Monday, 29th May 2017 11:57:51 AM
Name: T.S. Herman
Squadron: VA-66
Message: Did anyone serve under my grandfather, CDR J.S. Herman?

Wednesday, 3rd May 2017 5:15:13 PM
Name: Michael Moorman
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I served from 7/80 to 6/84 AIMD Radar Shop. VA-52 was the Best Damn Squadron ever!!

Friday, 28th April 2017 7:17:37 PM
Name: Mike Fishbaugh
Squadron: Vietnam Researcher
Message: I am the Historical Researcher for the Khe Sanh Veterans Association, and received the following: Any help would be appreciated, in regards to A1D landing on the airstip at Khe Sanh in November? 1967...........................................I need so help in connecting the dots. I volunteer at the State Veterans Nursing Home in Pembroke Pines FL A new resident just arrived by the name of M.R. "Mannie" Hendrix CDR USN (Ret) Mannie flew a A1D Skyraider off the deck of the USS Coral Sea. On a mission to provide cover for a downed pilot Mannie ran low on fuel and unable to make it back to his ship was given directions to land at KSCB. This happened Mannie and I have concluded the last week November, 1967. He was directed there by Air Force controllers that assured him that Air Force airplanes landed there "all the time." What they failed to tell him was that Air Force aircraft that landed there (C-130's and C-123's) did not require as long of a runway and there were tail hooks he was accustomed to using on a carrier. Needless to say he used every inch of our shortened air strip. He did land safely got some fuel and flew on to Chu Lai for more fuel to fly back to his ship. He said he also remembers seeing some tracers while coming in on the SE end of the air strip. For those of you who may not be military aircraft enthusiasts the A1D Skyraider is a rotary gasoline piston driven airplane with a HUGE propeller in front. The Air Force has a very similar airplane they called the "SANDY" which provided escort and support of the JOLLY GREENS that picked up downed aircraft crews the went down in N. Vietnam, S. Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. I distinctly remember seeing a Navy Grey propeller driven airplane parked up on the tarmac. This had to have been Mannie's plane. Manny has shown me a picture of him standing in front of his A1D, his navigation maps with enemy SAM and Anti-aircraft guns marked in N. Vietnam, and shadow box with his Navy Aviator wings and ribbons. I am hoping to do an article and photos on this and submit it to the Red Clay for publication. DO ANY OF YOU KHE SANH GUYS REMEMBER THE INCIDENT OF THIS NAVY FIGHTER PLANE LANDING AT KHE SANH SOMETIME IN NOVEMBER, 1967?

Saturday, 1st April 2017 6:27:11 AM
Name: SGT PW Gillin
Squadron: VMA(AW)242
Message: El Toro, Ca. 1981 - 1984 Just wondering if anyone from the time in the I-level maintenance is still alive. If you are let me know, it would be great to reminisce.

Thursday, 23rd March 2017 10:18:41 AM
Name: webmaster
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Greetings to all We just wanted to let everybody know how things are coming along with the reunion for Oct 5-8, 2017. We are using a professional event planner to help us secure all of our activities in Charleston. He has done has organized numerous military reunions for many years, including the USS Forrestal reunion group for 13 straight years and has recently done reunions for the USS Ranger group in Charleston. We do not pay the event planner. He gets paid by the hotels, venues, etc. that accommodate our group. So far we have secured and signed a contract for the hotel. The hotel is the DoubleTree by Hilton, Charleston Airport. We have a contract for 7 nights , including 3 days before the beginning of the official event. Those folks who are coming early can get the same negotiated price of $139 a night. This includes breakfast for 2 (for each room) in the restaurant of the hotel (not a crappy breakfast room breakfast). We will have a hospitality room from Wednesday night thru Saturday night at the hotel. Most of the registration fee $ will go towards keeping snacks and drinks available for 4 nights. The contract is based on room nights , so we need most everyone who said they would attend to register when the time comes. When we get it all finalized there will be a online link for reservations to the hotel or a phone number to call and make your reservation. Be sure to mention you're with the VA-85 Reunion when making your reservation. Based from the 168 responses we received, it looks like we exceeded the capacity of the hotel ballrooms for our dinner and no "restaurants" were large enough to accommodate us as well. Our agent is looking into a nearby venue for us to have the dinner, which is looking like it will be on Saturday night. Our guy is also gathering information on Charleston area tours but they haven’t published their 2017 rates yet, so we're still waiting on that info. So far it looks like we’ll be offering shorter tours on Thursday afternoon and Saturday morning and a longer tour or two on Friday ( Patriots Point & Fort Sumter combo tour is the big seller). For those of you who are planning to arrive a few days early, there are many tours available to fill your days. It looks like it's going to be a great time... yes it will be great! (any of that sound politically familiar?) We will keep everybody up to date but just wanted everyone to get it on the calendar. Also, we've attached a copy of the latest edition of our reunion roster that shows who's planning to attend and who's not. If you could let us know if you're planning to but didn't already tell us, we would appreciate hearing from you soon. Your input helps us better plan this event. [email protected]

Wednesday, 15th March 2017 3:29:31 PM
Name: Andy Licursi
Squadron: VA 75

Tuesday, 14th March 2017 7:08:18 AM
Name: Mike Walsh
Squadron: VA-85
Message: 1973 -76, AE SHOP, CC, MISS IT!

Thursday, 12th May 2016 3:41:15 PM
Name: Rick Hunter
Squadron: VA-196
Message: 1980-1984....wwestpac cruise 83..."NO SLACK IN MEDIUM ATTACK"....GO MILESTONES...

Tuesday, 10th May 2016 8:32:25 AM
Name: Phillip Waters
Squadron: VA-196/VA-128
Message: Is anyone aware of an instance where the A-6A intervalometer was set on "30" and only one bomb was released? If you have this information, please email me: [email protected]

Tuesday, 26th April 2016 11:31:19 AM
Name: Ed Lennon
Squadron: VA-42 & VA-75
Message: VA-42 '69 until VA-75 got back. Plane Captain '70 Med cruise, AQ Shop & Flight Deck t/s '71 Med and '72 Westpac with VA-75. Larry Fulcher, if you are out there, I would love to hear from you.

Monday, 25th April 2016 1:50:24 PM
Name: Carlos Jimenez
Squadron: VA-52
Message: To all VA-52 Knightrider from 91-95, I wanted to say that we recently lost one of our skippers on April 19, 2016, May you rest in peace Skipper Richard Hess. He was a good commanding officer.

Thursday, 14th April 2016 10:23:00 AM
Name: Tracy Cole
Squadron: VA-128 and AIMD
Message: Tracy Cole looking for her shipmate's from VA-128 and AIMD. Contact me at [email protected]

Tuesday, 12th April 2016 8:09:16 PM
Name: Tracy Cole
Squadron: VA-128 and AIMD
Message: This is Tracy Cole, To all my VA 128 and AIMD shipmates from 1982-1984 I think of you all and wish you all well. And to my very best friend Paul Liuzzo, contact me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from my shipmate's!

Monday, 11th April 2016 5:04:43 AM
Name: Steve Hofkin
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: 'Semper Fi' to everyone! I served in VMA(AW)224 in Viet Nam from the Coral Sea. I was an E5 and the Engine Mech on the Check Crew. I also flew a few Tanker Missions. My last two years, I was the Maintenance Chief for VMA(AW)224. We mad a UDP to Iwakuni and visited Korea, the Phillipines and we also sent a small Det. to Australia. I retired from the Marine from 224 and I could not have had a better career completion tour. MSGT. S. L. Hofkin USMC Ret.

Wednesday, 6th April 2016 1:21:24 PM
Name: Pete Jacobs
Squadron: 224 and 121
Message: Fellow Intruders; Can't be at this years reunion so this guestbook "HOWDY" from Texas will have to do. Semper Fi!!

Tuesday, 5th April 2016 10:30:31 AM
Name: MSGT. Steve Hofkin USMC Ret.
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: To GySgt. Mike Threat: I was the Maintenance Chief in VMA(AW)224 from Sept. 1986 until Nov. 1988. I Retired in Dec. of 1988 MSGT. Steve Hofkin. I also served in VMA(AW)224 in Viet Nam. We were on the USS Coral Sea, CVA-43, attached to CAG-15. I treasured my time in the Marine Corps. Many good Memories and I made many wonderful friends I am still in touch with. Semper Fi.

Tuesday, 5th April 2016 10:02:56 AM
Name: Steve Hofkin
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: To GySgt. Mike Threat; I was in VMA(AW)224 when I retired. Lt.Col. Andy Loyd was the C.O. and I was the Maintenance Chief. MSGT. Steve Hofkin USMC Ret. I made my last UDP in 1988 and I retired in Dec., 1988. I also was in VMA(AW)224 many years before that in Viet Nam as the Engine Mech. in Check Crew I was a cocky E5 Sgt. Had a great Career in the Marine Corps and loved every minute of it. Semper Fi!

Thursday, 31st March 2016 12:00:56 PM
Name: David R. Sebastian
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Giving a shout out to all the VA-85 Black Falcons from 82-86 stationed in Oceana, Va. 2 cruises, 83-84 Med/IO aboard the USS John F. Kennedy and 85-86 Med/IO aboard the USS Saratoga. Trying to contact AMH Jeffrey Medford, Barry Woods, David Jensen, Jody Love, Hound Dog, Chief Dairy. Those were the days, bros... !

Sunday, 27th March 2016 10:46:03 PM
Name: conrad bloom
Squadron: vah123/va128
Message: was in 123 in 66 then 128 till end of 69. az3 in maint. admin shop during that time. would love to hear from former shipmates. mail me at [email protected]

Thursday, 24th March 2016 7:51:47 AM
Name: Gary W Webster
Squadron: VA-35 1965-1968
Message: Made two cruises on the "Big E" and I too remember the Peublo, I remember freezing my butt off because we didn't have any cold weather gear. 35 was the best of all the squadrons i served in (VA-42, VA-35, VF-121, VF-96)

Thursday, 24th March 2016 7:50:19 AM
Name: Michael E Chesley
Squadron: VA-42 and VA-35
Message: US Navy from 1968 to 1972. Trained with VA-42 and was transferred to VA-35, worked in Check Crew as an AMS2. Med Cruise 1971. Released in 1972 to attend school. Worked in aviation for 45 years (including Navy time). Retired from Pratt & Whitney in 2013. [email protected]

Friday, 18th March 2016 3:58:41 PM
Name: Gary Gudde
Squadron: vah 196
Message: Served in VAH 196 as a plane captain from 1970-1972 at NAS Whidbey Is. Best duty ever

Tuesday, 15th March 2016 1:29:40 AM
Name: Janet
Message: Searching for James (Jim) Miller. I believe he was a Master Chief in 1990. He was originally from Charleston, South Carolina. He was born in 1943. He was attached to AIMD NAS Norfolk and Oceana. He can contact me at [email protected] I have some photo albums I would like to be able to return to him. Thank you.

Monday, 14th March 2016 5:22:15 AM
Name: Jeffrey Ploof
Squadron: VAQ-33, VA-52 & VA-196
Message: Need to Add VAQ-33 to Squadrons that flew the A-6: I was with the Firebirds from 1980-1983 we flew the EA-6A Electronic Intruders and we also had the Oldest Intruder when I left in 83 it was called Methuselah. I was the first person in 33 to get her dirty taking Hydraulic samples for her Acceptance Inspection. Proud to Serve as an A-6 Mechanic! AMHC(AW) Ploof

Monday, 14th March 2016 5:22:34 AM
Name: Jeffrey Ploof
Squadron: VAQ-33, VA-52 & VA-196
Message: Need to Add VAQ-33 to Squadrons that flew the A-6: I was with the Firebirds from 1980-1983 we flew the EA-6A Electronic Intruders and we also had the Oldest Intruder when I left in 83 it was called Methuselah. I was the first person in 33 to get her dirty taking Hydraulic samples for her Acceptance Inspection. Proud to Serve as an A-6 Mechanic! AMHC(AW) Ploof

Wednesday, 9th March 2016 1:58:29 PM
Name: James mason
Squadron: VMA(aw) 332
Message: Served with the moonlighters from 1974-1978 on the flightline (6013 mos)Looking to contact anyone else out there that served during that time

Friday, 4th March 2016 12:07:48 PM
Squadron: VA-85

Tuesday, 23rd February 2016 5:21:02 PM
Name: Robbie
Squadron: A-165
Message: I am looking to here from anyone that served with the Boomers from Nov.1962-sept 66. I hope most of you guys are still around. Great memories were formed then. I still have many photos of those days.

Sunday, 21st February 2016 10:43:30 PM
Name: conrad bloom
Squadron: vah123/va128
Message: wojcicky? we were in the squadron same exact time. i was an az3 then doing logbooks, screening mafs, checking people in and out. remember chief rose? how bout chief ott? ray formanek? give me a shout, [email protected]

Friday, 19th February 2016 1:43:40 PM
Name: Nick Sheridan
Squadron: VMCJ 2 (EA6A)
Message: was in J2 65-66, then VMF 235 67-68. We shared a hanger w/242 at CP then 235 was at the other end of the hangers @ MAG 11. I was also the duty EOD Tech @ 29 Palms and responded to the 242 bird that impacted the desert in 72 ? Ran into GySgt Lufkin, old J2 MARINE, anyway sad day for everybody. Next door neighbor @ CP was a Gunny from 242 Avionics , first name Johnny from Lousiana . Good group !!

Sunday, 14th February 2016 8:09:15 PM
Squadron: VAH-123/VA-128
Message: joe wojicicky. i was in the squadron same time as you. maint administration shop taking care of screening mafs, checking in people, aircraft logbooks, monthly squadron statistics and working in the same office as QC. give me a shout to my email address and lets rehash.

Monday, 8th February 2016 5:47:55 PM
Name: conrad bloom
Squadron: vah-123/va-128
Message: 6/1966 assigned to 123 then 128 when it was established. was az-3 in the maint admin shop, took care of a/c logbooks and went on numerous training detachments. joe w? i was wondering if you remember chiefs gish, two chiefs named rose, chief hodges adj-1 ray formanek, ams-2 treadway? if you like let me know and we can rehash that past

Monday, 8th February 2016 5:34:33 PM
Name: conrad bloom
Squadron: VAH-123/VA-128
Message: 6/1966 assigned to VAH-123 maint admin shop. later to the same shop in 128. took care of a-6 logbooks, logging people into the squadrons, and being admin on training detachments. joe? do you remember chief rose, ADJC? how bout chiefs gish another rose? raymond formanek? lots of memories and stories. let me know if you are interested in chatting about those years.

Monday, 8th February 2016 12:05:55 AM
Name: conrad bloom
Squadron: VAH-123/VA-128
Message: you were in those two squadrons same time i was, exactly. i was an AZ-3 in the same shop as QC. do names like adj-1 rost or chiefs rose, hodges or a black chief named rose ring a bell. in 123 i knew a linkus, chief gish, chief ott. it would be really cool to trade stories. a few of the exact a-6s are in museums here in california. write me at [email protected] and lets rehash.

Saturday, 30th January 2016 9:45:12 AM
Name: David (Hero) Polaha
Squadron: CMAW-1, VA-42
Message: I was in Matwing 1 ...first lieutenants division from 1976 to 77.After that I was in VA-42, AT shop till 1980.

Saturday, 30th January 2016 9:15:18 AM
Name: David (Hero) Polaha
Squadron: CMAW-1, VA-42
Message: I was in Matwing 1 ...first lieutenants division from 1976 to 77.After that I was in VA-42, AT shop till 1980.

Saturday, 30th January 2016 9:18:24 AM
Name: David (Hero) Polaha
Squadron: CMAW-1, VA-42
Message: I was in Matwing 1 ...first lieutenants division from 1976 to 77.After that I was in VA-42, AT shop till 1980.

Friday, 29th January 2016 9:59:52 AM
Name: Wanda Baier-bordeaux
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Looking for anyone knowing AE2 Harry French. He was deployed to Vietnam with VA-35 on the Coral Sea in 1970. Trying to prove he was "boots on the ground" in Vietnam during a CINCPACFLT grounding of all Pacific Fleet A6 Intruders. He was sent with several others to work on the aircraft near Saigon. If anybody even remembers that stand down and the planes were worked on near Saigon it would be a good start. This is for his widow's VA benefits. I am her veteran service officer and this is posted with her permission.

Friday, 29th January 2016 9:59:37 AM
Name: Wanda Baier-bordeaux
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Looking for anyone knowing AE2 Harry French. He was deployed to Vietnam with VA-35 on the Coral Sea in 1970. Trying to prove he was "boots on the ground" in Vietnam during a CINCPACFLT grounding of all pacific Fleet A6 Intruders. He was sent with several others to work on the aircraft near Saigon. If anybody even remembers that stand down and the planes were worked on near Saigon it would be a good start. This is for his widow's VA benefits. I am her veteran service officer and this is posted with her permission.

Friday, 15th January 2016 7:38:49 PM
Name: Rodney Strickland
Squadron: VA-65
Message: AK3-2 1980-83

Thursday, 14th January 2016 6:26:51 PM
Name: Brendan McLaughlin
Squadron: VMA(AW)533,69-76
Message: I leave this message in honor and memory of my incredible father, Michael S. McLaughlin. My dad was an honorable and humble man who was most proud of serving his country in the USMC. He was commissioned a 2nd LT in the USMC in January 1968. He was designated a Naval Flight Officer in April of 1969. He was in Marine All Weather Attack Squadron 533. In 1970 he was promoted to Captain and was a Bombardier Navigator for the A-6 Intruder. He spent 13 months in Japan and five years in the USMC. After that my dad spent 25 years working on Wall Street as a bond broker for firms Chapdelane, Cantor Fitzgerald, Fundamental Brokers Inc and many more. He was a skilled athlete and avid tennis, paddle tennis, and golf player. He was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Prostate Cancer in 1998 and given one year to live. My dad battled cancer courageously from 1998 until July 13, 2008 when the cancer finally took him. My dad was buried with military honors and was put to rest in Salisbury, NC at the Salisbury National Cemetery. SEMPER FI. We'll never forget you, dad.

Monday, 11th January 2016 7:24:56 PM
Name: Yves Meek GySgt.Ret
Squadron: VMA(AW)121,80-87
Message: Semper-Fi to all I served with. It was an extraordinary and rewarding experience serving aboard ship with an equally extraordinary group of Marines. It's funny though, even today, I refer to the -17 manual sometimes in my present occupation. Best Yves

Wednesday, 16th December 2015 9:55:49 AM
Name: Joe Wojcicky
Squadron: VAH123/VA128
Message: From boot camp ,1st.duty station was VAH123 in7/66 to Enlisted Training Office. Then I was transferred to VA128 in the same year, still working at the Enlisted Training Office. While I was in the ET office I probably checked in a lot of you guys into the squadron. Got tired of doing that so I went down into the ADJ shop where I made ADJ3. In May of 1968 my brother was killed in Viet Nam and in August of l968 I got out of the Navy on a sole surviving son discharge (Honorably). But sure do miss the Navy days. If had the chance to do it again, I would in a heart beat. GO NAVY

Saturday, 5th December 2015 12:17:58 PM
Name: Samuel Colon
Squadron: VMA 242 MAG-13
Message: Airframe and Engine mechanic on A-6a Intruder stationed at MCAS El Toro from 1972-1975

Monday, 23rd November 2015 3:59:00 PM
Name: Tom McBath
Squadron: VA-65 Fall of 65-May 68
Message: Parachute Rigger, If you would like to contact me. [email protected]

Thursday, 19th November 2015 8:58:08 AM
Name: Jim Crotty
Squadron: VAH-123,VA-128,VA-165
Message: Served at NAS Whidbey for my entire career, 8/68 to 5/72. Spent last 7 months onboard CVA-64 "Connie" with VA-165 in the Mech shop. Been back to Oak Harbor a number of times but mostly in relation to the A-3 Skywarrior. Glad I found this site as I really enjoyed my time with the A-6 and it was interesting to look through the Logbook and recall many simular memories. Thinking back I can only say"it was an adventure of a lifetime" with some of the greatest people one could hope to meet.

Wednesday, 11th November 2015 9:06:11 AM
Name: Bill Crockett
Squadron: VA 42
Message: AEAN Line Divison Plane 70-73

Wednesday, 11th November 2015 10:39:42 AM
Name: clyde gent
Squadron: VMA(AW) 332
Message: I am looking for any body in from 1973 to 1976

Friday, 6th November 2015 8:32:03 PM
Name: Eric J Price
Squadron: VA-196 / VA-128
Message: CORRECTION for my entry on: Friday, 20th August 2010 1:34:48 AM I was in Whidbey Island WA squadrons VA-196 and VA-128(not VA 192, typo) Basic Training(1981): San Diego, CA A school(1982): Millington, TN Rating: AT(Aviation Electronics Tech) Served aboard: CV-43 Coral Sea, 1983 World Cruise Thanks, AT3 Price Oregon

Friday, 30th October 2015 4:11:42 PM
Name: Dave Kordatzky
Squadron: VA 165
Message: Was in VA 165 71 to 74 Airframes Shop. I remember you. Other Boomers have been on here just scroll down Living in Oregon

Friday, 30th October 2015 4:10:43 PM
Name: Dave Kordatzky
Squadron: VA 165
Message: Was in VA 165 71 to 74 Airframes Shop. I remember you. Other Boomers have been on here just scroll down Living in Oregon

Thursday, 22nd October 2015 12:17:50 PM
Squadron: VA-128.VA-165, VA-115 VA-35 VAQ- 136
Message: Like so many, I just found this website. I started with a couple of mouths in VA-42 training Then to VAH-123 until Va-128 waas form,I was in VA-128 from 1966-1969 in the AE shop. I was 3rd class when I joined the squadron. I was 1st class when I left VA-128 for VA-165. I was in VA-165 from 1969 to May 1973. Meeting the America in the P.I. At that time my brother was VA-165 t/s. Made three cruises with VA-165.After Va-165 I went to VT_10. Then to VA-115 I guess was the shortest cruise in VA-115. I made Warrant four months after getting to VA-115 and went to VAQ-136 and back aboard the Midway.After VAQ-136 I went NAS Meridan another short tour. I didn't like it so I terminated and went to VA-35. I retired a W-4 from VT-7. Would love to hear from the old guys that was wiht in those days.

Monday, 28th September 2015 6:51:23 AM
Name: Michael J Buba
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: Gunny Threatt--- I remember you from the "Hawks", 81'-83'. Semper Fi!

Saturday, 26th September 2015 1:10:33 AM
Name: Allan Neidrauer
Squadron: va-85
Message: Son of a seal brown shirt just remembering Lt mark Lange help of a flyer goodmen not so much still hold a drink up for that pilot Goodman thank the old man upstairs for the man flying you that day

Monday, 7th September 2015 12:32:13 PM
Name: Mike Threatt Gysgt
Squadron: VMA 224 & VMA 533
Message: Served in both VMA AW 533 from 1978 to 1984 and VMA AW 202 from 1984 to 1986 and VMA AW 224 from 1986 to 1991 in maintenance control and flight line. Looking for any Marines who might have served with me.

Sunday, 6th September 2015 8:54:35 AM
Name: Bruce Welt
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was in VA-52 during the 70/71 and the 72 cruses on the Kitty. I was a flight deck trouble shooter on the 72 cruse. I was wondering if anyone from the AQ shop are still around. Doug Gilbert Steve Servis Hugh R.Wheeler Gary Kinnison Donnie Fox I would like to get in contact with anyone of them. My name is Bruce W. Welt. My email is: [email protected] Hope to here from you soon. Thank You.

Thursday, 3rd September 2015 5:02:02 PM
Name: Marilyn Bann
Squadron: Unknown
Message: am trying to find a picture of Bobby Stewart in uniform who was stationed at Yuma Marine base in the 1960's as an Air Traffic Controller.

Thursday, 3rd September 2015 8:40:55 AM
Squadron: VA-35 1970-1978

Monday, 31st August 2015 10:14:18 AM
Name: Robert Ascherin
Squadron: VMA242
Message: I was working maintenance control when Maj McGarry and Carlton went down,terrible loss RIP

Monday, 24th August 2015 9:31:45 PM
Name: Pete Jacobs
Squadron: 224 and 121
Message: Hey Kevin Casey . . . send an email to [email protected] and I may be able to assist. Pete Semper Fi

Friday, 21st August 2015 6:21:19 AM
Name: Mark Johnson
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Hey Don Milton, what ever happened to Mark's 240Z? [email protected]

Wednesday, 19th August 2015 3:15:03 PM
Name: Kevin Casey
Squadron: VMA (AW) 242 1967-1968
Message: Searching for anyone who may have been in DaNang during this period. Also trying to find Joseph Cathcart and Bill Brady Semper Fi

Sunday, 16th August 2015 8:25:25 PM
Name: Don Milton
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Just had a reunion of VA-52 at the Oak Harbor American Legion Post 129 08/15/2015.Great time was had by all.Gotterba,Feroy,Berry,Sand(Swieso)and Milton("Marky"Milton's cousin.)were the only AQ's from the 68-71 time line.

Sunday, 16th August 2015 11:53:38 PM
Name: Jim Wilcombe (aka Swampy)
Squadron: VA85
Message: I was in VA85 (Black Falcons) from 1966-1969. We went on the Kitty Hawk(west-pac),America (world cruse-west pac) and I got off in S.D. Just before the Connie sailed for a west pac. Would be nice to hear from some of the guys still around we were a great bunch Worked hard played hard. Can't believe VA 85 is no longer here

Wednesday, 12th August 2015 3:45:37 AM
Name: Jim "Hooter" Taylor
Squadron: VA-176
Message: I just ran across the site today while wondering about old squadron mates from 1977-1979 when I pcs'd to DIA. Happy to see it exists. Anyone know how to reach Mike Tolf's son? I saw him in the guest book but no contact info. I am a retired offier and GS living in Longare, Italy for the next few yrs. All the best! [email protected]

Thursday, 6th August 2015 8:04:28 AM
Name: Alex Villalva
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Greetings all, I am Alex Villalva, and I work for DoD as a forensic material evidence analyst, out of Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. Our laboratory here is tasked with the formal analysis of artifacts recovered from loss sites involving American military personnel who went MIA in SEA. Currently, I am working the MIA case of LTJG Al Ashall and LTJG Bob Duncan, who went MIA over NVN the night of 29 August 1968, from VA-85 off the USS AMERICA. In conducting online research on this case I found the A-6 Association, and am thus inquiring to anyone with a connection to this VA-85 1968 WESTPAC, and/or has any knowledge of the loss of Al Ashall and Bob Duncan. My intent is to find someone who could assist me in confirming the analysis of the material evidence artifacts in my possession (mainly flight apparel items, such as the flight suit, g-suit, harness, etc.). I'd be most interested in speaking with anyone via phone. My work email is: [email protected] My alternate email is: [email protected] My mobile phone is 512.699.2872. I live in SW Ohio, in Dayton, in EST. I thank you in advance, as we seek to find answers to the final fate of these two fine A-6 aviators and brave Americans. Very Best, Alex Villalva

Wednesday, 22nd July 2015 1:02:33 PM
Name: Mark Johnson
Squadron: VA-196
Message: July '78 - Dec '82. Went to AIMD in Aug. 80. Worked in AQ shop (78-79)(AQ1 "Tonywood" Underwood, "Marky" Milton, "Chuckie" Sells, Pitner, "Johnboy" Peer, "Wheels" Wheeler, Randy Richardson, Bob Storey, "Bubba" Myers...). Worked as Crew Debriefer in Ready Room. I miss the Friday night beer and pinochle games at Bubba's house.

Monday, 20th July 2015 9:36:30 AM
Name: Ed Goenner
Squadron: VA42, VA196, VA65,VAQ209
Message: Made first westpac with VA196 onboard Connie in 67. Made WestPac with VA65 onboard Kitty Hawk in 69.

Tuesday, 14th July 2015 2:53:44 PM
Name: Jeff Whitney
Squadron: VA-34
Message: 1970-71. Have hooked up with Charles C Cooper, he has been searching out members. We were AMS - looking for Bear and Cajun Jimmy. Also a plank owner from the recommissioning. What about Huckabee, went to be a Warrant Officer?

Thursday, 9th July 2015 2:40:17 PM
Name: Byron Morris
Squadron: VA-34
Message: I am a plank-owner of the recommissioning of VA-34 as an A6-A squadron at NAS Oceana in 1970. Our skipper was CDR Bob Miles, the XO was Silent Sam Sayers, who I got to meet at XO's mast in his stateroom aboard the USS John F. Kennedy (CVA-61) shop chief and I are standing tall in front of the XO, who is sitting on his bunk in his pajamas.....I will never forget that....

Thursday, 9th July 2015 2:13:51 PM
Name: Byron Morris
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I guess I will always be a guest, because I am not giving up my credit card number to be a member of this web-site....I was there from 1982-1985....AQ1 and AQC....was checking on one of my mentors, AFCM Jay Riggles is how I got here. But regardless, I think this is a wonderful thing you are doing to keep the A-6 Intruder memory alive.

Wednesday, 8th July 2015 8:56:16 AM
Name: Kevin
Squadron: VA-34
Message: VA-34.. does anyone remember FROG..his last name was Grove he was a bubble chaser..AME back in 1982-84

Tuesday, 7th July 2015 11:15:53 AM
Squadron: VA145 and VA34
Message: SWORDSMAN 1971-1975 BLUE BLASTER 1983-1987 I have been in touch with a few sqdrn mates. I am in Wa State. send me an e mail if you like. left A6s in 75 went SAR until 83 then back to A6s. Retired from NAMTRAGRUDET OCEANA in 1990.

Wednesday, 1st July 2015 6:29:45 AM
Name: Keith Brill
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served with VA-35 from 1984-1988 as a AMS but was a "line rat" most of my tour. Loved working the flight deck of the USS Nimitz!

Friday, 26th June 2015 10:02:06 AM
Name: fporta
Squadron: VA85
Message: I served with 85 06/67 to 08/71. This passed Sept. I was in V.A with the USS America reunion,I understand that 85 had one too. Is there any I can join? I have models of A6's with the markings for USS America,USS Constellation, USS Forrestal and the models of the ships. It would be great to see my old shipmates again. Thank You

Tuesday, 16th June 2015 1:33:35 PM
Name: Mike Burch
Squadron: VA-85
Message: I'm looking for Jim Benson and Will Clark from VA-85. Sailed on the USS Saratoga Med/IO '85-'86 and Med '87. Both were assigned TAD to Mini-SACE Lab.

Sunday, 7th June 2015 9:22:40 PM
Name: Mike mccreery
Squadron: va 196 65-69
Message: Tim popen....Dave garow is in Seattle queen and hill address

Wednesday, 27th May 2015 8:04:51 PM
Name: M. Miller
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Looking for anyone who served with my grandfather, CDR Jack E. Keller (posthumously promoted to CAPT). I am active duty military and trying to learn a bit more about my Grandfather who was shot down flying the A-6, April 1966 over Vietnam. Please feel free to email me at; [email protected]

Wednesday, 27th May 2015 2:01:04 PM
Name: John A Moretti
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Yes I remember the Pueblo, we where in port in Japan when the shore patrol sent back to the ship. I work the flight deck AFTS for 1 1/2 years. It was a great time.

Sunday, 24th May 2015 7:58:13 PM
Name: Ed Valasek
Squadron: VMA 533
Message: VMA 533 Cherry Point, NC from 1962 -1966. I don't see any guys from my era. Guessing they are too old to use a computer. If you are out there say hello/

Wednesday, 20th May 2015 6:40:03 PM
Name: Charles Cecil
Squadron: VMA (AW) 242
Message: I am a friend of a family member of Maj James McGarvey, KIA 4/17/67 on a night mission from Da Nang to Ninh, NVN. He was last known to be flying inbound over the coastline of NVN in DT-9 trailed by Keith Hornbacher and D. Wilson about 8 miles behind in DT-1. I talked to Hornbacher a couple days ago on Monday the 18th about the possibility that McGarvey and Carlton were victims of a premature detonation by one of their MK-82s. He said no. The MK-82s knocking A-6s out of the sky in 1965 were electrically fused and some of them were exploding when kicked off the rack. Hornbacher said that when he turned inbound he saw a brilliant flash about where DT-9 would have been. He firmly believes it was a ground strike by DT-9. More than likely DIANE let them down when they were trying to find a low point in the terrain. Repeated searches by DOD recovery teams have failed to locate any evidence of their plane. RIP Email: [email protected]

Wednesday, 20th May 2015 3:06:01 PM
Name: Bob Pisel
Squadron: VA-75
Message: P/C and nite check line PO. 67-68 WESPAK aboard USS Kitty Hawk and 69-70 Med cruise aboard USS Saratoga.

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 11:27:46 PM
Name: al varsolona
Squadron: va-35
Message: served in electrical shop as an ae. iin squadron 1967-1969. was aboard uss enterprise during her second deployment on yankee station.remember the -pueblo anyone. great times great squadron and aircaft.

Saturday, 25th April 2015 11:16:36 AM
Name: Don Milton
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Captain Bead, I got your message. All's well here in West Virginia.Wondered what happened to you.

Sunday, 19th April 2015 9:41:03 PM
Name: ISC Larry Wittmayer,USN Ret.
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Trying to find whereabouts of LCDR/CDR Chip Campbell (Sorry not sure of first name). He was squadron Air Intel around 1979-80.

Wednesday, 15th April 2015 10:40:35 AM
Name: Perry Wayne Nutter
Squadron: Va-85
Message: Anybody out there with va-85 aboard uss constellation 1969-1970? Contact me please!

Tuesday, 14th April 2015 6:02:45 PM
Name: Perry Wayne Nutter
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Anyone out there who served with me aboard the USS Constellation WesPac cruise 1969-1970? Let me know

Thursday, 2nd April 2015 12:28:54 AM
Name: Frank Nava
Squadron: va-85
Message: Just checking if anyone else was on here and eas im va-85 back in 1974 and 1975. Made ywo med cruises on tje USS FORRESTAL

Monday, 23rd March 2015 1:02:51 PM
Name: Don Fisher
Squadron: VMA(aw)533
Message: I sent pictures to John Thornell of 154167 Now on Display in the National Air and Space Museum. It is displayed in Navy drag upgraded to A6E. the photo shows it in pieces undergoing inspection while in Chu Lai, RVN with as an A6A with 533. thanks to Mike Grochowski I would never have guest. Hydraulic shop Jan 68-Feb 69

Wednesday, 11th March 2015 11:09:31 PM
Name: Bill Slupe
Squadron: VAH-123, VA-128, VA-196
Message: Looking for any aircrew members shot down over NVN. I have what appears to be a French/English course outline that was part of the "Enterprise Room" that was developed back in 2001 on the ship. The 45 page booklet is of a poor quality lined paper and appears to be written with iodine. The guards would give cotton balls soaked in iodine to the POWs for their wounds. Prisoners would hoard the cotton balls and use it as ink. If anyone knows someone familiar with this, please have them contact me at: [email protected] Historian, USS Enterprise Assoc. I was in 123 from 67-70, then to 128 for transition, and on to 196 for the '71 cruise.

Monday, 9th March 2015 2:53:58 AM
Name: Janet Smith
Squadron: oceana aimd
Message: Trying to locate a friend my husband and I were in the service with. His name is Jim A. Miller and was attached to an Hsl squadron out of Norfolk, but later transfered to Oceana and was in AIMD. Thank you and God bless.

Sunday, 8th March 2015 11:10:49 AM
Name: Tim Poppen
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Looking for Dave Garlow. Served with Va-196, on the Constellation, 1967-1968

Saturday, 28th February 2015 12:58:59 PM
Name: chuck Lankford
Squadron: VA-145/VA196
Message: From 80-82 AMH-1 VA-145 From 85-89 AMH-1 VA-196 I knew the A6 like the back of my hand. Will miss seeing them in the sky!

Friday, 20th February 2015 7:30:19 PM
Name: Burak
Squadron: blue fire
Message: nice stuff [email protected]

Sunday, 8th February 2015 2:30:29 PM
Name: dianne falgoust
Squadron: none
Message: just wanted to say love you guys and your air shows stay safe

Thursday, 5th February 2015 1:22:56 PM
Name: Tom Rounds
Squadron: VA 196
Message: I was in VAH 123 in late 66, Moved over to VA 128 when they formed. I was a plane captain. Got sea Duty orders to VA 196 in the next hangar. They were just getting ready to go on west pac cruse on the Ranger. This was 69-70. Was with a great bunch of guys. Sorry to say we lost 3 A6 crews on this cruse.

Wednesday, 4th February 2015 3:46:58 PM
Name: Rik Kirchner
Squadron: VA-42
Message: Green Pawn from 87-90...Crazy fun times in El Sweato, CA DET's. Many a fond memories

Monday, 2nd February 2015 4:21:08 PM
Name: Hector Huerta
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Was a plane captain from 91 to 95. ADAN First taste of the NAVY. LOVED IT!!

Sunday, 1st February 2015 11:50:26 AM
Name: Guy Grams
Squadron: V A -145 70 -72
Message: I was in the line division Plane Captain on the Ranger and Ground Support with squadron at Base .

Saturday, 17th January 2015 7:38:26 PM
Name: James David Mullins
Squadron: VAW123 NorfolkVa
Message: Looking for Tony Furr who served on the Saratoga in1970. Father was a boxer ,we both boxed on the ship

Saturday, 17th January 2015 7:30:05 PM
Name: James David Mullins
Squadron: Vaw123 Nas Norfolk
Message: Looking for Tony Furr. We did a 6 mo cruise on the Sarratoga in 1970

Tuesday, 13 January 2015 1:27:23 PM
Name: En1gma
Squadron: VA-75
Message: 1970 USS Saratoga. Battle "E" Loved the A6 Intruder Proud to have been attached. SLM B754416

Friday, 9th January 2015 6:21:05 PM
Name: Justin Case
Message: Great site! [email protected]

Monday, 5th January 2015 12:53:13 PM
Name: Chuck Topley
Squadron: VA-176, VX-5, NAMTD 1003
Message: Was part of VX-5 Det.O from 1968 - 1970. VA-176 from Jan. 1971 till mid-1974. Taught @ NAMTD 1003 until discharge 11/1976. Hello to any and all that might have shared Vampire or Thunderbolt experience's.

Sunday, 4th January 2015 3:57:00 PM
Name: Paul (Spyder) Liuzzo
Squadron: VA 128
Message: Looking for shipmate Tracy Cole from Bullhead cty. az. we were in 128 together in 82/83 and Tim Simik from same time. and Robert Seagroves. anyone else who wants to say hi is also welcome. Intruders Forever!

Wednesday, 31st December 2014 8:47:47 PM
Name: Paul "Pilot Popper" Basso
Squadron: VAQ-132, VAQ-134, VA-196
Message: I was an AME from the Scorpions thru the Garudas, then went to NAS Whidbey for 3 yrs. I checked into VA-196 in Jan 1980 and spent the next 3 1/2 yrs going from Whidbey to the USS Coral Sea. Made all 3 of the cruises including the Round the World cruise of the Coral Sea. I am trying to assemble a historical montage of squadrons at NAS Whidbey Is., and am looking for any and all squadron identification strips/arcs. Would appreciate donations, best! Thanx!

Saturday, 27th December 2014 5:01:43 PM
Name: Bob Moore
Squadron: Va128
Message: Was in VA 128 81 to 84. looking for Ed Butler (ame) and George "Gonzo" Gonzalves. [email protected]

Sunday, 21st December 2014 7:50:12 PM
Name: Bill Galloway
Squadron: VA-35 73'-76' Nato Cruise& Med
Message: John Seiler, We served in AIMD at Nas Oceana, Uss America and Uss Nimitz. I found Butch wunderlin, he is in Desoto, Tx and in the phone book. And I am in Charleston, Sc. email [email protected]. I am still looking for some of the other guys. I saw Jon Pierson at NAS Whidbey Island, but that was back in 1980. Give us a holler.

Saturday, 20th December 2014 6:25:52 PM
Name: Jim(SadSac) Sachau
Squadron: VMA (aw) 121
Message: Just found this site. Looking for any one from the squadron during 1974 to 1978. Lots of good times during those years with all 5he deployments. Best times were in Norway/Denmark deployment. Saw reference to Burt Tyree. Hope to hear from some of you.

Saturday, 20th December 2014 5:36:20 PM
Name: Jim(SadSac) Sachau
Squadron: VMA (aw) 121
Message: Just found this site. Looking for any one from the squadron during 1974 to 1978. Lots of good times during those years with all 5he deployments. Best times were in Norway/Denmark deployment. Saw reference to BurtTyree. Hope to hear from some of you.

Saturday, 20th December 2014 1:44:29 AM
Name: Stephen PAul
Squadron: VMA-AW-242
Message: Served with 242 from 1969-1970 as a B/N. I wish you a merry Christmas.

Saturday, 13 December 2014 6:51:30 AM
Name: Dennis Ousley
Squadron: VA42,VA-34 MC
Message: Hey you all been looking for any shipmates of these two squadrons ! My nickname OZ ! My service dates was VA-42, 4/1/80- 6/7 82, Then aboard USS America with Lt.Boone and Build No Shit AVCM Adams,AZ2 Laprede AK1 Sam hankel Send E-mail lord willing I will reply !

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 2:46:06 PM
Name: Michael J. Buba
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: To all the Hawks Past, Present have a Happy Chanuka, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. MCAS Cherry Point 1980-84. Semper Fi!!

Tuesday, 9th December 2014 12:48:47 PM
Name: Glynn Brown
Squadron: VA-196/128
Message: Does anyone know a Marine A-6 pilot, Bob Shelton, that was in Chu Lai in February of 1968, VMA 533? Need to get in touch with him. [email protected]

Saturday, 29th November 2014 9:05:15 PM
Name: Irving Salsbury
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was in VA-52 from 85-89, 2 full WestPacs, workups, etc. Had a blast, helped form me into a better man and met some great people, of which I am friendly with to this date. RIP CDR Sledge and Edwin Kohn...

Saturday, 15th November 2014 3:36:48 PM
Name: Ed Crenshaw
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Looking for anyone who may remember me worked in AE shop and was T/S on 72 cruise in Big E .. Saw Dan Steen posted a few years back I was the AE who took his place as a T/S when he was sucked into an intake. .. Anyone from the AE shop email me at cecbret@

Monday, 27th October 2014 10:33:36 PM
Name: K Oliver
Squadron: A-340
Message: A-6! Keep up the good design work ello! [email protected]

Thursday, 23rd October 2014 8:47:45 PM
Name: kenneth gunby
Squadron: va-52 knightriders
Message: ams-2 airframes shop world cruise 1983 on newly commissioned uss carl vinson west-pac 1984 some of the best times of my young navy life

Saturday, 18th October 2014 8:21:50 AM
Name: Terry O'Neill
Squadron: VMA(aw)533
Message: Hello to all. I was in VMA(aw)533 fr0m April 11,1968 until we moved to Iwokuni,Japan and rotated back to Cherry Point on Nov.3,1969. I was in VMAT 202 before AND after Viet Nam. If possible I would like a fellow Marine named David Kleven, he was my best friend in Nam.

Monday, 29th September 2014 8:08:50 PM
Name: John Olenick
Squadron: VMA (aw) 242, VMAT (aw) 202
Message: I was in power plant shop in both squadrons. This is a great site and just checking to see who is around and who I can find. Semper Fi ! VMA(aw)242--1966-1967 VMAT(aw) 202--1967-1969

Thursday, 25th September 2014 8:56:34 PM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128 late 1960s
Message: Time passages. George Harrison said it best. Alot of those whom I served with are gone and I read on here about those whom I did not know like Skipper Bryans and I am so greatful that I had the oppurtunity to serve with and around these wonderful people. It is, and always will be, a part of my life I will celebrate. Years from now those who served will read the words of all these postings and wonder who all these people were and are. Simply put, they were my shipmates even though I never knew most personally.

Sunday, 21st September 2014 9:50:35 PM
Name: gerry clark
Squadron: VA 35
Message: HOOP - you west BYGOD line rat...give me a holler if your still alive lol.. firedog va 35 line... [email protected] 3235 262 0685

Sunday, 21st September 2014 6:03:53 PM
Name: kevin narick
Squadron: va-196
Message: served with va-196 from dec 66 thru sep 67 wheras I was transferred for duty at nsa Saigon. was a member of the ordinance gang, made wes-pac mar 67

Tuesday, 16th September 2014 9:40:40 PM
Name: PR-1 Thomas Ryan
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Made the last two cruises with them. Then retired from AIMD Oceana in 1994!!! Those where the days!!!!

Sunday, 14th September 2014 10:59:25 PM
Name: doran foote
Squadron: va-115. amd vaq126
Message: served on both the kittyhawk and the midway early seventies. Was a personnelman with both squadrons

Tuesday, 9th September 2014 9:53:15 AM
Name: Al Lieberman
Squadron: VA-85
Message: If you're interested in attending the 2014 VA-85 reunion and have not already registered, you can register at the check-in. Message me at [email protected] for details.

Monday, 8th September 2014 5:22:46 PM
Name: 0ed nowell
Squadron: namtradet oceana/va65
Message: 69-74, 3 med cruises electric shop cpo, flight deck maintenance cpo, line cpo plan to attend 2015 reunion

Monday, 1st September 2014 12:28:00 PM
Name: Alan Hill
Squadron: VA-176
Message: 1976 - 1979 left as AZ-2 to COMASWWING PAC

Thursday, 28th August 2014 2:37:25 PM
Name: Alan Pelton
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was an AE from 82 to 86 just looking to keep in touch with squadron

Friday, 22nd August 2014 8:05:05 AM
Name: Earl Schommer
Squadron: VA-34
Message: AME3 Mark Raymond lost his life while working on an A-6 when the canopy closed on him. Let us not forget people like him, and not just the fliers.

Tuesday, 19th August 2014 6:14:10 PM
Name: clyde cain
Squadron: many
Message: The San Diego A6 Bubba's will turn out to honor B2 and his family

Monday, 18th August 2014 3:14:26 PM
Name: clyde cain
Squadron: many
Message: just talked to him via email and phone just before the reunion. No hint of anything wrong. Was it something sudden and can you get an obit and email it to me so we get it passed along to the IA membership. thanks

Sunday, 17th August 2014 3:45:19 PM
Name: Dave Bosley
Squadron: VA-35/42/65/85/CMAW1
Message: Fair Winds Skipper Bryans. Thanks Judge.

Saturday, 16th August 2014 9:02:50 PM
Name: Judge Parker
Squadron: VA-35.42.115
Message: Learned that Capt B.K. Bryans, former CO of VA-35, passed away on July 21, 2014. Understand he is to be interred at the Miramar National Cemetery on August 22.

Saturday, 16th August 2014 12:29:55 PM
Name: Joe Dorfling
Squadron: South Africa
Message: Hallo � trying to compile a comprehensive document on Operation El Dorado Canyon in 1986. I am sure some submarines were part of that Task Fleet, but can not find any names. Anybody can help me perhaps ? Thank you . Joe in South Africa � [email protected]

Thursday, 14th August 2014 5:09:05 PM
Name: Greg Stiff
Squadron: VA196, VA52
Message: Trying to find combat mission records for VA196 Vietnam 1975 and any shipmates who have been diagnosed with military related Parkinson's disease from VA52 and VA 196. Thank you.

Sunday, 10th August 2014 6:39:25 PM
Name: Terry Halsey
Squadron: USMC airwing Dinang
Message: Did Roger Bennett serve with MAG/SOG from 1970-74 ??????? SOSOS help me bust a BUSTER, LIAR...

Sunday, 10th August 2014 6:01:32 PM
Name: Richmond Airport
Squadron: VA128
Message: Looking for members of VA128 year 1995 that helped transport BN 152603 from Dayton, Ohio to the Richmond Airport, Indiana on inter state 70. I've seen the Chief PO a couple years later, would like to hear from some of the great people that helped. I was the airport manager at the time. Thanks [email protected]

Friday, 8th August 2014 10:14:33 PM
Name: Michael Yoes
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Hey looking for Kevin Lawrence and served from 84 to 87.

Friday, 8th August 2014 11:01:17 PM
Name: John brooks
Squadron: Several,
Message: The intruder flys again at OLF Coupeville. I just got mine in the air, Flies we'll. looks like a real A6. If you don't get one you are loosing money, even if all you do is taxi it in the driveway for the grand kids.

Friday, 8th August 2014 11:01:04 PM
Name: John brooks
Squadron: Several,
Message: The intruder flys again at OLF Coupeville. I just got mine in the air, Flies we'll. looks like a real A6. If you don't get one you are loosing money, even if all you do is taxi it in the driveway for the grand kids.

Wednesday, 6th August 2014 5:06:26 PM
Name: clyde cain
Message: You have to contact the museum at pensacola, they own all airplanes and they decide where they go and who gets one. If you get one and it is not maintained and they get wind of it, they will send a crew to cut it up.

Wednesday, 30th July 2014 7:01:23 PM
Name: John Wallace
Squadron: VA-196, VA-128
Message: Really nice site, was in 196 in 87-91 did westpac on Connie, and westpac on Indy. Trans to 128, to work in Phase shop, then QA. Made SOY when Capt Toms was CO. Then got orders to VP-9 IN 94. Retired in 2000. Live in San Antonio, work in Waco. Anyone out there care to contact me that is ok, would like to hear from you....

Wednesday, 30th July 2014 10:28:54 PM
Name: Harry O'Rourke
Squadron: VA-95 AT Shop 78-81
Message: For Glenn Lanzer I know that an Air Museum in Paso Robles California. Has one the was placed there about 2 or 3 years ago. They might be able to help you get the info you are looking for. Good luck. By the way there is a Facebook page for VA95.

Sunday, 27th July 2014 4:22:25 AM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-123 VAH-123
Message: I served in 128, 48 years ago. As I look at what everyone has written I cant help but remember those I served with and how many may still be alive. I met a fellow shipmate in the late 90s and he told me about people we both knew but as of today thats it. I would love to hear about, and what happened to those who served in VA-128 from 1966 through 1969.

Saturday, 26th July 2014 12:08:25 PM
Name: Philip L. Dittrich, Sr
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was a PRC in VA-35 from 9/71 to 11/74. I was the AV. EQUIPMENT Br. CPO and QC. CPO during this tour.

Wednesday, 23rd July 2014 8:39:28 PM
Name: Glenn "Butch" Lanzer
Squadron: VA=95, VA-128
Message: I'm in the initial stages of trying to get an A-6 for a museum in my home town of Ohio. I was wondering if anyone had any info on the process. I believe that Chris Ackerbauer, John Schork, Jim Zortman and John Scrapper might have some good gouge. If anyone has their email, please forward this request to them. Please visit the museum website below. They currently have an A-7, F-14. I sure would like to add to that era of military aviation with an Intruder.

Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 2:55:50 PM
Name: Kevin Lauler
Squadron: VA34
Message: Frog.... where are you.. 1981-1983.. VA34

Monday, 21st July 2014 1:03:33 AM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Bob Moore, when were you in VA-128? I was there late 1960's and first started in VAH-123 trained for VA-128.

Wednesday, 16th July 2014 10:40:37 PM
Name: Bob Moore
Squadron: VA145 VA128
Message: Long time ago but great memories! So many great people and some interesting ones too!

Friday, 11th July 2014 1:10:20 AM
Name: Tom McBath
Squadron: VA-65
Message: I was in VA-65 fall of 1965 may 1968. I was a rigger my last boss Good OLE Billy Knight!

Sunday, 6th July 2014 7:25:29 PM
Name: James a. Coleman
Squadron: Va-42
Message: Looking for two buds from back in the day. Jimmy walker ant Antwane Blackwell from VA-75

Saturday, 28th June 2014 4:52:52 PM
Name: John D Nastasi Jr
Squadron: VA 34
Message: I have lost contact with everyone over the years. I was in VA 34 when commissioned and made the Med cruise in 1970 on CVA67 JAN AQ E5

Friday, 27th June 2014 1:08:03 PM
Name: Bob Fox
Squadron: 224, 121, 176, 202
Message: Great web site, fond memories.

Thursday, 26th June 2014 10:47:00 AM
Squadron: VA165-VA196-VAQ131

Thursday, 19th June 2014 4:34:03 PM
Name: DAN "Whimpy Dawg 'kirkendall
Squadron: VA-128,145;115;75
Message: Well all A6 members Iwas with the A6back in 64 when it made it's1st combat cruise to NAM. Made other cruise in 145 and 115 the best damn Westpac squadron there ever was.Midway and squadron jelled and set records that still stand.Get people both officers and enlisted.To name a few AE TomTUCKER;RD Lane;LARS LARSON JOHN LYNCH TOM HOWARD;CAL METHURN and all you guy who flew in em and maintained them. contact me AO1 WHIMPY DAWG

Tuesday, 17th June 2014 3:01:39 PM
Name: Mark E. Guy
Squadron: VA-176 [VA-42]
Message: Attached from '71-74. Plane Capt of 503,engine shop,AIMD. Lt. Cruz, CDR. Dunleavy, LTJG. Mike Webster- thanks for all you did for me. Some friends I'd like to find: Ron Hardin (Jackson, Miss), Bubba Carrol (Waterbury, Conn), Dan Ferris (Okla), Frenchie (Maine), Daryl Thornton (Memphis), Robert Knapp (upstate NY) Mac (Chi-town), Hemp (NH), Buncha Canaries (Penn). send Email to: [email protected] Response to previous posts: There was an AO named Miner or Minor in the squadron while I was there. A reward he received for shipping over, while we were at sea, was a cat launch and recovery. Don't know if it was the same guy who posted earlier. There was also an E5 plane capt during my time, name of Carter. I don't think it was the Tony Carter who posted here, but I may be wrong. Chris Albrecht- I believe I remember you. Didn't you work with AT1 Gash? Jerry Huddleston- Your name also seems familiar, though I don't recall the shop you worked from. Kind of depressing to see so few from VA-176 here, but I'm sure they don't know this site exists.

Thursday, 29th May 2014 5:17:58 PM
Name: Barry D. Painter
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Was with VA52 in 1967 when the first A6's were delivered. Worked the flight line with Dave Meng, George Bemis, Larry Kelly....and a bunch of other great guys. One cruise Sep 1968-April1969

Monday, 26th May 2014 9:04:12 AM
Name: Everard Spinks
Squadron: N/A
Message: Hi, Just found this site. I'm a UK-based modeller love the US Navy aircraft, especially the A-6! Great site! Everard ([email protected])

Saturday, 24th May 2014 10:56:54 AM
Name: Tim Lofton
Squadron: VA-155 Silver Foxes
Message: R.I.P. LTs Tom "TC" Costen and Charlie "Tuna" Turner, KIA when their aircraft took on AAA fire during a mining mission at Umm Qasr harbor during Desert Storm. Never forgotten shipmates. Well wishes to their families.

Saturday, 24th May 2014 10:57:09 AM
Name: Tim Lofton
Squadron: VA-155 Silver Foxes
Message: R.I.P. LTs Tom "TC" Costen and Charlie "Tuna" Turner, KIA when their aircraft took on AAA fire during a mining mission at Umm Qasr harbor during Desert Storm. Never forgotten shipmates. Well wishes to their families.

Monday, 12th May 2014 11:43:07 PM
Name: Eddie Strickland
Squadron: VA-42/VA-34
Message: Served in VA-42 in training as an AQB-3 on the A-6, was transferred to VA-34 when commissioned in 1970. Spent tour in Med. on the JFK. Was a wonderful association during my tour.

Sunday, 11th May 2014 11:55:58 AM
Name: Joe mccants
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Wow. What a great squadron.. Wish I could go back and relive those days.. Made 2 westpac cruises aboard the Enterprise .. 76-77 and 78-79..I was a AD. . Worked the flight deck as a trouble shooter. And various other jobs. ... Best times in the phillipines..... Would. Like to hear from anyone served in that time e-mail is [email protected] .... Chico Guzman you out there

Saturday, 3rd May 2014 9:42:18 PM
Name: Conrad BLoom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I was in VA-128 from 1966 thru Oct 1969 as an AZ-3 in the same shop as QC. I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who was in 128 during that time.

Saturday, 3rd May 2014 12:21:29 AM
Name: Jim Simmons
Squadron: VMA 121 / 202
Message: worked in the s/m shop in 121 from apr 1974 to oct 1976 then over to 202 until july 1974, worked phase crew there with GY Ron Tracy sorry to see the old bird go jet there was

Friday, 2nd May 2014 3:38:16 PM
Name: Dave Gladd
Squadron: VMA (AW) 121
Message: Looking for squadron members between 1980 - 1984 contact me via email or through our Facebook "Group VMA (AW) 121 Green Knights Unite" We are looking to coordinate a reunion!

Monday, 21st April 2014 10:34:09 AM
Name: william vennell
Squadron: va-35
Message: if you were one of the unfortunate to scrub an A-6 with a terrycloth bath towel saturated with TOLUENE around apr. or may '71,priorto '71 med cruise. please contact me. thanks William vennell [email protected]

Sunday, 20th April 2014 8:28:57 PM
Name: AT-2 william vennell
Squadron: VA-35 1970-72i
Message: I need collaboration.if anyone remembers scrubbing down an A-6 with a terrycloth bath towel saturated with toluene one nite in april or may 1971 for corrosion control inspection,prior to '71 med cruise,please contact me. It was under AMHC baker.I have lymphoproliferative disorder(cancer of white blood cells). I could also use confirmation from anyone who remembers showering or drinking water mixed with JP-5. e-mail [email protected] I'd appreciate any input. thanks AT-2 William (bill) vennell '71 med cruise

Saturday, 5th April 2014 8:25:18 PM
Name: Hank Cumbee
Squadron: VA-35
Message: As a young sailor I was attached to this squadron in Virginia Beach, VA.(NAS Oceana) back in 1973-75, best times of my young life. Made many friends back then and have some great memories. I still remember some of those in our squadron who gave it all and God Bless there souls.

Tuesday, 1st April 2014 5:19:59 PM
Name: Brian Boehm
Squadron: VMA(AW)533
Message: Awsome time with this squadron, May 1974-May 1975. Spent time in Olongapo, Subic Bay & Iwakuni. Miss it

Monday, 24th March 2014 10:42:13 PM
Name: Joe Brewer
Squadron: VA-128 and VA-196
Message: 1970-1974 Served as B/N & AMO&MO, much combat plus Linebacker 2 CVW-14. Deployed with 20 A/C , Butch Phelps my stick. Great Maintainers Both I and O level. Howie Young-CO and Gordie Nakagawa XO Best tour ever for an LDO/NFO who started as a helo rescue swimmer and AE in the early 50s.

Sunday, 23rd March 2014 5:36:18 PM
Name: ray
Squadron: va-165
Message: I was with the boomers from 88-91 I was a AK had some great times

Tuesday, 18th March 2014 4:22:58 PM
Name: Bob Matteson
Squadron: VA-42 VA-165 VA-115
Message: Hi Everyone. I worked on the A6A from day one. The first two Shells arrived at Oceana, but were designated A2F-1. they were missing most of the Avionics. They were mainly to get the aircrews familiar with the cockpit layout. I spent 11 years with the A6A. Rode the Midway to Japan with VA-115.

Tuesday, 18th March 2014 3:57:34 PM
Name: Sew Loka
Message: Really awesome site, thanks! [email protected]

Tuesday, 18th March 2014 12:18:26 PM
Name: Manny
Squadron: Great site
Message: Very interesting site, thanks! [email protected]

Sunday, 16th March 2014 4:28:38 PM
Name: LeRoy Gaillard
Squadron: VA34
Message: served on USS JFK 71-73 NAS Oceana

Saturday, 15th March 2014 3:42:30 PM
Name: ed nowell
Squadron: 65
Message: anyone from va-65 1969-1973 ?

Wednesday, 12th March 2014 9:45:20 AM
Name: clyde cain
Squadron: many
Message: still not too late to attend. 837 of your closest friends will be there.

Monday, 10th March 2014 12:59:10 PM
Name: Andy Keith
Squadron: VA-34, COMMATWINGONE, VA-34, Naval Safety Center
Message: Hi Everyone, Found out about the reunion too late to attend. Wish I could be there. Since I live close to Pensacola (Tallahassee) I have visited the museum many times. If you haven't been in a while, you are in for a treat! Like most of us, I really enjoyed flying in the BUF. Us BNs had a lot to do on the right side and except for the tanking missions, we always had fun flying. My wife recently treated me to a ride in the T-6 Texan and although it was fly to fly, it didn't compare with A-6! From an old Blue Blaster, Andy "Holy Mackerel" Keith

Tuesday, 25th February 2014 10:58:44 AM
Name: clyde cain
Squadron: many
Message: hey guys, still not too late to sign up for the reunion. 766 of your closest friends will be there.

Thursday, 23rd January 2014 8:35:36 PM
Name: Gary Campos
Squadron: vma-225 / 242
Message: Was with 225 in Da Nang for only a couple of months ( Feb and March 1971 ) transferred from Iwakuni then was shipped home to El Toro until I got out In 1973. Was in the hydraulic shop. Had only one beer bust but will never forget It. Anyone remember our XO being dumped in the trailer of ice and beer ? Thats right...i was the one who did it. still cant believe I did it...LOL. Semper fi !!!

Saturday, 18th January 2014 1:19:06 PM
Name: Allen Tolbers
Squadron: VA 35
Message: served in the AT shop from 1973 to 1976 on America and Nimitz(plankowner) would like to hear from anyone from line crew med cruise 73 or AT shop 73-76

Wednesday, 15th January 2014 8:14:21 AM
Name: Bob Boserman
Squadron: VA-35, VA-42, VA-55, VA-34 & MATWING ONE
Message: Greetings friends. Luck would have me retiring after 33 years in God's country: Oklahoma! I now work as the depot maintenance planning coordinator for the E-6B Mercury. Should you pass through Oklahoma City, give me a shout.

Monday, 13 January 2014 2:35:08 PM
Name: World Famous Joe Roberts
Squadron: VA-42 VA-75
Message: Hello to all my old Shipmates, Miss that old A6 I was a Mech AD2 at the time, feel free to contact me if anyone remembers me.

Monday, 6th January 2014 9:50:17 AM
Name: Al Lieberman
Squadron: VA-85
Message: 2014 Reunion All personnel are invited, regardless of when you served. Ramada Inn at the Beach, Virginia Beach, VA Sept 18 - Sept 20, 2014 For more info, contact Robert Moore or Al Lieberman, VA-85 Command,

Tuesday, 31st December 2013 5:54:26 PM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: You and I were probably on those training missions to Yuma or Fallon at the same time. Do you remember an AO6 by the name of Hawes (or could be Haws).

Monday, 30th December 2013 9:34:24 PM
Name: John Caponis
Squadron: VA-42, VAH-123/VA-128, VA-85
Message: Was in VA-42 for 6 months of training in 1965. Made 90% of the intervalometer changes to the lefthand panels. Went to VAH-123 and was a plank owner in VA-128 when it split. Wrote most of the lesson guides to use teaching A6 weapons delivery to pilots and BNs. Taught most of the lesson guides I wrote to the pilots/BNs on the sea plane base. Left VA-128 in 1968 for AO"B" school and then was sent to VA-85 in 1969 and was in that squadron until 1972. Made the full USS Constellation and USS Forrestal cruises before transferring in 1972. We loaded many bombs while on the Connie to be dropped in Nam. Hope to try and make the A6 get together in April. Would like to meet old friends and of course make new ones. I guess you have guessed that I was an Aviation Ordnanceman. I still have a great picture of our crew on the Connie when we set a record of bombs loaded and dropped. Feel free to contact me.

Monday, 30th December 2013 7:27:29 AM
Name: Steve Hatfield
Squadron: VA35 VA52 MATWING1
Message: See you all in Pensacola 2014

Sunday, 15th December 2013 8:54:49 PM
Name: Dave Santas
Squadron: VA34
Message: Anyone around when va34 was recommissioned in 1970, in Oceana va.

Sunday, 8th December 2013 12:28:41 PM
Name: Mike Mygas
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Intruders Forever!

Thursday, 28th November 2013 12:23:23 AM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Jim Buchwold, you were in the AQ shop when I was in 128. Do you remember a QC guy named Guimond?

Monday, 25th November 2013 6:38:00 PM
Name: D. McKibben
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: Nothing I could say here can come close to adequately expressing the enormous amount of pride I have in having at one time in my life been associated with such a fine group of men.

Friday, 8th November 2013 1:07:28 PM
Name: Richard Flynn
Squadron: VA-85
Message: After "A" school a few of us AQF, AQB, and ADJ types wound up in VA-65, a spad outfit at that time. We boarded the Big "E" in Naples Italy. Did Plane Capt. tour till we got off of the Big "E". By-the-way Looking for Nick Casale, Ray Stressman and Alan Bonninghausen. Ray remenber the day you refued that A-1 the hard way. Yep! Nozzel right into the wing. Ray got his nonskid shoes that day. Next came VA-42 then VA-75 for about two weeks then VA-85 and the USS Kitty Hawk (65-66 deployment) till I ended my tour. Time frame for all this was June 1962 to Nov 1966. See you guys at the reunion Sept '14. Good memories, Great squadron. GO Black Falcons

Sunday, 27th October 2013 5:05:09 PM
Name: Andy Clanton
Message: Found this doing a little private research. I love this plane, even though I was born at a time where even if I got into the Navy at 18, it would have been too late. Leaving a message in the name of a relative who wishes to be anonymous, but was an AO with VA-65. I don't think he knows about this place, but I think he'd be interested. I'm so glad there are people keeping the memory alive. I smiled so much when I found this, and will certainly enjoy exploring the site.

Tuesday, 8th October 2013 5:01:08 PM
Name: James E Jones
Squadron: VA-85 / VAQ-209
Message: Fellow A-6 community members, please don't forget that the marvelous aircraft we once flew or maintained (or both) was also an electronic warbird during Viet Nam (the EA-6A) and in the Navy Reserves until 1991.

Tuesday, 8th October 2013 4:50:42 PM
Name: James E. Jones
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Felix Cosme (former AE) with the Black Falcons. Do you remember the night that one of our squadron's PNs knocked out a guy from VA-75 in smoke bout WITH ONE SINGLE PUNCH? It's probably the shortest boxing match in the history of the sport. Did you hear that our former skipper (R.C.Allen) actually became skipper of the USS American?

Tuesday, 8th October 2013 2:50:39 PM
Name: James E. Jones
Squadron: VA-85 and VAQ-209
Message: Just found this site yesterday. Saw the names of a few former shipmates on the Guest Logbook. Howdy, Felix Cosme. Do you remember AE1 Griffin or AT1 Vic Welsh, or AT2 Quinn?

Sunday, 6th October 2013 8:38:56 PM
Name: stanley.e.hayward
Squadron: VA75
Message: I found this site on a sunday working overtime and had some thoughts when I was in the navy some 35years ago. To dya I am retied from the coastguard. I loved both branches and still have still have an icting for it.

Saturday, 28th September 2013 11:28:14 AM
Name: Robert L. "Bob" Williams
Squadron: VMA(AW) 533, VMA(AW) 332 & VMAT(AW) 202
Message: Ooh-Rah & Semper Fidelis. Please consider VMAT(AW)202 as honorable mention for being the start of all Marine attack pilots & BNs career in the historic Grumman A-6 Intruder. Veteran of Nam Phong, Thailand, aka "The Rose Garden" with the all-weather attack"Bombing Hawks of Five Thirty-Three"

Saturday, 28th September 2013 9:28:23 PM
Name: JJ Ward
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Please join us on Facebook. Attack Squadron 35

Wednesday, 25th September 2013 1:46:00 AM
Name: larry adkins
Squadron: va35 1970-1974
Message: I plane captain

Thursday, 19th September 2013 10:05:30 PM
Name: Roy Demge
Squadron: VA-95/VA-196
Message: Ernie Witt (VA-95) and Joe Cahanes (VA-196) I am trying to get a hold of you. Joe do you remember the Sierra Club in the Phillipines? And Ernie I wouldn't know where to start with you. Just talked to Jeff May the other day. He works for Boeing now and we keep in touch. We talked about the time the three of us got arrested in Norfolk. Lol. Look me up on facebook and Joe I will try your e-mail.

Wednesday, 18th September 2013 9:04:31 PM
Name: Joe Santmyer
Squadron: VMA(AW)-242, VMA-214, VMA-211
Message: Looks like I am late to the party. Those sure were some great times back in the day. I still fondly remember working nights in Maint. Admin. then slipping out to the hangar deck to lend a hand; TransPac and Drifter's Reef while passing through Wake, and oh sooo many nights in Olongapo. Semper Fi

Wednesday, 21st August 2013 3:49:25 PM
Name: Lee Manis
Squadron: VMA(AW)533 ,VMA(AW)121
Message: Served with two of the greatest Intruder squadron in the fight. I was lucky to be able to do two cruise, Med and a IO Kennedy, Ranger. Worked in Seat Shop and am still working in the same community as the CAD/PAD APML for NAVAIR I owe so much to this humble start. Would love to fined Gunny Perez Lee Manis

Wednesday, 21st August 2013 9:09:07 AM
Name: John Seiler
Squadron: VA-35
Message: looking for AE in VA-35 1971 to 1975 west pac on USS AMERICA

Thursday, 15th August 2013 7:31:13 PM
Name: donald Meisner
Squadron: VMA-AW 242
Message: I feel like a newbie on this site as I came along late........I've been reading all your posts and I actually now know more about the squadron history than I did when I was in. Hi Val.......Love Turbo

Tuesday, 13 August 2013 8:57:34 PM
Name: Joe Savadge
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Personnelman with VA-35 during 81-84. One of my best tours in 26 years. Would like to hear from anyone during my years attached to VA-35.

Monday, 29th July 2013 1:54:51 PM
Name: Dick Pitman
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Hey Joel Weissman, You need to contact Ret Grummie Bill Schultz who lives in Williamsburg, VA. He can put you in touch with many former Black Panthers from your cruise. W/R, Dick Pitman

Saturday, 27th July 2013 1:36:05 AM
Name: byron phelps
Squadron: va-52 va-196
Message: last cruise on big E end of vietnam war 1973 now she is gone, sad days. first cruise on coral sea va 52 A6A's right out of Grumman. real trying working with that new bird and its systems. the tech reps saved our days back then. any left out there?

Saturday, 27th July 2013 4:28:45 PM
Squadron: VMA (AW)-225 and VMA (AW)-242
Message: Served in Da Nang 70-71 with VMA(AW)-225 and later with VMA (AW)-242 at El Toro.......Great Squadrons ! If anyone know GYSGT Pete Harris please forward address to me [email protected]

Friday, 26th July 2013 6:34:25 PM
Name: Tim Baird AO1
Squadron: VA-34
Message: Best time of my life! To me nothing beat the A-6. Working the flight deck, loading out an Alpha strike, and the first combat AGM-84 use to put Gaddafi in his place. Many a good men worked in VA-34, it was a honor to serve with them. BLUE BLASTER BOMB SHOP still the best.

Friday, 19th July 2013 1:52:29 PM
Name: Thomas Copeland AMHC AW
Squadron: VA-65,42,55 MATWING
Message: Sad news a long time shipmate an friend passed today, Master Chief T.K.Mekenna. He will be missed by us all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Monday, 8th July 2013 2:02:07 PM
Name: Doug Adams AT2(AW)
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Squadron reunion September 2014 VA Beach

Wednesday, 3rd July 2013 10:39:32 AM
Name: Dan Blackmore
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I was Yeoman (ended up an E-5) and made one Intredpid and 2 - Ranger cruises..Aug '65 to Aug '69 - still often think about the BOOMERS - would like to hear from anyone from those years and cruises..just found this site.

Wednesday, 3rd July 2013 3:17:02 AM
Name: David M. Preston
Squadron: VA-128
Message: VA-128 was my first duty station (1977-79. I was a yeoman who worked in the FRAMP Office, the MCPOC/ Career Counselor Ofice and in Flight Ops Office. NAS Whidbey island was one of my favorite duty stations.

Tuesday, 2nd July 2013 10:56:07 AM
Name: Dale Turner
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Condolences to family of Capt."Kato" Noble. One of the truly nice guys. So sad to see him leave us in such a tragic way.

Tuesday, 25th June 2013 8:47:29 PM
Name: Judge Parker
Squadron: VA-115/VA-42/VA-35
Message: Just found this site tonight thanks to a blurb in the Intruder Association magazine. Looking forward to returning and reviewing the messages; hope to see familiar names from times past.

Monday, 24th June 2013 1:12:05 PM
Name: Jake Stonebraker
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I was an AZ2 with the Boomers from 94-96 and decomm'd her as the one the last AZs in the squadron. I remember AO1 Pantilopalous (AKA P12) along with the other AOs that was with him on that fateful day in Fallon while we were on det. You guys are still remembered this day. I still keep in touch with AZC(retired) Carl Baughn who was my Chief back then.

Thursday, 6th June 2013 7:30:23 PM
Name: Don Milton
Squadron: VA-52
Message: IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CRUISE BOOK, BUT WOULD LIKE TO VIEW ONE:USNAVY CRUISE BOOKS IN THE SEARCH WINDOW.I viewed the USS Coral Sea 68-69 WesPac and saw alot of my squadron mates in VA-52. Don Milton

Monday, 27th May 2013 12:59:07 AM
Name: Jacquie Martin
Squadron: VA-128 and VA-174
Message: For anyone who wants to reconnect and talk over old times, there is a great group on Facebook. It's very active we have members from several eras of service. I was a YN from 85-87 and have reconnected with some friends and made friends with others who served at different times. It's been great. It's a family and if you're a VA-128 vet, it would be great to have you on board. I love the group and the stories people share. It's a lovely way to keep in touch. God bless you all and thanks so much for your valuable service.

Monday, 27th May 2013 3:20:35 PM
Name: Joel Weissman
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Looking for Squadron mates from 67-68 aboard Enterprise

Monday, 27th May 2013 10:53:06 AM
Name: Jim Gerakines PR2
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Zeke saw your name looking for some of the true Camel Joc's of yesteryear. Found some keep looking we are here. Hi to all in the AME, AQ and fellow plane captains

Sunday, 12th May 2013 1:20:59 PM
Name: M. D. Ziegler
Squadron: VA-42
Message: My father was LCPO of VA-42 in the mid-1950's. He passed away in 2009. I have some very old VA-42 squadron patches and would like to give them to the right organization for historical purposes. VR, M. D. Ziegler CWO4, USN Ret.

Friday, 10th May 2013 11:16:11 AM
Name: Harry Ward
Squadron: VMA(AW)-332
Message: Just finished reading "Flying Low" by Brian K. Bryans - awesome book, really takes you back to the days of flying in the Drumstick !!!! Dirty Harry

Tuesday, 7th May 2013 7:59:04 AM
Name: Doc Bashore
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Great command. Was with 196 78-81. Looking for Weese or Smith.

Wednesday, 17th April 2013 12:26:53 PM
Name: Steve Farris
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I was an ADJ2 on the VA75 WEST PAC onboard CV60 I am trying to find ADJ2 Darrell Perry of GA, or anyone who transited thru Da-Nang in the spring of 1972 then flew on to the ship via COD.

Sunday, 14th April 2013 3:33:05 PM
Name: Dave Kordatzky AMS2
Squadron: VA 165
Message: I remember you BoBo, been a long time. There has to be more Boomers out there. Hey Bubba Feathers and other Airframers give me a shout out.

Sunday, 14th April 2013 6:01:27 PM
Name: Shane Dulansky
Squadron: VA115
Message: VA-115 SQAUDRON REUNION 2013 REUNION JULY 26th-28th aboard USS Midway in San Diego. All former Eagles/Arabs welcome! For information email: [email protected] Click link below (or copy and paste in browser). We also have a Facebook group you can join us there VA-115 Eagles/(Arabs) "Best Attack In Westpac"

Sunday, 14th April 2013 6:00:19 PM
Name: Joey Featherston
Squadron: VA-115
Message: VA-115 SQAUDRON REUNION 2013 REUNION JULY 26th-28th aboard USS Midway in San Diego. All former Eagles/Arabs welcome! For information email: [email protected] Click link below (or copy and paste in browser). We also have a Facebook group you can join us there VA-115 Eagles/(Arabs) "Best Attack In Westpac"

Thursday, 11th April 2013 7:12:03 PM
Name: James A. Coleman
Squadron: VA-42 and 205
Message: Lost touch with many good friends and although we are trained to operate from where we are at that moment we find ourselves... Life sometimes wear us down. But holding on to what we gained from training will lift us up moving us forward. Looking for Jimmy Walker and Antoine Blackwell VA-75 1987-90

Wednesday, 10th April 2013 7:32:32 PM
Name: Bob Hazard
Squadron: VA-145
Message: I was a parachute rigger in VA-145 from July 1970 to April 1972. Served on the USS Ranger westpac and was home based at Whidbey Island.

Friday, 5th April 2013 9:39:50 PM
Name: Bones Burns
Squadron: 224/225/242
Message: Put Capt. L. Friese back in the Land of The Living, and OFF the Memory Roster. He is living the dream in Monterey, CA. But, he did spend more than a few years in the Hilton at Hanoi. See y'all in P'cola in '14.

Friday, 5th April 2013 4:27:11 PM
Name: Diemer AMS-2
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Would like to hear from anyone from the Connie Forestall cruses 66 67

Saturday, 30th March 2013 10:29:18 AM
Name: Ron Bobo
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Dave Kordatzy I was a plane captian in 165 at that time I remember Tom Saunders and Tim Howel. I am in contact with other Boomers. Ron Bobo [email protected]

Friday, 29th March 2013 3:02:07 PM
Name: Dave Beck
Squadron: VMA(aw)224
Message: Jack McGarry. Saw your message, called Burt and left a message. No telling when he'll call me back.

Thursday, 28th March 2013 4:57:46 PM
Name: Dave Kordatzky
Squadron: VA 165 71-74; VA 128 74-78
Message: I was in VA 165 Airframes on the Connie. Three cruises. Looking for old squadron mates. I have contact with AT Tom Smith. Worked with Bubba Feathers, Tom Saunders, Tim Howell, and many others. Boomers for life. Also did a shore duty hitch with VA 128. Any response appreciated. Best time good friends and don't forget the Rock. [email protected]

Thursday, 28th March 2013 8:06:46 AM
Name: Michelle Adams
Squadron: VA-35
Message: My Dad is Donald E. Adams from North Henderson, IL and he was aboard the USS Enterprise CVN65 from 1966 - 1967 in the Attack Squadron VA-35. Looking for any past Navy buddies of my Dad. Please e-mail me at [email protected]. God Bless All Men & Women Past & Present for protecting our country. Thank You!

Sunday, 24th March 2013 1:21:32 PM
Name: Cairey Beth
Squadron: Va 35
Message: My grandfather was involved with the Va 35. I am wanting to make him a collage with pictures of this squadron in action, but I can't find any with good pixel quality online. Please if anybody can help me. Send the pictures in email to [email protected] . I am very thankful for any help with this.

Friday, 22nd March 2013 10:27:29 PM
Name: John Frazier
Squadron: VA-36
Message: I was a Hospital Corpsman assigned to Attack Squadron 36 during Operation Desert Storm & Operation Provide Comfort. I was truly fortunate to serve with such a proud & strong group of men.

Thursday, 21st March 2013 8:43:13 PM
Name: Tom Jorgensen
Squadron: VA-128/VA-145
Message: I'd like to get in contact with anyone who was in VA-128/VA-145 AQ shop from about July 1967 through October 1969 so we can swap stories and reminisce about all of our friends. My email address is [email protected] Also if anyone is still in contact with Greg Gilbert please give him my email address. He and I went to A school together in Memphis and I think he went to VA-52. All of us worked on a great airplane!! Thanks

Thursday, 21st March 2013 8:28:31 PM
Name: Tom Jorgensen
Squadron: VA-145
Message: I was in VA-128 from August 1967 until about May of 1968 and then VA-145 until I separated from the Navy in October 1969. I was in the AQ shop and after the fire on the Enterprise I became a flight deck troubleshooter for the AQ shop. Jim Buchold.. I remember the TC4C very well as I actually got a ride once. I got to "drop a bomb" on a bridge in Portland, Ore on that flight. Do you remember Johnny Johnson? He transfered to the TC4C shop while I was still in VA-128.

Wednesday, 20th March 2013 6:11:40 PM
Name: Carlos Jimenez
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Was an AZ from 91-95 with the World Famous Knightriders. Totally missed my shipmates and sucks being a civilian. To all those that read this, GOD Bless you, and thank you for the great times onboard and off board.

Wednesday, 20th March 2013 12:23:08 PM
Name: Rich Host
Squadron: VA-128 / VA-196
Message: Got to NAS Whidbey mid '68. After training in VA-128 "Golden Intruders", went to VA-196 "Main Battery". As a ADJ-3 I worked in jet shop, check crew, and finally on the line. Was a plane captain on WestPac '69-'70 aboard USS Ranger. Great bunch of guys, and great times. [email protected]

Tuesday, 19th March 2013 12:55:30 PM
Name: Glenn H Jackson
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533 / VMA(AW) 242
Message: Asking all members of the Intruder Family and their family members to take a minute and sign a petition for the POW/MIA. I recently read a posting by a young lady that had grown up without her Dad and realized that I had served with this man at Nam Phong. He was a B/N and his A6 was shot down in Dec of 1972. Marines he was one of us and his body has never been recovered so is still MIA. Signing the petition is free and she needs thousands of names to present in June. All A6ers Marine and Navy sign and get all you can to sign, he and his daughter deserve at least that much.

Monday, 18th March 2013 2:33:06 PM
Name: Glenn H Jackson
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533 / VMA(AW) 242
Message: OK A6ers, the other day I read a posting on facebook by a young lady that had grown up without her daddy, He was shot down over North Vietnam in Dec. 1972 while serving as a B/N with VMA (AW) 533 while we stationed at Nam Phong. I realized that I had served with her Dad and that really touched me, so I am asking each of you to sign the petition that she was promoting. Makes no difference when you served, your rank or MOS. He was one of us and she deserves our best efforts. Please sign the attached petition and get all your family and friends to sign too, certainly an honorable cause.This costs nothing and takes but a minute. Semper Fi Marines, and Navy don't feel left out as you are welcome to sign too.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013 10:19:17 AM
Name: Bob Sardo
Squadron: Litton Rep VA-42
Message: Been a while since I've visited this site. Great stuff here. I spent six years of hands on DIANE system integration, with two years at Calverton, LI, during the A6 Flight Test and Evaluation. Lots of stories about those days. Then one year at Pax when the Intruder was accepted by the Navy for NPE, then three years at Oceana with VA-42, training crews on the DIANE and Inertial Navigation System. I really treasure those memories.

Saturday, 9th March 2013 10:21:05 PM
Name: Al Smith
Squadron: VAH 21
Message: I was in Heavy Attach Squadron 21 and want to know what A-6 squadron took over our roll after our decommissioning in 1969. I'm really interested in the plane's configuration for FlIR and LLV. Thanks

Friday, 8th March 2013 1:43:53 PM
Name: Jim Buchold
Squadron: VA-128
Message: After A school I spent my entire tour in 128 in the AQ shop. (1967/1970). Remember the TC4C!

Friday, 1st March 2013 8:37:46 PM
Name: willis miller
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Was PC in va-75 PC of side number 509 (Joel Febel and Hal Quint) during 1st deployment of A6-A to Viet Nam in May of 1965. Hello to shipmates or should I say "Kelly's Eyeballers".Hi to Joe Petrelli, Mike Mcgovern,Andy Licursi. Charlie Ferraro, Gary Balsamo,Don Fink, Bob Harricon, Chief Kelly and all my PC shipmates. Oh what fun we had. Memories for life...Pretty hard work for $78.00 a month. Drop me a line when you can.Would like to buy a 1965 USS Independence Cruise Book.

Wednesday, 27th February 2013 8:14:00 PM
Name: Jack McGarry
Squadron: VMA 121
Message: Dave Beck... Can you have Burt Tyree contact me when you get a chance? I was a Plane Capt for a few months with VMA-121 in 1974-75. Manage to sneak on to Embassy Duty. Burt was part of a great group of friends I lost contact with, including Brad Martin, Barney Marcotte. I was in touch with "Mad-Dog" Maddrazo a bunch of years ago.

Monday, 25th February 2013 8:11:11 PM
Name: mike sidwell
Squadron: va-75
Message: i work on the line as pc from 67-70.and from time to time i look at my cruise book and think of all the people i worked with and the ones,we lost in nam,esp nelson and mitchel.....i loved ever min.of it,,,,,may they rest in peace.........

Sunday, 24th February 2013 3:27:56 PM
Squadron: USN (Retired)
Message: I was assigned to VAH-123 during 1965 and became an A3 Plane Captain. Early 1966 I was selected for A6 training and went to NAMTD Oceana and VA-42 for OJT. After training four of us from the �Line Division� were returning to Whidbey Island but only got to Ohare airport when all the airlines went on strike. Our plane tickets were converted to train tickets and we waiting two days before our 2.5 day train ride began. Not a happy time! At Whidbey it was back to being an A3 Plane Captain. On or about 31 July 1966, AMS2 Entz, ADJ2 Brown, AMS3 Ayers, AMH3 Peck, and myself, ADJAN Mancuso were transported to NAS Oceana via a TA3B (NJ323). Our orders read, �Receipt of A6 Aircraft.�(I still have the orders). Our job was to receive, paint the squadron colors, and prepare the first three A6A aircraft for the flight back to Whidbey Island. I still remember those brand new A6A aircraft and being protective of them from VA-42! My favorite part of my orders was, �The Disbursing Officer is hereby authorized to advance per diem on these orders.� $19! As an E-3 my average payday was only $49 so $19 was a big deal. I then worked the �Line� as an A6 Plane captain until I rotated out of VAH-123 to VAP-62 just before VA-128 split. The good old days! Thanks for the memories from all you Golden Intruders!

Saturday, 23rd February 2013 10:46:16 PM
Name: Jerry Myers
Squadron: Va42
Message: Was in line 81 to 85 [email protected]

Tuesday, 19th February 2013 7:25:41 PM
Name: Henry Felix
Squadron: VMGR-152
Message: Looking for George Bonilla. We were stationed in Cherry Point, NC and separated in Viet Nam. Does anyone know of him? He used to work on A6 Intruders. Thanks

Tuesday, 19th February 2013 2:09:22 PM
Squadron: VMA(AW)242

Thursday, 14th February 2013 7:34:22 PM
Name: Joseph Martello
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Served from 71-74 VA-196 Airframes. Looking for old service buddies. Had some great times back then with a great bunch of guys.

Thursday, 14th February 2013 2:46:43 PM
Name: Will Watts
Squadron: VA-165
Message: AZ2 - 92' thru 95' - I met an AO1 here in NC that also new AO1 Pantilopalous (AKA P12) that was in 165 and died in a civilian plane crash while on DET in Fallon along with a few others from the squadron. P12 was well known and liked by all!!!

Friday, 8th February 2013 6:21:56 PM
Name: Jim Boudreau
Squadron: va-176
Message: To: Michael Stanley Tolf Jr. I was on the roof the night your father? was lost! The whole squadron was shocked! He was a good guy.

Thursday, 7th February 2013 10:10:46 AM
Name: Dale Turner
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Noticed in Charlotte paper the passing of Robert William Smith, USMC A6A pilot in Vietnam. No squadron was mentioned and did not see his name among Association members.

Sunday, 27th January 2013 12:29:51 AM
Name: Doug Wahlstrom
Squadron: VA52
Message: Jet Mech 71 to 75 It's been fun reading these messages. Saw two I knew...Richard Flint and Tim Mickey. There's still quite a few guys from the Squadron living up here in the Northwest

Thursday, 17th January 2013 4:42:14 PM
Name: David Rose
Squadron: VMA (AW) 121
Message: From 86 to 92. Two westpacs and a trip to desert storm. From A-6E's to FA/18D. should have stayed in I could be retired now. SEMPER FI.

Thursday, 17th January 2013 2:02:31 PM
Name: Dan Vick
Squadron: VA-35,42,75 & VX-5
Message: Mike Logan from VA-75 Med Cruise 1977. Please contact me.

Saturday, 12th January 2013 5:57:38 PM
Name: Carol
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I thought I posted but guess I didn't. My husband, Neil, passed away on Sept 21,2011, from cancer. He was active and full of P&V until his final trap. Sure miss him.

Sunday, 6th January 2013 8:47:30 AM
Name: Anthony Pauza amh1
Squadron: VA-155/145/165
Message: Looking for ex shipmates who where in these squadrons who where there during the decommissioning

Thursday, 3rd January 2013 12:19:29 PM
Name: tracy parrish
Squadron: VA 35
Message: looking for shipmates during 1980- 1984 ph 1812 798 3661

Wednesday, 2nd January 2013 4:36:27 PM
Name: Richard Rielley
Squadron: VA-128/70-72/Va-95/73
Message: Ae2 doing line work until71 went to AIMD and worked on DIANE NAV system and encoders looking for other members of the 73 cruise maybe a reunion before we are all gone

Thursday, 27th December 2012 11:24:05 AM
Name: Morgan (Rick) France
Squadron: VA 65 CO VA75
Message: Capt. France passed on after a courageous battle with cancer. He lived a full life with no regrets. Loved his family music and the navy.Anyone who new or served under him remembered him fondly and as a good friend /leader. He will be laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetary later this month

Saturday, 15th December 2012 9:45:28 PM
Name: Joseph Schlosser
Message: Just to let you know that William R Murphy (my uncle),the man did proposal 128Q for Grumman Aircraft that became the A6 Intruder, passed away on December 12 2012. He was 82 years old.

Saturday, 15th December 2012 11:02:24 AM
Name: AOC Mark Constable
Squadron: VA-176
Message: Hi Michael Tolf Jr. I was in the squadron when that happened. Your father was one of the coolest pilots in the squadron during that time. I never heard of any wreckage ever found. God bless you

Thursday, 6th December 2012 3:01:21 PM
Name: Fred Matazzoni
Message: It's great to see everyone I met in my life time and to see how many others had the great opportunity to expirience the Intruder. Even though it was a lot of hardwork, I enjoyed every bit of my time with the aircraft. **Jesus Albarracin## Call me!

Tuesday, 4th December 2012 11:58:32 AM
Name: clyde cain
Message: for those thinking of a reunion in 2014, the Association is sponsoring a reunion in Pensacola in the April time frame. It is open to ALL Intruder Bubba's and you don't have to be a member. You could have your reunion as an adjunct to this one.

Monday, 3rd December 2012 3:56:17 PM
Name: Dave Donelson
Squadron: VMA-(AW)-332/VMAQ-4
Message: Just surfing the internet today and ran across this website. Brings back a lot of memories. VMA-332 '81-'83 (Ordnance) VMAQ-4 '83-'87

Monday, 3rd December 2012 9:10:14 AM
Name: Adam Reiger
Squadron: VA-85
Message: I'm writing this for my dad who is AO1 Don Reiger who served in VA-85, I saw some people talking about a possible reunion and was hoping to find some of his old shipmates. If anyone served with him please let me know. Thank you in advance!

Sunday, 2nd December 2012 5:32:54 PM
Name: Michael Stanley Tolf Jr.
Squadron: 176
Message: Loving memory of Michael Stanley Tolf. Born Fed.27th 1953. Lost at sea May 17th 1979 off the carrier Uss Independence (cv-62) T bolts... Also wondering where I could look To see if they found anything since then. They never found the plain ( that we know of) Thanks

Tuesday, 27th November 2012 1:35:01 PM
Name: Al Lieberman
Squadron: VA-85
Message: There's been some discussion about another VA-85 reunion targeted for 2014. Those of you who attended the last reunion know that it was a memorable event and hopefully realize that getting it organized was not a simple task. If you're interested in attending the next reunion and want to be sure you're contacted with news, updates, etc., send me a message on I'll reply with the required information for the roster list. Pass this on please.

Friday, 23rd November 2012 12:06:22 AM
Name: Stephen Russell
Squadron: va 196
Message: Looking for two fellow navy men that I served with in va 196 on two west pac cruises from 1971 to 1973. there names are Mark Norton an ordinance man Fayette Hamilton Wolford Lt attached to air intelligence and IOIC on board the Big E

Thursday, 22nd November 2012 10:15:36 AM
Name: George Fowler III
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Was in VA-35 during 1969-70 on Coral Sea as a Plane Captain for A6A Intruder. If you were aboard during this time email me [email protected]. Also interested in knowing more about reunions for squadron. Also, where do I find a VA-35 ball cap?

Saturday, 17th November 2012 3:52:01 AM
Name: John Lloyd Scharf
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Neck David S. AQAN 1973 He was a friend of mine. I am on Facebook under the same name. I wonder if David has any living relatives.

Wednesday, 14th November 2012 2:52:55 AM
Name: Ervin Potter
Squadron: va-75 (81-84) va-34(86-89)
Message: AO shop, saw a few names i know and would like to hear from any old squadron brothers

Sunday, 11th November 2012 1:00:22 PM
Name: Dennis Hayes-Minnesota
Squadron: VA-42 72-75
Message: I was an ADJ-3 when I got out on Aug. 15 1975. I came to the squadron in May 1972. I went to power plants night school then to the barracks to clean for a few months.Then they sent me to the line to become a plane captain and worked there till I got out. Some of the guys I remember are Gary Vail-Chicago, Joe Hulne' - Iowa, Roger Hocker-Missouri, Frame- NJ, Bert Fog-TX, ADJ-1Roger Ball,ADJ-1 Gazaway and an AME from Wisconsin ( Rice )

Sunday, 11th November 2012 1:28:36 PM
Name: Dennis Hayes
Squadron: VA-42
Message: I remember a long 12 hour flight in an old prop plane to Fallon,Nv. for bombing detachment in 1973. Later on we flew C-9B's which were much faster. Yuma,Az. detachments and carrier quals on the old Lexington, rusty Rosie and the Independence. Fun times but long hours. We worked shifts of 24 on 24 off sometimes. I got catapulted off the Independence on a COD, helloed off the FDR on a huwe and helloed off the Lexington on a HC-46

Saturday, 10th November 2012 8:42:54 AM
Squadron: 176/35/42
Message: I was lucky enough to have worked on every version of the A-6 including the Bravo and Charlie birds. I really enjoyed reading about the ORDIES in the Mechanics section and appreciate the fact that the sweat and pain experienced by the AO's was recognized. We always said an attack aircraft with out bombs was nothing more than an unscheduled airliner. TO ALL YOU who keep the greatest aircraft that ever flew airborne "Bravo ZULU"

Friday, 2nd November 2012 3:07:39 PM
Name: O. W. Harold
Squadron: VMA(AW)- 533
Message: August 1969 at Chu Lai RVN, I became the "embark" officer for the ride to Iwakuni. Sang "Ice on the Rice in Southern Honshu" the whole way. God bless all of the "Ko" sisters. Later the Nuclear contingency officer. We were the "Cubs" in "The 533'd Heavy Bombardment Group". I was the duty officer the night the C.O. crashed his jeep into the Binjo ditch (somehow not entered in the duty log), but not the night the Group XO's got parked on top of the Zero Hanger. Good times! It was my great honor to serve with all of you Hawks! Especially Bob Cothran (Buffalo Bob) & Jim Jensen (RIP) and the best Pilot I ever knew Dave Covell (Wings)! Cheers, Chuck Gardner A6-A BJN (Old Weird Harold)

Monday, 29th October 2012 5:16:38 PM
Name: Terry Corpron
Squadron: VA-52
Message: AE2 Terry Corpron, made 2 westpac on the Kitty Hawk 1974-1978, that dang shellback trip keeps popping into my head, great time with great friends. Hope the old gang is doing well.

Wednesday, 10th October 2012 9:03:43 AM
Name: Bill Rosenow
Squadron: VA85, VA42
Message: Former AMCS, served in VA85 as a LDO ENS 78-81 and retired from VA42 in 91 as a LCDR. Would like to hear from some old shipmates, not much Navy news gets up to Michigan where we retired.

Friday, 5th October 2012 8:13:14 PM
Name: Sgt. Chris W. Freidhof
Squadron: VA-42/VMAQ-1 &2/VAQ-129
Message: Assigned to VA-42 during Desert Shield/Storm until Q-2 returned to MCAS Cherry Point Intruders and Prowlers forever

Saturday, 29th September 2012 10:06:45 PM
Name: Rich Coster
Squadron: VMA AW 242
Message: Arrived in nam with first intruder squdron 1n 1966 was transfred to H&MS14 and worked the navigation and weapons systems Would like to find other members . Now live in NJ

Thursday, 27th September 2012 11:54:42 PM
Name: Scott K. Rineer
Squadron: VMA(AW)-332
Message: Went to join the association, but no 'box' available for Flight Surgeons to check. Wearing my "Moonlighter" patch during ASO school here at NASP as I get ready to report aboard the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) as Senior Medical Officer (SMO) in next few months.

Wednesday, 26th September 2012 11:12:37 PM
Name: Larry Yarham
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Knightrider CO '71-72 CDR Len Salo followed by CDR Herb Kinney (now deceased) and CDR Robert Owens.

Saturday, 22nd September 2012 11:24:06 PM
Name: AMS-1 Roscoe Craft
Squadron: VA-42,35,85
Message: In Va-42 in 1965 Airframes VA-35 in 1966 to 1971 VA-85 in 1975 to 1978 Great times in great squadrons with the best buddies anyone could ask for. The old a-6 from VA-35 #507 sits outside gate at Camp Blanding Stark,Fl. It is in very bad need of paint job and some TLC.... Miss old sailors: Mack Gum, Bob Worley, Steve Thomas, L.L. Scott, and all others..... SALIORS ARE BUDDIES FOREVER

Friday, 21st September 2012 2:18:32 PM
Name: David Tanner
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I joined VA-128 in Dec 1971. PCS in Dec 1972 to VMA-121. VA-128 was a remarkable experience, one that I'll never forget. CDR Miles was the C.O. I went back in 2010 and has Oak Harbor changed. Could not find my old apartment complex! Hope to visit there again soon.

Tuesday, 18th September 2012 5:45:04 PM
Name: Gun Boss
Squadron: VA-176
Message: GUAD, A-6's forever!!!! VA-176, 1974-1978 I'm out of here on 1 OCT.... 38 years 2 months and 1 day... E1 - 06 WR/Dave

Saturday, 15th September 2012 3:50:50 PM
Name: Guad
Squadron: VA-65
Message: VADM Dave Buss, the prospective Air Boss, is the senior Intruder on active duty.

Friday, 14th September 2012 9:16:33 AM
Name: Gerald Walley
Squadron: VA-75 Sunday Punchers
Message: Retired in '94, when I reminice about my Navy days; I always remember VA-75! Often think of Lt. Ambrogi (my Div. Ofcr.) Whom we lost in spring of '94, RIP sir! Also enjoy remembering several shipmates, "Fair Winds" to my fellow "Punchers" and all Intruder Asso. members!

Sunday, 26th August 2012 4:55:48 PM
Name: Don Milton
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Mark Scott ( Scotty )are you the same Mark Scott that was in the avionics shop of VA-52 aboard the USS Coral Sea when I came aboard in February 1969? The avionics shop was up in a loft off of hangar bay 2.You had to climb a ladder to get there.I think the Shop Chief was a guy named Stenson.You used to kid me about being from West Virginia.

Thursday, 23rd August 2012 11:58:19 AM
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Steve McGowan,weren't we Master at Arms at same time during CAR-QUALS in 1970 on the Kitty Hawk? I didn't like that job.I couldn't wait to get back to the avionics shop. AQ-2.

Thursday, 23rd August 2012 11:30:24 AM
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was on a WESPAC cruise aboard the USS Kitty Hawk 70-71 ,when one of our birds had to land in Danang.When it returned to the ship it had a Viking head painted on the tail.Thanks USMC.I was an AQ-2 at the time.

Thursday, 23rd August 2012 11:28:31 PM
Name: " JJ " FREDA
Squadron: VMA { AW } 332

Tuesday, 21st August 2012 1:19:01 PM
Name: carl sandidge
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Just found this site. I was in va35 for three and a half years onboard the America and the Nimitz as an AME.I keep in touch with Ken Savoy but remember many of the guys fondly,James Skelly,Tom Frickanish,Charlie Foorehand,Keith Duran.Was a cool time in my life and reflect on it often.Hello to all.

Tuesday, 21st August 2012 7:36:18 PM
Name: Paul Boland
Squadron: Va-85
Message: I served with VA-85 from 1970-73 made three Med Cruses on the USS Forestfire. I worked as a mess cook, Plan Capt, corrosion control, Nuke loading team, AT shop on flight deck, Aimd3 doing Depot level maint on APN-153, ALQ-1000, APR-27, & APN-153 Doppler boxes. Got out May 1975 as AT3. I got married and living in Tempe, Az

Monday, 20th August 2012 8:29:28 PM
Name: Rick davis
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Plane Cpt, line division, 1973-1975, onboard America, and Nimitz, C.O. was Cmdr Hesse, and Cmdr Hyde,

Monday, 13 August 2012 11:20:59 AM
Name: Richard Flint
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Looking to find the Commanding Officer VA-52 through years 1971-1974

Tuesday, 7th August 2012 10:00:52 PM
Name: Ron Gott
Squadron: VMA (AW) 225
Message: I must be getting to be one of the old timers, don't see very much from my squadron family - Go Vikings Vietnam 1969

Sunday, 5th August 2012 2:21:30 PM
Name: stanley e hayward
Squadron: va75
Message: I was apart of the sundaypuncher from 1979 thu 1982 and did two sailed with them and still love beng apuncher .

Thursday, 2nd August 2012 11:16:27 AM
Name: Dean LaFleur
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Pilot in VA-165 1987-1990. I remember the good times!

Thursday, 26th July 2012 8:57:00 PM
Name: Conrad BLoom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Was in 128 from 1967 thru 1969. AZ3 in the avaition admin shop, did aircraft logbooks etc. Would like to hear from anyone in during that time in VA-128

Friday, 20th July 2012 6:15:21 AM
Name: Greg Van Hof
Squadron: VA-165, VA-52
Message: Ordnance Shop Chief, QACPO and FDC in 165. Gunner in 52. Sad day when they dumped all those SWIP airframes off the coast of Florida....what a great aircraft.

Thursday, 12th July 2012 2:17:39 PM
Name: Mike Sinclair
Squadron: USS JFK MarDet
Message: I had no idea how many Aviators were killed flying the A-6. I served as a Marine on the USS JFK CV-67. I carried the remains of Lt. Lange when he was returned to us on December 7, 1983. RIP. God bless you all.

Sunday, 8th July 2012 4:53:12 PM
Name: Samer Bakkar arbstore
Message: I congratulate you on this magnificent site and on this effort I wish you progress and success You full respect and appreciation Samer Bakkar

Wednesday, 4th July 2012 12:09:19 PM
Name: larry
Squadron: va-35
Message: plane captain 1970-1974 nick name HOOP

Monday, 25th June 2012 2:36:43 PM
Name: Greg Olsen
Squadron: VA-128
Message: As an ABF2 on shore duty with the Golden Intruders from 81-83. It was a lot of fun and always interesting especially the summers on det to El Centro.

Friday, 22nd June 2012 9:05:19 PM
Name: Frank Vazquez
Squadron: VA-52 Nightriders
Message: AME2 W/C 13B AME Seat Shop night shift supervisor 1990-1993 USS Kitty Hawk CV-63. A salute to all my fellow NIGHTRIDER Shipmates...

Friday, 22nd June 2012 12:57:31 AM
Name: Jim Klein
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Hop, Iwas with 165 from January 1973 till August 1975, two very interesting deployments.I was a BN. I'm sure we met. Oh what a time. Jim

Monday, 18th June 2012 4:51:05 PM
Name: Dan Steen
Squadron: VA-196
Message: served as AE trouble shooter with VA-196 on the USS Enterprise 71-72. Wanting to find Mike Rowan and the flight deck chief who hung on to my legs keeping me from going "all the way through" the intake. Thanks guys!

Thursday, 14th June 2012 4:16:04 AM
Name: Robert C. Jackson
Squadron: VA-165, VA-145
Message: I was a Boomer '68-70 in the fire control shop. WesPac in '68-69 and training cruise to Gitmo and Caribbean on USS America. The best times of my life and greatest friendships. A good experience to be had for young men and women of our great country looking for training and travel. I live in the Philippines now after retiring from the IBEW. Please contact me via email with any info on old mates. God bless all [email protected]

Wednesday, 13 June 2012 3:05:01 PM
Squadron: VA42
Message: Was a PC from 76-77 then went to the engine shop till 78. Reserved for 3 years after here in ATL. Good times & wish I could get in touch with a lot of the guys I served with.

Saturday, 9th June 2012 9:18:53 PM
Name: Duc Minh Le
Squadron: VA-95
Message: Hello all, Former Greenlizard here AMS3 Le. Served with them from 91-94 two westpacs. I discovered this site on the net also found a site on Lt. Gallaghers partial eject. Those who were on that first westpac on the Abe Lincoln cvn-72 probably remembered that. I will always treasure the memories and experience those brief years with va-95. I'm trying to contact my fellow lizards who I served with. Especially Surapol Budtanese AD airman.

Saturday, 9th June 2012 12:40:55 AM
Name: James Urso
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was an E-3 AQ/AT in the squadron from 1991-1993 Took her around hte horn and to solmolia.

Wednesday, 6th June 2012 6:32:52 AM
Name: Michael J. Buba
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: What ever happened to Lt.Col Charlie Carr, CO 533 @ Cherry Pt. 1981-84.

Saturday, 2nd June 2012 4:52:23 PM
Name: Hank
Squadron: boomers 165
Message: If you served in this squadron 1987-88 could you contact me please

Friday, 1st June 2012 3:07:05 PM
Name: Gerald Feathers
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I knew David on that cruise, I replaced a nutplate on a blackbox for him just before the fire. I have never forgotten, but I never knew haow it started. He was always and will be a BOOMER.

Wednesday, 30th May 2012 7:37:27 PM
Name: Larry Adkins
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was plane Captain A6A 151575 would like to talk to some of my old ship mates ! I was in VA35 1970- 1974

Wednesday, 30th May 2012 6:28:44 PM
Name: frank banholzer
Squadron: vma(aw) 533
Message: the YELLOW BACK BARKING COBRA CLUB is still alive and kicking; to everyone who was in NAM PHONG !!!!!

Monday, 28th May 2012 1:07:20 PM
Name: A01Dan "whimpy dawg'Kirkendal
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Just returned from VA-115 REUNION in SanDiego on 13 May. Was great seeing all who attended with their families.Saw an Awesome slide presentation and Talking old times with officers and enlisted who attended.Hope to have next years on the EastCoast.

Monday, 28th May 2012 4:49:58 AM
Name: Bower Robert
Squadron: Va 196
Message: Hi , I was in va196 from 1966 to 1969 Worked ordnance & AE Love this sight!

Thursday, 24th May 2012 9:33:23 AM
Name: Dave Erckenbrack
Squadron: VA-165 "BOOMERS"
Message: Was in 165 from 1966 till 1970. From Minnesota and live in Minn. Still keep in touch with Bing from MN. Please let me know about the Minnesota reunion.Would like to hear from others on USS INTREPID & two Westpacs on USS RANGER [email protected]

Monday, 21st May 2012 12:15:22 AM
Name: Lindy
Squadron: VA-115 Eagles
Message: Trying to track down Lt Pat "Skippy" Porter VA-115 Eagles (USS Independence 1990s). Intruder B/N from Queens, NY. Any current contact information gratefully accepted or please feel free to pass on my details: Lindy Email: [email protected]

Sunday, 20th May 2012 7:14:13 PM
Name: Mickel Coble
Squadron: V1 Crash and Salvage USS Carl Vinson
Message: Remember Cmdr. Sledge, very sad day he was a very nice man, always gave respect to us deck hands, watch him fly off on his last shot. MC

Saturday, 19th May 2012 7:06:27 PM
Name: Kevin Milikan (KC)
Squadron: VA-128
Message: '80-82 - Line puke.

Friday, 18th May 2012 7:49:24 PM
Name: Bob Selby
Message: VA-115 72-73, last Vietnam cruse. VA-52 73-75. AMH-3 Plane Captain. Finished up my military career in the Air Force Reserves as a F-16 Crew Chief and Maintenance Super. Will never forger the A-6 and all the days and nights humping chains, lox bottles and servicing carts on the flight deck.

Friday, 18th May 2012 10:58:51 AM
Name: terri wicks
Squadron: atkron42
Message: looking for any info. on my late father's naval career. va 42, atkron42 was his last active duty position before his death on may 6 1966. prior to this assignment he was stationed in sanford fl. and was associated with savage sons recon. attk. sqd. mushmouths. he was on cruises aboard the uss forrestal and ranger. his name is Giles johnston boler. he was also stationed at pensacola nas. in 1960.

Tuesday, 15th May 2012 5:08:48 PM
Name: Lee Chambers chambers
Squadron: Va-65
Message: Was an AQB-2 on the Constellation during the 1966 WestPac, in AMD repairing Track Radar APQ-88/112. Looking for shipmates of that cruise or time period at NAS Oceana with either VA-65 or 42, or AMD in general.

Sunday, 13 May 2012 9:27:43 PM
Name: Jim Gerakines
Squadron: VA 115
Message: Served from 69 to 72. Worked in the AME shop with Chief Jim Lamar (seadaddy), Bob, and a tall skinny guy with glasses. Had fun flying the tanker seat on many occasions.

Sunday, 13 May 2012 8:59:21 AM
Name: Gerald (Bubba) Feathers
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Anyone out there, give me a shout. Just hooked up with Stick from the Airframes shop. Email me at [email protected]. A Boomer Forever!!!

Saturday, 12th May 2012 2:12:38 PM
Name: Randy warren
Squadron: VA165. 1977-1981
Message: Hello to all Boomers from PR2 warren. Would be great to hear from any boomers from the 9/77 to 7/81 time frame. And If anyone out there knows where the heck Neil Schafer or Kevin hughs are, plz contact me. It's just regretful that I never took the time to compile a book of addresses of my shipmates because as I've grown older I realize they were truly "Good Friends/Pals" and would luv to be ale to chat with them today

Friday, 11th May 2012 9:13:46 PM
Name: Alan Zimmerman
Squadron: VA-165 BOOMERS
Message: Michael A Nelson When and where is the Minnesota reunion?

Friday, 11th May 2012 1:46:58 AM
Name: Alan Zimmerman
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Hey Mike Nelson. When is this Minnesota reunion and where will it be held? I have kept in touch with 3 or 4 Boomers from those early 1970s cruises to WestPac. I was AQ 3. I would like to talk to you. Send me an email at [email protected]. I'm from the Hutchinson, mn area.

Friday, 11th May 2012 9:08:42 PM
Name: Richard Schultz
Squadron: VA 196
Message: Anybody know where LCDR Mark Miller B/N is living. Thanks

Friday, 11th May 2012 1:55:23 AM
Name: Alan Zimmerman
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Nellie. I remember Allmon, Bobo, I remember you. You remember Lonnie Foster and Jimmy Covault both plane captains? I was working with Dave Neck the day he burned up in the A-6. I stayed in touch with Bill Abbott AE2 Primo Albiani AQ3 Ken Slattery AQ 3

Monday, 7th May 2012 12:48:50 PM
Name: Laurie Barber
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Was stationed at VA-128 from 9/1/76-9/30/80. I was a Yeoman. Worked various places within squadron. Last 2 years at the Weapons Cage. Anyone out there during that time. Some of the best time of my life.

Sunday, 6th May 2012 1:07:52 PM
Name: James Duckworth
Squadron: vma 121
Message: I served with 121 at El Toro Air Station Calif.....

Monday, 30th April 2012 10:50:48 AM
Name: Paul Bradley (AO1AW) Retired
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Wild time in VA-196 during deployments of 66-67-68 on the Conny. Truly miss those 12 hour shifts, 7 days a week for forty some day deployments. Saw the Oriskany (CV/CVA-34) burning the morning she was supposed to relieve us for an in-port period. Anyone remember those bone chilling A/C ramp watches at Whidbey? Seems I always got the Mid to 4 AM watch.

Wednesday, 25th April 2012 4:01:35 PM
Name: Michael A Nelson
Squadron: Va-165
Message: Looking for Green Shirts and Brown Shirts that was in va-165 during 1971-1975. Or if anyone knows the whereabout of Adj3 Allmon the Seal. We are having a reunion in Minnesota.

Tuesday, 24th April 2012 9:53:57 PM
Name: Greg Stiff
Squadron: VA196, VA52
Message: Was CDR Bull's pain-in-the-neck.(most humble apologies)'74-'75. Finished active duty with VA52 '78 under CDR Bill Galbraith. xfered to reserve and finished on top in '04. Thanks for putting up with me.

Tuesday, 24th April 2012 2:11:06 PM
Name: A01 Dan
Squadron: VA-75,115 145 128
Message: Well younging;oldWhimpy is 74 now and heading to Diego for VA-115 reunion on 11 may 2012.Started out in VA-75 IN 65;THEN 145 AND 115 THE BEST IN THE WEST.Downfall at 128WEPSCage; then 145. 115 WAS THE BEST;WE TOOK THE CAST OFFS IN A/C AND PERSONNEL BUT HUNG TOGETHER AND SET RECORDS THAT WILL NEVER BE BROKEN I MISS ALL OF YOU AS WE HAD ESPIRIT DE CORPS; a01 whimpy dawg kirkendall

Saturday, 21st April 2012 12:14:10 AM
Name: Debbie (Debbie Hannah) Underfinger
Squadron: VA-95
Message: My dad, AMHC FD Hannah (known as Hank)served at Whidbey Island from 68-77. One of the squadrons he was in was VA-95 Green Lizards. He designed the patch for the Green Lizards in the 70s. My mom contributed articles for the wives' club for the Crosswinds. There are some names I remember he worked with. If you remember him, please contact me at [email protected]. He has passed away in 96, but any great memory of him is greatly appreciated.

Sunday, 15th April 2012 11:47:51 PM
Name: mark l miller PR 2
Squadron: VA 145 1979 to1981
Message: i had a lot of respect for the A6 and the EA6B and enjoyed being stationed at Whidbey Island Wa. Thanks to all those to whom i served with on the 80-81 cruise aboard CV-61 USS RANGER

Thursday, 12th April 2012 4:09:52 PM
Name: Ron Bobo
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Hop I was on that cruise with Dave Neck he was a good friend of mine. Ron Bobo

Thursday, 12th April 2012 4:09:28 PM
Name: Ron Bobo
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Hop I was on that cruise with Dave Neck he was a good friend of mine. Ron Bobo

Wednesday, 11th April 2012 11:08:41 PM
Name: Michael A Nelson (Nellie)
Squadron: Va-165 P/P 72-75
Message: Looking for some airdales from the squadron. Looking for Bill Allmon the Seal that served with me.

Wednesday, 11th April 2012 10:45:12 PM
Name: Anthony Norton
Squadron: VA-65/VA-85

Wednesday, 11th April 2012 6:27:51 PM
Name: Clayton Donald Kaminska
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Was stationed at NAS Oceana VA Beach, VA 1980-1981, and served aboard the USS Forrestal. Nickname was Ski-dog.

Wednesday, 11th April 2012 3:05:54 PM
Name: Vince Hill
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533
Message: Joined 533 at Cherry Point right after AOA School and ITR (some time in late 66. Did the Yuma thing, then a nice quick flight straight from Cherry Point to Da Nang, from there to Chu Lai (by the sea). Stationed in Chu Lai 67-68 and a little of 69. Was stupid enough to extend...for TET :) Any of you old Ordnance guys out there say "hello" Lots of good memories.... [email protected]

Monday, 9th April 2012 12:31:17 AM
Name: Hop
Squadron: VA-165 /USS Constellation
Message: 1973 WestPac Cruise indicent with David Neck. Good friend who died in cockpit smoking in cockpit while undertow. Any one remember David?? Lost another shipmate Ray Pappas on flight when he was sucked into A-7 intake. Was Connie's worst cruise ever. Lost anyother shipmate in Singapore on Liberty and died of drug overdose in this bath tub at the Hilton.

Friday, 6th April 2012 7:51:56 PM
Name: john
Squadron: va35
Message: worked aimd for va35 on board uss america west pac 1972 med cruise 1973 nato cruise 1974.joined the navy and literally saw the world

Thursday, 5th April 2012 6:17:48 PM
Name: Hop
Squadron: VC-5/USS Constellation
Message: I'm trying to contact anyone from VA-165 during 1973 cruise. Do they remember AQAN David Neck who died on board that year. I remember him.

Monday, 2nd April 2012 2:17:37 PM
Name: Grover "Red" Murchison
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Coral Sea cruise 79/80

Friday, 30th March 2012 9:13:23 PM
Name: Chuck Stewart
Squadron: VA-95
Message: Green Lizards 72-75 AIMD Whidbey Island Flight Control WesPac USS Coral Sea 73-74 One of the best times of my life. Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club

Friday, 23rd March 2012 4:09:51 PM
Name: AOC/RET Mark Constable
Squadron: VA-176
Message: Could someone email me at mc57_98 with Dave Lepard's email address? Thanks

Friday, 23rd March 2012 2:03:39 PM
Name: RichardPaquette
Squadron: VA_35
Message: I was in va-35 from 1977-1981 ussNimitz operation Eagle Claw, Conflick with Libia . Crash EA6B on Flightdeck. Lookinfor Whereabouts of Chief Blackburn, any Past Crew members. Best time of my life .Retireing 35 years military Air National Guard full time> No comparasion to the NAVY.

Friday, 23rd March 2012 1:33:47 PM
Name: Richardg Paquette
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was in VA-35, from 1977-1981. I worked in the Airframes shop. I lloking for George Hilawee, Tom Robertson. And If anyone knows the whereabouts of Chief Blackburn?

Wednesday, 21st March 2012 11:31:41 PM
Name: "Stevie" Ray Vaughn
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I could never forget my days as a Boomer from 84-88, and it still seams like yesterday. Smokin Joe, it's great to here that name again.

Monday, 19th March 2012 1:17:05 AM
Name: jerry ( pete ) peterson
Squadron: VA 95
Message: I wrote on here in 2010 I haven't checked this site for over a year. Ok that being said I found two of my primates. AMH 3 Ernest Sort and SPEEDY Robert Gonzales. I would love for you guys to contact me, I'm on Facebook under Gerald Peterson [email protected] in Florida or [email protected] my # is 503-332-0124. I was an AO onboard the USS America 80 to 81 then the Big E 82-83 my supervisor was AO1 Smallbeck, hit me up!!!!!

Sunday, 18th March 2012 5:30:47 PM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I was in from 1965 thru Oct of 1969. Started with VAH-123 and eventually to VA-128. Was an AZ-3 attached to Maintenance Admin. I see Paul Strand's name on here. Give me a shout out.

Thursday, 15th March 2012 12:57:09 PM
Name: David Robinson
Squadron: VA-55
Message: I was with VA-55 from about '83 to '87. I worked AIMD at Oceana and then on the Coral Sea during the '85/'86 Med cruise. I shipped over in '87 and was assigned to AIMD Oceana until the summer of '91. I live in Nashville, TN now, have a lot of fond memories. Just wanted to say hey to any shipmates, feel free to drop a line ([email protected])

Monday, 12th March 2012 3:20:29 AM
Name: James Bott
Squadron: VA-52, AIMD Whidbey Island
Message: WOW, seems like forever ago!!!! Was a Knightrider from 84-87 and at AIMD til 1992.

Wednesday, 7th March 2012 11:19:26 AM
Name: John A. Fox, Gysgt, Ret
Squadron: VMA W242/121/Mag 42
Message: Served El Toro, first West Pac on USS Ranger in 121. My most memorable times were in VMA AW 242. Semper Fi to those with whom I served.

Wednesday, 7th March 2012 11:00:39 PM
Name: Rick Shoaf AFCM (AW/NAC) ret
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Was the CMC of VA-35 from 1991 to 1993...what an awesome bunch of folks and they impressed this rotorhead...

Monday, 5th March 2012 8:09:11 PM
Name: Dave Lepard
Squadron: VA-176

Friday, 2nd March 2012 12:06:46 PM
Name: Robert Ascherin
Squadron: VMA 242
Message: Just read Yuma newspaper 3/1/12. Col.Fred Cone just honored by MAG 13 AT mcas Yuma.Seeing his picture in paper brought back lots of memories having served two tours under then Major Cone in Da Nang as a maintenance controller. Semper fi

Thursday, 1st March 2012 11:30:29 AM
Name: Andy J. West
Squadron: VA-145 Swordsmen
Message: Great website. The F-14 might have been more "sexy" then the A-6 but nothing was more impressive then witnessing the Intruder at high power on a catapult ready to launch, loaded with 500 pounders. Would like to put a shout out to my old buddys in the Troubleshooting shop. Their names are seared into my mind and will never never be forgotten: Steve Weir, Ron Starreveld, Bob Barker, Charlie Weisenbarger, Kenny Goins, Charlie Hungerford, Al Cantu, John Roberts, Earnie Williams....these are just a few of the unsung heros of many a 145 deployment. They were more then shipmates...they were my brothers.

Monday, 27th February 2012 12:39:59 AM
Name: Ron Bobo
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I was a plane captan from 1969 until 1973.Ralph Bama Morris and Mark Squirrel McCarter If you are out there contact me.

Saturday, 25th February 2012 1:02:24 AM
Name: Dave Smith
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Looking for anyone that was in the squadron 1972-1976 and would like to know what happened to CDR Herb Brown

Thursday, 23rd February 2012 9:50:25 PM
Name: Bob Stafford
Squadron: VA 65
Message: Miss it. Was a great intro into the Navy.

Monday, 20th February 2012 8:39:32 PM
Name: Theresa Magnusson
Message: Looking for Lois Carlson whose husband flew A-6s out of Oceana in the late 70s. If anyone could help I would appreciate it.

Monday, 20th February 2012 4:40:20 PM
Name: Rolf Johnsen
Squadron: VMA (AW) 242
Message: Not so long ago, the was a bred of aircraft which lingered longer, would penetrate deeper, and drop a larger load. These were the infamous A6 Intruders. What great memories.

Thursday, 16th February 2012 3:03:40 PM
Name: Alan Yost
Squadron: VMAT-202/VMA-332/VMAQ-4
Message: Cherry Point/Whidbey Island 1983 - 2000. Great people, Great times. Semper Fi!!

Thursday, 16th February 2012 11:00:49 PM
Name: Jesus Albarracin
Squadron: Va176-Va42-Va34
Message: Hey Mark Kramer what up we served together,on the uss forrest fire,how are you.Al

Sunday, 5th February 2012 10:27:27 AM
Name: Gary Reddog Thomas
Squadron: VMA-533,VMAT-202
Message: For Mike Wenzel and all others,Reunion for 533 Chu Lai 67-68 being held May 3-6 in Cherry Point.All are welcome to attend and reconnect with many of the guys that were in original Transpact-contace me at [email protected] or phone 856-906-4225 for details

Sunday, 5th February 2012 9:58:12 AM
Name: "Smokin" Joe Vender AQ2
Squadron: VA-128....VA-165
Message: I'll always be a BOOMER!!...we ruled Whidbey while i was there...83-88...the best times of my life...i could mention so many names that influenced my life without which i wouldnt be who i am today...thanks guys! GO NAVY!!!

Sunday, 5th February 2012 1:39:53 AM
Name: Skip Coppock
Squadron: VA-42, VA-35
Message: I am the wife of Skip who was with the above squadrons 1979-1982. He was aboard the USS NIMITZ when it was east coast and did work ups on the Vincent. He along with our two daughters was killed in 1989 on his way to Beeville, TX (for his 2 wk active duty) in a mva. Would love to catch up with friends from our Oceana days. He spoke of a lot of the enlisted for being such brave MEN upon the deck and loved all his crewmates like brothers. My sons from my second marriage still pull out his journals of the cruises he was on and feel they know a lot of people just from Skip's words. We use to be the place where all the bachelors dropped in for a "family get-together" and a nice homecooked either a game of football or volleyball. Our children always thought of you as Uncle Ron, Uncle Dave, Uncle Alexis, Uncle Fred, etc. So many wonderful memories! Blessings to you all! Debby Coppock Ross

Wednesday, 1st February 2012 4:36:46 PM
Name: Herman "Chuck" Kunes
Squadron: VMF 214 & VMF(N)533
Message: And the beat goes on at 87 years of age. Are any WW-11 vets around? Now residing in Langhorne, Pa. Contact: [email protected]

Wednesday, 1st February 2012 2:10:57 AM
Name: Kevin thornton
Squadron: Va 55 warhorses
Message: brings back great memories..was an AD from 85til 89.spent most of time in line shack as plane capt. Great friends ...

Tuesday, 31st January 2012 12:59:45 PM
Name: r d lane
Squadron: 128 115 145
Message: great site i miss the old grumman iron works work horse was 1st at to get orders to 128 after a few months in va 42 east coast rag then a 1 of the 1st to 115 while it was forming up 2 nam cruises 71 -72 and72 73 then on to 145 and 2 cruses on the ranger retired as an atcs in feb of 80 was at whidbey when they had the a6 retirement ceremony almost had a tear in my eye i plan on going to the 115 reunion in san diego in may hope to see many of you there

Monday, 30th January 2012 1:01:16 PM
Name: Kevin Crockett
Squadron: VA-115
Message: VA-115 Airframes '72-'75 Initial cruise to Japan.

Saturday, 28th January 2012 8:12:56 AM
Name: Sgt. R J Nelson
Squadron: VMA (AW)242-225
Message: I was in Fire Control. To Sgt John J Gregory(ORDNANCE)& Cpl Richard A Plante(POWER PLANTS) "Semper Fi".I went to the Reunion in D.C. Had great time.Contact Capt. Tim Murphy if you're interested.Located You two in VMA(AW)225 cruise book.

Saturday, 28th January 2012 5:01:55 PM
Name: AOC Mark Constable
Squadron: 176,75,34
Message: Had a great time. Worked with a lot of good people. Drop me a line.

Friday, 20th January 2012 8:06:27 PM
Name: Richard Watts
Squadron: VA-55
Message: WOW, I am so glad that I found this site. I served in VA-55 from February 1987 until July 1990. I remember Some of you but much of my memory was lost due to health issues. I remember LT Joe Yuna. LT Perry Forester, AME3 Mark Lynn. CDR Suggs, CDR Hensen, CMC Gordon Farrell. It would be wonderful to hear from you guys again. My email address is [email protected]

Thursday, 19th January 2012 6:50:41 PM
Name: Greg Riley
Squadron: VA-115
Message: I served with VA-115 ORDNANCE 1972-1975 forward deployed onboard USS MIDWAY. WTF to the best ordnance shop in westpac.

Tuesday, 17th January 2012 10:19:44 PM
Name: Wayne Tucker
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: I was with the squadron for six great years - loved everyone of them.

Monday, 16th January 2012 11:21:10 AM
Name: bill trice
Squadron: vma(aw)242
Message: served at danang...67-68...electrical shop....vma(aw)224 at cherry point,n.c.

Sunday, 15th January 2012 4:31:04 PM
Name: Cliff Hammock
Squadron: VA 35
Message: Hi to all my old friends from the AO section; Vietnam West-PAC cruise 72-73.

Sunday, 15th January 2012 1:50:27 PM
Name: Dave Mulso
Squadron: VA-145
Message: Just found this website and going thru all the messages, am shocked to see my very best friend Joe "Rami" Ramirez on here back in 08, Joe, please somehow or someway PLEASE get ahold of me, would love to hear how you are doing these days. Also any of you other freaks from the shack or powerplants shop from '86-'89 would love to hear from you also.

Sunday, 15th January 2012 10:00:49 AM
Name: henry clyburn
Squadron: VA165

Wednesday, 11th January 2012 3:46:41 PM
Name: Brian Macnair
Squadron: VA-165 VA-36
Message: AD1 Macnair Boomer Mech from 1979 to 1982 and plank owner with the Roadrunners of VA-36 would just like to say that I wish the best to all my shipmates from those years and hope all are doing great!! We had some great times out there bro's.

Wednesday, 11th January 2012 1:34:42 PM
Name: Bob Schultz
Squadron: HC-2 Det 42
Message: I was one of the rescue aircrewman on the FDR in February, 1970 when LTJG Tom Williams, VA-176, was lost in the A-6 crash. I am in contact with his daughter, Linda Buan, she would like to hear from anyone who served with her Dad; she was young back then and needs to know about her Father. Can any of you "Thunderbolts" out there help? Her email is: [email protected] Regards, Bob Schultz Spotsylvania, VA.

Friday, 6th January 2012 7:16:29 AM
Name: Paul Strand
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Hello: I was one of the first techs assigned to the fire control shop in Sept 1967. I arrived as an AQBAN and progreede to AQ2 before I left the NAVY. I spent my whole service time other than training in VA-128. I was a member of DETs to carrier quals on the USS Oriskaney, Falon Nevada, and Yuma. I'm hoping to link up with other fellas from the old AQ shop. Pass on my email if some check in. Thanks a lot.

Friday, 6th January 2012 7:20:48 AM
Name: Paul Strand
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I forgot to inclde when I mustered out in Sept of 1970. I also did two tours in the reserves with VA128 in 1974-76 and 1978-1980. Hope you can add this to my first log in. Thanks again

Thursday, 5th January 2012 12:55:10 PM
Name: Mike Wenzel
Squadron: VMA 533
Message: Deployed with VMA 533 from Cherry Point to Chu Lai Viet Nam as motor transport chief. Understand a reunion is planned and would like to attend. Please send the dates as I have an RV and will need to make reservations.

Thursday, 5th January 2012 1:44:48 AM
Name: Steve McGowan
Squadron: VA128 and VA 52
Message: I started with VA-128 in late '68 after AE-A School in Jacksonville, FL. Loved it. Transferred to VA 52 AE shop once they returned from Viet Nam in '70. We left for our West Pac tour late '70 and returned in August '71 when I took an early out due to cut-backs. I have kept in touch with Bill Schantz and Mike Logozzo both of whom transferred to 52 about the same time. Bob Shandor and I went to college together in Sacramento and he lives in Hawaii now. Ron Yeglic worked in VA 128 Power Plants and may have transferred to 196 or possibly 165. Lost track of many others, but I did run into Mike Logan in Vegas who retired as a CPO and now is a unit manager for a lumber company. Some other friends were Lorne Lacey and Dick Benoit who transferred from 128 to either 165 or 196. In 128, Charlie Myers was an excellent leader and eventually worked in the Pentagon. Dan Hamner, didn't we work together in 128? Chief Staubach was our chief at one time, but there was another chief before him who was very good. In VA 52 the AME (is that the chair guy) was Mackay, I believe. After all these years it is difficult to remember all the names, but it was fun while it lasted. Cheers!

Sunday, 1st January 2012 10:18:35 PM
Name: Jim Forrest
Squadron: none
Message: Hello sirs, my name is Jim Forrest and I have a cigarette lighter with the 128 logo on it. It came from my late half-brother's estate by way of my mother's passing 10 years ago. It has been sitting in a drawer since then and I would like to find it a home. Do you know any interested parties that would like to have it? I will ship free of charge to new owner. My half-brother was senior chief Dean "Dutch" Poorman and was stationed at NAS Oak Harbor from 1970 to his retirement in 1974, a 22 year career total. He was a flight engineer on the C130 for a time and wintered over in Antarctica in the mid 60's, flying out of New Zealand. Thank you for your time. My prior e-mail to your historian went undeliverable.

Saturday, 31st December 2011 11:58:50 AM
Name: Leanna Rogers
Squadron: VA-95 / VA-128
Message: I am not sure if you can help me or not. My husband is getting ready to retire in May of next year and I'm trying to put his shadow box together. He was attached to VA 95 and VA 128 and I'm trying to get a rocker from each command for his shadow box. Do you know how I can go about getting one for him? If you are not willing to part with it could you please at least take a picture and email it to me so we can have them made. Thank you for any help you can provide. My email is [email protected]

Thursday, 29th December 2011 2:04:36 PM
Name: Craig "Mac" McGlinn
Squadron: VMCJ-1,VMCJ-2,VMCJ-3
Message: Would like to hear from anyone serving in the "J- Squadrons" from 1970-73. I was an Avionics Active ECM (ALQ-76) tech with VMCJ-2 from March '70- March '71; with VMCJ-1 from April '71- April '72; VMCJ-3 from April '72- June '73 but returned TAD to WestPac with the VMCJ-1/2 Cubi Point Detachment from June '72- December '72.

Wednesday, 28th December 2011 2:08:42 PM
Name: Leanna Rogers
Squadron: VA 95 and VA 128
Message: My husband was stationed in both of 95 and 128 between 1986 and 1993. He is due to retire in May and is trying to get his shadow box items. He is trying to get rockers from all his previous commands. Does anyone know how he can go about finding rockers for either or hopefully both of these squadrons. Thanks for any help that you can provide.

Wednesday, 28th December 2011 5:35:14 PM
Name: Larry J. Abshire
Squadron: VA 165, VA52
Message: I was with VA 165 from Oct 66 to April 67, VA 52 was forming and 165 was overstaffed with Petty Officers so I was transferred to VA 52. I was an AME2, We deployed to the Westpac some times in '68. I worked on the Flight Deck as a Troubleshooter. We lost Cmdr Quinlan Orel and Lt James Hunt on 13 Oct '68. All of my friends called me "Abby". I am currently the Department Commander of The American Legion for the State of Louisiana. I would like to hear from any of you who served during this time. Contact me at [email protected] For God and Country Larry Abshire

Sunday, 25th December 2011 11:36:21 AM
Squadron: VA 145
Message: Transferred from VAH-4 to VA-145 for its first A6 deployment aboard the USS ENTERPRISE AQB E5 Would like to hear from anyone thatade the workups and the first cruise.

Friday, 23rd December 2011 10:42:37 AM
Name: Michael J. Buba
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: Wishing all Marines a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Remember Cherry Pt. 1981-84 Electric Shop. Fun in the sun, West PAC 81, Yuma, GITMO workup on the Saratoga....Semper Fi!!

Monday, 19th December 2011 12:34:40 PM
Name: Eric Enterline
Squadron: VMA-121 El Toro
Message: My old home. Miss the old gang at El Toro 1984-1986. Vince Harris, Gary Bown, miss you guys.

Friday, 16th December 2011 6:58:44 PM
Name: wade stanley
Squadron: VA-35 / 36 / 75
Message: Chris Hinckle your a hard man to find drop me a line senderomagnum@yahoo. That goes to any one else who knows me.

Thursday, 8th December 2011 4:51:19 PM
Name: Linda
Message: Thank-you for this site! [email protected]

Thursday, 8th December 2011 12:03:02 AM
Name: young, Westley
Squadron: VMA-533
Message: Trying to contact anyone that know MgSgt Wayne Tucker S-4.

Monday, 5th December 2011 9:52:51 PM
Name: Tim Johnsrude
Squadron: VA-165/VA-155
Message: Beautiful jet. Flying dump truck with pinpoint accuracy. It was a pain in the butt to maintain, but to see one fly off the 'pointy end' was a sight to behold. Rest in peace LT Tom Costen and LT Charlie Turner. Your sacrifice in GWI is not forgotten.

Sunday, 4th December 2011 11:00:31 AM
Name: conrad
Message: Hello!Thank for all this info that you have collected here in your website. It is very helpful.

Tuesday, 29th November 2011 12:04:56 AM
Name: James
Message: Very interesting, thank-you. [email protected]

Monday, 28th November 2011 6:29:37 PM
Name: amh3 ernest witt
Squadron: va-95
Message: looking for friends who served 1980-1981 on the uss america. email me with name and number.

Sunday, 27th November 2011 10:51:41 PM
Name: Sully
Message: I am looking for a William P. "Bill" Davis, II, USMC, who would have been in the A-6 starting in 1970. Bill attended AF pilot training (Laredo 70-02) and I am organizing a class reunion. Any info, however dated, would be much appreciated. Thanks. [email protected]

Saturday, 26th November 2011 9:22:07 PM
Name: Bob Cleaver
Squadron: VA-115 Arabs
Message: Served with VA-115 in 72 West Pac. AE2 and FDTS (long time ago).Interested in being contacted by fellow sailors

Saturday, 26th November 2011 2:41:03 PM
Name: Max
Squadron: VA 155
Message: After browsing around your site, I really like the content. This is awesome! [email protected]

Friday, 25th November 2011 9:28:09 AM
Name: Richard Flint
Squadron: VA-52 71-74- VA-196 74-75
Message: Any of my friends that knew me either from VA-52 from 1971-74.or I transferred to VA-196 in 1974-1975 on the maiden voyage of the F-14 Tomcats, but I was a AMS-4 Plane Captain Trouble Shooter before I got out, on A6-A Intruders. Please email me, or go on Face Book and look me up, I need some closure, plus I am writing a book, and possible docudrama for the Military Channel! Thank You Intruder Brothers Richard Flint

Wednesday, 23rd November 2011 10:14:13 PM
Name: Kenneth Rinderhagen Junior
Squadron: VA 155
Message: Hello Commanders and family of I was assigned to VA 155 from the first day till 03/10/1989 tickets to gate speed trap though I miss all and wish the best hoping to hear from the Command Visit my web site for my achievements since Kenneth Ray Rinderhagen Junior

Sunday, 20th November 2011 8:13:46 AM
Name: Gary REDDOG Thomas
Squadron: VMA(aw)533,VMAT-202
Message: We are having a reunion in Cherry Point on May 3-6 during the Air Show in 2012 for the original transpack group to Chu Lai RVN 67-68.Anyone is welcome to attend and would love to reconnect with as many as possible.Contact me at [email protected] if interested and not already on the roster for details.Semper Fi

Sunday, 20th November 2011 2:38:48 AM
Name: randy prater
Squadron: va-165
Message: was in squadron from june 67 to nov 70 three west pac cruise's two on the ranger last on the america was there when the squad got the frist a6a's I painted the frist boomer on tail. THE ROCK was a great place to be station. The wife an I had our honey moon there still married 45 years. Some good friends are gone but thier memory'S are still around. Anyone remember the boat ride to the ship in cuba? or the flight back to whidbey from Mayport Fla? Only if you was sober.

Monday, 14th November 2011 8:18:37 AM
Name: Dan Carpenter
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Ole YN2 from 1980 to 1983...Miss the boys, Chief baker and all in the admin side...Hope you all are doing well.

Thursday, 10th November 2011 10:45:18 PM
Squadron: VA-65 1974-1977

Saturday, 5th November 2011 12:03:55 AM
Name: Robert Sullivan AQ
Squadron: VA-65 (1973-76); VA-36 (1987-90)
Message: Greetings to Tigers from the Independence cruises; and Roadrunner Plankowners from TR's first cruise. I'm in Jacksonville FL and would like to hear from old shipmates.

Sunday, 30th October 2011 9:35:30 PM
Name: Terry Hall
Squadron: VMA(AW)-225 VIKINGS
Message: Hi, My name it Teri Hall. I was married to Terrance Chad Hall. Terry passed away several years ago. I would like to learn more about Terry. Please feel free to contact me if you knew Terry.

Sunday, 30th October 2011 10:12:17 AM
Name: James T. McDaniels
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Was in from 71-75 in the powerplant shop. 2 cruises to the Med aboard the Forrestal. Worked in AIMD on the second cruise. Remember ADJC Crisi and Gum. ADJ1 McMillen and Godfrey. ADJ2 Brock and Williams kept everyone laughing. Lt. Barefoot was our brach officer. ADJ2 Steve Lanning and I split the night shift crew after I made 2nd class.

Sunday, 30th October 2011 2:57:24 AM
Squadron: VA-35 1985-1989
Message: Hey Randy Young, send me an email shipmate! I saw your message on here. I hope all is well. My email is [email protected]

Thursday, 27th October 2011 1:18:07 PM
Name: Jefferson C Brooks
Squadron: Airstation NOLA
Message: Lt.Jim Cowan A6-E REO aka "thinner-head" -Abe Lincoln- circa 95. Give me a call on the 1MC. (760)-861-3764 Jcb

Thursday, 27th October 2011 1:43:44 AM
Name: GySgt Jose Rosillo USMC Ret
Squadron: VMA(AW)-121
Message: 1988-1990 VMA(AW)-121 TRANSITON TO VMFA(AW)-121 . WetPac 1989 USS Ranger CVW-2. Wonderful cruise , best bunch of Marines

Friday, 21st October 2011 12:11:36 AM
Name: gerry clark
Squadron: va 35
Message: line crew late 70-73 (fire dog) I worked with you MAC and charlie Broom and rick Gains.....

Friday, 21st October 2011 2:31:35 PM
Name: Gary Smith
Squadron: VA-196
Message: AE-2 in the shop from 71-74, two west pacs and did the ORI in March 74 with the new F-14's.Worked with Dan Hamner and Arfin "Olly" Olsen and Ed Crensahw and helpled flight deck TS with Lenny Shores many times so he could go off the pointy end. Saw Bill Carroll and Charlie Shallot and Gary Ferris in the past years. Still in contact with Morris"Shaky" Shook and Tim Mattson both retired in Wa. Retired from the FAA a few years ago and live near Sacramento, Ca. Would really like to see a early 70's 196 reunion.

Friday, 21st October 2011 10:18:04 AM
Name: Buddy Stanley
Squadron: VA-42/VA-85
Message: 1981-1989.Retired Chief.Love the aircraft and the personnel associated with it.Best group of people I ever had the privilege to serve with.Many thanks.

Tuesday, 18th October 2011 4:36:52 PM
Name: Walter Griffin
Squadron: VA35 - USS Nimitz
Message: On board USS Nimitz 1977 - 1979. Made two Med. Cruises. Assigned AIMD as an AE working Inertial Navig. Systems. Other AIMD guys from VA35 - Joe Remenczes, Vinny Patruno, - - also hung out with Jerry Clark from VA35

Tuesday, 18th October 2011 1:44:57 PM
Name: Steven Cory
Squadron: VA-42
Message: I worked in the "Personnel Office" during 1976-1977! Couldn't of asked for a better assignment. I wish al my fellow shipmates "Fare winds and following seas"

Sunday, 16th October 2011 12:47:57 AM
Name: Roy Hemphill
Squadron: VA-42
Message: I was a Jet Engine Mechanic in the Squadron between 1971 and 1974. I now live in Knoxville, TN.

Thursday, 13 October 2011 9:38:00 PM
Name: Dana Johnson
Squadron: VA-42 Green Pawns, Line June '77-Feb '81
Message: I was a plane captain on the line and remember alot of good people! AE2 Ken Allen,AD3 Jeff Gerode,Capt Dadsen,then AE2 Ben Wynnkoop(now on Norfolk,VA. PD)CDR Cartwright,CDR Kight,ADCS Paradise, W4 "Boats"Davis,Gunner Harmon-the best!,RADM Benny "Squat" Suggs,was a Jg then),CDR Cash our DO,CDR Knutson, Lt Chuck Morrow-RIP,AKC Dixon-RIP,(local volleyball expert!)ADC Skipper,AEC Dockery,AOC Anderson,CDR Lolly, RADM "Zap" Zalataper,(was a CDR then),CDR Pegaus(caught the wire on final every time on night quals and made it look easy!)AD3 Andresen, AE2 "Coop" Cooper,ADC Hymann,AEC VonVecht, Capt Robert Tolliver. Good times on VISWEPS Dets to Yuma and El Centro.Fallon-not so much!. I got to go aboard the carriers Nimitz,America,Kennedy,Lexington,and Eisenhower. I still hear J-52's once in awhile when an EA-6B goes overhead,one of those sounds one does not forget! I am now VA. Beach PD retired. If you remember me I'm at [email protected]. Enjoy life and take care !!!!

Monday, 10th October 2011 11:40:43 PM
Name: Chris Walsh
Squadron: VA-95 "Green Lizards"
Message: Spent two deployments with the Lizards between 87 - 90. One West Pac and the World Cruise to leave the "Big E" in Norfolk. The days in the AQ shop and the Shooter shack on the last deploymet molded me into the man that I am today. The leadership of the Lizards during that eara, from the Skipper down to Mark (Spike)in the shooters shack, made us the safest squadrons in the Navy! Thank You! I have always been proud of my service to my Country and No One can take that away from me or any or you that have served any squadron or branch of service. My only regret is that I did not stay in for Desert Storm after getting out a week before the invasion.

Monday, 10th October 2011 3:19:06 AM
Name: Warren Preston Yambor
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Gulf of Sidra (line of death) era. AT2 max. rank. It was an honor to serve.

Thursday, 29th September 2011 1:48:20 PM
Name: DF "Turbo" Meisner
Squadron: vMA AW-242
Message: Hello Val, and other 'Bats" out there who served between 86 and 88. DFIUTALOMOOP Drop me a line if you're out there. Love, Turbo

Wednesday, 28th September 2011 6:03:14 PM
Name: DF "Turbo" Meisner
Squadron: VMA AW-242
Message: Anyone out there from the Col Hansen/Valovich era want to connect? Remember....DFIUTALOMOOP Cubi, Australia, Iwakuni Greetings all from the Korean Reebok Importer!

Wednesday, 28th September 2011 12:13:15 AM
Name: Skip Spencer
Squadron: VMA9aw)533,VMA9aw)224,VMCJ1
Message: 533 Oct66-May?67, then H&MS12 w/c 640. VMA(aw)224 Mar 72-June 72, VMCJ-1 Avi (ECM) June72-Dec72. Various H&MS at various times. Retired from HMM-764F/L NATOPS USMC Reserve Dec1985. To Mike Allen and Frank McDonald, I do remember you guys. I've been in touch with Mac McGimpsey and Ralph Donais. Both were in beautiful Chu Lai by-the-sea in '67-'68. Anyone remember John Beaton? Are there anymore former (or mpresent) w/c 640 people here? SEMPER FI!!!

Monday, 26th September 2011 5:26:04 PM
Name: Greg Riley
Squadron: VA-115 (ARABS)
Message: 1972-1975, VA-115 ordnance. Any old BBSTACKERS?? Give me a line. I also spent time on the Rock. VA-128, VA-165 and station MAA force.

Saturday, 17th September 2011 4:34:11 PM
Name: Jim OConnell
Squadron: VA-34
Message: Quite a number of the Blue Blasters have gotten together in a group on Facebook. Looking for guys specifically from 76 to 79 that rode JFK and IKE. Some of the guys have commented on trying to find Marty Black. If anybody out there, you can find the Blue Blasters on Facebook or contact me. Jim (ATCS) O'Connell

Sunday, 11th September 2011 9:21:41 PM
Name: Craig Tyson
Squadron: VA-36
Message: I was an AZ2 in VA-36 from 90-95. I am still active duty and would love to hear from some of the old Road Runners. I can be contacted at [email protected].

Saturday, 10th September 2011 2:15:53 AM
Name: Mike Kennicutt
Squadron: VA-128,VA-52,VA-196, and NAS Pt Mugu
Message: Va-52 (1976-1979, Nas Pt Mugu (1980-1982, VA-196 (1982-1985), VA-128 (1985-1989), VA-196 (1989-1992, and VA-128 (1992-1995)

Tuesday, 6th September 2011 4:14:13 PM
Name: William Gilbert
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I served as an AO with VA-75 Sunday Punchers 1973-1977.

Sunday, 4th September 2011 8:38:53 AM
Name: David Porter
Squadron: VA128
Message: Hello ... I was an AE from 1972-1976 enjoyed my time there at Whidbey Island, WA.

Friday, 2nd September 2011 1:13:50 PM
Name: Randall Young
Squadron: n/a
Message: I was a Sheetmetal Mech at Naval Aviation Depot Alameda July 1986. My shop overhaul the complete wind screens,repaired damaged cam-loc on fuel access,walkway honeycomb repair,honeycomb repair on diverter,intake crack repair,corrosion control,replaced damaged engine bay door& nose landing gear door seals,r/r damaged fasteners in keel foward to aft,landing gear uplock fitting replacement,r/r access ladder, at time we would get a few EA6-B's in for servicing too.They were just as awsome as the A-6. I am glad that I had the opportunity to work on other a/c's as well A-3,P-3, S-3's,A-7in NAS Lemoore,NAS Pt.Mugu,A-6 in NAS Whidbey Island on TDY.Then in 1989 I need a change in scenery and became an NDI inspector. LevelII MT,PT,ET.I was assigned to the Landing gear shop inspecting all Landing gear components.Then was transfered to the Engine division inspecting engine components. In 1993 I was caught in a RIF (reduction in force) the base closure crap. I was lucky to be picked up by NAS North Island kept the same job NDI and payrate and finally got out in 2000. As I look back on my career I can truly say with all honesty that I loved my job.If I was able turn back time I would be there now. I just want to say "Thank You" to all the military personel past and present who served our great country the United States of America and keeping her Free! God Bless America!

Thursday, 1st September 2011 2:23:56 PM
Name: Douglas J. Kelley
Squadron: N/A
Message: I am looking for any info on a Capt. Thomas Clem an A-6 pilot lost over N. Vietnam in May of 68. Thank you. Semper FI

Thursday, 25th August 2011 5:01:37 AM
Name: Carl Peters
Squadron: B/N, VA-52, 1974-1977
Message: Guys, I'm in Kandahar right now (8/11) for about 6 months as an anesthesiologist in the Role 3 hospital. Recently became a commander in the reserves. drop me an e-mail full of reminiscences from the old days. No Navy planes here, only Air Force and Army.

Monday, 15th August 2011 9:41:56 PM
Name: john j gregory
Squadron: VMA(AW)242, VMA(AW)225, VMFA542, 451, 333, 251
Message: AO. Couldn't keep a job i guess. i tear-up when i read this. we did good! SEMPER FI!!

Friday, 12th August 2011 3:02:12 AM
Name: Jerry Sayas
Squadron: H&ms11 VMA(AW) 242 - 225
Message: Served with H&MS 11 Mag 11 1st MAW at DA NANG from Dec '69 til July '71. Worked Search/Track radar both on the line and maintenance. Also served with VA 165 aboard the USS America CVA 66 from Jan '71 to Apr '71.

Sunday, 24th July 2011 2:10:03 PM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Bill Johnson, and others, I was an AZ3 in VA-128 from 1966 till September 1969. Anyone from that time feel free to email me.

Saturday, 23rd July 2011 10:21:53 PM
Name: Blake Vick
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I was a storekepper from July 85 to Feb 89

Thursday, 21st July 2011 10:50:59 PM
Name: Rob Ankenbrandt
Message: I was part of ships company from 82-85. Med cruise 84 was a good time. If anyone remembers me; give me a holler.

Thursday, 14th July 2011 12:22:24 AM
Name: AD3 James "TEX" LaRive
Squadron: VA-85 Black Falcons
Message: Served in 85 from 80-84 in the Mech. Shop. Made two Med.Cruises aboard the Forrestal, & one Med./IO Cruise aboard the Kennedy. Would like to hear from any 85 guys who served during this period. Made one hell of alot of friends on these cruises and at NAS Oceana. Would like to hear from Mark Wells,Petey Weibeld,& Marvin Bourque drop me a line. Had some good times in the Navy!! The A-6 Bomber was the best carrier bomber the Navy has ever had, hated to see her go. I enjoyed working on that plane, only thing I hated was a tailpipe change, and having to carry CSD's to the flight deck a change for a bird that was on the flight plan. Hope all me fellow Black Falcons are doing well. I'm doing fine, married living in Houston,TX.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011 3:24:16 PM
Name: Butch Wunderlin
Squadron: VA-35
Message: USS America and USS Nimitz 73-76, answering a earlier post by Bill Gallaway. Alive and well living in DeSoto, Texas in the phone book give me a call. Cheers

Wednesday, 13 July 2011 2:01:25 PM
Name: Bill Johnson
Squadron: VA-128 and Va-165
Message: I was with VA-128 in 1968-69 as a PT. Shipped out to VA-165 in 1969 to deploy with the USS America. Looking for my old buddies from VA-128.

Tuesday, 12th July 2011 4:14:33 PM
Name: Zeke Moore
Squadron: VA-115
Message: VA-115 1970 - 1973 aboard USS Midway looking for shipmates.

Sunday, 10th July 2011 3:55:43 PM
Name: Mindwalk
Squadron: SwampDragons
Message: Does anyone know Bruce Burt ,,, flew the a6 Intruder

Saturday, 9th July 2011 1:18:28 PM
Name: bill trice
Squadron: vma(aw)22,vma(aw)242
Message: joined 224 in 1966,cherry point,was transferred to 242 in 67,at danang.elec shop..was there for tet 68...just came back from cherry point last month after a Marine intrudr was great,had over 400 in attendance

Tuesday, 5th July 2011 2:58:44 PM
Name: Greg Riley
Squadron: VA-128, 115, 165
Message: Aviation ordnance, VA-115 ARABS ( 1972-1976 ) USS MIDWAY CVA-41. Hey any of you guys still around. I guess were all old farts now. Get in touch. from BBSTACKER2

Thursday, 23rd June 2011 10:19:18 AM
Name: Michael J. Buba
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: Looking for former squadron mates 1980-1984 Cherry Point, NC. Had lots of good times in Havlock, New Bern, and Atlantic City(NC)on the board walk. Also, Iwakuni Trans PAC 1981/82, especially Olongopo City.

Tuesday, 21st June 2011 8:33:34 PM
Name: Steven Geyer
Squadron: VMAT(AW)-202, VMA(AW)-533
Message: I have been researching and reviewing a lot of information on the old Intruder, and just joined the Intruder Association here. I worked in the Ordnance Division, and deployed on the MED Cruise 1983-84 with VMA(AW)-533 aboard USS Saratoga CV-60. Many great memories, and I now connect with many old friends on facebook,, and yahoo e-mail. Retired affter closing Bases in California and relocating Squadrons. Drop a note, or give a call. My #'s on my facebook page. Semper Fi

Thursday, 16th June 2011 8:40:50 PM
Name: Jim Rollins
Squadron: VS-30
Message: I just saw a couple postings about AD2 Brian Preston by his former shipmates. I had the pleasure of growing up with Brian back in Quincy, Michigan. About 7 of my graduating class joined the Navy and went our separate ways. I was on the USS Carl Vinson for carrier quals with VS-41 shortly before Brian's death, but we did not see each other during that Det. Wish I had seen him one last time. He was a great guy and a good friend. I miss him every day.

Tuesday, 14th June 2011 11:45:11 PM
Name: Bill Galloway
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served 73 thru 76, on the America and the Nimitz. Looking for the guys TAD to AIMD shop 650.I was moving some stuff and came across some brochures saved from our Med cruise. So that is why I started looking and I found this site, pretty awesome site. I'm looking for John sieler, Edwin (Butch) Wunderlin, Jim Gallegher, Jon Pierson and Larry Kim to name a few. If there is to be a Squadron reunion, I'd love to know, I'm sure it would be a kick in the pants to see some of the old ship mates. What times we had on our liberty calls. BOHICA all the way.

Tuesday, 14th June 2011 2:49:48 AM
Name: AO2 Steve Griffith
Squadron: VA-196/Va-128
Message: Went to A6 squadron Sept.1970. Sent to Va-196 approx. June 1972. West Pac cruise 1972to 1973. I agree with David Harrell who wrote on this wall. What a great bunch of guys to work with. He was sure one of them. We through a lot of weapons on those A-6's. We could do 16 500lbders armed and ready in 17min. Probably because we had to at times. Chief Cox and Chief Michell two great men. Couldn't have wished for anyone better. Our Ao1 Jim Goforth was awesome as well. Good memories!

Monday, 13 June 2011 4:43:05 PM
Name: Lynn Boyet AQB-2
Squadron: VA-115 "ARABS"
Message: Joined up with VA115 after VA23 A4 squadron at Lemoore was decommissioned. Trained with VA128. WestPac on Midway 1971. Great memories.

Monday, 13 June 2011 7:20:14 AM
Name: Bob Hermans
Squadron: VA-42 Green Pawns
Message: Good morning A6r's, We had the IMAC crash on us so I haven't sent any messages on line. Set up our old PC and need to find a mother board for the IMAC. The puter was the best upgrade we have had. this PC is very slow on most all items we try. Thank you for this site and any past, current or future service member to serve our great country:)!!!!! Bob

Friday, 10th June 2011 7:11:19 PM
Name: Tom RIPPLE
Squadron: VA-85
Message: I was in VA-85 from 84-87.Made a Med/IO CRUISE aboard the USS Saratoga (CV-60) from 8/85 to 4/86.If your out there, would like to say hey to Heuy Butler, Jody Love,Dave Jensen,Seabag.Made part of 87 cruise. Was honorably dischared 9/87.

Friday, 10th June 2011 9:15:23 PM
Name: Larry Cline
Squadron: VMA-533
Message: I wThursday, 21st April 2011 10:58:57 PM Name: Carl "CT Williams Squadron: VMA 533 Message: My name is Larry Cline. I was in VMA-533 from about 85-86. I am looking for anyone that was in Cherry Pt with us. I saw a message below from CT Williams. Hey Carl get a hold of me. [email protected]

Tuesday, 31st May 2011 9:35:32 PM
Name: lDave Wilson
Squadron: VA-145
Message: Served in Va-128 and Va-145 at Whidbey 1969-1971. Was an Aviation Electricain and did two West Pacs. One on Enterprise and one on Ranger. Would like to hear from anyone that that served in that time period. Had a great time up there.

Monday, 30th May 2011 9:42:43 AM
Name: AT2 Ron Baker
Squadron: VA 165
Message: Just found this great site. Served with the Boomers 1971 to 1974 on the Connie. I'm looking for the guys I had such a great time with on Whidbey, and in the PI. Tom Smith, Mike Gall, "Dutch", Bill Allmon, "Pup", and guys in other A6 squadrons like, Joel Siefert, and Doug Robinson. If any of you guys are out there I would love to hear from you and relive some of those wild times we had together, lol.

Wednesday, 25th May 2011 8:47:33 PM
Squadron: VA-196

Tuesday, 24th May 2011 4:42:07 PM
Name: Chris Manzanares (Manz-e)
Squadron: Va-155
Message: Hats off to all that served. Like to say hello to all my old shipmates. Everybody on whidbey and those I served with on the Ranger. Operation desert storm and shield.

Sunday, 22nd May 2011 10:09:02 PM
Name: Joe
Squadron: Royal Australian Navy '76-'82
Message: Dear Shipmates, I served in the Royal Australian Navy as an Aircraft Handler on our last carrier HMAS Melbourne during the late 70's. I collect copies of 'privately' filmed (8mm or video) carrier films as a hobby as well as PLAT footage, mishaps, cruise video�s and other items filmed by Navy cameramen aboard carriers. I would like to swap copies of any carrier flying footage you may have, especially home video, mishap films or standard PLAT footage. If you have any footage from your time aboard your various NAVAIR related commands and are interested in sharing with an ex sailor, please reply and ask for my swapping list as I have plenty to share. Long time Tailhook member. Regards Joe Sydney Australia

Sunday, 22nd May 2011 7:40:08 PM
Name: Bill Benjamin
Squadron: VMA (AW) 224, 533, 121
Message: Served 1968-72, stateside (Cherry Point, Yuma, Oceana, etc.) and westpac. Sgt. Fire Control. Hello to all old friends and fellow marines.

Tuesday, 17th May 2011 11:22:57 PM
Name: Ben Wynkoop
Squadron: VA-42, VA-75, VA-55, VAQ-33
Message: Spent my entire career in A-6's. went from E-1 to LDO LT. What a wonderful time, met many GREAT people and have alot of memories. Would love to hear from any I served with.

Sunday, 15th May 2011 12:34:09 PM
Name: Lee Lavender
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served with va-35 from 67 to68 aboard USS Enterprise and again on the USS Coral Sea.Atn-3 then changed to AME.Anybody remember me please contact me by e-mail.Still live in Mississippi.

Wednesday, 11th May 2011 12:01:04 AM
Name: Kevin Webster
Squadron: VMA (AW) 332
Message: Served with the Moonlighters from 83-87 MCAS Cherry Point. I paint military and aviation art as a professional hobby. I'm wanting to paint an A-6 shadowing a Soviet Bear. Does anyone have any good photos and stories that I might use. Thanks, Kevin

Wednesday, 11th May 2011 11:09:34 PM
Name: Ernie Ladrido
Squadron: VA-85/VA-75
Message: Was a member of the Black Falcons and am looking for Paul Michael Dick that served with me in VA-85 Aboard the U.S.S. America. anybody who knows of his where about will be greatly appreciated

Sunday, 8th May 2011 7:39:05 PM
Name: Robert Gonzales
Squadron: VA95
Message: this is Speed eye (speedy) carter I think I know you.. hope everyone is fine go line shack 5-8-2011

Saturday, 7th May 2011 8:05:13 AM
Name: David Velasquez
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I was in the world famous Boomers of VA-165 at NAS Whidbey Is. Wa. 1982-1986 I worked in maintenance control AZ

Tuesday, 3rd May 2011 8:33:56 AM
Name: Stan
Squadron: VMA-533
Message: I flew during the mid 70s mostly out of Cherry Point. A happy member of the Martin Baker Tie Club! We had to punch out on a low level night training mission at 500 ft AGL. Compressor stall

Sunday, 1st May 2011 11:44:18 AM
Name: kevin tyson
Squadron: VA-155
Message: I was there back in 87 I knew comander samer vary well, he was a awsome CO. I miss them days and I loved everyone I worked with it really was like a familey.. I wish the best for the crew that stood up that year to make that squarden as good as it was

Tuesday, 26th April 2011 10:02:24 PM
Name: Sam Jarvis
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Just found this site. Love it ! Hope some more of my Knightrider buddies stop in. Served with pride and honor from 1982-1986

Monday, 25th April 2011 11:51:12 AM
Name: Brendan Keeley
Squadron: VA-115 Eagles USS Midway
Message: Hi from sunny PHX AZ I served as the EA3 Flight deck troubleshooter on the USS Midway from 82-85 and loved every minute of it. to Elizabeth Black I was friends with "Houndog" on the Midway he was a Great Pilot and Officer, sorry I don't know where he is now, but your message brought back a flood of Memories. Dan Hethcock "aka Dangerous Dan" also a Great friend and Great Pilot! Fly Navy! Long Live the A6 Intruder I miss you Friend!

Sunday, 24th April 2011 10:47:45 PM
Name: Jim Caraher
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I was with the "Punchers" from 79-82 as a AZ1. Pretty rough tour as I remember it. We crashed 2 aircraft during ORE 1979 or 1980. Lost our Skipper CDR Lynch (BN), and LT Morrow (Pilot) night accident. The 2nd one we lost, the crew was lucky and got Lt. Stuckert (Pilot), and Lt. Hiemler (not sure on spelling)BN. This was a Maintenance error (VDI box? flew out on cat shot, hitting Lt Stuckert's hand causing the plane shoot straight up, where they ejected just in time). After that, the Wing did a inspection of all things maintenance (the wing said: "This is not a witc hunt". I'm here to tell it was nothing but a "witch hunt". Heads rolled, careers lost, evals lowered, etc. I still think it is as much the MatWings fault as the squadron. We only had 2 AQ's left in the squadron (the rest in school about TRAM stuff). The Maintenance Officer complained that we needed more than 2 AQ's especially during ORE. Wing "Nays" request so now were working 2 AQ's 16-18 hours a day. We set the record for most flight hours flown by a A-6 squadron during ORE.....but it had its cost! Not all was bad, great bunch of guys. My favorite Officers were LTJG Swanlund, CDR Mobley (great CO and he definately turned the morale around..thanks for that VADM), and Mike Smith who was Maintenance Officer while he was there and the 2nd time I was stationed with him (he was a great guy, loved to fly, at Test Pilot School as a instructor he would fly anything from gliders to helos, U-6 Otter to T-38's, A-4's OV-1B, T-2C. He was a bit of a nightmare "paper work wise". I got a call from CNAL, wanting the EOQ report (engines), I knew I had done the report and had handed it to Mike. I went back to his office and asked if he had the EOQ report, he looked at me like WTF is that? I explained AIRLANT had called me and said, it was 3 days late. He atarted going through his paperwork (having no idea what he was looking for). I found it for him (it was in his "Round 2 it" box aka pending box) and hand carried it to AIRLANT, suffering the ire of a Master Chief AZ. I remember his (Mike's) parting words to me as I left his office: "Petty Officer Caraher, keep my butt out of trouble". I did and my butt to.

Thursday, 21st April 2011 10:58:57 PM
Name: Carl "CT Williams
Squadron: VMA 533
Message: I served from 1982 - 1986. Went on the Med cruise in '83 -'84. Avionics shop. Would like to hear from anyone that was on the Saratoga Med cruise, esp. SSgt Sam Guard with the airframes shop back then.

Monday, 18th April 2011 6:04:33 PM
Squadron: VMA(AW)533
Message: Trans-packed to Chu Lai in Mar. 67 - Oct. 68. I was a Plane Captain on the A6 Intruder. Just wanted to say that 533 and all who belonged to that great squadron are the best. Semper Fi

Saturday, 2nd April 2011 4:03:55 PM
Name: Francis McDonald
Squadron: VMA 533
Message: I left Cherry Point March 1967 on the advance cadre to Chu-Lai and stayed until Oct 1968. All my time was in HMS in Avionics Track bench even though I was 533 aa good part of the time. Oops I signed for an extra 6 mo. in late Dec not expecting TET 68. See some of you in Phila and I live close enough to Las Vegas to go for a weekend if someone sends me the info. SF Frank

Monday, 28th March 2011 8:56:53 PM
Name: Roger Philipps
Squadron: VA-42, VA-65
Message: ATN. Trained in VA-42 during 1965. Went to VA-65 for the Constellation and Forrestal cruises.

Wednesday, 23rd March 2011 1:50:12 AM
Name: jay kite
Message: i am trying to find a paul gene maynard who was a retired navy vet if u have any info plz contact me plzhe lives in iwakuni japn and had a house but he is retired navy so

Monday, 21st March 2011 11:19:38 AM
Name: David L Antes
Squadron: VA-115 "Arabs"
Message: I was a plane captain on A-6 Intruders 505 & 522 tanker on board the USS Midway 1973-1976

Sunday, 20th March 2011 12:25:54 AM
Name: AD2 Rodney Fama
Squadron: VA 55 WARHORSES

Saturday, 19th March 2011 8:19:18 AM
Name: Bob Hermans
Squadron: VA-42 '72-'76
Message: Too "Mac" MacScimming, Hello from Wisconsin. Were you in VA-42 line division when Ron Ball 1st class and Vince DePaul 1st class PO's were around? I came to VA-42 mid to late '72 and went TAD to the chow hall for service week. I operated the ground support equipment towing and start GTC-85's etc. Hope this is a great year for you and yours:) Fleebob

Friday, 18th March 2011 9:56:05 PM
Squadron: VA-85 ORD.

Wednesday, 16th March 2011 8:44:47 PM
Name: David Prager
Squadron: VA 52
Message: Son Of CPO Leon Prager. 1965-1968 As a teenager I had a great time being around the crew of VA 52. [email protected]

Tuesday, 15th March 2011 1:32:07 PM
Name: Charlie Brown
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533
Message: VMA (AW) 533 is having a Chu Lai/Iwakuni reunion in Las Vegas the weekend of 20 May 11, at 4 Queens. If interested in attending/renweing old friendships send me your e-mail address & I will provide you Reunion POC

Thursday, 10th March 2011 7:32:25 PM
Name: Garland Williams
Squadron: VA-75
Message: On board USS Saratoga during 72-73 while in Gulf Of Tonkin. Looking for anyone during that time period.

Wednesday, 9th March 2011 7:33:41 PM
Name: LCDR Perry Forester
Squadron: VA-55 Warhorses
Message: To all the Warhorses, the 3 plus years were the best I ever had. Shipmates like Ben Wynkoop, Gator Chewning, Worm Henson, Mouse Miko and Benny Suggs. The ordnance shop was the best at what we did. It was not any fun if we didn't throw in Captains Mast every month.Fuzed Bombs on Target First pass.Ordies like Rob Schreck, Danny Irb, Btuce Witt, Mad Jack Richmond, Mike Rutledge helped make the person I am today. I am now retired and have been A NJROTC Instructor for the past 13 years. I would love to hear from some of the old warhorses. I can be reachd at [email protected]

Thursday, 3rd March 2011 8:03:54 PM
Name: Ken Allen
Squadron: VA-42
Message: 1977 to 1980 AE2 originally assigned to to AE shop but went permantly TAD to the PM shop worked mids the whole time under Sid Hymen(great guy). Tore apart A6's and built'em back up again. NAS Oceana was really good duty. Went back ten years later sadly to find VA-42 all locked up and grass growing on the hardtop. Still though a lot of great memories. A great place to spend my early 20's

Wednesday, 2nd March 2011 8:57:46 AM
Name: clyde cain
Message: Would encourage you to join the Intruder Association. The Association is made up of maint. folks, air crew and tech reps. Keep watch on the web site, next Intruder Reunion May 2012 in San Diego.

Friday, 25th February 2011 4:59:23 PM
Name: kyle lutz
Squadron: va-52
Message: AE shop from 12/86-11/89. Made 1 1/2 westpacks and all the work ups to the next. Met some great people and great memories of Carl Vinson(except wog day) and Whidbey. Anybody have any pics from pacex 89 ?? Also rest in peace CDR. Sledge

Wednesday, 23rd February 2011 2:51:18 AM
Name: Bruce Coler
Squadron: VA-85
Message: With VA-85 for all of '68. PN2 for Education & Training. Anybody who terrorized Yokosuka and Hong Kong with me contact me or I publish the pix! Working on (my) 2 year Vietnam photo history. You guys okay?

Monday, 21st February 2011 5:00:16 PM
Name: Jim OConnell
Squadron: VA-34
Message: I was a Maintenance CPO and Flight Deck CPO on Kennedy and Ike (76 to 79) and just ran into some old shipmates from the squadron on Facebook and while looking at their pics, I seen a pic dedicated to LTs PT Smythe and Dick Leonard. Blaster 524 was lost off the Carolinas while enroute to the ship after having ACLS installed. If anybody knows where this plaque might be or anything else like it, I would love to see it. I made the mistake of making personal friends with these guys and I they will be stuck in my memory forever. Thanks - Jim (ATCS) OConnell

Monday, 21st February 2011 10:43:35 AM
Name: Boe McCarron
Squadron: VA 52 Knightriders
Message: 84-87 AQ1 Flightdeck troubleshooter supervisor Just stopped by for a visit! Many blessings to all. Also in memory of AD2 Brian Preston. I still remember!

Thursday, 17th February 2011 12:25:28 PM
Name: Daryl Presley
Squadron: VA-115
Message: I'm the proud son of Capt.Jack Presley,Ret.Dad was XO/CO of VA-115 during the intense bombing of North Vietnam in 71 and 72.He's doing great and has shared more of his experiences with us as time has passed.The older I get the more I wish I had followed in his footsteps.Thanks to all the vets out there for your tremendous sacrifices.

Tuesday, 15th February 2011 7:44:31 AM
Name: Donald J. (Don) Townsend
Squadron: VA 35
Message: I was with VA35 from 1955 / 1956 on the short "10 month cruise. We had I believe the last unit with AD6, & when we plled into Norfolk, we couldn't even leave the ship until all ammo was unloaded first. It was really an interesting cruise. I retired in 1971.

Tuesday, 15th February 2011 1:56:11 PM
Name: Derek Hartline
Squadron: VA-34
Message: Served aboard IKE-90-92. AO with VA-34 Blue Blasters. Good Times.

Sunday, 13 February 2011 10:02:10 PM
Name: JonReid Ross
Squadron: none
Message: Dear all VA-35 that served from '79-'82 my mother is Debby Ross formerly Coppock her first husband was "Skipper" Coppock I am sure she would love to hear from all of you. email at [email protected]

Saturday, 12th February 2011 8:53:29 PM
Name: Staige Miller
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Gear up for the Attack Squadron 85 Reunion 23-25 September 2011, Ramada On The Beach, 615 Atlantic Ave, Va Beach, VA 23451. Contact me or Bob Moore, [email protected].

Wednesday, 9th February 2011 11:06:00 AM
Name: Jim Boone
Squadron: VA-42 (80-83), VA-34 (83-85), VA-42 (85-88)
Message: Retired after 36 years, spanning F-4 PC in the Tonkin Gulf to AIRLANT MO. I served in eight squadrons, including four RAG (FRS) tours for shore duty before reporting to CAG-7 and follow-on tours in AIMDs, F-14 APML, NAVAIR etc. I include this to qualify my opinion when I say that the very finest group of American patriots that I ever had the privilege to spend my life with were 'Intruder flyers and fixers'. Coming from four fighter squadron tours I was used to arrogance and a caste system; in A-6s I found common goals and mutual respect. This was never more true than in VA-34 where the work was never done and we played as hard as we worked. COs like Ben Liner, Garth Van Sickle and J.B. Dadson demanded your best but always 'had your back'. I doubt that todays sailors experience this and that is regretable. To everyone who reads this and ever turned a wrench on the venerable A-6, and especially who did so on my watch; Thank you for all your efforts, your loyalty to the squadrons and to each other. I hope life after the Blasters has been good to you all. I am a professor of program management at the Defense Acquisition University now, but my best days and best memories are of keeping the 'Buf' flying and hopefully helping to instill pride and self confidence into young Americans that after this - they could achieve any goal. Sincerely, and with best regards, Jim Boone CAPT, USN (Ret)

Wednesday, 2nd February 2011 3:09:29 PM
Name: Dr. Bill Kriegel
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Great group of guys, I was AQ2 troubleshooter aboard USS Eisenhower, 1978-80. I remmember Havas,Pickeil,Clements,Lt Jeff Winston,Commander Fallon. I would enjoy hearing from any old squadron members. I hope everyone the best.

Tuesday, 1st February 2011 8:58:09 PM
Name: Doug Dixon
Squadron: VA-42, VA-35, VP-16
Message: VA-35 69-70 West Pac Cruise on Coral Sea was hi point of my Navy experience, Served as AQ in AIMD. Although I later was commissioned as Naval Aviator, the VA-35 years were the best. But time has taken many of the names away now, except for Chief Charlie Faircloth. Still keep my VA-35 hat on the shelf.

Monday, 31st January 2011 9:59:19 AM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Barry Hanson, I don't remember you but I was in VA-128 the exact same time as you. I was an AZ3 at the time. You remember an afro-american named Rose? He was a Chief Petty Officer. Email me someetime and let's chat.

Sunday, 30th January 2011 1:54:54 PM
Name: Ernie Adams
Squadron: VA-95
Message: VA-95 USS coral sea 73-77

Friday, 28th January 2011 8:54:11 PM
Name: Steve Brumley
Squadron: VA-42 1975-1978
Message: Steve Cory just saw your post. We worked together in Personnel. I believe if I remember right you were also from Indiana. Living in South Carolina now and serving in the ministry. Hope to hear from you. Blessings, Steve Brumley

Thursday, 27th January 2011 5:56:49 PM
Name: Marty Johnson
Squadron: Va 115
Message: Was in japan 74 to 76 on midway was a planecaptain on 502 and 520 tanker lots of westpac tours and lots of good times... anyone remember me? from Iowa Sioux City

Tuesday, 25th January 2011 3:38:05 PM
Name: David R.Velasquez
Squadron: VA-128,VA-165
Message: I worked as an Aviation Maintenance Administrationman in maintenance control VID/MAR writer and logs and records P.O. my first fleet unit was the world famous Boomers of one six five my time served in that unit was 1982-1986 , I also served in VA-128 FRAMP as well for a tour. VA-165 & CVW-9 embarked on USS Kitty Hawk,USS Ranger,USS Constellation. Detachments: NAS Fallon,Naval Air Facility El Centro,NAS Cubi Point RP Beach Det.

Monday, 24th January 2011 9:17:28 PM
Name: Tom "Mac" MacSkimming
Squadron: VA 42 VA 35
Message: Spent my time from 69 to 72 in VA 42 line division. Then went to the other side of the hanger to VA35. Transferred over just before the west pac. Took leave at the time of transfer so had to fly to PI to catch the boat. Lots of good people to work with in both squadrons. Charlie Broom, Tommy Nations, Gale Hill, Nate Harvey, Bogus, Danny Mitchel, and a lot of other names now forgotten but times always remembered. We need a reunion. someplace, sometime.... Fair winds and following seas gentlemen. We worked hard and played harder....

Sunday, 23rd January 2011 7:42:57 AM
Name: Bob Hermans
Squadron: VA-42 '73-'76
Message: Good day to all, Looking through past messages on this site I see people who were on base at Oceana. Any of these listed remember me:) John (jack) Smithson,Cameron Stanford,Bobby (Stormy) Cloud, John Herndon, Rick Strong, Reggie Grayson, Thomas Greenlaw(you got me into flying at Cheasapeake-Portsmith airport), Joe Fordham, Randy (ADCS Maint CPO), Scott Donaldson, Tony Carter(where did you go for basics) I did San Diego,CO196, AOC Powers was our training officer:).,Chuck Ledbetter,Steve Deyarmond,Steve Cory,K.C. Farley, Thanks for the great site on A6 aircraft,crews and all who did their part to maintain a great attack aircraft!!!!!! :)

Thursday, 20th January 2011 3:52:28 PM
Name: Lloyd Barrios
Squadron: VA 165
Message: ATN 3, Whidbet Island, USS Ranger and USS America. 1968-1970. It was a great time. God Bless America!!!

Monday, 17th January 2011 7:32:18 PM
Name: Ron Gott
Squadron: VMA (AW) 225
Message: Just checking to see how many old Vikings I can find. Danang 1968, 69, and 70.

Monday, 17th January 2011 2:22:59 PM
Name: Frank Rose
Squadron: va34
Message: To all Blue Blasters out there whats up?Frank Rose here i served from 91-95 that was agreat time in my life have no regrets about joining the Navy. i met alot of great people and had fun traveling the med. sea. Any old friends out there that would like to contact me here is my e mail address. [email protected] god bless and i look forward to talking to you.

Monday, 10th January 2011 10:43:06 PM
Name: Fernando
Squadron: VMA(AW)-121
Message: Vic; if you mean the VK, thats Victor-Kilo, the call sign....Semper Fi

Friday, 7th January 2011 1:06:34 AM
Name: Steve Fry
Squadron: 202 / 533
Message: Fire Control / Maint. Control Expeditor 1979-82 Just looking back to some of the best days of my life. Anyone want to chat? Still in contact with Tony Daun. Tony is saving my life by offering me a kidney. You are my hero and best friend, thanks man. Yes, you may have my beer *wink*

Tuesday, 4th January 2011 6:13:57 AM
Name: bob hermans
Squadron: VA-42 '73-'76
Message: Happy New Year to all A6rs, Here is a shout out too Mike Fitzgerald. I also TAD,d ELCENTRO, YUMA, FALLON, ETC. Were you there when Ron Ball, Bobby White, Jesse ? ,2nd class, Joe Hulne PC just a few I can remember? Were you on TAD with our sqaudron in Fallon once when I gave my camera to a B/N going on a bombing training mission with 25lb practice bombs. I may have a picture of you with a bomb over your shoulder and one in your other one as the plane was leaving for its training hop. Going to the cafe for coffee with the locals:)

Tuesday, 4th January 2011 12:37:58 PM
Name: Rodney Johnson
Squadron: VA35
Message: I caught up with the Squadron In 1977. On board the USS Nimitz. I was and AO and I still think about the good times I had.

Saturday, 1st January 2011 11:08:16 PM
Name: Mike (Mikey) Logan
Squadron: VA-75,42,and176
Message: In VA-75 from 1976-79,VA-42 1979-1981, as an AQ. Commisioned Oct 1, 1983 and did a tour in Sigonella 1984-1985.But my favorite VA-176 1985-1987. I still remember Rick Strong telling me "A bubby store is not your buddy!" I joined the reserves in 1989, retired in 1995(LCDR). I was attached to CVN-70 USS Carl Vinson. Saw it stripped down to Parade Rest in 1991 looking for A-6 parts for Desert Shield. Doom and Gator Ross, I would like to say Hi to and my favorite Chiefs Melvin, and the Master Chief, wish I could remember thier names.Happy New Year to All. Drop me a line!

Saturday, 1st January 2011 3:04:08 PM
Name: Barry Hanson
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Served as Aircraft Electrican from 1966 to 1969. I was part of the newly formed VA-128 training squadron. I specialized in the Inertial Navigation system on the A6.

Thursday, 30th December 2010 11:45:00 AM
Name: vic
Squadron: vma121
Message: Would you remind me what the letters on the vertical stabilizer stood for? must be getting old.

Thursday, 30th December 2010 1:36:48 AM
Name: Tom Wilson
Squadron: VA-52 Two Tours '82-85 & '89-93
Message: If you belonged during these timeframes pls write. I'm still in WHidbey and know of whereabouts to a few of our shipmates. Contact info [email protected]

Thursday, 30th December 2010 1:15:00 AM
Name: Tom Wilson
Squadron: VA-52 '82-'85 again from '89-93
Message: First tour with 52 I was an AE1. AOC John Terry was the Division CPO. Second tour was an AECS in Maintenance Control with AFCM Bob Moore and CMC was Lynn East. Anyone that can relate to the times pls contact. To the BEST Community Ever! Hope to hear from you.

Wednesday, 29th December 2010 4:32:23 PM
Name: Al Lieberman
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Attack Squadron Eighty Five (VA-85) will be holding their first reunion. All squadron personnel are encouraged to attend, regardless of time period, rank, rate enlisted or officer. The reunion will take place in Virginia Beach, Sept 22-24, 2011` and will coincide with the NAS Oceana Air Show. For more information contact Bob Moore at 806-787-1445 or email at [email protected]. Additional information is available on

Wednesday, 29th December 2010 1:58:40 PM
Name: Mike McGovern
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Served 1963-66 (part of '63 with VA-42 & part of '66 with VA-35). P/C 510. First A-6 deployment Westpac 1965 aboard the Independence (Vogt/Barber KIA and Denton/Tschudy POWs 7 years at the Hanoi Hilton). Joey Petrelli: email me at [email protected].

Monday, 27th December 2010 6:59:31 AM
Name: Bob Hermans
Squadron: VA-42 Green Pawns
Message: Trying to locate Rowland (Ron) Ball PO1, line shack with 42 & Good fishing friend while I was active '73-'76 NAS OCEANA. Any know where Bobby White PC is living these days? Have safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!:)

Monday, 27th December 2010 8:52:43 PM
Name: Bill Oxford
Squadron: 202/533
Message: I served with 202 at Cherry Point 68/69 in the AQ shop, and served with two guys I'd like to locate- Patterson and or Boisenaut (sp). I went to 533 at Chu Lai, and they left about the same time and I think ended up with 242 in Danang, but would like to hear from them. Semper fi.

Monday, 27th December 2010 1:42:27 PM
Name: Gerald Feathers (BUBBA)
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Looking for any follow BOOMERS out there that served 1971-1974 aboard the Connie.

Sunday, 26th December 2010 5:53:06 PM
Name: Joe Maddox
Squadron: VA-75
Message: FROM 1980-1984 Hi to all the crazy ass Sunday Punchers, I miss the good times.

Saturday, 25th December 2010 2:04:37 PM
Name: Ron Gott
Squadron: VMA (AW) 225
Message: Started out at Cherry Point with VMA 224 then transferred to VMA 225, deployed to Danang in 1969. Served as a Power Plant Mechanic. Now live in Oklahoma in same town as Ronnie Duncan who was a VMA 242 Power Plant Mechanic and was deployed with me the same time period. Ended up at El Toro where I got out. Looking for all 225 members that was with me and especially Jim Broderick who was from South Carolina.

Thursday, 23rd December 2010 10:04:19 PM
Name: Douglas MacArthur
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Merru Christmas, everyone E-3 (AN) who was an original member of VA-128. Plane captain on the flightline. Had orders to VAH123 ( June 67) and got put in VA-128 when it split the A-6's from VAH123. Got discharged Oct 13,1967. Not bad duty for a 2 year Navy draftee.

Thursday, 23rd December 2010 9:37:33 AM
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Just wanted to wish all my fellow Tigers a Very Merry Christmas. I served from Sept 72 to Sep 76 in the Personnel Office with Jim Watkins, Chief Osborne, Perez and the gang. I must say seeing this site has brought back some really great memories. I was lucky to have dealt with all the guys daily and enjoyed every moment.

Thursday, 23rd December 2010 8:49:11 AM
Name: Mike Wotring
Squadron: VA-55 VA-75
Message: Great times, great aircraft and lots of fond memories. Was in VA-55 85-90 and was in VA-75 93-97. Would love to hear from ole Warhorse or Sunday Puncher Shipmates. Retired from CNAL in 2004. [email protected]

Friday, 17th December 2010 6:27:44 AM
Name: Bob Hermans
Squadron: VA-42 Green Pawns
Message: Happy Holidays to all A6r's, Served '72-"76, Late '73-'76 at NAS OCEANA. Assigned to line shack gse do any of you listed remember me? Bobby (Stormy) Cloud '71-74, Rick Strong, Joe Fordham,Tony Carter,Bill Rosenow, (Mike Fitzgerald, Were you a PC?), Charlie Drobac,John F (jack) Smithson, Steve Deyarmond and Steve Cory? Anyone can contact me at [email protected] Thank you webmaster for the GREAT site on A6 intruders:) fleetbob

Wednesday, 15th December 2010 5:07:14 AM
Name: Bob Hermans
Squadron: VA-42 Green Pawns
Message: I learned of this site through a person on line with Oshkosh 365. I was stationed at NAS OCEANA, VA Beach,VA. I was on active duty '72-'76, with the pawns '73 to '76. Anyone on line that may have been on active duty then. Can this site find any people who may have been active at this time with the Green Pawns? Thanks for the help and putting up this site about the awesome A6. Bob

Tuesday, 14th December 2010 1:27:31 AM
Name: Denver Cleo Jones Jr
Squadron: VMA-533
Message: I was the F/E NCOIC & AIMD IM2 Div O2 Shop. My mind stays vidual for the Pilots & BNs I choose freely to support. Today is see them strongly in mind. As long as I live, they will not be forgotten

Friday, 10th December 2010 2:38:06 PM
Name: Al Banzer
Squadron: VA-42
Message: Wow, great site! Was assigned to VA-42 at NAS Oceana fresh out of A School as an AQB around Sept or Oct 1962. VA-42 had AD-6's and wondered, why an AQ on these things? Then the A6A's started to arrive in '63. Got out as an AQB3 in Feb. 1966. Believe VA-75, VA-35 and VA-85 ran through when I was there. Maybe more. Worked the night shift.

Monday, 6th December 2010 4:18:37 PM
Name: Tim Terry
Squadron: VMAT-202, VMA- 533, VA-42 Framp
Message: Hi all, missed the A-6, was transitioned to VMFA-533 when the went to FA-18 two seaters. Attack guys were better, no hype.

Sunday, 28th November 2010 2:03:18 AM
Name: JJ Ward
Squadron: VA-35,VA-42, AIMD PP.
Message: If you are a old VA-35 shipmate, come and check out your squadrons page on Facebook. Attack Squadron 35 on FB.

Monday, 22nd November 2010 12:26:09 AM
Name: David (Andy) Anderson
Squadron: VA-95, 128 FRAMP, VA-155
Message: Once a Lizard, always a Lizard! Funny how Chief Carter started these messages off and Mr. Schork was at the end. Started out as an AQAN with 95 in 1983, ended up at FRAMP as an instructor... My days were numbered as soon as I walked through the doors at VA-155. Made the last cruise with them on the last cruise of the USS Ranger. I hope there are some good stories about that floating turd, cus after the Big "E" and the USS Lincoln, I ain't got nothing good to say about that tug. Happy Thanksgiving guys! (and gals) (that conversion to AT was a farce! Forever wearing the flying barstool)AQ2 Anderson

Sunday, 21st November 2010 6:56:26 PM
Name: Terry Denney AO1(AW) RET
Squadron: VA-34, VA-128, VA-52, VA196, EAWS, VAQ-131
Message: I proudly served 1985 to 2005. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of thoes times. The Shipmates I had during that time mean as much to me as my own family. I loved my time there and would go back in a heart beat. I still say to this day, "I'm Ordie Red Till I'm Dead!"

Friday, 19th November 2010 5:47:32 PM
Name: Don Carter (ADC AW)RET.
Squadron: VA-95,VA-155,VA128
Message: I spent over 11+ years of my 21 working on the " OLD GIRLS ". I miss them every day since i retired in 1995. it was an honor to be a part of the legacy that was the " intruder crew " the best times in my life was in the NAVY, i do miss it, alot.

Thursday, 18th November 2010 12:27:29 AM
Name: K.C. Farley
Squadron: VA-42 (1975) VA-35 1975-1979
Message: I was a maintainer and loved the A-6 in all incarnations. I had the honor to work on the A-6E, KA-6D, A-6E TRAM and the EA-6A. Great airplane, great people, great memories. In 21 years of service and many different types of aircraft, the Intruder was the best.

Tuesday, 16th November 2010 6:44:48 PM
Name: Jim Wetzel
Squadron: VA-42; VA-35
Message: Looking for LCDR Knobby Sloan. Served with LCDR Sloan 1967-1970 - last word I had on LCDR Sloan in the early 70's he was at the War College. Thanks for any information.

Monday, 15th November 2010 10:32:05 PM
Name: Louie
Squadron: Va-42 (83-86), Va-36 (86-91)
Message: recognize a few names on here, had some fun times in va-42, as well as VA-36, and that trip from hell out to VQ-1 to "opeval" the A6swip, which meant fixing all their A6 problems ha. Former AT, retired.Still a smartass :) Would like to hear from a few in the AT/AQ va-42 shop (remember the wars?) as well as former roadrunners have some good video of A6 taken by former div o, med cruise 89

Sunday, 14th November 2010 11:54:54 AM
Name: Larry French
Squadron: VMA(AW)242
Message: SGT., Fire Control Tech, 1975-1981. The time I spent with VMA(AW)242 at MCAS ElToro. It was some of the best times of my life. I was the first Marine with 242 that trained on the A6E, NAS Whidbey,and one of the last with OJT on the A6A. Special thanks to Sgt. Roger Morris, Sgt. Hodges, Sgt. Bob Date, Sgt. Schlicting(sp), Sgt. Condron, GySgt. James Reed (Bubba), SSgt. Virgil Owens, and it wouldn't have been as much fun without LCpl. "Towbar". Others that came later, Fegastad, Fain, Zubko? I miss everyone. FYI, I have the last FC Log book for DT#00. Old "double nut", she had a long history of service in Vietnam and in "keeping the"-peace-time. The Traveling Vietnam Memorial is at the VFW a few blocks away. It sparked many memories. If you haven't done so already, check out There are pictures of CO Col. Fred J. Cone's Wreckage that he survived. Also saw a picture of Sgt. Roger Morris in his Hooch. Proud to be a Marine!

Saturday, 13 November 2010 7:25:06 PM
Name: Dennis Pratt
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Plane Captain from 1966 to 1969. Worked in the airframe shop and on the Line Crew. Made 2 Westpac Cruises on the Contellation. FLY NAVY!!!!

Thursday, 11th November 2010 11:15:20 PM
Name: Radford Hembree
Squadron: VA-95
Message: Being a "Green Lizard" was very prideful for me. I enjoyed every moment with the squadron, on and off duty. I proudly served my country and did it to the best of my ability. Non designated at first but became a desinated AD a few years later. I was a plain captain for most of my first tour. I was the PC of the month 3 times and then PC of the year which was a very honorable award for me. Thank you to all the vets I hade the pleasure of knowing, serving under and serving with. Rest in peace for those that have fallen in the line of duty in time of war and in peace. God bless.

Thursday, 11th November 2010 3:21:43 PM
Name: hollis kelley
Squadron: va-36
Message: in the roadrunners from 87-90 . started on the line and worked in airframes saying hello to everyone i can be contacted at 706-302-6929 if any one remembers me lol im a plankowner

Tuesday, 2nd November 2010 9:50:50 PM
Name: Mark Corbin
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Thank you Knightrider leadership! I was there from September 28,1988 to Nov 21,1991. VA-52 was my first command in the Navy. The uhit integrety and leaders helped form my opinion about the Navy and I made it a twenty year career. Thank you VA-52 for being there for me when my father died during our six month cruise in 1990 onboard USS Carl Vinson.

Wednesday, 27th October 2010 7:15:04 PM
Squadron: VMAT-202, VMA-AW-533
Message: I was a fire-control tech from 1971 to 1979 worked on both the A6A and A6E aircraft, and also on the TC4-C at MCAS Cherry Point, N.C. I remember the day the TC4-C crashed at CHERRY POINT, because I was scheduled to fly on that aircraft but Sgt Cooper took my place at the last minute. God bless him and Capt Allen.

Wednesday, 27th October 2010 6:54:18 PM
Squadron: VMA-AW-533
Message: I began my tour with the HAWKS from January 1975 in Iwakuni, Japan then rotated back with them to MCAS Cherry Point N.C. about November 1975. I was the NCOIC of the Fire Control Shop, then became the Avionics Chief. I decided to retrain into the F-4 aircraft and was sent to MCAS Yuma AZ. I was later transferred to VMFA-312 IN MCAS Beaufort S.C. After that three years was transferred to VMFA-212 in Hawaii again as a Avionics Chief then the acting SGT/MAJ untill my final assignment to the NTSC Orlando Florida. Overall I enjoyed my West-Pac tours with the Hawks,Checkerboards and the Lancers, especially my five trips to Subic Bay in the P.I. Semper Fi to all my fellow Marines.

Tuesday, 26th October 2010 4:24:12 PM
Name: Steve Cory
Squadron: VA-42
Message: Hey there Squadron mates! I served with "The GREEN PAWNS" from 1975 thru 1977. Worked in the Personnel Office. Was probably the best time of my life. Miss the Navy life. I left the service and back to civilian world. My rate was PNSN. This was during the time frame of when CMDR Green was the CO and I believe CMDR Ortega was the XO. Anyways, "Fare winds and following seas"

Tuesday, 26th October 2010 7:54:15 AM
Name: ric winters
Squadron: vma 533/242
Message: Hey eddie, how you doin?

Saturday, 16th October 2010 10:10:26 PM
Name: Ed Valasek
Squadron: VMA 533
Message: Any one out there from VMA 533 that served from 1962 to 1966. I was in the avionics shop. Worked on A4's and A6's.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010 12:18:43 PM
Name: Marty Ward
Squadron: VA- 34 Blue Blasters
Message: Was a AO with VA-34, and a Plank Owner. Worked in the Ordance Shop and Deployed to the Med . on CAV-67, Miss the Old gang. Lot of good times and great guys.Drop me a line any old Blue Blasters. Thanks

Tuesday, 12th October 2010 11:56:18 AM
Name: Jeff Eagle
Squadron: VA-55, VA-42
Message: Served with the mighty �Warhorses�� from 84-88, and the �GreenPawns� 88-91. Saw a recent posting from AFCM Drobac. Would love to hear from you. You and ADSC Carney paved my way to many great years working on the Mighty Intruder and to the career in Aviation. Currently working as a Quality Manager for Pratt & Whitney. Also would love to hear from anyone who I had the pleasure to serve with. Contact: [email protected].

Monday, 11th October 2010 12:49:32 AM
Name: mark bond
Squadron: VA 85
Message: Served with VA 85 as an AQ3 from november of 69 until discharge in spring of 72. Was flown out from NAS Oceana to the Constellation...made a carrier landing...once was enough! Last cruise was on the Forrestal to the Med. Worked in the fire control repair shop that received radars from the flight deck. I can only remember one name, Andy Anderson, who was the petty officer in charge of our shop. (Sorry, I'm old and it was a long time ago.) But I do remember that the people I worked with were great and that we shared some special times of youth in faraway places. Wish I had had to foresight to get all their names then but like so many others I was young and wanted to get on with my life FAST after my discharge. I see a few people that were with VA 85 at the same time I was but working in other areas of the squadron. Would love to hear from anyone who was there then...who knows what two brains might remember together!!

Saturday, 9th October 2010 1:17:35 PM
Name: Dwaine Bennett
Squadron: VA-52
Message: 1976-1980

Thursday, 7th October 2010 5:44:06 AM
Name: clint mowrey
Squadron: VMA(AW) 121
Message: 1985-1988

Tuesday, 5th October 2010 9:40:43 AM
Name: Timothy R. McCardle
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: '533 was a great squadron and the A-6 was a great aircraft. Alot of memories from the floats aboard the USS JFK in the late '80's. S/F, Tim

Monday, 4th October 2010 4:31:53 AM
Squadron: VA-85

Friday, 1st October 2010 8:25:11 PM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Karen Papania...look thru this website and pick out the officers that keep the site together. Email them and ask them about how to contact people reguarding Eric Hamm. They really help alot.

Friday, 1st October 2010 9:30:31 AM
Name: Elizabeth Black
Message: I would like to get in touch with Doug McClain(a.k.a."Houndog").Know he is a rear admiral now, worked with him back in the '80s when he was with the blues.It's been a long time, but I would like to say hi.If anyone knows how to contact him,please forward this message to him.Thanx,Liz/Hangar One-OPF

Thursday, 30th September 2010 3:34:43 PM
Squadron: VA-75

Monday, 27th September 2010 1:24:00 PM
Name: Karen Papania
Squadron: VA 115 "Eagles"
Message: My brother, Eric Hamm, was killed while on a mission in Japan on 10/14/94. My son will be visiting Tokyo and would like to get on the Atsugi base there and speak with anyone that knew Eric. Eric's A-6 crashed southwest of Tokyo near the town of Yoshingawa. He would also like to travel to the site of the crash. If anyone has information about how to go about contacting someone on this base I would appreciate it. Also, there is a model of an A-6 with Eric's name on it out there on the internet. Does anyone know how they pick names to write on the models? We never knew this was done. If you google his name, "Eric Hamm", this is the first thing that comes up. Thank you very much in advance for any help that you can give us. Karen Papania

Sunday, 26th September 2010 5:45:20 PM
Name: Jimmy Waldrop
Squadron: VA 34
Message: Ordie here, I make the first crew CVA 67. Most of the time in IM3 (AIMD) Would love to hear from others in VA 34 that made the first VA 34 crews..

Friday, 24th September 2010 10:34:10 PM
Name: Joe Petrelli
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I was with VA-75 from 8/64 to 4/67. Would like to hear from anyone that I served with.

Sunday, 19th September 2010 10:13:41 AM
Name: Gene Patrick
Squadron: Grumman Rep
Message: Great post, just found it...really miss the A6 community. I developed the training course for the LLTV on the SeaTrim.....Favorite movie is Flight of the Intruder, go figure

Wednesday, 15th September 2010 12:59:35 PM
Name: Sgt. Mike Lucas
Squadron: VMA(aw)-242
Message: VMA-242 DaNang May69-May70: My nickname in 242 was "Luke The Gook" to the guys in the ordnance shop, to the "tin benders" I was the guy that ran the fork lift thru the side of the A-6 because of sleep deprivation... and believe it or not I got promoted to sgt. shortly after THAT screw-up. Sorrrrry guys for the two big holes you had to patch. L A T E R, Mike LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL [email protected] Any 6511's out there that I worked with? VMAT-202 May67-May69 Ordnance VMFA-333 May 70-Jan71 Check crew

Sunday, 12th September 2010 5:06:31 PM
Squadron: va-165
Message: Joined 165 in nov. of 1966 on Intreped when we had A-1 spads as an AA. Stayed with BOOMERS entire time in and made two trips across the pond on RANGER. Got out in FEB. of 1970 as an AMH2. Still get togeather with "BING"

Wednesday, 8th September 2010 2:58:31 PM
Name: Jim "Harry" Harrison
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was with the squadron from Dec. 1970 till Dec. 1972. I caught up with the squadron after deployment in Vietnam the day after Christmas. I'll never forget that day cause the COD missed the wire 3 times. I've still got a brown stain around my neck from my first deck landing. I was assigned to calendar inspection as an AMH3. My two deployments were on the Coral Sea and I was on the America for a Med. Cruise. I had a buddy in VA-75 from those days, he was my best man when I got married so Charlie James if you're out there or if anybody know where he is please shoot me an email. I served on 2 good ships with the best damn squadron in the navy.....VA-35.

Tuesday, 7th September 2010 3:56:03 PM
Name: Hoffy
Squadron: VA-34
Message: Nice to hear from an AE and Plane CAptian from the Blue Blasters aboard the Kennedy. I was a Plane CAptain for a while and then worked MAintenance Control with Chief Murphy and CHief Stone, And then in Quality Assurance with Chief Hunt.Too bad to here the Kennedy is no longer at sail. Still teh same problems in the Med that were there 40 years ago. 1970's

Friday, 3rd September 2010 2:50:35 PM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Joseph, was VA-196 at Whidbey? It has been so long I don't remember. When were you in?

Wednesday, 1st September 2010 9:11:34 PM
Name: Joseph Cahanes
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Great idea Conrad. My E mail address is [email protected]. I've been reading through the message's, and have reconized some names of people that I have served with in VA-196.

Saturday, 28th August 2010 3:24:55 PM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Guys, it would be a good idea not to include your email address on the postings. I have received two emails from whomever saying they want to know me better and the emails did not go to spam.

Sunday, 22nd August 2010 8:31:28 PM
Name: John Magda
Squadron: NAVAIR
Message: WWII Sunday Punchers pilot just passed this week, LCDR Albert Lauer, 1944 era. Would appreciate any cruisebook photos for the family. Any history on this squadron during WWII also appreciated. Last known as VA75, were they a differnt number in WWII? thanks-john

Sunday, 22nd August 2010 7:48:24 AM
Squadron: VA-85

Saturday, 21st August 2010 11:41:41 AM
Name: Joe Cahanes
Squadron: VA196

Friday, 20th August 2010 1:34:48 AM
Name: Eric Price
Squadron: VA 192 / VA 128
Message: I served in VA 196 in Whidbey Island, and worked on A-6E in AT shop. World cruise in 1983. Great memories on CV-43 and in Korea, Philippines, France, Italy, Singapore. Great bunch of guys in NAVY, best to all of you. Eric Price [email protected]

Wednesday, 18th August 2010 7:06:55 PM
Name: Dave Lepard
Squadron: VA-42 and VA-176
Message: E-1 to 06 and loving life... still doing Ordnance.... CNAF Gun Boss...

Monday, 16th August 2010 2:30:03 PM
Name: Jerry "Pete" Peterson
Squadron: VA-95
Message: I would really like to hear from some old shipmates that I did time with from 80-83. One thing I learnd in life being an AAAAAAAAOOOOOOOO is there was no better friends,family to have then sqaudron ship mates, sooooo many good memories. Contact me at [email protected]

Saturday, 14th August 2010 2:29:51 AM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I was in VA-128 from 1966 until October of 1969 (Whidbey Island NAS. I would love to hear from shipmates from that time. I really enjoyed that time in my life and I think about it alot. Email me at [email protected] and we can chat about it. I was an AZ3 at the time.

Wednesday, 11th August 2010 10:25:29 AM
Name: Kenneth Burns
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Ordnance shop from 84-88. two west-pacs on the connie.

Saturday, 7th August 2010 9:04:27 AM
Name: Bob Meade
Squadron: VA-75
Message: 1964-1967....Westpac and Med on the Indep. Great times and stories. First A6 squadron to fly combat....we were proud and we were young.

Friday, 6th August 2010 5:24:48 PM
Name: John Stern
Squadron: VA-42, VA-65
Message: NATTC Memphis - AV(A), AQ(A) schools. AQ3 - started in shop at VA-42 then went to Line Shack as troubleshooter (Jun 1969 - Feb 1971). Xfer'd to VA-65 (Feb 71 - Jul 72) went almost immediately to Line Shack as AQ troubleshooter. Worked flight deck as troubleshooter for 1971-72 Med Cruise and carrier quals. Nuclear & Conventional Bomb loading teams.

Tuesday, 3rd August 2010 5:03:35 PM
Name: Winky
Squadron: VA-196 75/78
Message: Chad McHugh - Hopefully Professor Type 1 ea :) I think I remember 155 Kts Would be Great Re-Connecting Winky

Monday, 2nd August 2010 10:36:26 PM
Name: Rob (Bob) Foberg
Squadron: VA-42
Message: I went to VA-42 straight out of "A" school, as an AZ, in April '66, and got an early out in October '69. I worked in Maintenance Control with Chief Jones, Bobby Jones and "Andy " Anderson among a slew of others. I learned to drink my favorite beverage while in the Navy, and had a lot of fun times at the enlisted club, "The Seahorse". Wow, I think a regular beer was a quarter and a 16 ouncer fifty cents. I lived off base for the last 9 months, 6 of which I had no phone. One morning I woke-up to a tapping on my bedroom window. It was my landlady who was sent to tell me that I had missed ship's movement!!!!! Not a good thing, but sometimes out of bad comes good. The squadron thought that it needed me bad enough that it flew me to the ship!! What a thrill that was. Then after carrier quals I was catted off the ship. Also made a test hop in an A-6. Only in the NAVY!!!! I miss it!!!! One day, near the end of my enlistment, I went over to the other side of the hangar to VA-75 to see what it would take to go on a Med cruise. They told me that I would have to extend or re-up, dummy me, I didn't want to do either. It is a decision that I will regret til the day I die. I envy all of you guys that went on cruises. Take care swabbies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 1st August 2010 2:52:04 AM
Name: Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Gerald Tallon, we must have known some of the same people. I was in VAH-123 then transferred into VA-128 in 1966. I even found a squadron patch from that era.

Monday, 26th July 2010 6:46:26 PM
Name: Steve Deyarmond
Squadron: VA-34,VA-42,VA-65,VA-85
Message: Retired in 97 as an ATCS in an H-60 Squadron (Rotor Heads) Spent 17 years working on the FINEST Aircraft ever built (Although some days didn't seem like it!!!) and the FINEST Group on MAINT. TECH. that the NAVY had!!!! Saw some good old buddies in here, Charlie Drobac,(Retired inAZ, Go Figure after all the time spent in El Centro) Dick Brooks, (no Dick I'm not calling you OLD) Charlie Ledbetter(we did put some beers down together in El Centro), GUNNER Rick Stong, Mike Thurber, John Herndon. Living in Michigan and working at Dow Chemical. Would really like to hear from old SHIPMATES and tell some lies!!!!! My address is [email protected] and I promise I'll write back

Monday, 26th July 2010 6:43:50 PM
Name: Steve Deyarmond
Squadron: VA-34,VA-42,VA-65,VA-85
Message: Retired in 97 as an ATCS in an H-60 Squadron (Rotor Heads) Spent 17 years working on the FINEST Aircraft ever built (Although some days didn't seem like it!!!) and the FINEST Group on MAINT. TECH. that the NAVY had!!!! Saw some good old buddies in here, Charlie Drobac,(Retired inAZ, Go Figure after all the time spent in El Centro) Dick Brooks, (no Dick I'm not calling you OLD) Charlie Ledbetter(we did put some beers down together in El Centro), GUNNER Rick Stong, Mike Thurber, John Herndon. Living in Michigan and working at Dow Chemical. Would really like to hear from old SHIPMATES and tell some lies!!!!! My address is [email protected] and I promise I'll write back

Friday, 23rd July 2010 8:42:54 PM
Name: Scott Wolfe
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was an AO3 in VA-52 from September 85 to May 88, I had a blast loadin bombs livin in Whidbey Island.

Monday, 19th July 2010 8:16:31 PM
Name: Mike Fitzgerald
Squadron: VA42
Message: worked the line as a PC from aug 72 till feb 75, transfered to the airframes shop till separation. looking for any old buds. had a good time in fallon, p-cola, yuma, el centro and plenty of ship dets. worked hard and partied hard.

Sunday, 18th July 2010 5:36:46 PM
Name: George HILL
Squadron: VA42
Message: I WAS IN VA42 1962 thru 1964 I worked in the supply dept. I was working the night shift when the A2f first came to VA42 I got to do the inventory on the first A2f on night and shortly after it was re-designated A6A Anybody in VA42 about then-would love to hear from you

Monday, 12th July 2010 11:14:24 PM
Name: John Guiel
Squadron: VA-85/AIMD
Message: Hey smitty(JACK)was with va-85 from 73 to 77. spent most of the 3 med cruises in aimd ordnancemen AO2 JOhn guiel. Spent the 3rd cruise in 77 in va-85 ord shop was nite crew leader my last 6 mos. remember cherry,smitty,chief love steve thompson, smitty who was a good drinking buddy and his wife was an angel, and the rest of the bb stackers I served with. contact me if u served with me, love to hear from the ol gang of buck eyes

Monday, 12th July 2010 11:15:28 AM
Name: darrell kraus
Squadron: VA-196
Message: i was in va-196 from 88,91,looking for david bowen,and now capt ed langford(clyde) if you are out there email me please [email protected]

Sunday, 11th July 2010 4:41:42 PM
Name: Bill Rosenow
Squadron: VA42, VA85
Message: Looking for retired Lt LDO Dave Johnston. Dave spent a lot of time at Whidby in the A6's. He was an AMSC when he made LDO in 77 and the last I knew he was at NAVPRO Bethpage as a Lt when he retired in the early 80's. Anyone remember him?

Friday, 2nd July 2010 12:49:25 PM
Name: Al Lieberman
Squadron: VA-85
Message: I recently saw an entree by Charlie Drobac. Chuck, if you leave a contact address, I'll drop you a line. For Those who were in VA-85, you're welcome to join us in the VA-85 group at

Wednesday, 30th June 2010 2:20:49 PM
Name: Chris Hungerland
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was a ground-pounder in the 'Nam, but I LOVE the A-6, and I'm building a model of one - an A-6B - that a friend (Ray Rignel) flew off the Kitty Hawk. i've come across three versions of the helmet&cockade image - does anyone know how/when/by whom those versions were determined? I've only found one photo of a "B" . . . anyone have any photos they'd care to share? Thanks for any/all help. [email protected]

Tuesday, 29th June 2010 11:56:34 PM
Name: Maj. Milton T. Hefty, USMC Ret.
Squadron: 224 (CO), 533 (Vietnam)
Message: I Had two tours (1965 & 1968-9)in Vietnam. I'm just going down memory lane.

Sunday, 27th June 2010 10:35:31 AM
Name: Debby Foss
Message: My husband was Thomas Foss. He was enlisted from 1965-1969, was stationed at Whidby Island on the USS Ranger as an airdraft electrician. I met him in '69 after he got out. He shared with me his wonderful memories of times at Whidby and while on the carrier. I remember him talking about the A6's, working on the flight deck, the being at sea for 90days during the Pueblo Crisis. He passed on June 22, 2001. I would love to hear from anyone who knew and remembered Tom.

Friday, 25th June 2010 10:54:05 AM
Name: Mike Parker
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Great Site...Member of VA-165 from 1974-1976. My best memories are with the BOOMERS. Anyone of the old mates out there that want to talk, give me a holler.

Wednesday, 23rd June 2010 3:50:59 PM
Name: Chris Barber
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224
Message: Don Sills pointed me to this site. I love it, lol! I will join as soon as I can squeeze at least 25 bucks from the book keeper.

Friday, 18th June 2010 4:26:33 PM
Name: charlie veon
Squadron: va-55
Message: hello all you old warhorses. just found this site and would like to get in touch to share old memories. my e-mail is [email protected] ya'll have a good day

Wednesday, 16th June 2010 11:58:55 PM
Name: Scott Swensgard
Squadron: VA35
Message: Glad to see this sight is still up and all of you as well. USS Nimitz/VA35 1978-1981. Gonzo was a long long one wasn`t it? My most memorable memories of that time, The accident on deck at night during workups off the coast of Va. Watching the H-53`s take off for operation eagle claw, the Libyan shoot down..."AND THE LIBYANS HAVE BEEN SPLASHED!" Hanging out with my friends at Clarks and the Raven. Last but not least, getting rowdy with my friends during night check in the line shack while underway.

Monday, 14th June 2010 2:25:38 AM
Name: Charlie Drobac
Squadron: VA42 x3 VA176 VA55 VA65 VA85 VF103
Message: Charlie Drobac spent 25 years of my 30 in the mighty history making A6 INTRUDER I am proud to live in the state of AZ where just 100 miles away all the intruders sit and bask in the desert sun. They are all there standing proud Can't say much for the TOMCATS (spent) 3 years and retired from VF103. currently employed with USAIRWAYS as a nite manager here in PHX AIRBUS and BOEING products no comparison to the GRUMAN IRON WORKS Drop a line like to here from some of my shipmates AFCM (AW) RET Charlie Drobac

Sunday, 13 June 2010 12:14:34 AM
Name: Dan Pierce AE1
Squadron: VA-34 Blaster Line
Message: 1984-1987 Made 2 deployments on CV66 anyone out there that would like to stay in touch.

Saturday, 12th June 2010 10:02:56 PM
Name: Mark Davis
Squadron: VA-165 VA-128
Message: Marvelous web site, brought back memories of some of the best times of my life spent with some of the greatest people I have been honored with serving along side. Write if you like I am around. Mark Davis [email protected]

Friday, 11th June 2010 12:36:58 PM
Name: Michael Lamberg
Squadron: MAG 14 72-75
Message: Looking to make contact with (at the time) Capt Bruce B. Byrum. Former SSGT Michael Lamberg and CPL Michael Broshear worked in the communications center at the group. Michael Broshear's email address is: [email protected] My Email address is above. SEMPER FI

Monday, 31st May 2010 10:42:35 PM
Name: David Carroll
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Member of VA-35 from 1973-1975 on line as Plane Captain of 505. Does anyone know where I can find a VA-35 Ball cap? If you were a member of the Line crew during my tour, drop me an email.

Monday, 31st May 2010 9:33:20 PM
Name: Jerry "Doc" Pate
Squadron: Va-165
Message: Just Found this site, Some of the best times I had in the Military were with this squadron. 85-88 Three west-pacs and one around the world. Man did we have some good times. hope to hear from some of the boomers.

Monday, 31st May 2010 6:34:33 PM
Name: Stephen Buckley
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224
Message: A-6E's from 1974-76 at Cherry Point, NC. Lots of deployments: Korea, Japan, Nevada... I handpainted the squadron emblem (bengal crashing through a brick wall) on every plane!

Saturday, 29th May 2010 9:54:01 PM
Name: Joe Kenneally
Squadron: VMA-225
Message: To All: I served with the Vikings from 1968 to 1971 with a brief assignment to HMS-11 in Da Nang. During my tour at Da Nang I was also assigned to the Mobil One Unit which at that time was the first responder to incidents around the base but most notably the the April. 1969 Bomb Dump Explosion. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me. "Semper-Fi"

Friday, 28th May 2010 10:45:54 PM
Name: Harold Parker
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224
Message: Hi Dave: If I remember correctly you were a 6642, but I don't see your picture in the shop photos. I am looking through our cruise book and I found one picture of you... I can't believe Russel was a SgtMaj? He was a hoot to work with. Your the only one I've heard from since 77....

Sunday, 23rd May 2010 5:36:27 PM
Name: Dave Beck
Squadron: VMA-224
Message: Saw Harold Parker's message below. Also was in 224 from 75-79 and knew him and all mentioned in his email. Returned today from air show weekend at Cherry Point with Burt Tyree, Micky Morris, Bob Peeker and Pete Featherston. We were lucky enough to see Gunny Russ (retired Sgt Maj Russell). It was 31+ years since I saw them. Would be great to hear from others.

Wednesday, 19th May 2010 9:55:57 PM
Name: Ed York
Message: ATTENTION! A brand new website has been launched for veterans and active duty service members to locate each other. The Armed Forces Locator website is a FREE service for veterans and active duty service members who have a desire to find old buddies. It is the first directory-based website on the Internet. When members from your old unit register you are automatically informed. It is a great service. Try it out today!

Tuesday, 18th May 2010 10:54:36 AM
Name: Gary Reddog Thomas
Squadron: VMA(AW)533
Message: Its a little late but we are having a reunion of 533 members who were in ChuLai in 67-68 in Philadelphia.This is second reunion and approx 70 guys are on the roster but not all will attend.If you are looking to find old friends please contact me at [email protected]

Monday, 17th May 2010 5:40:43 PM
Name: Dale Thomas
Squadron: va-196
Message: looking for some fellow Ordies. Served from 1979-1983 2 cruises on the coral sea

Friday, 14th May 2010 5:48:44 AM
Name: bill woolley
Squadron: VA-115
Message: Never worked so hard but had so much fun doing it!! will always remember the Eagle line & fine shipmates 115.

Sunday, 9th May 2010 1:14:03 AM
Name: robert birce
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Was in during78-81,,still looking for my place in the world,,,sure would be nice to get togeather with some of the old guys,,,,email me

Saturday, 8th May 2010 11:24:07 PM
Name: Steve Lauer
Squadron: VA35
Message: Served from 1982 to 1985 in the AT shop. Good hearing from J J Ward and J. Savadge. Brings back a lot of memories reading some of the comments.

Saturday, 8th May 2010 3:15:06 PM
Name: Doyle "Earl" Weaver
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Did we really take the on porthole?? Looking for squad friends 76-79. Terrell or Boedo you out there?? Anyone what to rehash some of the good times?? Maybe someone from the dog pound??

Thursday, 6th May 2010 1:21:54 PM
Name: Jerry Weigel
Squadron: VA 42, 65, 52, 34
Message: Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 4:30 PM Subject: Re: Colors All, I was just informed this afternoon that our request for my father to be buried in the U.S. Naval Academy cemetary was approved. Services are as follows: 14 May 2010, 10:00 AM - Funeral Mass at U.S. Naval Academy chapel (full Catholic service) 14 May 2010, immediately following Mass - proceed to U.S. Naval Academy cemetary for burial 14 May 2010, Reception at U.S. Naval Academy Officer's Club Information for the Naval Academy - I was advised to pass the following: (1) Proceed through Gate 8, although I think Gate 1 would be allowed too. Supposedly, the roads immediately inside Gate 3 are being blocked off for other functions, but I was told that there will be some limited parking allowed in front of the Chapel and at the Officer's Club. (2) For nonmilitary - use my Father's name / attending funeral service for in order to be allowed on "base". Anticipate viewing on Thursday, 13 May at Hardesty Funeral Home (12 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401). Specific details will be provided in a follow-on email. VR, John H. Fellowes Jr ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 2:19:59 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: Re: Colors To Whom it May Concern: It is with deep sadness that I pass along the following news: My father, CAPT (USN, retired) John "JACK" H. Fellowes passed away in his sleep on Monday, 3 May as the result of heart failure. I am currently using his email to "pass the word". My family can be contacted via the following: [email protected]

Tuesday, 27th April 2010 12:05:59 PM
Name: Mike "Nellie" Nelson
Squadron: Va-165
Message: I was in 1971-1975 Power Plants Cva-64 Did two west-pac cruises. But still love that whidbey Island. And do miss the P.I. I am still looking for Bill Allmon the Seal. Are you out there. Remember the night on Grande Island we almost got killed. Chief Von I still live in Minnesota. ADJ3 Nellie

Tuesday, 27th April 2010 12:27:05 PM
Name: Mike "Nellie" Nelson
Squadron: Va-165
Message: I served with the squadron from 1971-1975. Two west-pac cruises as a jet mechanic and nuclear weps loader with the red shirts. I am looking for William Bill Allmon the crazy Seal or anyone else in squadron. The website certainly brings back memories. I sure do miss Whidbey Island and the P.I. Contact me at [email protected] Adj3 Nellie

Sunday, 25th April 2010 11:01:20 PM
Name: Gerald Tallon
Squadron: VAH-128
Message: Was part of the enlisted crew of VAH-123 and transfred to VAH-128 at commissining of VAH-128 in 1967 and transfered out in Nov. 1967 for ASM school in Millington, TN. Was an AN and served on a ground flight crew.

Friday, 16th April 2010 4:12:34 PM
Name: Donald Coulson
Squadron: VMA aw 242
Message: I was with 242 from 1976 to 1980. I am looking for anyone that can help me find information about the two accadents that I was injured in. One was when I was removing a bomb rack and was doused with a couple of hundreed gallons of Hot jet fuel. The other was when com/nav wires mated with ord system wires and I was hit with 400 v 400 cycle power injuring my arm. Also I am looking for a few of the guys I served with. Sgt. R. Rollands, Puckett. Both Ord guys. Maybe someone can help me find one time Lt. R. P. Wheeler Sp.Weapons loading team leader. Contact me at [email protected]

Wednesday, 14th April 2010 9:52:45 PM
Name: Robert J. Ware, Jr.
Squadron: VMA (AW) 224
Message: Served in VMA (AW) 224 from 1967 until 1970. Assigned to Maintenance Control and Maintenance Office. Would like to hear from anyone that was assigned to this squadron during this period.

Wednesday, 14th April 2010 1:02:27 AM
Name: Art Burcham
Squadron: VMA(AW) 533/242
Message: Electric shop with 533 at the Rose Garden. Jackson, Rondeau, Kopchik & Weymouth...what a great bunch of guys - I still play Back Alley. Couldn't wait to get out of Iwakuni when we left Nam Phong. Four years in electric shop and QA in 242. I'd love to hear from any of the old(?) A6-Aers. Is there a USMC/A6-A challenge coin? e-mail: [email protected]. Semper FI!

Thursday, 8th April 2010 4:43:02 PM
Name: Bill Schenk
Squadron: Va-15 Va-42 Va-35
Message: 62-66 I was a "rigger" props from 15 went to the AF Cuba when they cut off the water that was "fun" reminber a lot of good men, most are gone now but did love my AD

Thursday, 8th April 2010 12:18:49 PM
Name: Tom Shane
Message: Does anyone know the history of the VMA-224 patch and the symbols? Some patches have a pair of Wings in lower left quadrant while others do not. Also the upper right quadrant on some patches has what appears to be a cloud and others look like a crown. any help is appreciated. Tom

Monday, 5th April 2010 1:48:17 PM
Name: Tim Lancaster
Squadron: VA-55
Message: I was an AT in Va-55 in early 1986. I was an I level technician and was transfered to NAS Oceana Seaopdet shortly after. I and my former squadren personnel still went to sea when VA-55 went with VA-65 on board the Coral Sea, CV-43.

Wednesday, 24th March 2010 12:40:10 PM
Name: Gary "Gumby" Graham
Squadron: VA-128, VMA(AW)-533
Message: Trained as a student under the command of the legedary "Boxman" BV Wood in VA-128. Joined the Hawks of 533 to cruise aboard JFK with CVW-3 and then deploy to WestPac from 1988-1991. Cheers to the "Vulture" and all former MAG-14 "Bubs". Waveoff Mooncap your low!!

Wednesday, 24th March 2010 12:47:27 AM
Name: Glen Bersch
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Looking for any "centurians"that might be listening in. Was in Black Panthers from June 1978/Oct.1980. Med./ Indian Ocean cruise,144 days at sea! Gimee a Holler.

Wednesday, 24th March 2010 2:28:43 PM
Name: Andrew Dillon
Message: Looking for info about my cousin "Terrell Franklin Grubbs" Terry flew USMC carrier operations late 60's Vietnam. Origninally from Oklahoma. Anyone having information please email. Trying to hisotry about aircraft(s) flown, squadron etc. Thanks for your help and for your service to our country.

Monday, 22nd March 2010 10:07:27 PM
Name: mick gretz
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Anyone been to Monaco lately? Anyone going to the reunion in MAy?

Sunday, 21st March 2010 8:27:50 PM
Name: Dave Rarig
Squadron: VA196
Message: Hello shipmates. I was attached to VA 196 during 1982-1985, assigned to the line division and would love to here from anyone during those memorable times. GSCS(SW)David Rarig (Ret)

Saturday, 20th March 2010 9:16:13 PM
Name: John M. Frejik
Squadron: VA-85, VA-34
Message: Served with these two great squadrons at NAS Oceana, VA from 1974-78. Would love to hear from former shipmates. Cruises on USS Forrestal & USS JFK Feel free to email me. VA-85 - 1974-75 Airframes shop VA-34 - 1975-78 Maintenance Admin Logs & Records Email: [email protected]

Friday, 19th March 2010 1:28:46 PM
Name: MSgt Gene Hays
Squadron: H&MS-12 and H&MS-15
Message: I worked IMA with H&MS-12 in support of 533 from Nov 67 to Dec 68 in Chu Lai and then H&MS-15 in 73 and 74 in the Rose Garden and Iwakuni. I am looking for the names of 533's CO and SgtMaj in August of 1968 for a book I have written about the MAG-12 Civic Action Team.

Friday, 19th March 2010 1:41:00 AM
Name: Panpong L.
Squadron: Thai Marines.
Message: Dear all. I am Sgt.maj.Panpong L. from Thailand seeking for Ssgt.Pruett ( forgot his last name. ) He had been in Thailand for Cobra Gold / combine exercise with me in 1985.I went back to AAV class at camp Pendleton and visited his family at Bakersfield. He worked with the police by that time. I do like to contact him after we have lost the communicate for long time. Please help me to find him if he still alive.Sent an e - mail to me or calling me. Appreciated for your help. I own you two beer. Best regards. Sgt.maj.Ponpong L. Thai Marines Pensioner. mob : +66 89930 - 1102 e - mail : [email protected]

Thursday, 18th March 2010 8:48:04 PM
Name: Jim Wetzel
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served out of the fire control shop from 1967-1970; Enterprise and Coral Sea. Have run in to a few of my squadron mates over the years - we currently live in Terrell, TX. I'm the manufacturing engineering manager at a privately held company here in Terrell. E-mail: [email protected]

Thursday, 18th March 2010 7:56:00 PM
Name: Terry Ryan
Squadron: VA 196
Message: A02 Enjoyed my time in the squadron 1970-72. Would like to hear from Bud Vogt or anyone that would like to chat. Hope everyone is healthy and doing well.

Wednesday, 17th March 2010 3:45:10 PM
Name: Wayne Hendrix
Squadron: VMA(AW)-121
Message: I was in the Com/Nav shop from 1972-1975 while at MCAS Cherry Point. I remember Bill Close from Chicago, Tom McMillan and his wife Shelly who could fish better than any man. Also Mondo Duran. Sure wish I could find my old friends again.

Tuesday, 16th March 2010 4:28:20 PM
Name: Ltjg Terry Moore
Squadron: VA-165 Boomers (1976-80)
Message: Just returned from visiting an ole pal in Pensacola, Fla who was assigned with me to VA-165, NAS Whidbey Island, WA from 1976-80. We visited NAS Pensacola where I completed AOCS Class 27-75, then toured the Naval Aviation Museum. What a superb exhibition of naval aviation. Can't wait to go there again next year!

Sunday, 14th March 2010 7:53:51 PM
Name: Dennis Startin
Squadron: Va-165
Message: Just found this site. Was looking for old Boomers from 1980-83.

Saturday, 13 March 2010 9:36:03 AM
Name: Jim Spurgin AME3
Squadron: VA 145
Message: Looking for the old gang David Nmn Clark Jerry Mcwhorter Chuck Billmen any of the line animals get in touch

Saturday, 13 March 2010 2:18:58 AM
Name: chuck ledbetter
Squadron: va-42
Message: my billet number is 64,sir-the memories flood my mind some good some gooder.hello to gunny rick strong my old maintenance officer buddy palsy walsy!!!i remember you singing "mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys",we slung back a few beers and told a bunch of lies.i'm a union electrician;navy education paid off in my case.we had some wild times in el centro,key west,fallon,pensacola,a lot of memories from those days.where's chief scott,bogdanovich,chief hogue,craycroft,senior chief wayne strohl,green,stevens,wayne oliver,dd smith,jo jo white,kowalchick email me ya'll [email protected] i remember the a-4 blue angels buzzing our hangar;right over my 1980-1984 ae2 ledbetter was an a-6e tram fixing son of a gun i'll say no more.

Wednesday, 10th March 2010 1:23:57 PM
Name: Joseph Campbell 6353 (AQ) Fire Control
Squadron: VMA(AW)332, VMA(AW)224
Message: Stationed at Cherry Point from 85-90. Made 3 WestPac deployments. Looking for John who was in Q-2 avionics (ECM). Forgot his last name but he left in 89 and moved to Indianapolis (I think).

Tuesday, 9th March 2010 10:41:24 AM
Name: John romig
Squadron: Vma(aw)121
Message: Was with the Green Knights from 1973 to 1978. Good times had by all.

Monday, 8th March 2010 2:33:28 PM
Name: Sgt Thomas mooney
Squadron: VMA(AW) 242 '63 to '67
Message: I just discovered this site and really was surprised and glad to see all the interest. I was assigned to the very first Marine A6A Squadron formed at Cherry Point in 1963 and the first to serve in Da Nang from '66 to 67'.I just saw a message from Megan McGarvey who is the daughter of one of the graet A6A pilots we lost in Nam. If she happens to read this I would like to her back from her or any other members of the old squadron. Semper Fi

Friday, 5th March 2010 8:53:43 PM
Name: Herman Kunes
Squadron: VMF-214& VMF(533)N
Message: My two participating Squadrons during WW2 as Plane Captain. Later surprised to learn each were the leading day and nightime leaders of the Marine Air Corps Major Bailey was CO of 214 and Major Keller while I was with them. Love to hear of any future reunions. I am located in Langhorne, Pa. at age 85

Tuesday, 2nd March 2010 10:33:26 PM
Name: John Hills
Squadron: VMA(AW) 533
Message: S/sgt Nam Phong Dec. 1972- Aug. 1973 then to Iwakuni until November. 533 was a great squadron, had some great times in Thailand. Like to hear from anyone who was at the "Rose Garden". Would also like to hear from anyone who new my son Kevin Hills who was in VA 185 CV 41 USS Midway 1989. He and another shipmate Brian weaver lost their lives in the United Arab Emerits.

Tuesday, 2nd March 2010 8:27:48 PM
Name: AZ3 Conrad Bloom
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Was in VA-128 from when it split from VAH-123 until Oct 1969. Would like to talk with others from that period. Was looking for AZ1 Raymond Formanek and AZC Roy Ott. William E. Crouch. Van Albert Treadway. Bill Seip. All served in 128 during my time. I also have a framed picture of an A-6 from VA-52 if anyone would like it. There is an A-6 sitting on the deck of the Oakland Aviation Museum in Oakland CA. Also the museum of flight in Seattle has two just outside the entrance way.

Friday, 26th February 2010 5:02:06 PM
Name: AFCM(AW) Ron "Stoney" Collins
Squadron: VA-85/VA-34/MATWINGONE
Message: Looking to hear from old Intruder types. I retired May 1999. I saw a few names in here I recongnized, Gunner Rick Strong, Dick Brooks Send me an E mail if you get a chance. Stoney [email protected]

Sunday, 21st February 2010 7:04:41 PM
Name: rick green
Squadron: VA52

Saturday, 20th February 2010 12:51:04 PM
Squadron: VA-35

Thursday, 18th February 2010 9:17:49 PM
Name: Tony Carter
Squadron: VA-176, VA-42
Message: The years in this community were the best. We worked hard but the results and the comradarie was the best. Miss it for sure.

Tuesday, 16th February 2010 1:33:13 PM
Name: Joe Savadge
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Great Web-Site, Was in VA-35 from Nov 81 to Mar 84. After 26 years in the Navy have to say that this was my best tour. Many awesome memories. Was leading Personnelman. Would enjoy hearing from anyone who was in the Squardon when I was.

Monday, 15th February 2010 4:33:43 PM
Name: Claude Hurt
Squadron: Civ. Navy Dare Bombing Range
Message: I am trying to connect to my friend Capt. Bob Bosman. He was at VA65 at the time 'Gator' was the skipper. Retired now but after working 26 years with a lot of you guys.Still think of you all often and thanks again for your service.I can be reached at [email protected] Thanks again.MT MAN

Monday, 15th February 2010 11:35:54 AM
Name: Steve Sullivan
Message: I'm looking for a Bill Davis, the only Marine in my AF pilot training class Laredo 70-02 from 1968-1969. I'm organizing a class reunion. He went into the A-6 in late '69. His wife's name, at the time, was Vicki. Please email me at [email protected] if you have ANY clue at to his whereabouts. Even a middle initial would help. Thanks

Sunday, 14th February 2010 12:38:23 PM
Name: tom coffey
Squadron: vma-225,533,vmat-202
Message: i was assigned to maintainance control with vma-225 in january of 1968 and transpacked to danang with 225 in the fall of 68.transferred to vma -533 feb,1969 through december then back to cherry point serving with vmat-202 until my discharge in april of 1971.learning about sophisticated systems of the a-6,coordinating the maintainance and assigning the intruders to various missions was without question one of the greatest challenges of my life!i have fond memories of the a-6,and the great marines i served with in all three squadron,s,i,ll be looking forward to attending the intruder reunion in may.for those who served with me i still look and sound the same as i did in 68 thru 71except for the white mustache and sixty five pound addition.i,ll be looking forward to seeing many fellow marines at may. semper fi tom coffey sgt.u.s.m.c.

Monday, 8th February 2010 7:44:10 PM
Name: Quentin P Young Jr
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Was a "Boomer" from 1975-1978 and aboard the Connie westpac cruise 1977. Im proud to have served my country flying the A-6. It was a wonderful plane. Drove through Oak Harbor in 2007 and barely recognized the place. My how things have changed !!

Sunday, 7th February 2010 7:55:18 AM
Name: Frank Stuller
Squadron: VA196/128
Message: I served three tours with 196 and one in 128.Also was an original member(plank owner)VA 196. Even though I have been retired since 1988 my heart is still with the Navy and VA196. Any shipmates that might remember me should Email me at [email protected]. Long live the Main Battery

Tuesday, 2nd February 2010 6:26:25 PM
Name: Jeff Lamberson
Squadron: Richmond Airport
Message: We at the Richmond Airport in Richmond, Indiana would like to thank group VA 128 for the INTRUDER that we have on display at the Airport. For those of you that helped bring us the plane in June 1995. well always be remembered!! remember you will always be part of the family at RID. jeff

Tuesday, 2nd February 2010 2:43:47 PM
Squadron: VA128

Saturday, 30th January 2010 6:57:45 PM
Name: Megan McGarvey
Squadron: VMA (AW) 242 (Daughter)
Message: I'm the daughter of Lt. Col. James McGarvey, USMC, MIA, North Vietnam, 4/17/1967. Very nice site. Wonderful tribute to a great aircraft and the men who flew her. Thanks.

Saturday, 30th January 2010 3:40:30 PM
Name: Chris Hinckle ATC(AW)
Squadron: VA-42, VA-36, VA-35
Message: Intruders from 1982-1995, was a great experience and miss the community and people alot. Intruders Forever !!

Saturday, 23rd January 2010 3:38:41 PM
Name: Rick Vogler
Squadron: USS Carl Vinson CVN-70
Message: I was the work center supervisor of the Mouse House on the Vinson during the last deployment of VA-196 (1996). You guys were the best and it was a great pleasure working with you all!

Friday, 22nd January 2010 4:18:23 PM
Name: Jonard Legaspi
Squadron: VMA(AW)-242
Message: Glad I found this page. LtCol. Valovich was my first C.O. when I got into the Fleet. I am lucky enough to live near Whidbey Island and the sound of the EA-6B's remind me of El Toro.

Tuesday, 19th January 2010 9:01:12 PM
Name: Family & Friends
Squadron: VA 128
Message: IN MEMORY OF LT. JOHN MCCORMICK HODGES, JR. 6/6/60 - 2/28/93.

Friday, 15th January 2010 4:53:44 PM
Name: Mike Standridge
Squadron: VA-196
Message: My wife noticed a patch today that looked like the old devil patch we had (196) - when I was in the squadron in 78. but it was adopted by an AV-8... Caused me to look this site up. Saw that my previous CAG iin CVW-5 (Tim Beard) was lead in the association. An opportunity to get back in touch with shipmates, even for an intel is well done.

Sunday, 10th January 2010 7:22:21 PM
Name: Peter Lerette
Squadron: VA-35 89-93
Message: Great Site!! I was a black Panther for my first tour in the Navy, and couldn't have picked a better squadron to be a part of. I am now an ADCS at VFA-211, missing my A-6's. Thanks for a great site!!

Saturday, 9th January 2010 7:24:39 PM
Name: Roy [Daddy] Demge AMS2
Squadron: VA-128 VA-95 VA-196
Message: Stumbled onto this site when a friend was showing me A-6 photoes. Trained in VA-128 from june-september of '78. VA-95 corrosion control and airfrmes '78 to 82. AIMD Whidbey Is. '82-'84. '84-discharge in july'85 was in VA-196 Airframes. A couple of you guys should have crossed paths with me. Kurt Mattson or how about TAZ.

Wednesday, 6th January 2010 10:53:35 AM
Name: Victor "chevy" Torino
Squadron: VA-42/ VA-34
Message: would love to catch up with old shipmates. Had some great times in Va. beach and on board cv-66. now in ocala, fla. served va-42 80-82 and va-34 82-84. Diamond Jim, baldy, hodaddy, cimi, drop a line. K.Lauler you made me a cig. pouch once. I remember you.

Sunday, 3rd January 2010 2:07:44 AM
Name: Marc Behling
Squadron: VA-52 (80-84)
Message: I found this site while google searching for reference pictures of one thing can lead to another. I have a lot of fond memories with VA-52; served along with a great bunch of people. I don't think I'll ever have an experience as exciting as: working as a mechanic on the carrier's flight deck during flight ops (wow). I hope all of you well! Happy 2010.

Wednesday, 30th December 2009 6:45:27 PM
Name: Ralph Palmer
Squadron: VA-34 Blue Blastersq
Message: Just surfing the internet looking for A-6 news and info. Found this site. Looks good, it's now book marked on my computer.

Sunday, 27th December 2009 11:52:15 PM
Name: Harold Parker
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: Just discovered this site. I was with the Bengals 75 - 77. The CO was LtCol Randall, XO was Maj Porcari, the 1stSgt was Cahoon. I worked in Maint. Control for 2 years with Capt. Bob Pruett, Lt. Braithwaite, Gunny Russell, SSgt Gordon and Sgt Slipetski and loved every minute of it, especially the WestPac cruise to Iwakuni(Block Eight), Kwangju, Korea and Cubi Point. Miss all my friends especially Sgt's M Rutter, H M Brown, M A Campbell,and R M Arquitt. Every time I look in my Cruise Book I miss you more.

Saturday, 19th December 2009 4:51:19 PM
Name: Tim Murphy
Squadron: VMA(AW)225, VMCJ-2
Message: Deployed to Danang in Jan 69 as AMO of 225. Planning a Viking reunion (Danang 69-70) in the DC area in May 2011. Please contact me at [email protected] .

Saturday, 19th December 2009 2:57:45 PM
Name: Mike Seda
Squadron: VA165
Message: AO with the boomers from 1981 to 1985, stationed at NAS Whidbey Island

Monday, 14th December 2009 11:43:20 PM
Name: Michael Rauen
Squadron: VA-165
Message: AK1, three cruises on the Connie, then a tour in Sig. Retired an became a Catholic Chaplain in 1998. Reside in Corpus Christi, TX

Monday, 14th December 2009 6:09:49 PM
Name: Glenn Jackson
Squadron: VMA(AW)533/242
Message: Served 1969 to 1973. 242 stateside 533 in Nam Phong, Thailand. Rondeau, how are you buddy? A big hello and handshake to all those A-6ers.

Sunday, 13 December 2009 4:36:58 PM
Name: John Stock
Squadron: VA-128, VA-52, MAWD EL CENTRO, VA-196
Message: Hello to all you ex Sky Pig Fans From my early years as an A-6E Plane Captain and TC4C Mech to the Sailor of the Year of VA-196 in(1995), I miss it all. So many great memories and some tragic. I remember the loss of our C.O. in VA-52 (CDR Loyd Sledge) & (AD2)Brian Lee Preston. Brian was blown over the side by an A-7 on board the USS Carl Vinson. Both tragedies occurred in 1986. I retired from AIMD NAS Whidbey in August of 2002. I Now live in Sebring FL. I've been a County Road Patrol Deputy, but now working as a Lineman at the Sebring Regional Airport. If anyone remembers me, my e-mail address is [email protected] I'm also on Myspace and Facebook. Fair Winds & Following Seas AD1(AW(RET) John L. Stock

Sunday, 13 December 2009 8:38:52 PM
Name: Jerry Huddleston
Squadron: VA-176
Message: Checked into Squardon June 1969 left for Shore duty Feb. 1972. Made 70 and 71 Med. cruises. Miss all the guys in the Squardon. Had good times and good fellowship.

Thursday, 10th December 2009 5:49:24 PM
Name: Tom Crosby
Squadron: VA 35
Message: made the 71 medcruise as AE2. Remeber Jimmie Healy and the 'guts' games that never ended.

Wednesday, 9th December 2009 8:09:31 AM
Name: Katy Herbert
Squadron: none
Message: I am trying to find a couple cruise books for my father in law who was on USS America 1970-1972 and USS Harlan County 1973-1974. Is there anyone here that knows where I can find these 2 books or anyone here who served with him? I am not sure which squadron he was on (I am trying to find these as a surprise - his ex disposed of his original books) but his name is Tom Hannigan. Please let me know if you could share some information with me - I would truly appreciate it!

Sunday, 6th December 2009 1:29:02 PM
Name: Mike Chesley
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Was with VA-35 at NAS Oceana from 1970 to 1972. Med Cruise in 1971 on USS America. Worked as AMS2 in Check Crew. Still work in Aviation for Pratt & Whitney in Burlington, Vermont.

Sunday, 6th December 2009 12:34:21 AM
Name: Steve Davis
Squadron: VA-176/VA-115
Message: I was an AQ in VA-176 from October 1984-June 88 and VA-115 from May 1989 -May 1991. I retired in 2003 and work as a civilian at NAS Whidbey Island. Every day on the way to work I pass the A-6 on HWY 20 and fondly remember all the blood, sweat, tears and good times I shared with my shipmates. The dedication of the maintenance crews were the soul of the aircraft. I would love to hear from some old shipmates.

Wednesday, 2nd December 2009 12:24:27 AM
Name: bruce long
Squadron: va128
Message: i was there on the rock from 78-82.i worked on the line,gse,then in airframes. then i went to texas, now im moved back to oak harbor in 04. looking for anyone who was there (78-82.

Monday, 30th November 2009 12:15:21 PM
Name: Barry D. Painter
Squadron: VA-52 (67-69)
Message: I stand corrected, and apologize for my error. It was CDR Q. Orel that was lost with LT J.D. Hunt on 13 October 1968. My how the memory fades after a few decades....... Thanks Jim.

Saturday, 28th November 2009 10:15:13 PM
Name: Michael Thompson
Squadron: VMA aw 121 Greenknights
Message: Looking for George Laborin and Brian Chamberlain. 1981 Westpac. 79-83 El Toro flight line. Brian snapped a photo of me in front of the line shack right before a junk on the bunk. I had bayonet in my mouth.

Friday, 27th November 2009 11:33:20 AM
Name: Dave Conner
Squadron: VA-128 and VA-165
Message: Was in the AE shop in both squadrons and had great tours from 1980-1983 (VA-128) and 1983-1986 (VA-165. Had the pleasure of working with some of the very best in both outfits. Believe I had a successful career due to my time with the Intruder.... Dave Conner CDR LDO retired.

Tuesday, 24th November 2009 12:32:47 PM
Name: Matt Pickard
Squadron: VA-165 / USS Coral Sea
Message: Dad, Tim Pickard, was an "Ordy" or BB Stacker as he refered to it on the USS Coral Sea during the 1966 Southeast Asia deployment.

Tuesday, 24th November 2009 1:15:11 AM
Name: Terry Rollins
Squadron: VA -35
Message: Great site.Nice to see guys I was stationed with in 35.I was a plane captain in the line shack from 1979 to 1983.Would be great to hear from people I was stationed with.Retired from the Nav in 99 but 35 was by far the best command I was in.Now work at Fedex as a jet mech...more money but not as much fun.Lots of good times in VA 35.

Tuesday, 24th November 2009 3:43:25 PM
Name: Richard (Buster) Lemmon
Squadron: VA-42
Message: Aviation Storekeeper VA-42 1968 - 1969

Monday, 23rd November 2009 11:28:17 PM
Name: Fitch
Squadron: VA128
Message: Looking for AMS3 airplane shop serving from Nov 82- Nov 86 at Whidbey.

Sunday, 15th November 2009 8:18:52 PM
Name: Jim Hauge
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Hi, guys - I was an AQB3 in VA-85 from 1966-1968. We flew missions over Yankee and Dixie stations in Vietnam, first off the Kitty Hawk, then the America. I have a lot of great memories from the squadron, and my shipmates.

Saturday, 14th November 2009 7:34:08 PM
Name: alan
Squadron: VA-115/VA-196
Message: I served as plane VA-115(87-88),and VA196(88-90.Just wanted to say hi to "Fluff"-VA-115 and airman Wilson VA-196-from Escodito?Ca.near San Diego.Anyone know the whereabouts of LT.Sylvester(VA-196)from 87-89?,Lt.BarkowskiVA-115 from 86-88? and Commander Johnson from 87-89(VA-196)?went to NASA to be a test pilot.

Tuesday, 10th November 2009 3:32:29 PM
Name: AZ2 Richard Harrington
Squadron: VA-176
Message: Reported for duty on 2 July 1968 to help transition from AD's to A6's. Assigned as maintenance control supervisor. Left VA-176 on 1 November 1969.

Monday, 9th November 2009 9:28:42 PM
Name: Terry Tubridy
Squadron: VMA (AW)- 533 & 224
Message: Served 3 yrs as Fire Control Tech, starting with 533 and ending with 1 yr deployment to Iwakuni with 224. Served with some great guys working on a bird ahead of its time. My lifelong regret was not getting my seat card and getting to fly while training at NAS Fallon. Tried for B/N after commissioning but bombed the AQT/FAR (after passing it previously). Instead went on to serve as a CommO where I crossed paths with fellow tech Billy O and pilots/BNs Hank Gotard, Ken Jordan, & Dave Leach. S/F and Happy 234th!

Monday, 9th November 2009 3:41:11 PM
Name: Barry David Painter
Squadron: VA-52
Message: ADJ2, West Pac cruise August 1968-April 1969. Lots of memories, most good, some sad. Lost LT J.D. Hunt(division officer) and CDR Kobler (Exec) on first mission of cruise.

Sunday, 8th November 2009 8:59:30 PM
Name: Gary Stuve
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Iwas a AMH-2 in B.A.R.F. (Boomers Airframe Rework Facility) from 1977 till 1980. Made 3 westpacs aboard the Connie.

Sunday, 8th November 2009 11:58:28 AM
Name: Richard Plante
Squadron: VMA(AW)225
Message: Started my Marine Corps air experience with VMAT(AW)202 at Cherry Point,1968-69,as a plane captain,Next stop,Danang,RVN,with VMA(AW)225,power plants, from 1969-70, then back to Cherry Point, with VMCJ-2 to end of enlistment. Love those A-6"s

Saturday, 31st October 2009 9:11:06 PM
Name: kurt mattson
Squadron: va-196
Message: was in 196 from 1984 to 1989

Friday, 30th October 2009 10:25:43 AM
Name: Hank Louisa
Squadron: VA-52
Message: Looking for Ron (Calhoun) Jones, Terry Lee, Larry Phillips, Bobby Hollister. VA-52 from approx. Sep. 1968 to August 1969.

Thursday, 29th October 2009 3:13:25 PM
Squadron: VMA(AW)225 VIKINGS

Thursday, 29th October 2009 12:06:04 PM
Squadron: VA=176
Message: Great web site. Wanted to say hello to all my fellow T-BOIL'S. Been a long time since we put the squadron to rest. I still miss all of you.

Wednesday, 28th October 2009 6:45:54 PM
Name: Gary Raster (Rooster)
Squadron: VA-165, VA-128
Message: Still alive and well. Did Boomers 74-79 and 82-85. Did 128 under Terry Toms, then did VAQ-130 and VAQ-135.

Tuesday, 27th October 2009 7:06:58 PM
Name: Rob Conklin
Squadron: VA-34
Message: Personnelman for squadron while asigned USS America and NAS Oceana 1981-83. Under CO B. Liner

Sunday, 25th October 2009 8:57:10 PM
Squadron: VA 128 and VA 185
Message: I was an AQ in VA 128 and VA 185 from 1986 to 1988 on WHidbey Island. I'm a VA 185 plankowner. Looking for anyone who knew me or spent time there during that time. Those were some great and wild times. Fond Memories!

Saturday, 24th October 2009 10:59:15 PM
Name: Ken Raymond
Squadron: VA-35
Message: 2 med cruises and Gitmo stay with the props. Gave them to the AF and moved to Norfolk to train pilots for nam with the Intruder. Sorry to say, we lost our whole first sqd. that deployed. Some pilots and computer op. did come back to fly again. Your site brings back memories. I never saw VA-35 mentioned for a citation in Cuba, and they were on the base from the beginning. Needed props to stay in the perimiter. Thanks

Saturday, 24th October 2009 5:25:23 PM
Name: Dave Potter
Squadron: VAQ-135
Message: Was an original member of "Plank Owner" crew VAQ 135. Are there any other "Originals" still left out there. Squadron commander at that time was CDR Hubbard

Friday, 23rd October 2009 9:04:54 AM
Name: Fredrick E. Goettsche
Squadron: VMA(AW) - 242

Thursday, 22nd October 2009 10:17:58 PM
Name: Dan Schrader
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I was an AE in VA-165 at Whidbey Island from 1985 to 1988. That was truly some of the most memorable times in my life. I am proud to have served my country with some of the best men in the military!!! God Bless You All.

Thursday, 15th October 2009 11:28:04 AM
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: was with 533 from 1984 till 1989 as an admin clerk. 2 Med cruises, anyone who remembers please contact me. Semper Fi!

Thursday, 8th October 2009 7:29:43 PM
Name: Don Olsen
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Hi! Guys! i was in VA-85 from 1979-1982. hey steve green,Mike lentz ,Dave tebeau or any of the crew ,hope alls well with all the attack suadron personel. take care guys and girls.

Sunday, 4th October 2009 5:27:04 PM
Name: David Harrell
Squadron: VA196
Message: I was a aviation ordananceman from 1971 to 1974. What a great bunch of Guy's!

Thursday, 1st October 2009 12:04:28 PM
Name: Roger Pendergrass
Squadron: VA 165
Message: Served in VA165 on Connie 1970-1972 AT shop. Like to hear from you boys on that cruise.

Monday, 28th September 2009 9:37:39 PM
Name: Michael L.Pfielschiefter aka(P13)
Squadron: VA-75 Sunday Punchers
Message: I was in VA-75 for 2 years 77 to 79.I was a rigger and a plane captain.Knew all the officers in the squadron.I think you should do a tribute to CDR Mike Smith that was killed on the Challenger,he was a great guy. P13

Monday, 28th September 2009 6:43:08 PM
Name: Joe Savadge
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served in VA-35 as a PN1 81-83. After serving 26 years, I do have to say it was one of my best Tours. We had a awesome crew. Our Admin/Personnel Office were a Team. Would like to hear from anyone. I just came across this web-Site Awesome Job.

Monday, 28th September 2009 2:05:01 PM
Name: Bill McAnirlin Jr.
Squadron: VA42
Message: Hello, After all these years I still remember my time with VA42 from 1966 to 1969. I was an ATN2 and I spent over a year in the AMD shop fixing the APN144(altimeter) and APN153(doppler Navigation). Recently I found an MIA bracelet for Buzz Ellison who I remember well. I will wear it forever! Please don't forget those who never came home. Bill

Tuesday, 22nd September 2009 7:04:38 PM
Name: gina hackert
Squadron: va42
Message: hey yall line rats who were there 92-94. drop me a line. sure miss working on the line with you all.

Friday, 18th September 2009 5:46:02 PM
Name: Charles Beltram
Squadron: VMA-242
Message: Great site! I was with VMA-242 for about 2 month's in Nam before I voluntered to go to a CAP unit and become a grunt. Would like to hear from Sgt. Jerry Hurst my NCOIC at the time. Or any of you guy's who remember me! Semper Fi! Charlie

Wednesday, 16th September 2009 1:14:13 AM
Name: AD-3 J. J .WARD
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Chief Lefler, leave your e mail address! All VA-35 (1981-1985) JJ says hey!I really love this website and I saw some familiar names here. Special hello to Louis Lalli, I bought his 1970 Chevelle.I plane captained for Steve Richmond,Benny Suggs,Mike McCully,Omar McMullen,Rick McCollum,ETC

Monday, 14th September 2009 7:34:57 AM
Name: Rex Marschand
Squadron: VA 55
Message: A very nice site, i was a member of va55 when it was an a4 squadron in vietnam. 1970 - 1972 a lot of good memories and friends were made there.congrats to all who served in this squadron. Rex Marschand

Monday, 14th September 2009 7:32:36 AM
Name: Rex Marschand
Squadron: VA 55
Message: A very nice site, i was a member of va55 when it was an a4 squadron in vietnam. 1970 - 1972 a lot of good memories and friends were made there.congrats to all who served in this squadron. Rex Marschand

Monday, 7th September 2009 5:30:11 PM
Name: Richard S. Richardson
Squadron: CVA-64, OC Div
Message: I was an AC3 WestPac 73'. Nice site, brings back memories. Sorry to see the Connie & A-6s go to the wayside. May you always have calm seas, fair winds and blue skies.

Sunday, 6th September 2009 1:16:16 PM
Name: Jim
Squadron: va165
Message: looking for any plank owners and Tim James in south of Jax.

Saturday, 5th September 2009 10:08:27 AM
Name: Tracy Parkhurst
Squadron: None
Message: Hello, I have been an Intruder "fan" for numerous years. Years before the movie about the Intruder came out. I have never served in the military. I wish I had. I still kick myself in the ass today about not joining. I recently found your site here. I was very excited to look it over. Then the excitement came to an end. I am very bummed out that your memebership is a closed one. I realize that the A6 family is a close knit one. As alot of other aircraft families. Do you have any plans on opening up your association to non A6er's in the future? If so I would be the first to join. Also, I saw your Flight Jacket Patches are they for sale? Thank you for all that you have done and have a wonderful day. Tracy

Saturday, 5th September 2009 9:45:26 AM
Name: Tracy Parkhurst
Squadron: None
Message: I have been an Intruder Fan for years. Years before the movie about the Intruder. I just found this site and I was very excited. Then as I read the "about" I was very bummed. I can't join. I never have worked with the Intruder. I have never been in the service to be honest. Wish I had. I do have a question though. Can anyone buy your patches? Thank you and have an awesome day. Tracy

Saturday, 5th September 2009 6:54:40 AM
Name: R.D. Hill
Squadron: va-165 & !45
Message: Good to see so many people staying in touch. I was in va-165 from 1973 to 1976. line div.[plane captain] then in va-145 from 1977 to 1980 air frames and QA shop. Looking for any old freinds.

Friday, 4th September 2009 2:10:18 PM
Name: Terry Piper AQ2
Squadron: VA-75/42
Message: Remembering old times. I was in VA-75 Right after they came back from Nam after losing the Commander until they went for a med cruise in 75 or 76 and then went to VA-42 until 77. I am retired now and find time to browse the web more. E-mail me if you where in the squadrans with me

Friday, 4th September 2009 1:28:42 AM
Name: scott donaldson
Squadron: va-42,va-34
Message: NAS Oceana 1973-1977 pc, power plants- any old shipmates out there?

Wednesday, 2nd September 2009 4:43:26 PM
Name: Russell (Rusty) Cash
Squadron: VA-196

Tuesday, 1st September 2009 12:20:40 AM
Name: Dan"Whimpy"Kirkendall
Squadron: VA-75,115,128,145
Message: OK Guys remember the ole "WhimpyDawg of 115;145 and 128. Was the 1st Ordie in 115 when we were commisioned at Whidbey in 70. Retired as 1st class in 79 and worked a NOP Louisville,Ky. Miss hearing from ole Arabs. Also saw where Bud Langston was DCNAV and mad Admiral also Skipper Carlmichael got command of the Midway before i retired.Would love to hear from anyone. A01 WHIMPY KIRKENDALLeMAIL;[email protected]

Sunday, 30th August 2009 10:32:14 AM
Name: Matt Wilderman
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Looking for friends. I was ther from 1992 to 1995.

Sunday, 30th August 2009 10:31:49 AM
Name: Matt Wilderman
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Looking for friends. I was ther from 1992 to 1995.

Friday, 28th August 2009 6:06:58 PM
Name: Tom Corbin
Squadron: VA-196
Message: I was in the AQ shop for WESTPAC 67 & 68 on the USS Constellation. Absolutely unforegettable times, ever.

Tuesday, 25th August 2009 3:25:04 PM
Name: Ron Aronson
Squadron: VMA 225/242/VMCJ-2
Message: Great site...thanks! I was assigned to 225 in Sept.1967 as a Hyd.Mech.WestPac Jan. '69 Reassigned to 242 til; Dec '69.Back to Cherry Point and joined VMCJ-2. Lots of memories..I've kept the SQ. Picture of 225 prior to deployment on my office wall. I've been in contact with Bobby Tomme, Dick Gauay,Steve Kaufman.Please e-mail me....

Monday, 24th August 2009 6:59:57 AM
Name: Wynkoop, Ben L
Squadron: VA-42, VAQ-33,VA-55, VA-75
Message: GREAT SITE! Had a great career in the A6 community. Met some of the best people in the world. Would love to hear from any shipmates. Retired as LDO LT after learning ropes on A6 as and AE. VAQ-33 was awesome with all the dets and differant aircraft. VA-55 was the best, as squadron was more a family than just a place to work. Intruders..Thanks for the memories.

Tuesday, 18th August 2009 5:47:44 PM
Name: Ed Kules
Squadron: VA75, 36, 34
Message: Any time, any weather!

Monday, 17th August 2009 8:49:56 PM
Name: Fred Sauvey
Squadron: VMA(AW) 533
Message: Oh my goodness. Chu Lai 68 - 69 seems along time ago. Hello to all who were there.

Sunday, 16th August 2009 3:11:58 PM
Name: gordon chabot jr
Squadron: vmat(AW)202
Message: i was there 1977-1980,sgt in poweplants. high power license, non crew wings.maint. control toward end. went to s. weymouth on an A4 gig through 83,then to soms el toro, on t-39 through 84,then to recruiting duty,in ma. through 89, back to cherry pt. on A4's till 90, when i came back to recruiting.retired 96. semper fi

Friday, 14th August 2009 9:28:45 AM
Name: Michael Dye
Squadron: VA-85(AIMD), VA-65(AQ & SEAOPDET25 LPO)
Message: After 15.5 years in Intruders, medically retired after Desert Storm. Two cruises each on the FID and the Coral Maru. Damn, but I miss the Intruders. They weren't sleek, they weren't sexy, but they could carry anything anywhere and drop it on the bad guys... Eat your hearts out Hornet-types. Anyway, talking with buddies at the Legion and got talked into recreating my flight deck uniform for the Vets Day parade. Got it all together, but I can't seem to remember the marking for the tool pouch...I remember the squadron designator, but can't remember the code series for the AQ shop and don't have access to an old copy of the 4790. Might anyone be able to assist? Thanks.

Thursday, 13 August 2009 2:30:06 PM
Name: David Carroll
Squadron: VA-35

Tuesday, 11th August 2009 11:52:05 AM
Name: Chris Wilkins
Squadron: VMA(AW)-242
Message: I served with the BATMEN in DaNang from February 1970 to July 1970, I worked in the Seat Shop. (I was in DaNang with H&MS-11 from July 1969 to February 1970 when I was transfered to 242). Great group of men attached to a great aircraft! Wish we could all be together again. Semper Fi!!!!

Friday, 7th August 2009 11:25:16 AM
Name: Beverly Swanson
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Your comrade and my beloved husband has gone to be with his father in heaven on July 9, 2009. He was treated for PTSD and lived a three and one half year ordeal with Multiple System Atrophy.

Friday, 7th August 2009 2:40:21 AM
Name: Nick
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I want to pay a tribute to the best group of people I have ever had the privilege to meet and work with. We were out of the AE Shop 1972 to 1975 and stationed at NAS Oceana Va. Made a West-Pac, Med Cruise, and North Atlantic NATO aboard the USS America. Along with a short stint at Roosevelt Roads Puerto Rico. Lt. Gary George, Ens. George New, William "Cat" Ballou, Danny Binger, Fred Teaster, David "Poncho" White, Rick York, Gil Collins, Tom "Howard" Koesel, Tony Biller, John Seiler, Glen "Porkchop" Hamilton, Ron "Red" Newman, Gary Harper, and Larry Parker who prevented me from going in the frigid waters of the North Atlantic when the steering on an A-7 went out and hit us with a jet blast. I know there are names I may have missed. These guys are second to none. We had some good times and we had some bad times. One thing for sure, we busted our tails on those A-6's and got the job done. SIERRA HOTEL

Thursday, 6th August 2009 7:24:30 AM
Name: Tee

Wednesday, 5th August 2009 9:42:56 PM
Name: Jeff Worthey
Squadron: VA 35
Message: I was an AT and a troubleshooter. Served from 1990 to 1993, all cruises done on the Saratoga. One greendeck on the Constellation. Live in Corpus Christi, Texas now.

Saturday, 1st August 2009 9:34:23 PM
Name: Carlos Borbolla
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was an AME with VA-35 from 77-79 when we were on the Nimitz. Also TAD with the LOX Crew. I moved over to VS-24 afterward, same CAG but Cecil Field Fl instead of VA Beach. Who can forget Naples!!. Great Squadron, it was an honor to have served and for those serving now, Godspeed and thanks for all your doing!

Saturday, 1st August 2009 4:04:21 PM
Squadron: yt254
Message: oh what a lovely job done on this site pls keep it up

Friday, 31st July 2009 9:28:50 AM
Name: Jim Smith
Squadron: VA-176
Message: T Bolt 1981-1984. The best tour of my career! Then AT1; Retired ATC(NAC) in 1991. Looking for old shipmates.

Thursday, 30th July 2009 12:33:58 PM
Name: Chad P. Mchugh
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Does any know the end speed off the cat for a 56K A-6E? I thought it was about 150kts, but my pilot buddies say closer to 130kts. Also how fast above stall speed would that be? Thanks, Chad

Wednesday, 29th July 2009 9:57:41 PM
Name: James
Message: Message: I was wondering do you have patches for all a-6 squadrons. Do you guys and gals have just some of them.Also would to know if you decommished this squadron can you get a lithograph. Home:

Wednesday, 29th July 2009 6:40:56 PM
Name: Chad P. McHugh
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Does anyone know the cat end speed for a 56K A-6E? I thought about 150 kts, but my pilot buddies tell me more like 130. Also, how many kts above stall speed would that be. Thanks, Chad

Tuesday, 28th July 2009 10:50:51 PM
Name: Bob Clark
Squadron: VA-128 and VA-115
Message: VA-128 from '81 to '84 in Electric Shop. VA-115 from '85 to '87 in Electric Shop and AE-T/S

Tuesday, 28th July 2009 7:52:03 PM
Name: Lance Morrison
Squadron: Comdesron 11
Message: I was a 3rd class Quartermaster on the bridge of the Joseph Strauss on the fateful night that we were bombed by I believe 3 A6 jets off of the Constellation (I believe it was the Constellation) in Vietnam. Where can I find some details about the incident from the A6 side. Just reliving old times. Here is what I know: USS JOSEPH STRAUSS (DDG-. 16), commanded by CDR Lawrence. Layman, USN, was attacked by an A-6 at 0210, Friday, 27 September 1968 As I recall, the Strauss was the flag ship of a Commodore Doyle (Comdesron 11) at the time. The bombs dropped took out our radar and turned the starboard side of the ship (aluminum above the main deck) into Swiss cheese. No one on board was injured including the starboard lookout, a black sailor, who was missed by shrapnel by centimeters. A large chunk tore a hole in his pants. I recall him saying �I see the Light, I see the Light� he couldn�t say anything else and his eyes were as large as pie tins! I recall the chaos on the bridge. I was in the charthouse just behind the bridge correcting maps. It was the mid-watch 12:00am-4:00am. We were running dark off the 17th parallel in a box about 1 mile wide by 5 miles long not far off the beach of North Vietnam. I heard the officer of the deck announce that we had a flight of jets off the carrier about to overfly us. They were squawking as friendly. The A6�s were looking for a truck convoy on the beach. The next thing I saw was the sky light up like the sun and the thunderous explosions 50 ft off our starboard side followed by the sound of the shrapnel tearing holes in the superstructure. I ran onto the bridge with my battle helmet and life preserver (self preservation!) and found the entire bridge crew crouching/lying on the deck. The helmsman had one hand on the wheel and the officer of the deck was extremely confused and had no idea of what to do. About that time, Chief R. Jones (a real old salt) came running up the ladder way from CIC to the bridge and pushed me out of the way and stepped over/on the bodies on the deck to get to the lighting electrical panel. He turned on everything that we had including a light that showed the large white star on the top of our nuclear ASROC mount amidships. I believe that at this time the A6 crews were circling for another attack as they did not see any secondary explosions. I�m sure that the ship with the lights on looked like the �Light Parade at Disneyland�. Apparently the lights saved us and the attack was over. I believe that the crews aboard the A6�s were in deep trouble. The Strauss was similar to the British ship that was hit by an Exocet missile in the Falkland Islands by Argentina. That ship was basically incinerated. Our ship, if hit by any of the bombs dropped would surely have suffered a similar fate. We had a 5in. gun mount forward with a magazine below it, the twin turbine boilers in the engine room, the Nuclear ASROC between the stacks, a Tartar missile system behind that with its� own magazine, another 5in gun mount behind that with its� own magazine. The ships� hull was steel, but all of the structure above the main deck was aluminum. A direct hit on a nuclear ASROC is probably not what you want to do! I recall the conversation between the Commodore and the Captain of the aircraft carrier. I have never heard the use of the �F---� word so many times and in such a manner by a senior officer. The one way conversation went on for about 15-30 minutes. I�d like to thank the pilot/s that missed me that night. My family would like to thank them too. By the way I have two sons who are F-15E pilots in the USAF. I believe that the pilots came at us from behind, heading at our 2 oclock. The bombs dropped most likely flew between our stacks just above the ASROC mount. RSVP Lance R. Morrison formerly Quartermaster 3rd Class, Navigation Division USS Joseph Strauss DDG16 2216 Oak Ridge Drive Carson City, NV 89703 775-885-1986 [email protected]

Tuesday, 28th July 2009 10:44:49 AM
Name: Frank Walizer
Squadron: VMA (AW) 242)
Message: I just found this web site. Nice Job. I was a Safety Equipment man in 242 (Batmen)during 1968-1969. I thought the A-6 was on hell of a good AC and was proud to have worked on them. I retired after 30 years as a Marine CommO Semper Fi Frank Walizer

Monday, 27th July 2009 5:24:47 PM
Name: Dennis Draper
Squadron: VA115, VX5
Message: I just found this site. What a treasure. I'm looking forward to connecting with old shipmates.

Sunday, 26th July 2009 11:10:17 PM
Name: Randy
Squadron: VA-75 VA-35 VA-42
Message: In VA-75 I was an ADJ2 working in check crew for ADC L.(LARRY) Ervin 1969-1973. In VA-35 I was an ADC-ADCS working as maintenance CPO-ROOF RAT. 1980-1983. In VA-42 I was an ADCS I was maintenance CPO for all the weapons dets to El Centro, Ca. sometimes Yuma, Ariz. I was also maintenance CPO for all carrier qual dets no matter where they went. Any shipmates that remember me drop me A line.

Sunday, 26th July 2009 11:08:40 PM
Name: Randy
Squadron: VA-75 VA-35 VA-42
Message: In VA-75 I was an ADJ2 working in check crew for ADC L.(LARRY) Ervin 1969-1973. In VA-35 I was an ADC-ADCS working as maintenance CPO-ROOF RAT. 1980-1983. In VA-42 I was an ADCS I was maintenance CPO for all the weapons dets to El Centro, Ca. sometimes Yuma, Ariz. I was also maintenance CPO for all carrier qual dets no matter where they went. Any shipmates that remember me drop me A line.

Sunday, 26th July 2009 11:09:36 PM
Name: Randy
Squadron: VA-75 VA-35 VA-42
Message: In VA-75 I was an ADJ2 working in check crew for ADC L.(LARRY) Ervin 1969-1973. In VA-35 I was an ADC-ADCS working as maintenance CPO-ROOF RAT. 1980-1983. In VA-42 I was an ADCS I was maintenance CPO for all the weapons dets to El Centro, Ca. sometimes Yuma, Ariz. I was also maintenance CPO for all carrier qual dets no matter where they went. Any shipmates that remember me drop me A line.

Friday, 24th July 2009 4:01:29 PM
Name: Lloyd Barrios
Squadron: VA 165
Message: I was an ATN3 and made two west pack cruises, one on the Ranger and the other on the America. It was a great time. God Bless America!!!!

Friday, 24th July 2009 4:01:20 PM
Name: Lloyd Barrios
Squadron: VA 165
Message: I was an ATN3 and made two west pack cruises, one on the Ranger and the other on the America. It was a great time. God Bless America!!!!

Friday, 17th July 2009 9:10:47 AM
Name: Chris Albrecht, AT2
Squadron: VA-176
Message: Was on the '72 Med Cruise. Survived "the storm" in the Bay of Biscay. Served in AT shop and as one of FDR's "sheriffs" (MAA force). Would love to do it all over again!

Thursday, 16th July 2009 3:38:45 PM
Name: Larry A. Powles
Squadron: VA-85 Black Falcons
Message: (1980-1982 Line Div.) I think it's great that this web site exisits. I miss that ol'bird!!! Retired Navy CPO now & live in Laramie, WY.

Wednesday, 15th July 2009 2:50:40 AM
Name: Dennis Zarembka
Squadron: VA-36
Message: I was deployed on the Roosevlt(CVN-71) in the first gulf war. I was an AQ later an AT for VA-36 ROADRUNNERS. As I remember we were the flag ship or at least the largest ship in the group in the gulf at that time. At one point during the deployment (during "DESERT STORM") Saddam vowed to sink the the Roosevelt over AFRN. He launched 2 planes with ship sinking missles to destroy us. I have a lot of memories from that day, and also from that deployment. Was anyone else there that remembers this and the deployment. I would much like to share our memories. Feel free to E-mail me or respond on this format. STAND BY FOR HEAVY WAVES.

Monday, 6th July 2009 11:20:29 PM
Name: Walsh, M P
Squadron: VA-85
Message: was on the FID 72-76 AE Shop. Lookin for anyone that knew me when, yeah, I'm still kickin' believe it or not! get in touch! I know where a few of the people are. later!

Saturday, 4th July 2009 12:11:45 AM
Name: Billy Oliver
Squadron: VMA AW 224
Message: Electric shop from '84-'86. Anybody else still around. Saw 1 familiar name above (Petty).

Thursday, 2nd July 2009 1:21:57 PM
Name: Jim Smith
Squadron: VA176/42
Message: 1969-71....ATN2 Troubleshooter Hello to all the old T'bolts Project Stormfury 1969 Med aboard FDR 1970

Tuesday, 30th June 2009 1:47:59 PM
Name: Jeff Scheunert
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Just wanted to say hello to all my fellow shipmates. It was a great ride full of wonderful memories. FOD walkdowns, turning and burning in the six pack. Boomers 92-95 AIMD 95-97. Plain Captain, AD3. Miss the smells of the west coast. God Bless and take care. To the fallen boomers, thoughts and prayers. Where's Cheif Mac?

Monday, 29th June 2009 9:18:08 PM
Name: Dennis Dickey
Squadron: VMA-224
Message: Was a plane captian aboard USS Coral Sea 71-72. Would like to hear from anyone in 224 during the cruise.

Saturday, 27th June 2009 1:09:59 PM
Name: Howard Lee darter
Squadron: VMA-AW 242
Message: Semper Fi

Thursday, 25th June 2009 5:06:28 PM
Name: adam anderson
Squadron: va-65
Message: served with pleasure,uss dd eisenhower.sure miss "the old days".

Saturday, 20th June 2009 6:47:18 PM
Name: Dennis Dickey
Squadron: VMA-224
Message: Served aboard USS Coral Sea 71-72.Would like to hear from others who served with me.I was a plane captian and worked mainly on the flight deck.

Saturday, 20th June 2009 11:23:16 AM
Name: Alan Shackelford
Squadron: VMA(aw)533
Message: Semper Fi everyone! I seved with the Hawks from Oct 75 until Sep 78 in Iwakuni and Cherry Point. I was wondering if any of my old squadron mates were still around. Feel free to email me. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Monday, 15th June 2009 5:14:57 PM
Name: Joe Fordham
Squadron: VA42 VA176
Message: Great site! The Intruder is gone but certainly not forgotten.

Thursday, 11th June 2009 1:19:04 PM
Name: Rich Hosgood
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served in VA-35 from 1980-1984 aboard Nimitz. Worked the IFF bench at AIMD Oceana. We also did the shakedown cruise for the Vinson. Retired in '94.

Saturday, 6th June 2009 11:13:45 PM
Name: Fred Ettner- ADC
Squadron: VA-115,CMAW-1,VA-42, VA-12,VA-75,VA-34
Message: Hello Fellow Intruders...We worked hard, lost a lot of blood, sweat and tears, had fun, would do it again. 24 years seemed to fly by. Still supporting the military every day. Great site, look forward to hearing from former shipmates. Take care, and God Bless. "INTRUDERS RULE"

Tuesday, 2nd June 2009 1:24:57 PM
Name: AMH3 John Hernandez
Squadron: VA 55 WARHORSE
Message: 89 - 91 Wow!!! Cant believe its been that long... Shout out to all the Airframers... Miss you Guys, those were the best times of my life..

Thursday, 28th May 2009 4:46:41 AM
Name: Sgt M H Strassner
Squadron: VMAAW 533/ 242
Message: To all who flew and maintained these (dumbos) I wish only the best. It was the proudest time of My time in the USMC. Those that I served with will be always in my heart and mind. P C Thompson, SSgt B R Dodson, and the rest. BR I hope if you read this all is well. Sgt Strassner

Thursday, 28th May 2009 4:53:32 PM
Name: Dan Montano
Squadron: VA-185

Monday, 25th May 2009 9:32:25 PM
Name: Barry Lewis AE-2
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Joined VA65 12-64 and went through the rag at VA42. Made the westpac cruise in 66. Came back to Oceana in Dec 66. The Forrestal was in the yards at Portsmouth being refitted with new electronic check out equipment. I had the opportunity to check it out before deployment and was able to fly off the ship on the mail plane. That was a real thrill. Many of my former squadron mates were aboard the Forrestal when it caught on fire and some of them lost their lives but I don't know who they were. If anyone out there has any of that information, I would appreciate your e-mail. Thanks\

Monday, 25th May 2009 9:32:10 PM
Name: Barry Lewis AE-2
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Joined VA65 12-64 and went through the rag at VA42. Made the westpac cruise in 66. Came back to Oceana in Dec 66. The Forrestal was in the yards at Portsmouth being refitted with new electronic check out equipment. I had the opportunity to check it out before deployment and was able to fly off the ship on the mail plane. That was a real thrill. Many of my former squadron mates were aboard the Forrestal when it caught on fire and some of them lost their lives but I don't know who they were. If anyone out there has any of that information, I would appreciate your e-mail. Thanks\

Sunday, 24th May 2009 11:06:25 AM
Name: Kenneth Hensley
Squadron: VA 85
Message: Served as an AQ. Flight deck WesPac cruise 69-70, and a Med curise the following year. Looking back, it was the best time of my life. Would like to find some of my old shipmates.

Sunday, 24th May 2009 11:06:14 AM
Name: Kenneth Hensley
Squadron: VA 85
Message: Served as an AQ. Flight deck WesPac cruise 69-70, and a Med curise the following year. Looking back, it was the best time of my life. Would like to find some of my old shipmates.

Saturday, 23rd May 2009 2:29:33 AM
Name: Reggie Grayson
Squadron: VA-65, VA-42
Message: I was an ADJ1 on the Kitty Hawk and Oceana from 1968 - 1975. Also a PC on the very first A6A at Pax River 1963 - 1966. We all worked hard and played hard. Glad to hear from anybody.

Thursday, 21st May 2009 1:04:40 PM
Name: Randy Young
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was in VA-35 from 1986-1989 in work center 110 P/P. I'm trying to locate a good friend of mine. His name is Tom Nolan if anyone knows how to locate him please email me. Thank you.

Thursday, 21st May 2009 1:11:26 PM
Name: Randy Young
Squadron: VA-35
Message: I was in VA-35 from 1986-1989 in work center 110 P/P. I'm trying to locate a good friend of mine. His name is Tom Nolan if anyone knows how to locate him please email me. Thank you.

Tuesday, 19th May 2009 12:31:29 PM
Name: Randy Young
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Hi to all i was in VA-35 from 1986 to 1989 in the p/p shop.If there is some one that knows Tom Nolan and how to get in touch with him please email me at the above address.

Tuesday, 19th May 2009 11:23:47 AM
Name: T. Thompson
Squadron: VA-65,VA-42,VA-85
Message: Been a long while since I was in my last VA command but those were still some of the best times of my life. Have seen a few familiar names on here and would like to see a few more. Good to hear from some of my old shipmates.

Monday, 18th May 2009 8:51:24 PM
Name: Kenneth C. Huth
Squadron: VA-75 TAD Aimd.
Message: I was in VA-75 in 1970-1972. I was TAD to AIMD on the USS Saratoga.Would like to hear from anyone who may remember me.I really enjoined my years in the Navy.

Friday, 15th May 2009 1:01:52 PM
Name: R. Sargent (Sarge)
Squadron: VA-65 / VA-42
Message: 80-86. Met some great friends and had some really good times. Work hard and play hard. Hope all my old shipmates are doing well.

Friday, 15th May 2009 1:01:43 PM
Name: R. Sargent (Sarge)
Squadron: VA-65 / VA-42
Message: 80-86. Met some great friends and had some really good times. Work hard and play hard. Hope all my old shipmates are doing well.

Tuesday, 12th May 2009 6:48:16 PM
Name: Frank Cogdell
Squadron: VAH 4
Message: I made two cruises with Manny Ortega, VA 176, aboard the Bon Homme Richard and the Oriskany as BNs with VAH 4. I've lost track of him. I last visited him in Bonsall, CA a few years ago. I tried calling without success. If anyone knows his where abouts please he mail me. The A3 reunion is in San Diego this year and I'd like to catch up with him. Thanks Frank Cogdell BN, VAH 4, 1962-65

Saturday, 9th May 2009 9:39:07 PM
Name: Gerald Feathers (BUBBA)
Squadron: VA-165
Message: All I can say is that it is great to read all the stories about all my follow Boomers shipmates. It would also be great if we could all great together for a reunion. No certain time period, if you served and was in VA-165 come one and all. I was in the squadron from 1971 until 1974 in the airframes shop. I miss all my friends and wish I could see them again soon. Take Care God Bless Bubba

Saturday, 9th May 2009 4:40:04 PM
Name: Jon Light
Squadron: VA-34, VA-165
Message: To Kevin PR 81-83, How are things? Miss the BB much?. AD3 Light, VA34 Powerplants 81-83.Just thinking las Thankgiving would have been 30 years and retirement....imagine all those FOD walkdowns!Say hi to any Blasters out there, it WAS fun...REALLY!!!

Thursday, 7th May 2009 11:27:18 PM
Name: Thel Petty
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224

Thursday, 7th May 2009 11:30:07 PM
Name: Thel Petty
Squadron: VMA (AW) 224
Message: Ordnance Shop 1983-1987

Tuesday, 5th May 2009 9:49:50 PM
Name: Ed Gardner
Squadron: HAMS-14, VMA(AW)242, VMA-224
Message: Great web site. Browsing for any of those who served in MAG-14 from 61-66. If you served, you would have known MGYSGT J.C. Rice. If you do, please reply. Anyone deployed to Key West in OCT 62,

Saturday, 2nd May 2009 10:31:10 PM
Name: andy mcgoldrick
Squadron: 5th SpecialForces
Message: Hi Guys. Vietnam 68-72 6th Special Forces.Just wanted to say. Lots of you guys saved our bacon many times va 52 we love you.Thanks for it all. Capt.Green Berets . Vietnam

Thursday, 30th April 2009 12:51:36 PM
Name: Chad Nelsen
Squadron: VA-128
Message: AT3 at NAS Whidbey 1993-1995 Just looking for old friends. if yer out there, drop a letter.

Tuesday, 28th April 2009 9:03:25 PM
Name: Dan Baxter
Squadron: VAH123
Message: Dec.1964 Feb.66 VAH 123 Avionics Just before discharge A3's Were being replace by A6's

Monday, 27th April 2009 4:51:19 PM
Name: John Kiesler
Squadron: VA 42, VA 35
Message: AQ shop. Med cruise on the USS America 1970.

Tuesday, 21st April 2009 8:12:28 PM
Name: Bob "Sloth" Greer
Squadron: VMA(AW)-121 Green Knights
Message: What a great time we had floating around the Pacific and IO on Ranger, remeber Earnest Will?

Monday, 20th April 2009 4:21:24 PM
Name: Robert L. (wheelsboblock) Wheelock
Squadron: VMA-224
Message: I am making contacts with guys from the Coral Sea and 224, I was in Fire Control shop, lots of pictures and memories

Saturday, 18th April 2009 12:58:05 PM
Name: Colin Anderson
Squadron: VA-35
Message: To answere the question about Hooters Intruder A/C 505 Pilot Ltcdr Foote I was an AMH worked line shop and check crew If anyone knows Gary Fuller let me know

Friday, 17th April 2009 8:51:55 PM
Name: Sean Jahr
Squadron: VMA (AW) 224
Message: Joined 224 in '91 and left for a tour on MSG Duty in '92. Was able to deploy on the Farewell tour with them to Iwakuni. We made it to Korea and the Phillipines, just an awesome time! Semper Fi to all who served the A6 Intruder.

Thursday, 16th April 2009 8:01:43 PM
Name: Elaine Allman
Squadron: Civilian
Message: Hello. I am doing some reseach on a photo/poster of the Blue Angels flying over the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, California in 1989. It is signed by all the Angels. Fight Leader, CDR Pat Moneymaker, Right Wing, CAPT. Kevin J. Lauver, Left Wing, LCDR Doug McClain, Slot, LCDR Mark Ziegler, Lead Solo, LCDR Cliff Skelton, Opposing Solo, Lt. Lee Grawn, Narrator, Lt. Matt Seamon and Events Coordinator, Lt Bruce Dillard. Does anyone know where these individuals are located? I am not sure I have made a discover or not,either way, it is a very nice and interesting historical photo. I can be reached at [email protected]. Thanks

Monday, 13 April 2009 10:55:03 AM
Name: Terry Chandler
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I was a Boomer from 75-79. Worked AF and Crude Crew. Was in CC with Hal Barns, Brent Stone, Pete Piasa, George Johnson.

Saturday, 11th April 2009 10:44:02 AM
Name: Kim Brockhoff
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Served in 85 from 71-74 in the powerplants shop and pp troubleshooter on last cruise aboard the Forrestal. Would like to hear from any 85 guys who served during this period.Made one hell of alot of friends on these cruises and at Oceana and can kick myself for not keeping up with them. Have found a few on Together We Served. (a great website) Email me !! Would love to hear from you.

Saturday, 11th April 2009 2:31:14 PM
Name: Rodney Rondeau
Squadron: VMA (AW)242
Message: I served with 242 at MCAS EL TORO from Oct.72 until June 74. These were some of the best years of my life.Hope to here from some of the old crew. i was an Aviation Electrician.

Friday, 10th April 2009 9:06:29 PM
Name: Bob Koceja
Squadron: VMA(aw)242
Message: Started out in jan-Oct'69 with VMA(aw)121 at Cherry Point Jan-sept'70 with VMA(aw)242 DaNang under LT Col Lewis who loved to have squadron "Beer Busts" 242 raotated back to the states. I was transferred for a week with VMA(aw)225 (a short time TAD with Helos) afterwhich '71-72 EL Toro. Worked in metal shop.

Wednesday, 8th April 2009 6:32:58 AM
Name: olsen
Squadron: va196and va128
Message: was with va196 from1972 to 1975 then va128 till 1977 was a AE anyone know me

Monday, 6th April 2009 10:04:51 AM
Name: Richard (DICK) Brooks
Squadron: VA-85-65-176
Message: Retired from the T-BOLTS in 1992 as the MMCPO. Living in Ohio by Lake Erie. Fishing, Boating, and Drinking lots of Beer. Miss the Intruder and people!!!

Saturday, 4th April 2009 10:55:36 AM
Name: Richard (DICK) Brooks
Squadron: VA 85, 65, 176.
Message: Retired in May 1992. Really miss the old INTRUDER and especially the Super Maint. GUYS that kept them flying. Living in OHIO now on Lake Erie, Doing a lot of fishing ( WALLEYE) and Beer (ANY BRAND) drinking. Any old T-bolts or Intruder Guys contact me!!!! Dick Brooks AFCM(AW) Retired

Thursday, 2nd April 2009 3:32:49 AM
Name: Joe Smith
Message: I live in South Goa on the West Coast of India, in my garden I have a wingtip of an aeroplane. My landlord, a fisherman, tells me he pulled it from the sea about 10 years ago.. An identification plate gives the aircraft model A-6E and the part number 1280SP12151-9. There is also a serial number 2193, obviously stamped on on site with a punch. I was wondering whether this number could identify the individual aircraft and discover its fate and that of its crew.

Tuesday, 31st March 2009 11:56:12 AM
Name: Joe Savadge
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Was a Personnelman in VA-35 from 1981 to 1984. Still say it was my best command. A lot of awesome memories serving with VA-35.

Saturday, 28th March 2009 7:22:18 PM
Name: Bobby "Andy" Anderson
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Med Cruises- 78 and the 79/80.. Looking for the AE-SHOP...

Friday, 27th March 2009 12:05:56 PM
Name: Ruth
Squadron: Dad was in VA 196
Message: I am the proud daughter of Capt Joseph Gallagher. Who was the first to successfully bail out of the old Spade AD plane over Vietnam. He is still living and doing well. We were stationed at Lemoore NAS from 1964-1966. I would love to have pictures of the the squadron from that time.

Monday, 23rd March 2009 8:23:34 PM
Name: robert moody
Squadron: VA-55
Message: Wow has it been that long???? retired army reserve yeah i know army, 2 tours to iraq, now civil service in Jacksonville working on EA6B'S, have another old warhorse working with me still have my ball cap and i wear it with pride, God bless each and everyone of you,

Sunday, 22nd March 2009 7:13:00 PM
Name: John Belaire
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533
Message: Just wanted to give a shout out to all those "Lifetakers and Heartbreakers" out there. I was also in 224 and 242. But by far, my Far East tour was the most memorable. I sure do miss the Ole A-6. Man how I used to love stealing parts off of the Navy A-6's in Cubi Pt. just so we could keep our pigs flying. Semper Fi!

Saturday, 21st March 2009 10:20:25 AM
Name: Phillip Moss
Squadron: VA-25
Message: "Digger" Morrow/VA-196 KIA was Admin. and I was Pers. in VA-25 at Oceana !954-56 flying the AD-6. Good stick!

Thursday, 19th March 2009 9:36:02 PM
Name: Arbra W. Pierce "AW"
Squadron: VA42,VAH123,VA128,VA52,VA196
Message: I was the very first A6 P/C on west coast just before Frank Dunn.That was when we practice bombing dinosaurs.I look at these dates.I sure feel old.Any body seen/heard from poss.last i seen him was in Lemoore,Calif when I retired in 77.just hiding out here in Oklahoma. [email protected]

Friday, 13 March 2009 5:11:52 PM
Name: Al Varsolona
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Hi! I was part of the squadron during 1967-1969. In the AE shop. Aboard U.S.S. ENTERPRISE during her westpac cruise. Any squadronmates e-mail me if you want.

Friday, 13 March 2009 3:34:04 PM
Name: Don Milton
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I joined VA-52 in Feb 1969 while they were on station.We flew out to the USS Coral Sea from Cubi Point in a C-2 Greyhound.I was an AQFAN.You had to climb a ladder to get to the shop up off the hangar bay.There wasn't enough room in squadron berthing ,so they put the new guys with the ship's guided missle berthing. There are alot of VA-52 pictures on a site called Johnson, who was an AT has posted them,names and all.Try the USS Kitty Hawk community. I've posted some too and have alot more to post.I'm still in touch with Dave Smailes and Chris Berry, both AQ's. Cliff Booth an AQ died June 01, 2007 in Akron ,Ohio. Drop me a line on the net.I'm still in Wheeling,West Virginia working for the city.I'm an electrician and traffic light technician.I've been retired from the Seabees since 2003.I was a Construction Electrician 1st Class in the reserves.Always made the board , never selected cpo.

Monday, 9th March 2009 12:57:41 AM
Name: Bill Lynes
Squadron: VA-304
Message: I was in VA-304 for April 1991 to October 1993(Retired) I took Master Chief Mike Phelps place as Command Serior Chief then move on to QA Chief and then Training Chief. It was an interesting tour. All the best to ALL who served. Bill

Sunday, 8th March 2009 9:48:32 PM
Name: Steve Brinker
Squadron: VA 65
Message: I was a plane captain from 1965 to 1968 I served aboard Constellation in '66 and Forrestal in '67. Anyone interested in reunion information please give me a shout. Love to have any of you Intruder guys as a guest at one of our reunions

Sunday, 8th March 2009 3:43:42 PM
Name: John Phillips
Squadron: VA 165 Boomers
Message: I served 1982 1985 3rd class turn mech on Ranger to 2nd class cdi on kitty hawk Boomers Forever go hard go long go strong later on Phillips

Sunday, 8th March 2009 3:43:54 PM
Name: John Phillips
Squadron: VA 165 Boomers
Message: I served 1982 1985 3rd class turn mech on Ranger to 2nd class cdi on kitty hawk Boomers Forever go hard go long go strong later on Phillips

Sunday, 8th March 2009 9:03:43 PM
Name: Jeff Cooper
Squadron: Va-35
Message: Looking for any of the guys out in the ordinance shack 91-94

Sunday, 8th March 2009 8:59:49 PM
Name: Jeff Cooper
Squadron: Va-35
Message: Looking for any of the guys out in the ordinance shack 91-94

Wednesday, 4th March 2009 10:13:32 PM
Name: Floyd Lenartowicz
Squadron: VA 35
Message: looking for guys I served with from April 10 1967 thru Jan 4 1971. was aboard USS Enterprise and USS Coral Sea.

Wednesday, 4th March 2009 10:12:47 PM
Name: Floyd Lenartowicz
Squadron: VA 35
Message: looking for guys I served with from April 10 1967 thru Jan 4 1971. was aboard USS Enterprise and USS Coral Sea.

Tuesday, 3rd March 2009 12:51:15 PM
Name: mugu
Message: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 28th February 2009 2:09:39 PM
Name: Mark P. LeGassey
Squadron: VMAT (AW) 202
Message: 1974 to 1976 Aircrew survival equipmentman, My boss was ssgt pajak, and sgt rast. I am looking challenge coins for vmat 202 and also vma 121 at cherry point. any help would be appreciated, had a wonderfull time at 202, lost some very nice and talented pilots and BN. if anyone knows of the whereabouts of ssgt pajak, please email me. Semper Fi

Saturday, 28th February 2009 1:59:09 PM
Name: Mark P. LeGassey
Squadron: VMAT (AW) 202
Message: 1974 to 1976 Aircrew survival equipmentman, My boss was ssgt pajak, and sgt rast. I am looking challenge coins for vmat 202 and also vma 121 at cherry point. any help would be appreciated, had a wonderfull time at 202, lost some very nice and talented pilots and BN. if anyone knows of the whereabouts of ssgt pajak, please email me. Semper Fi

Friday, 27th February 2009 1:54:14 AM
Name: Lenny Shores
Squadron: VA-196;VA-128;VA-95;VA-115;VA-185
Message: Intruders forever! It is great to find this sight. Thanks Buzz! I wish you fairwinds and following seas. We share a awesome heritage of service together. I am so proud to have been such a very small part of the Intruder community. Blessings to all! To some . . Stumpy and others TAZ

Thursday, 19th February 2009 6:36:19 PM
Name: Michael Rutledge
Squadron: VA 55/35/34
Message: Hey Ya'll, IYAOYA!!!!!!!!!! Medically retired in '96 go figure a red shirt in A6's with back problems

Friday, 13 February 2009 1:02:14 PM
Name: David Raymond Velasquez
Squadron: VA-165 Boomers
Message: This was my first Navy Command out of AZ A school then on to VA-128FRAMP-I worked in Maintenance Control as an avaition maintanance adminstrationman. My time served was 1982-1986 two westpacs and a beach PI under my belt with the boomers. I see a static display every day during my drive on board M.C.A.S. Miramar the old A-6 many a night watch I spent looking at these birds and washing them. To all my old shipmates I wish you all a great life and remember I am so proud to be an old A-6 Sailor. AZC (Ret.) David Velasquez

Wednesday, 11th February 2009 8:25:10 PM
Name: Robert "Al Haig" May
Squadron: VMA (AW) 121
Message: Once a knight is not enough.

Sunday, 8th February 2009 8:27:09 PM
Name: AL Almore
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: I was a flight deck (metal-smith)trouble shooter for VMA-224 aboard the USS Coral Sea in Viet Nam Nov 1971 to June 1972. I would like to hear from fellow sqadron members, Hosea Devilia, Randy Haffer, Harold Matthew Bryant. I would like to hear from any member of 224 for that time period.

Friday, 6th February 2009 11:35:38 PM
Name: Tim Mickey
Squadron: VA-52

Friday, 6th February 2009 11:22:24 PM
Name: Tim Mickey
Squadron: VA-52

Friday, 6th February 2009 6:59:45 PM
Name: Art Keen
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I'm LCDR B. Keen's son listed on your IN MEMORY page. I'm a recently retired army LTC and currently live in Boise, Idaho. Thank you for putting together this page. It means a lot to me and my family. Note: Dad had just returned from Vietnam where he received the Silver Star (Kitty Hawk, VA-52). We were and are so proud of him. God bless you all, Art Keen 208-409-9415

Thursday, 5th February 2009 10:23:50 AM
Squadron: VA-65 TIGERS

Thursday, 5th February 2009 10:19:09 AM
Squadron: VA-65 TIGERS

Tuesday, 3rd February 2009 11:48:18 PM
Name: Art Keen
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I'm LCDR B. Keen's son listed on your IN MEMORY page. I'm a recently retired army LTC and currently live in Boise, Idaho. Thank you for putting together this page. It means a lot to me and my family. Note: Dad had just returned from Vietnam where he received the Silver Star (Kitty Hawk, VA-52). We were and are so proud of him. God bless you all, Art Keen (208) 409-9415

Tuesday, 3rd February 2009 11:29:00 PM
Name: Art Keen
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I'm the son of LCDR B. Keen listed on your IN MEMORY page. I was 11 years old living on Whidbey Island when he was killed. I recently retired as a LTC from the army and live in Boise, Idaho. Thank you for putting the page together. It means a lot to the families. Note: Dad had just been awarded the Silver Star while serving in VA-52 on the Kitty Hawk. We were and still are so proud of him! God bless you all, Art Keen (208) 409-9415

Saturday, 31st January 2009 7:55:48 PM
Name: Dave Funderburg
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was with VA-52 1969 to 1971, Cruise from Approximately Oct 1969 to June 1970. I worked in the NAS Whidbey Isl AMD DIV. I repaired the DIANE system. Worked at the CMA Bench. Rate: AQ "Aviation Fire Control Technician" Rank E-4. Today (1-31-09) the USS Kitty Hawk is being De-Commissioned. Too Bad.. Best Squadron ever VA-52.

Friday, 30th January 2009 2:23:01 AM
Name: Siggy
Squadron: none
Message: Anyone out there know when the A-6 carried the ADM-141 decoy drone missiles and if so what units used them? Was there a VK-196 emblem that looks like the "Pukin Dogs" emblem? E mail me please at [email protected] Thank you!!!

Saturday, 24th January 2009 5:04:04 PM
Name: AQ3 Alan Zimmerman
Squadron: VA-165
Message: Boomer AQ from 1971-1975. Made 2 cruises aboard the Connie to Westpac. Made alot of friends back in those days. Would be nice to hear from some of you. A reunion would be better. When I see the pics of the USS Constellation sitting idle in the Bremerton gohst berth makes me think back to the early 70's when that ship was jump'in with activity!

Friday, 23rd January 2009 3:17:06 PM
Name: Ronald Barrie
Squadron: VA-35
Message: 1st time on this web site,I was in VA-35 from 1965 1968 aboard the Enterprise cvn65. I was in the ordanace shop.I will be joining real soon.

Wednesday, 21st January 2009 10:51:03 PM
Name: Vince Seiferd
Squadron: VA-176
Message: I was the Gunner in the Thunderbolts '81 -'84. Retired as a CDR in 2001 after 30 years playing with ordnance. Working for the Navy at NS Everett, WA. Have a home in Green Cove Springs, FL (30 miles South of Jax) and will be retiring there after this tour (Dec 2010). Am anxious to hear from old shipmates.

Wednesday, 21st January 2009 8:39:16 AM
Name: Mike Walker
Squadron: VMAT-202, VMA-533
Message: Hey all. I was in 202 from 72 to 77 with a stint in Iwakuni and Cubi in 533 stuck in between. If you ain't Fire Control, you ain't ---t. T-bone was the nickname if you don't remember my name.

Sunday, 18th January 2009 4:45:59 AM
Name: Hockenberry,Calvin C.
Squadron: U.S.N - Seabee's
Message: Hi: I am looking for anyone who served aboard the U.S.S Shenandoah between 1971-1974 and was sent on classified mission to Viet-Nam who might remember me. I specialised in explosive expert and heavy equipment operator outside of DeNang.I am a Disabled Vet diagnosed with acient orange and diebetes type-2 trying to get my disability. My documents and medical records seemed to come up missing or destroyed. I need your help by having someone come forward who remembers me

Thursday, 8th January 2009 8:40:05 PM
Name: Dan Collura
Squadron: VA35 AW8 USS Nimitz
Message: I am proud to have served with so many distinguished men. At the time, AW8 was the tip of the spear. Our Airwing produced admirals, test pilots, FWS instructors, Blue Angels, etc. These are some of the top officers I have served with: John Pieno, Mike Luecke, Ralph "Benny" Suggs, Hardin White, Lou Lalli, Paul Cash, Don Owens, Mike French, Mike Vogt, Steve Richmond, to name a few. All combat veterans and all with 500+ traps. When I was in university one of my professors was a WW2 leading ace having shot down 15 Japanese airplanes, Naval Aviator CDR Carl Brown. CDR Brown had over 1,000 carrier arrested landings. After reading about Carl's combat experience I said to him "You were lucky to survive WW2." He replied to me "Flying in combat was one thing but I was extremely lucky to survive over one thousand traps." That kind of says it all. // Break! Break!// Hey guys, I'm a 22 year captain at Continental Airlines and I retired flying C9's. LOL! Hey, Benny, remember you told me "Dan, are you sure that you want to go from the fast lane to the off ramp!" LOL! Well, I sure made more $$$ in the civilian world. You guys are still my heros. I mean no disrespect to other Navy Pilots but the guys I served with are some of the finest Naval Aviators and officers this nation has produced. I thank you for your service to country and again, I'm proud to have served with you.//Break! Break!//Hey guys, I'm a 22 year captain with Continental Airlines (non scab). Hopefully I see you around some time.

Sunday, 4th January 2009 1:29:22 PM
Name: James Fitch
Squadron: VMA (AW) 242
Message: From '85 - '90 3 WESTPACs Fire Control Semper Fi

Sunday, 4th January 2009 12:28:45 AM
Squadron: VA-165 BOOMERS
Message: I was assigned to the Boomers from 1985-1990 as a Plane Captain and Ordnanceman, "BEST TOUR" of my 24 year career. Worked hard and played hard! I have a lot of greast memories of that tour! Daryl Worley, AOCS Retired, USN

Saturday, 27th December 2008 8:41:22 PM
Name: Andy
Message: never been in the military but no matter. thank you to all who are/were. the A6 has been one of my favourites for as long as i can remember. I went to look for a model of one and was told by the hobby shop guy that its been out of production for several years. I found one at a souviner shop in Corpus Christi TX this past weekend, and sure enough, the date on the box was 1994. A hard to find model of a hard to beat bird. thank you to the association, the website looks great, i will be using it often. Im wondering if anyone can answer a question...why is the BN seat offset from the pilot? seems odd to me to build it that way.

Friday, 26th December 2008 10:35:47 AM
Name: Greg Van Hof
Squadron: VA-165/52
Message: '77-'81: Ordnance Chief/FDC in VA-165. '86-'89: Gunner in VA-52. Broke my heart to see them drop all those good airframes overboard off the coast of Florida. Nothing ever carried heavy metal better...

Saturday, 20th December 2008 2:30:56 PM
Name: Larry Benator
Message: Unfortunaly I did not have the opportunity to become a Naval Aviator, but have always been interested in all aspects of military aviation. I am a collector of diecast military aircraft and came upon this site while doing research on an A-6 I recently obtained. This particular A-6, aircraft AJ500, was attached to VA 35 Black Panthers on board the USS Nimitz. Any information anyone could offer about this plane and possibly the crew would be greatly appreciated. And finally, thank you to all A-6 crews for everything you have done for our country.

Sunday, 14th December 2008 2:05:54 AM
Name: Jerry Sayas
Squadron: H&MS 11/242/225
Message: Search & Track radar tech in Da Nang from Dec 69 to July 71. Worked the line on radar and DIANE. Served on USS America CVA 66 VA 165 Jan 70 to May 70.

Thursday, 4th December 2008 9:54:11 PM
Name: John Turner
Squadron: VA 165
Message: Just wondering if anyone knows if there is a reunion planned for anytime soon? Would like to see some of my old shipmates.

Monday, 1st December 2008 6:17:26 PM
Name: Janice Hayes
Squadron: VA128, VMA(AW)533
Message: Looking at this site is a nice walk down memory lane. It was nice to see Boxman's entries. He was the CO at VA128 and at Cubi. He is missed. Going to "T" Toms memorial on the 9th.

Sunday, 30th November 2008 7:14:11 PM
Name: Ed Crenshaw
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Was in VA-196 from 1970-73, worked in AE shop and was also Flight Deck troubleshooter (AE) 1 Westpac on USS Ranger and two on USS Enterprise. Got out in 1973 went back home later joined Navy Seabees, retired in 1997.

Friday, 28th November 2008 8:26:01 PM
Name: Ronald Humphrey
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Served aboard the USS Kitty Hawk and USS America -- late 1967 to September 1968 as an AQB2. Gosh it's good to see so many names, and read the messages. Anyone heard of BN Michael Christian of "Mike's flag" fame? I was working the flight deck as a troubleshooter the day he got shot down and captured. He ocassionally enjoyed tinkering with the systems to see if I could make a timely repair so the mission could continue.. He was one of the good ones! Heard he died in the 80's in a house fire.

Wednesday, 26th November 2008 7:28:25 PM
Name: rick strong
Squadron: va42,34 ,176 and Matwingone
Message: Was on the site loking for old friends found a few. Retired in 94 from the E2 wing in Norfolk after 22 of 30 years in the Intruder at Oceana. Would love to hear from old shipmates. Gunner

Monday, 24th November 2008 8:25:23 PM
Name: Frank Nelson
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Looking for info on Lt. Richard C. Nelson, shot down over NV on 6 March 1968. If you knew him and have any info please contact me, thanks. [email protected] F.M. Nelson ATCS/AW USN-Ret

Saturday, 22nd November 2008 10:17:00 PM
Name: John Herndon
Squadron: VA-65, VA-36, VA-42, MATWINGONE
Message: Poking around the website and looking to for names I recognize. It's fun to see how the site has evolved over the years. Johnny H

Thursday, 20th November 2008 6:44:20 PM
Name: Dan Schrader
Squadron: VA-165
Message: As I grow older, I try to look back on meaningful times in my life. I admit that the time I spent serving my country has to be near the top of the list. I am proud of my service and equally as proud to have been involved in such a great community. God Bless You ALL and may God watch over tour troops still serving.

Tuesday, 18th November 2008 5:35:46 PM
Name: Frank Nelson
Squadron: n/a
Message: Greetings, looking for info on CDR. Richard C. Nelson who was with VA-75, and was killed while flying over Vietnam on March 1968. This is for Remembrance info to be posted on his profile on NTWS. Any info you have would be most appreciated. Thank you, Frank M. Nelson ATCS/AW USN-Ret [email protected]

Monday, 10th November 2008 8:58:46 AM
Name: Joe Yuna
Squadron: VA-55
Message: Saw a few old shipmates names here, but a lot are missing..."Rip" Larry Von Schiebel, "Benny " Suggs, Perry Forester, "Worm" Henson, McMahon, "Mouse" Miko,......and John Lehman.... Great outfit...great times...great aircraft...legendary aircrew...and magicians that were mechanics...played hard, worked hard, fought hard...and that what naval aviation was all about. Fuzed bombs on target first pass...all else pales out here in CIVLANTFLT. Miss the dedication from the top down to the new airman duece. And when you have the SECNAV throwing down beers and serving up dogs to the crew after a hard days flying, well no CEO can ever match that level of humility and teamwork. The plastic Hornet will never replace the Intruder...we need another dedicated attack aircraft that can press home in all weather, day or night and with the same pilots who could outfly any fighter pilot, and get down to the hard deck less than 100 feet...ripples in the underwing skin...well that was an attack squadron. Retired 1996, went to the KSA for 8 1/2 years, and returned to 3 defense programs from sub-, to surfrace-, and now back to military aviation (FMS Saudi AWACS). Miss the VA-55 maintainers most of all...they were the best of their generation. Nobody worked harder or smarter or as a team than those sailors I came to love and miss the most. Anytime, anywhere...god, you have to love those days and the men who made a Grumman legend famous from the 'Nam till their retirement from active service. "Fighter pilots make movies, but attack guys make history." And in that closing quote, I leave that altruism for those new attack squadrons to carry on that same tradition.

Tuesday, 4th November 2008 12:57:29 AM
Name: Kris Odel
Message: Anybody out there know how to get in touch with Steve "Bull" Bulwicz. Last time I saw him he was Wing Safety at NAS Whidbey. I heard he was flying for Northwest Airlines now.

Wednesday, 22nd October 2008 2:11:30 PM
Name: Frank Hammond
Squadron: VA52
Message: I was in VA52 from 02/69 - 06/71. I was a plane captain. I retired in April 1995 as an ASCS. Anybody remember Hambone? Drop me a line.

Friday, 17th October 2008 1:56:41 AM
Name: Johnny Signor
Message: Anyone out there know what a patch that looks like VF-143 BUT has title VK-196 is about??? Please contact me if you do,I think it has to do with VA-196's A-6 not sure,patch also has motto "Flyin Cats" HELP!!!!! [email protected]

Wednesday, 15th October 2008 10:57:14 PM
Name: artgal
Squadron: VA128
Message: opps sorry but the previous message had a typo in my email address. It is [email protected] if you want to repond to my request. Thanks, Artgal --------------- I was a female officer stationed at the NRC in Seattle and dated a pilot from VA128 from 1985-1991. His name was Kurt Scheider who is now out of the navy and flying for some airline. I am writing a book about some aspects of navy life and wanted to include some information about pilots (their life, dets, ups and downs, fun events) from NAS Whidbey and I am trying to get in touch with any pilots that were there around that timeframe. I am now of course retired from the navy and I am an author. HELP?

Tuesday, 14th October 2008 8:40:13 PM
Name: John Modlin
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I was AQ-2.

Monday, 13 October 2008 10:52:34 PM
Name: Mule Dog, aka Donnie Herrin
Squadron: VMFA-232/112
Message: I went to flight school in '78 with Jack Grimes. He went A-6s as a BN and I to Phantoms as a RIO. Jack was from the Carolinas and am pretty sure he stayed or went back there after getting out the Corps. I think he was eventually stationed at Cherry Point after the RAG but not sure. I'm heading to Durham in a couple of weeks and thought I'd look him up if I can find 'em. Any A-6 guys or squadron mates know of Jack's whereabouts? mule dog...out.

Thursday, 9th October 2008 12:50:24 PM
Name: Dave Nordholm
Squadron: VMA ( AW ) 242
Message: I was with the 242 in El Toro from 76 till 78. Bob Glass, Dave Kapprel and that bunch. Bob Date and Don Slade, John Hall.What a great bunch of folks.If anyone keeps up with them, tell em I said "Hello". I just made contact with Marsh Crider. Semper Fi

Wednesday, 8th October 2008 3:35:11 PM
Name: Mark Lynn
Squadron: VA-55
Message: I was an AME3 final checker. I made the last two cruises of the Coral Sea. Before that was VA-42 (many El Centro Dets bringing Corona beers back in cruise boxes in the Tic). Spent time in the line shack, seat shop and 'Pawn's Mess' well as the Warhorse seat shop and with their final checkers. Fun times. Hard to explain to others the smile I get when remembering those days.

Friday, 3rd October 2008 4:44:04 PM
Name: Guy Nasuti
Squadron: 196
Message: Looking for photos of VA-196 off the USS Constellation in 1967. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Guy Nasuti Photo Editor Weider History Group 19300 Promenade Dr. Leesburg, Va. 20176 703-779-8329 Phone [email protected]

Friday, 3rd October 2008 10:52:55 AM
Name: Bill Kriegel,D.O.
Squadron: VA-65
Message: I was AQ shop,flightdeck troubleshooter,77-80. Met alot of great people who sifnificantly influenced my life. Proud to have served. Would love to hear anyone in squadron.

Monday, 29th September 2008 2:09:56 PM
Name: Tim McCandless
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533
Message: I was with VMA (AW) 533 from 89 - 92. Served in Desert Storm under Lt. Col Cummings I believe. The entire experience with 533 was awesome -- wouldn't trade it for the world. I'd love to hear from anyone I served with. Semper Fi!

Monday, 29th September 2008 2:09:12 PM
Name: Tim McCandless
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533
Message: I was with VMA (AW) 533 from 89 - 92. Served in Desert Storm under Lt. Col Cummings I believe. The entire experience with 533 was awesome -- wouldn't trade it for the world. I'd love to hear from anyone I served with. Semper Fi!

Saturday, 27th September 2008 6:41:44 AM
Name: Joe
Squadron: none just interested
Message: Fascinating site about a great aircraft

Wednesday, 24th September 2008 11:04:42 AM
Name: Guy Nasuti
Squadron: NA
Message: I'm looking for photos of the USS Constellation off coast of Vietnam and also photos of Squadron 96 and A-6A Intruders, as well as any photos of Lt. Robert J. Flynn, POW on Aug. 21, 1967 and held by the Chinese for 2,032 days. These images will be used in an article on Flynn for the January 09 issue of "Vietnam" magazine. Thank you, Guy Nasuti Photo Editor Weider History Group 19300 Promenade Dr. Leesburg, Va. 20176 703-779-8329 phone [email protected]

Wednesday, 17th September 2008 6:54:35 PM
Name: Jim Goodman
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Worked on these fine machines as an AT in the mid-80s at Oceana and on the '87 Coral Sea Med Cruise. Awesome site - glad to have happened upon it!

Wednesday, 17th September 2008 2:07:26 AM
Name: Jan Nenstiel
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I was an IS2 stationed at the RTIO (Radar Targeting Intelligence Office). I was there from 1980-1982. Is there anyone who worked in the RTIO during that timeframe?

Saturday, 6th September 2008 10:53:51 AM
Name: Dan Montano
Squadron: VA-185 ORDIES
Message: Hey Any of you Va 185 ordies out there? Hey gunner Where You Write Have it rough out here in the Cilvilian world (f#!*en ) CilvilianS need a ear to vent

Saturday, 6th September 2008 1:10:28 AM
Name: Leon Watkins
Squadron: USMC 4641
Message: Keep Me Up On The Latest

Monday, 1st September 2008 7:44:51 PM
Name: Mike Boerner
Squadron: VMA(AW)224
Message: Short tour w/Bengals - got snagged for Recruiting Duty. Did WESPAC 83 & Teamwork 84 (Bodo, Norway)under LtCol RG Hoopes, best CO ever.

Sunday, 31st August 2008 7:03:15 AM
Name: John Thompson
Squadron: VA-65
Message: Joined VA-65 Jan. 1966 Left Nov. 1969. Was adjan when I came into the squadron , anadj2 when I seperated active duty in 69. Made two westpac cruises, The Forrestal in 1967 and the Kitty Hawk in 1969.

Tuesday, 26th August 2008 2:28:00 AM
Name: Michael Thurber
Squadron: VA-95,65,185,115
Message: It was the finest days of my naval career to be serving with Intruders. If only I had a nickel for every pound of weapons I loaded. From Petty Officer to Gunner with these great instruments of policy.

Friday, 22nd August 2008 12:59:23 AM
Squadron: VA- 129/145/155/52

Friday, 22nd August 2008 12:47:39 AM
Squadron: VA-52

Tuesday, 19th August 2008 5:43:56 PM
Name: Bassett
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Looking for informtion on locating the plane I worked on. 515 (152626). If you have any please let me know Thank you

Sunday, 17th August 2008 7:11:10 PM
Name: Rich Potterf
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I posted a slide show earlier but the address won't get anyone in. Go to and then search saratogamedcruz75-77. Let me know if it comes up. tnx

Thursday, 7th August 2008 2:22:56 PM

Wednesday, 30th July 2008 7:16:21 PM
Name: Rookie Word
Squadron: 196, 128, 115, 176
Message: What a year. Ups and downs. We lost Boxman, an absolute legend. Lord knows we loved him. Thanks so much to Barbara and her recounting of the burial at sea. Thank you so much. Then a fantastic reunion in San Diego. Bravo Zulu to those who put it together. It was absolutely fantastic! Ready 5 never looked so good on Midway. Don't miss it. Can't wait for DC in 2010. Only one thing wrong with the Intruder Association website....I spend too much time on it. A-6s Forever!!!

Friday, 25th July 2008 12:46:28 PM
Name: Jeff McCartney
Squadron: VMAT 202 ,VMA 224&332
Message: Just check the Web site

Friday, 25th July 2008 2:29:56 AM
Name: Adam
Squadron: N/A
Message: Too bad I was never old enough to fly this jet I love it. Flight of the Intruder best movie ever. Love Intruder pilots thanks for your service

Thursday, 24th July 2008 8:42:28 AM
Name: Becky (Burt) Hagemann
Squadron: VA-128
Message: Served in VA-128 from JUL 1986-FEB 1990. Also served as an NDI tech at Diego Garcia, PMRF Barking Sands HI, as a Detailer in Wash D.C. I then moved to VAQ-135 Prowlers as the A-6 was decommissioning. I was commissioned in 135 and served tours with VAQ-131, AIMD WI, Ships company USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAQ-134, and am transfering to FRC NW. I recently picked up LCDR and will more than likely pin it on in MAR 09.

Sunday, 20th July 2008 10:41:32 AM
Name: William Gilbert
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I served with VA-75 as an AO April 1973 - April 1977. Made two Med cruises aboard Saratoga.

Saturday, 19th July 2008 12:20:45 PM
Name: Rich Potterf
Squadron: VA-75
Message: I was an AME with the Punchers from 10/72 in VietNam until I transfered to shore duty with VA-42 in 1976. I have a lot of slides of the two Med cruises after Vietnam and you can see them by googling Saratoga MedCruz 75-77. Hope you find them and I hope you enjoy them. I intend to put together a slide show of the Liberty Ports sometime in the near future.

Monday, 14th July 2008 9:41:41 PM
Name: Bill Deskin
Squadron: VMA(AW)224/242 (twice)
Message: One tour with 224 before they were the Bengals, two tours with 242 at DaNang, 67-71. Miss the aircraft, miss those that didn't come back and miss the friends made and lost.

Sunday, 13 July 2008 5:14:34 AM
Name: Tom Spicer
Squadron: VMA(aw)533
Message: I was with the Hawks 89-91

Tuesday, 8th July 2008 10:06:31 PM
Name: Bobby "Stormy" Cloud
Squadron: VA-42, VA-34
Message: Line division 1971-1974, plane cap. on A-6 A,B,C,K,E. Had a great time with the guys, worked mainly nite check. saw the world, met some great guys, grew-up quick. Finally got my sea legs. We got it done. Hi to all the guys out there.

Wednesday, 2nd July 2008 6:44:50 PM
Name: michael watson
Squadron: va65-35-85-115 [42]
Message: was with va65 with the ad6 on return from med on cvan 65 - ocenia tdy to 42 as new squadrons were put together - 1963-66 looking for any and all who were with me in pp/line/ also looking for anyone aboard enterprise on return from med - last recovery i was blown off flight deck by an a4 pilot helped by a man in fueling station - mike

Wednesday, 2nd July 2008 3:35:52 PM
Squadron: VA-42, 35, 85
Message: HOWDIE METALSMITHS: Was in VA-42 in 1965-1971, VA-85 from 1971-1975, VA-35 from 1975-1979. Met a lot of great friends in the A6 community and now ran accross the first A6E we got in service setting here at Patuxant River Museum.. I live in Jax. FL. retired and loving it.. Steve Thomas e-mail me and all you other A6 fans.....

Tuesday, 1st July 2008 3:54:21 PM
Name: Tony Shalbert
Squadron: VMA(AW)-224
Message: Former Marine A-6E AMH stationed in Cherry Point. Looking for any former Bengals, O's or E's. Semper Fi Shalbs 6053 A-6 AMH 6032 KC-130 Flight Engineer

Friday, 27th June 2008 2:50:48 PM
Squadron: VA-42

Wednesday, 25th June 2008 11:23:56 PM
Name: Joseph Ramirez
Squadron: VA-145
Message: Lost touch with squadron buddies. Served in Line Div. & Powerplants 1985-1989. I visited WA state, drove out to Whidbey via Bremerton and saw a sad site, Ranger decommissioned! Still remember all the good times, even Fallon.

Wednesday, 25th June 2008 4:22:28 PM
Name: Larry Thatcher
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served in VA-35 from 75-79. We have a pretty good group of guys from that era on an e-mail string. If you'd like to be included, drop me a line. We are trying to put a reunion together.

Friday, 20th June 2008 2:21:06 AM
Name: Royce Fleitz (Hyperboy)
Squadron: VA-115
Message: I was a Line dwag (Plane Captain) with Chief Planty. Never will forget Lt. "Hambone" Hamm or Lt. "Chowda" Dunn. May they rest in peace. Had the time of my life. Hard to believe I fly for a living now. Email me let's catch up. Many of us are going to the CV62 reunion in October down in Kentucky.

Friday, 20th June 2008 9:20:15 AM
Name: Carl W. Peters, M.D.
Squadron: BN in VA-52, 1974-1977
Message: great web site. reminds me of how much I miss the cross-countries to Brunswick for Lobster -- oops! the high altitude training flights to keep proficient in airways proceedures. drop me a line if you're from the mid-70's time frame. anybody know the whereabouts of "ACE" or "Critter" or if the "U & I Gardens" by the traffic circle is still there?

Monday, 16th June 2008 12:35:47 AM
Name: kurt mattson
Squadron: va-196
Message: Was in VA-196 from 1984 to 1989 worked in the corrsion shop

Sunday, 15th June 2008 3:30:03 PM
Name: Mike Allen AKA Al
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533
Message: March 67 to Dec 68. Just passing thru. Waiting on a plane

Friday, 13 June 2008 11:06:20 PM
Name: Orlando (REZ) Resendez
Squadron: VMA 533, 202, 224. VMAQ-4
Message: Semper Fi to all. Great to see all these familiar names and pictures that bring back good memories. I just came to pay homage to the workhorse that I worked on for over 10 years. She always was able to complete the mission.

Tuesday, 10th June 2008 9:38:24 AM
Name: Cameron Stanford
Squadron: VA-42
Message: Awesome site!!!!!!

Monday, 9th June 2008 4:57:45 PM
Name: Mark Scott
Squadron: VA52
Message: Very happy to find your Web site. Think I have lost track of all the guys in the Attack community. Hope to find some old shipmates from the old days. Spent my time on the line crew and the AQ shop while in VA52.

Monday, 2nd June 2008 5:23:23 PM
Name: Robert Sparnicht
Message: I had just stumbled upon your Association, having spent a good bit of times visiting the Gruman Aircraft Memorial web site. Being from a family of Gruman Men,(myself not included) I have a deep appreciation of the history. It might be of interest to yu'all to note that the 'Intruder' was named as such by my brother,John, in 1958.. an entry into a plane naming contest at Gruman. Go Navy!

Monday, 26th May 2008 12:22:52 PM
Name: William Borders (BooBoo)
Squadron: VA145
Message: Was on the Ranger79-82. Line Div. Anyone out there? Lost touch with alot of my shipmates. Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, 23rd May 2008 4:15:20 PM
Name: Tdd Lamm
Squadron: vma(aw)225/242
Message: I transpaced with '225 from Cherry Point to Danang in '69. I was a plane captain. Semper Fi

Thursday, 22nd May 2008 10:06:40 PM
Name: Felix Cosme
Squadron: VA-85

Monday, 19th May 2008 3:48:42 PM
Name: R.J. Hobbie
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I am the son of Richard Hobbie or "Hobbs". He was in VA-128 when he passed away in 1988. I was only six years old when he passed so If anybody knew him I would really like to chat with you and find out what my father was like.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008 10:29:39 PM
Name: Rob Eidsmoe
Message: I had heard that in the 1965-66 time frame that some guys in the A-6 RAG were tasked to fly to Alaska and bomb a freighter that was adrift somewhere up there. Does anyone have any info on that?

Monday, 12th May 2008 6:38:52 PM
Squadron: VAQ-131
Message: I really like your web site. I served with VAQ-131 at NAS WHIDBEY ISLAND from September 1979-1982 and I switched job fields from Airdale to Blackshoe. When I worked for VAQ-131, I mostly worked out of Maintenance Administration. My direct boss was AZ1 Beniaga,AZ3 Al Rodriguez and about the last guy I really remember well was named Dave Pondegrass from Shreveport Louisiana. I remember; CDR. CHURCH, CDR. WEBBER, SKIPPER WALDEN,LT HAFFNER, LTJG NEWTON and quite a few others not too god at recalling their names. My main leading chief was ADCS HILLBURN. I would love very much to hear from someone from out there in my past. Thank you.

Sunday, 11th May 2008 8:33:42 AM
Name: Ralph (Shotgun) Winchester
Squadron: VA-128
Message: I worked on the A6E in 1986 at NAS Whidbey Island.I hated to see the A6 retire i really do believe we didn't make movies we made history with that great plane. The day the last plane flew off of Whidbey Island I was able to get in touch with a friend who informed me of what was happening on Whidbey kinda wierd but that plane did a lot more than what it was suppose too. Made some life long friends.

Saturday, 10th May 2008 10:22:50 AM
Name: Don Furr
Squadron: VA-35
Message: Served with VA-35 aboard the USS Enterprise from 1966 through 1969. Anyone remember "Hooters Intruders"??

Thursday, 8th May 2008 3:18:50 AM
Name: Richard (red) Shawley
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Just found site, was in 75-79, AD E-5, if any pilots/bn's, or any others cares to contact me, please do! I do remember rosey roads, and all else...Sleepy i really remember you as a driver, you always flew and trapped well

Tuesday, 6th May 2008 3:22:46 PM
Name: Dana Johnson
Squadron: VA-42 Green Pawns
Message: Worked on THE LINE from '77-'81. Still live in VA Beach. Was sad to see the Intruder go. Still a great bird ! Every once in awhile I hear a EA-6B go out of NAS Oceana. The sound turns my head and I know what it is before I see it ! Makes a old Plane Captain feel go to see that !!! Take care!!!!

Sunday, 4th May 2008 7:09:13 PM
Squadron: VMA(AW)533

Wednesday, 30th April 2008 11:17:05 AM
Name: Michael A Chotkowski
Squadron: VA-65 Powerplants/Line Division Powerplant T/S
Message: Hey all you old "Tigers" where are ya? Those were the days crusisin on the IKE. Would love to hear from any and all of you who served from 79-83. I was in Powerplants and also served as the PP TS on the line. Drop me a line and let me know how you are!

Wednesday, 30th April 2008 9:42:16 AM
Name: John F (Jack) Smithson
Squadron: VA-42, VA-85, VA-42, VA-65, VA-42 VA-36
Message: Hey all you A6 Ordies. It's been a long time. I got this website address from Vice Admiral Starling and thought I would check it out. There will never be another aircraft like the Intruder. It may have been labor intensive but it could could "put bombs on target" like no other aircraft in the world. love to hear from anyone who served.

Tuesday, 29th April 2008 10:26:38 AM
Name: Dave "Chris" Christopherson
Squadron: VA-128, VA-165, VA-115
Message: Retired in 2004 as an LDO LCDR, Was an airframer FRAMP Instructor in the RAG, and the in the Boomers in the airframes shop, 2nd 165 tour I worked the Line Division, and as the troubleshooter LPO, Airframes and QA. Had the distinct poleasure of working for the legends in the Whidbey A-6 community, CWO4 Bill Shields, AVCM Max Melton, AVCM Moore, AVCM Lillis, CWO4 Wendling. Pilots and BN's most remebered; (current or retired rank) Capt Thomas F. Cleverdon -pilot Capt Doug Undesser -pilot Capt "Buster" Crabb -pilot Capt R.O. Mcharg - B/N Capt H.G. "Woody" Sprouse-pilot CDR Dean Dolquist -pilot CDR Aldo Kuntz -pilot CDR Doug "Fuzz" McClure -pilot CDR Dave Vaughn -pilot LCDR Frank Edwards -pilot LT Carpenter B/N LT Eric Hamm -pilot LT John Dunn - B/N and many, many more, as well as the great sailors that worked for and with me maintaining the greatest aircraft of all time. Thank you and God bless you.

Monday, 28th April 2008 6:45:00 PM
Name: Spencer Hayman
Squadron: VMA-332
Message: I was an A6-E Tram avionics tech in the fire control shop at Cherry Point from 88-91. Would like to here from others around that same time, just email me or look for me on myspace. I am looking for a Richard Lynch that was in the S-1 shop

Saturday, 26th April 2008 2:46:09 AM
Name: patrick Mally
Squadron: VA-115
Message: I am looking for a friend Tim Hines. We were on the Midway together 83-86. I was in VAW-115 He was a BN with VA-115 and we were neighbors living on the beach in Hiyama.

Monday, 21st April 2008 4:08:10 PM
Name: Jack Morris
Squadron: VMA(AW)-225
Message: I am looking for any photographs of VMA(AW)-225 A-6A Intruders at Cherry Point (?) in their original paint scheme, i.e. before the blue rudder with the Viking's head.

Tuesday, 15th April 2008 7:17:16 PM
Name: Dan Rush
Squadron: VA-115 86-89
Message: Those were the days. VA-115, USS Midway and the great adventure of Westpac. What these poor kids today are missing. Sheesh, our navy became civilized...what a shame.

Tuesday, 15th April 2008 6:09:20 PM
Name: Larry O'Brien
Squadron: VMAAW 533
Message: I have Bu#154162 at the Palm Springs Air Museum. Looking for any crew members that flew her in Chu Lai 6/68 to 6/69. also looking for pics of the aircraft

Monday, 7th April 2008 1:09:45 PM
Name: chuck kunkel
Squadron: VA85 Line Div
Message: i was a Plane Captain from 1978 to 1981. made 2 med cruises (79/80) and 1981. The Flight Deck will be the most adventurous place i'll have ever worked. grogan,blaylock,lentz,minnis,dean talbot, miller,gaskill,lajoie any o you out their yet or anyone else. it was GREAT.

Sunday, 6th April 2008 2:20:22 PM
Name: Carl Carlson
Squadron: VA7A Dive Bombing
Message: Our planes were SB2C dive bombers aboard the aircraft carrier USS LEYTE CV-32.(1946-47)We also had F4Us,TBMs and F6s. I got my ship at Guantanamo bay in 46.We made two wonderful Med cruises.Our only problem was when one of our escorts struck a mine offthe coast of Treste,Italy. Squadrons home base was Quanset Point RI.

Friday, 4th April 2008 10:44:46 AM
Name: LCDR Dave "Chris" Christopherson
Squadron: VA-128, 165, 115
Message: Came to the A6 Community for my second tour in the Navy from VA-215 in NAS Lemoore. Did tours in VA-165 from 1978-1980, VA-128 Framp Instructor, 1980-1983, VA-165 1983-1986, NAMTRAGRUDET 1001 1986 -1989 (promoted to Chief during this tour, AMSC) Then a tour in VAQ-132 1989, 1992 (selected for CWO) 1993-1994 VA-115. Retired in 2004.

Friday, 4th April 2008 9:43:04 AM
Name: Walter Pietruk
Squadron: VMA-533
Message: Avionics Tech 1986-'87 Med cruise aboard USS J.F. Kennedy. Would be grateful to hear from , then LT Col Byrum or Major Thornell, (if memory serves correctly). For the last 20years I have been at John F Kennedy Space Center and ran across this GREAT Web site! Thanks for the memories and Semper Fi!

Friday, 4th April 2008 11:07:00 PM
Name: John Wachal
Squadron: H&MS/VMCJ 1
Message: Looking for photos of J1 aircraft EA6s, RF4Bs,and EF10s. H&MS-15 Cherry Pt 67-69, DaNang 69-70 hydraulic shop

Sunday, 30th March 2008 11:21:51 AM
Name: Paul w. Cahill
Squadron: VA 165 Boomers
Message: Looking for fromer boomers from the 1967-1968 West Pac cruise on the Uss Ranger CVA61 Caw2 (NE). I was an AE2 in the SACE shop on INS and Afcs flight systems. Any one out there.

Thursday, 27th March 2008 10:24:21 PM
Name: Tom Lucke
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Served on the Kitty Hawk, America,& Constellation AE shop all the way with 85. I toured the Abraham Lincoln recently but no A6's! As the old saying goes"Ya don,t know what'cha got till it's gone" Any other"Black Falcons"out there drop me a line.

Thursday, 13 March 2008 2:02:29 PM
Name: Eugene "Crash" Hillmann
Squadron: VA-52
Message: I was assigned to VA-52 from Oct 1969 till Aug 1972. I worked in the AIMD as an ATN2. Would love to hear from anybody who also worked there during that time period

Tuesday, 11th March 2008 3:09:40 PM
Name: Chester L. Simpson
Squadron: VMA-224
Message: VMA-224 was my first squadron after I graduated from AO-A school. I was assigned to the gun crew. I enjoyed every minute and learned a great deal.

Sunday, 9th March 2008 11:41:07 PM
Name: Chris Morton
Squadron: VA-95
Message: I was a green lizard mechanic in the powerplant shop from 86-89 and since then I been buliding commercial jet engines for almost twenty years now. Just saying hello to all my former ship mates.

Thursday, 6th March 2008 5:04:54 PM
Name: Jack Anderson
Squadron: VA34
Message: I am trying to locate "Scotty" George Ball. We were roomates aboard CVA60 in 1958.I've been told he was an A6 squadron commander prior to his retiring.

Saturday, 1st March 2008 1:03:41 AM
Name: Victor Smith
Squadron: 224/225/242
Message: 224 at Cherry Point, 225 at Da Nang mar 70 till mar 71, finished with 242 at El Toro. Com/Nav/Ecm techs rule!!! please give me a buzz!!

Friday, 29th February 2008 5:00:53 PM
Name: Gregory Polk
Squadron: VA-35 Black Panthers
Message: I was in VA-35 during the 80's. My rate was AO2 serving under CWO4 Sam and the notorious Chief Catt. Would like to say hello to my brothers that are still serving and retired. Would like to hear from some of you, drop a e-mail.

Wednesday, 27th February 2008 7:32:47 AM
Name: mike elmes
Squadron: VMA -AW 121/242
Message: I was at 128 the same time as Charlie Turner and Tom Costen.(VA-55) Charlie's wife and son are doing well. A friend of mine had dinner with her a few months ago. She is living in VA.

Saturday, 23rd February 2008 11:18:18 AM
Name: Ed Valasek
Squadron: VMA- 533
Message: I was in VMA 533 Avionics shop from 1963 to 1966. Just checking to see if any of the old geezers are still around.

Friday, 22nd February 2008 8:38:31 PM
Name: Robert A. Butler
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Assigned to Attack Squadron Seventy-Five From Sept. 1978 to Feb. 1981. Made two cruises on the USS Saratoga CVA-60 1978/79 and 1980 Med. Cruises. Worked in Maintenance Control as an AZ and worked for CDR. Mike Smith when he was the MCO for the Squadron. I am now an Air Traffic Controller and reside in Southern California. Anyone know where I can buy a 1978/79 Med. Cruise Book let me know and thanks!

Friday, 22nd February 2008 8:11:16 PM
Name: Steve Azaroff
Squadron: VA-95 & VA-196
Message: I was a a Green Lizard from '86-'89, and later with the Main Battery '93-'97. Now USN,Ret and working for the USAF.

Friday, 22nd February 2008 5:51:02 PM
Name: Mario Tonkli
Squadron: VA-75
Message: ....Hey Fellow Punchers.....was Intelligence Specialist...72-76...first with Cdr. Bill Greene,then others....anyone else from those days???

Monday, 18th February 2008 8:20:25 PM
Name: Rick Johnson
Squadron: VA-115
Message: I was with VA 115 when we went forward deployed to Japan. The Midway left Alameda on Sept.11,1973. I was an AMS 2 at that time. Now USN RET.

Monday, 18th February 2008 1:22:03 PM
Name: Bob Rowland
Squadron: VA-85
Message: Was in from 83-87. Looking for any of you "Buckeyes" from that time. Had a lot of fun back then...met a bunch of great guys too!

Monday, 18th February 2008 10:42:57 AM
Name: beaman cummings
Squadron: VMA(aw)-533,242,224,202 and VA-128
Message: Great web site. Started as a B/N in DaNang with 242 69-70 and ended as a Pilot with 533 in Desert Storm 91.

Monday, 11th February 2008 3:23:17 PM
Name: Marvin A. Rogers Jr.
Squadron: VA-85
Message: What a ride down memory lane in reading all the messages. I was an AE-2 in VA-85(early 70's), and AEC in VA-85 (late 70's early 80"s), and then a CWO in VA-85 mid/late 80"s). Couldn't get away from the Black Falcons. Was also in VA-42 to start with. Went in in 1968, got out in 1988. Only by God's great grace did I, and anyone else who will admit it, make it through. Sandy Rogers [email protected]

Friday, 8th February 2008 11:03:10 PM
Name: Jeffrey Stewart
Squadron: VA128
Message: Plane Captain/ Avionics 1993-1995

Saturday, 2nd February 2008 8:24:49 PM
Name: kenny fields
Squadron: VA-82
Message: Sorry for "intruding" on the "all waether attack" site, but if you would like to read a hairy story about an A-7 pilot off USS America in 1968 getting shot down in Laos and then getting shot at on the ground while evading for 39 hours amidst a pot load of Phatet Lao and NVN....Read "The Rescue of Streetcar 304" published by Naval Institute Press. Write me if you have any questions or were on the ship at same time.

Saturday, 2nd February 2008 4:05:54 PM
Name: Dan Heaton
Squadron: VA-75
Message: Any SUNDAY PUNCHERS from 1975-1979 still runnin amok out there? Give us a shout down here in TEXAS!!!!

Saturday, 2nd February 2008 7:56:37 AM
Name: J. Briggs
Squadron: VMAT (AW) 202, VMA (AW) 332, 224.
Message: I'd love to hear from anyone from 1980-88. Anyone out there from then?

Friday, 1st February 2008 2:16:37 PM
Name: Steve Smith
Squadron: VMA (AW) 533
Message: Would like to hear from anyone with the squadron from 78 to 81, especially from flight line.

Thursday, 31st January 2008 8:11:15 PM
Name: Bill Rosano
Squadron: VMA(AW)-533
Message: I was in the 533 electric shop 3/68-4/69. Would like to hear from anyone from then and there.

Thursday, 24th January 2008 11:20:26 AM
Name: M Kramer
Squadron: VA-75,85,176
Message: Great web site, its been alog time but remember it like it was yesterday. Any Punchers, Buckeyes or T-Bolts drop a line. 78-88. Line/Tshooter/PP shop. There will never be another like the Intruder!

Sunday, 20th January 2008 8:43:35 PM
Name: tim lynch
Squadron: vma 533
Message: I'd like to say hey to anyone still around fron viet-nam 1968-69, Chu-Lai, vma 533. Semper-Fi

Sunday, 20th January 2008 1:52:04 AM
Name: Marvin K, Newman
Squadron: VMA (AW) 121
Message: Flight line ordnance Sergeant With the Squadron from 72 to 74 at MCAS CPNC. Anyone still around? Drop me a line/

Friday, 18th January 2008 1:47:49 PM
Name: Joe Sorter
Squadron: VMA (AW) 121/242
Message: I was a Power Plants mechanic on the A6E Tram with VMA (AW) 242 (83-84 & 90-91), VMA (AW) 121 (84-88) AND MALS-11 Power Plants (88-89). All in good ol' MCAS El Toro. I sure miss the A6. I didn't know how much of a blessing it was, until it was gone.

Thursday, 17th January 2008 4:35:44 AM
Name: Jim Simmons
Squadron: VMA 121
Message: Was in airframes from 4-1973 until 10-1976, moved over to VMA 202 from 10-1976 to 6-1977 nice web site John, you were a Capt the last time I saw you.

Thursday, 17th January 2008 10:56:24 PM
Name: Bill Deskin
Squadron: VMA(AW)242-224
Message: Twice with 242 at Da Nang. Great Squadron and great folks to work with.

Wednesday, 9th January 2008 11:17:38 AM
Name: Ron Null
Squadron: 121 ,225 ,533, 242
Message: I like the new look. Would love to here from anyone I served with. Has AO effected you ? Let's talk about it.

Tuesday, 8th January 2008 3:25:17 PM
Name: Paul D. Dziedzic
Squadron: VMA(AW) 121 & VMA(AW) 242
Message: I was with VMA(AW) 121 in El Toro from 1977 - 1981 and with VMW(AW) 242 in El Toro from 1982 - 1987 6022 Power Plants - or as we used to say "Thermal Pneumatic Propulsion Engineer" If anyone remembers me, drop me a line!

Sunday, 6th January 2008 1:24:25 AM
Name: Chris Coggon
Squadron: VA-115
Message: I was in the Eagle Line from May 94 to Aug 96 (2 months after our birds flew the coop). Drop me a line if you were there at the same time. EFR!!!!!

Tuesday, 1st January 2008 10:22:12 AM
Name: Bill Miller
Squadron: VA-35
Message: was with the ordinance shop from 1987-1990,( red )

Monday, 24th December 2007 7:33:59 PM
Name: Earl Berlin, Jr.
Message: Thanks for creating a very nice web site. I've always liked the A-6 and I do miss it. It wasn't pretty but it sure was impressive ... and very effective in the ground attack role. Sure wish the A-6F had entered squadron service.

Monday, 24th December 2007 5:55:42 PM
Name: Dan Davis
Squadron: VA-196
Message: Just checking in for the first time. I joined VA-196 in spring of 1966 for training in the A6. I remained with l96 until august of 1969 making two west pac cruises.

Monday, 17th December 2007 10:07:07 PM
Name: Marilyn Dewispelaere
Squadron: VA-155
Message: I was married to LCDR Dan D. Dewispelaere and after his accidentin 1991 moved to Va. Beach. I lost contact with Mic and Robyn Gleason and Sharon Sweigart. Does anyone know their email addresses. Hello to all my friends from Whidbey Island! It's been a long time. My youngest, Nicholas Dewispelaere is now 19, at William and Mary and playing football for them. I would love to hear from anyone who knew Dan (us). Have a Merry Christmas 2007. Marilyn

Monday, 17th December 2007 5:24:58 AM
Name: Phillip Wilcock
Squadron: VA 128
Message: Hello to all. VA 128 from 82 - 85 Fantastic experience - Dave Williams, Bud Langston, Randy D. Memories remain. Regards, PJW

Thursday, 29th November 2007 11:05:28 PM
Name: wayne maynor
Squadron: va128/ vaq129/va42
Message: Served with all 3 sqdns at different times. va128--1973--1975 ; va42 1978--1980; vaq129 1984 as powerplant mechanic/ instructor. This was a great and memorable acft.

Thursday, 29th November 2007 2:26:47 PM
Name: Mads Bangs�
Squadron: -
Message: Hi I'm a avaition artist who specializes in Post War US Naval aviation. I'm teh offical artist for Tailhook associations member magazine, (in the upcoming Issue there'll be a VA-34 drawing) I always try to improve my drawings, and i'm currently working on adding detail to my A-6 drawings. However, i find it very difficult to find info about the stecils (all those small text pieces on teh aircraft, that have warnings and cations written on them) on the NAVY Intruder. If anyone can help me with that ? I would be greatly appriciated ! Please fell free to wirte me at my e-mail adress: [email protected], even if you just have questions or comments... Thanks alot !

Wednesday, 28th November 2007 5:04:42 AM
Name: David Wagner
Squadron: VA-196
Message: I was in VA-1996.I made the last cruise with the squadron.I was wondering do you guys have more reunion planned.Are their reuinons for this squadrons or all A-6 squadrons

Wednesday, 28th November 2007 5:08:50 AM
Name: David
Squadron: VA-196
Message: I was wondering do you have patches for all a-6 squadrons. Do you guys and gals have just some of them.Also would to know if you decommished this squadron can you get a lithograph.

Saturday, 24th November 2007 3:05:28 AM
Name: AMS3 medina
Squadron: VA-55/42/75

Tuesday, 13 November 2007 6:25:39 PM
Name: Boxman
Squadron: VA 128
Message: Hi Brit, Didn't want you to think nobody loved you. Glad to hear from you. I was Charlie Oscar when you were at the RAG. We saw you several times in the news during Desert Storm and subsequent. Nice work over there! I think you need a business trip to San Diego next May. Might run into a bunch of your ol' buds. Say Hi to the Queen for me. Boxman

Monday, 12th November 2007 8:34:01 AM
Name: roger bennett
Squadron: va-128
Message: Just thought I�d drop you a quick line to say Hi. It�s hard to believe, but it�s now over 20 years since I arrived in Oak Harbor on exchange from the Royal Air Force.. Doesn�t time fly???!! After VA-128, I returned to the Tornado GR Force in 89 and flew Tac Recce during Desert Storm in 91. Spent about 4 years in Operational Requirements in MoD(UK) and commanded the RAF Deployment in support of Southern Watch, Riyadh in 93/94. Retired from the military in 98 and now work south of London, near Gatwick Airport, for THALES Aerospace. Met up with Randy D at a Conference in London about 18 months ago and he updated me on the whereabouts of many of the guys. Jodie is now 21 and Sadie 19�����Boys focus the mind��.Trouble. Nah, not really. Both doing well and enjoying life to the full. Cheers Bodger

Friday, 9th November 2007 5:10:38 PM
Name: Tim Lofton
Squadron: VA-155 Silver Foxes
Message: Just passing along a greetings to all as we go into this Veterans' Day weekend. Somewhere out there Charlie Turner's son, Andrew, is sixteen. Hard to imagine. RIP Tom and Charlie, and others who have given. Tim Lofton AZ2 VA-155

Tuesday, 6th November 2007 8:29:31 AM
Name: RT Hines
Squadron: VA-165
Message: I was a boomer from 1970-1973 in the Ordnance shop. Boomer Ordnance is having reunions around the country. Contact me for info on more Boomers.

Thursday, 1st November 2007 4:37:39 PM
Name: Patrick M. St. Romain
Squadron: VMA(AW)225/533
Message: I joined 225 at Cherry Point in 1966 and stayed with them until 1968 then went to Chu Lai and joined 533. I was a plane captain and stayed with 533 until 225 got to Da Nang in 1969. I left Da Nang in August 1969 and got out of the Marines when I got back to the states. Looking for anyone who might remember.

Thursday, 1st November 2007 5:45:22 PM
Name: Dave Ricci
Squadron: VMA(aw)-242
Message: Arrived in DaNang Nov.'67 and stayed with 242 until Dec.'68 as a plane captain. Many wicked nights. A-6: the best! Semper Fi!

Wednesday, 31st October 2007 4:50:55 PM
Name: John Weymouth, Sgt USMC Plane Captiain
Squadron: VMA(AW)332/533/242
Message: I didn't ralize it at the time, but what a Honor being affiliated with this incredible aircraft and the Men that maintained and flew them. After seeing the program about (then) Capt C. F. Bolden and yelling at my wife to "come and see this", it renewed my curiosity about the Intruder. Thank you for putting this site together and showing more information on this awesome flying machine and the crewas that serviced them.

Thursday, 25th October 2007 2:53:21 PM
Name: Marc Thibodeau
Squadron: VA-42, 55,65
Message: Tibbs here...Quick note to say hello to my A-6E brothers out there. Am in Philly now..if in town give me a shout. out...

Thursday, 25th October 2007 1:57:44 PM
Name: Rob Aubrey
Squadron: MALS-14
Message: Looking for old Radar Techs from w/c 650. Miss you guys

Friday, 19th October 2007 11:50:03 PM
Name: Joseph Swafford {Swadog)
Squadron: Attack Squadron Fifty-two
Message: Hey Guys! Ol Swadog here thats Joe Swafford from VA-52 days. Served from 9/80 to 6/84. Would really like to here from someone from that time period. Commissioned or noncommissied. I live in Locust Grove, Georgia now. Divorced. Three children. One son and two daughters. oldest daughter in college on leave teaching second graders in Bankock Thailand. My others two are just teen agers and a handful. I have custody. Hey be taken to you. OK...Carry on for now sailor....Petty Officer Swafford

Wednesday, 17th October 2007 1:49:04 PM
Name: Dennis Bush
Squadron: VMA-AW-533
Message: Would like to hear from anyone who was with me at Chu Lai March 1967 to Feb 1969

Monday, 15th October 2007 2:04:01 PM
Name: Maggie Ruede
Squadron: 332/533
Message: Check out the squadron log book for March 28,1975. Our daughter Megan was pickled at 11:03 on that Good Friday. I believe her arrival is listed in the log. A stroll down memory lane when I saw this web site. Maggie Ruede (Phil BN 332/533)

Monday, 15th October 2007 1:43:32 PM
Name: CDR Stan Parsons, USN, Ret.
Squadron: VAQ-136
Message: Need help! I am a newly-appointed sponsor of an A-6 museum aircraft on display at the Valiant Air Command in Titusville, FL. Aircraft currently has four drop tanks and I want to display it as a bomber (as it rightfully should be). Museum in P'Cola has a couple of MERs and some practice MK-82's that they will donate. I need logistic support to get them to the aircraft in Titusville. Also, would like some expertise to put a squadron logo on the aircraft. Any ideas?? Please e-mail me...Thanks

Sunday, 14th October 2007 12:16:06 PM
Name: Boxman
Squadron: 128,165,196,VX5,95,52
Message: I got up with Robert who was looking for info about Charlie Tuna. He's plugged in now. FLY NAVY!

Friday, 12th October 2007 7:55:16 PM
Squadron: vma(aw)533 hyd shop
Message: HEY anyone from 533 know of any reunions coming up? Write me and let me know. PJ

Tuesday, 9th October 2007 10:54:41 PM
Squadron: VMA(AW) 225
Message: HYD. MECH 69-70 DA NANG

Friday, 5th October 2007 12:37:00 PM
Name: Robert Casity
Squadron: u.s. army
Message: I am a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom with the U.S. Army. I am a cousin of Charles "Tuna" Turner who was killed in Operation Southern Watch. I'd like to talk to people who knew him or others in the navy who flew in combat. Email me at bobkat77@hotmail. airborne. Specialist Cassity

Thursday, 4th October 2007 9:43:10 AM
Name: AFCM (RET) Phil Moore
Squadron: VA-36
Message: Served with the Roadrunners from 1988-1992. Two deployments with the Roadrunners, inlcuding Desert Shield/Desert Storm. By far my best tour in the Navy was with the VA-36 and the A-6 community at Oceana. Gosh how I miss those days! I also served with Admiral Joe Mobley at CNAL. What a great man!

Friday, 28th September 2007 2:45:00 PM
Name: Daniel Hamner
Squadron: VA196/128/VAQ130/129
Message: Just found this site. Spent 17 years of my Navy time at NAS Whidbey from 1966 to 1983. Retiring as an AECS in 1983. Are any of you old "Pawn Busters" still around?

Friday, 28th September 2007 12:43:16 AM
Name: Ed Lowe
Squadron: VA 196 / CAG 14
Message: Retired flight surgeon, call sign Disco Doc. Just dropped in to see what's going on. I'm outta here....

Tuesday, 11th September 2007
Name: Maj Melissa Watkins, USAF
Squadron: VA-75 ("Salty" Bill Watkins)
Message: Want to stay connected to all that knew Salty. He was killed in Iraq in Apr 03 after transition to the AF as an F-15E WSO. We had two kids together who are now 5, William, and 4, Mary Allison. Just trying to stay in touch with guys that knew their dad and would appreciate a membership of some sort to search the membership. Many Thanks! Melissa

Friday, 7th September 2007
Name: Peter C. Ward
Squadron: Cockpit layout pictures needed
Message: Hi all. I am a retired USN CPO, and am in need of information concerning the layout of the A-6B,C, and EA-6A cockpit. I have a friend, Ron Zambrano, who designs/creates simulation aircraft for use with Microsoft's Flight Simulator. If anyone reading this has the information I need, please contact me at: [email protected]. Thanks. Peter C. Ward AMEC(AW, USN, (Ret.)

Friday, 7th September 2007
Name: Peter C. Ward

Wednesday, 5th September 2007
Name: Al Lieberman
Squadron: VA-85
Message: I recently found this website while looking for memory lane. Quite interesting. Especially when I learned of Cmdr Eddy's episode with the can of pop in the cockpit during a flight in the Med. Funny, we never heard a word about that at the time. I was assigned to the Line & Powerplants divisions from '76 through '79. Looking back, it was a great experience. I would like to hear from former Buckeyes! I'm currently in Columbus, Ohio (Go Bucks!) Drop me a [email protected]

Monday, 3rd September 2007
Name: Bud Jackson
Squadron: Green Lizards VA95
Message: Went to the Mini reunion yesterday at Rocky Point on "THE ROCK". Thanks to John and Carol Schork along with John Scrapper for the effort put into the event. Unfortunatly, the turn out left somthing to be desired. People have short memories, I guess. Anyway guys thanks for the good times and take care, Budman

Monday, 3rd September 2007
Name: Kevin Lauler
Squadron: VA-34
Message: Thought I'd drop a line and say hello to everyone. I was assigned as a parachut rigger abord the USS America back in 1981, 82, 83.. I've been looking for the Frog... bubble chaser E-5 when I last saw him..